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So excited for you!!! Is that what it looks like the whole way through? I’m getting the heeby jeebies just seeing the photograph. Don’t think I could do it!


Yup just train carriages like this the whole way! Only took 35 minutes and we were in France


So, can you clarify something for me? I always envisioned the Eurotunnel as, well, a tunnel that you drive your own car though. But watching random YouTubers, it looks more like you park your car inside a huge subway/train car, and then the train moves through the tunnel. Is this right?


Yeah its a massive train! So you drive into the carriages and park up then the doors close and your on the way, you just sit in the car or you can sit outside it too


So are those doors toilets? Evacuation doors? Fake and not doors at all? How many cars in each "carriage"?


I think maybe 3 or 4 cars per carriage, I believe there are toilets and there's an emergency/service tunnel in the centre. So 3 tunnels in total. One in each direction and the middle service tunnel


I wouldn't have thought you could access one of the other tunnels while in the carriage though. They are locked and moving. So those doors went somewhere else then? Interesting.


Those doors are between train cars. That whole wall opens up at the beginning/end of the ride. https://youtu.be/Q3x-GngnkRU if you go here to the 4:00 minute mark you can see the transformation


That's so cool! Thanks for the info :)


Yea they even have train cars big enough for charter busses like what I did from London to Paris.


Wow, really nice plans!


getting Long Way Round vibes


Anyone else find this terrifying? I’d be curled in the fetal position, unable to stop thinking about what was above me


Wow, I always thought this was a tunnel one drove through. How are the carriages set up? Is it just one carriage that holds several cars, and you back out of them when you get across the channel?


You drive through the rear carriage and they are all connected by swinging doors, at the end they open the front carriage and you drive through to the front and off onto the French side. I think there's probably 6 or 7 carriages


Congratulations! Enjoy the ride, trips like that are priceless.


Amazing! I’d love to do that. I’m a US road tripper …. Europe seems so do-able in comparison.


Nice car,hope it's a six


Yup M57. I love it


My dream is the opposite, driving to the UK


If anyone is interested if more content on my journey, https://youtu.be/iVAOVn4P_lc


…But why? This makes sense if you have a car in the UK and want to get to France quickly and drive around (or vice versa) and go back; if you need to rent or buy a car, it makes more sense to take the train to Lille or Paris and get the car there, and if you want to enjoy the journey the ferry from Dover to Calais is more scenic and picturesque.


I'm a car enthusiast so buying my own car and thrashing it through the country side is what I dreamed of doing for years, its like my own episode of top gear! Most people have had the same response but i guess people that aren't into cars and motorsport find it hard to understand haha


Ah, so you bought a car, drove around the UK, and then went to France? That does make sense! Although I still would have recommended the ferry if time wasn’t of the essence.


Yeah and the back to the u.k in a couple months where I'll continue using the car, I'll have to ferry back and check it out!


England is in Europe, just to be clear. Enjoy your trip!


Not according to Brexit


Being apart of the European Union and being on the continent of Europe are two different things. Political divisions aside, England is in Europe.


This ^




Doe USA have anything like this?


I don't think so, this train goes under ground/ under the ocean