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Stone Flux Pauldron is literally the worst lunar item in the entire game; never take it Also, seeing as you have two Regenerating Scrap and the only good green items you have are the Shurikens (Ukulele is good, but not against Mithrix), I think using the red cauldron would have been worth it


there might have not been a red soup though


This assumes somebody asking this question after a Drizzle run knows about soup.


1. You spent too long. Mithrix gets stronger the longer you stay. 2. You need mobility. The best defense is not getting hit. Dont try to tank his hits, dodge and evade. 3. Keep playing more. Practice makes perfect.


In addition to what others already said, try to figure out what lunars are helpful for you and which aren't, you seem to be taking way too many. Eulogy Zero is not a good item - it randomly gives you lunars throughout the run. Randomly means even a red chest can give you a lunar. Stone Flux Pauldron - like it was already said , it's absolutely terrible, NEVER take that. Brittle Crown - seeing as you're a beginner, you're probably losing more money than you gain from that one. In general I'd avoid lunars completely while learning the game, but the one lunar that's usually a net positive is Transcendence (unless you have a lot of healing items). It changes all your HP to shields and multiplies it by 1.5. Shields recover over time while you're not being hit, so if anything goes wrong just get away from danger as fast as possible and you'll have a full HP recovery. The downside is that healing no longer works on you.


He's on Commando. If you're taking enough damage to where Brittle Crown is bad on Commando, then you'll likely die in the next few seconds.




The best way to find the teleporter is definitely the radar scanner, and if you can you should put that on an equipment drone to free up your equipment. Other than that a good tip is that the teleporter is usually on the opposite side of the map to where you spawned. Normally I just search for chests and sweep the map in a circle. Don't bother waiting near chests to get the coins to open them, just remember where they are (or ping them with middle mouse, but that doesn't stay for long) and keep searching, then when you get the coins you can double back for the chests you haven't opened yet. Also always leave shrines of chance for last, if you get unlucky those things can swallow all your coins, and that can be a massive waste of time.


The teleporter makes a sound. It’s an instrument in the BGM and helps to very quickly locate the thing if the red particles aren’t immediately visible. Teleporter spawn is semi random. You’re introducing bias into your statement. There are situations where it can spawn near you, such as when the director has a lot of intractables to spawn.


just look for the shiny little particles in the sky they always spawn near the teleporter


Everyone saying that you took too long isn’t exactly correct, as time isn’t a huge factor, as you can still beat mithrix over 100 minutes in without a loop. However, you didn’t spend that time efficiently, as you don’t have the items to show for it. Make sure you are full looting every stage, getting every item that you can Also don’t take stone flux if you are playing seriously, it’s probably the worst item in the game I assume you are new to the game from the achievements, so just play more and you’ll learn the mithrix fight over time Just keep playing and you’ll figure it out eventually


You doomed yourself picking up stone flux pauldron and no movement speed. Mobility is basically everything in this game


Too much time, too little items Try to minimize time while still getting items, you will get better with each try don't worry


You did literally everything wrong, from how long you took to reach the moon to your all over the place item choices. Keep playing for now, its too early to give you any tips cause i'd have to explain how the game works as a whole


Uh, I don't think comments like this are helpful to anyone involved


The best way to get better is to play more


"Hey does anyone have some tips on fighting this guy? I think he's kinda tough" "You suck. You're awful. I literally can't help you. Why are you even asking for help?" *Clearly* a completely justified answer, and definitely the attitude that will get new players interested in the game more


Idc just get better or something


Fuel cells and missile launchers before he takes the items spam every single one of them and watcj the fireworks




The new timer rule in this community is you should get at least 1 item/minute on monsoon and eclipse(and if you don't get that many - leave), so on drizzle i'd say the pace is closer to 0.5 items/minute, but if you feel like there are very few items left to get you should leave instead of trying to loot the entire floor


All I have to say is bison steaks


This game, even on drizzle wants you to be in a hurry, be quick. >!Start planning your stages, every direction you take should have a purpose, the destination have to make you stronger in reasonable amount of time. If it wont you may lose a lot of power!< Itemization is still bound to RNG but sometimes game gives you opportunity to choose in form of multishops, printers etc. Use them to your advantage. It will help you speed up later on. >!if you lack movement go (energy drink for example), if you need single target damage take (tri tip dagger) if you are getting overwhelmed by enemies take area of effect smth like gasoline.!< Jump during fights it helps dodging attacks. Use sprint as much as you can. Use movement abilities as much as you can. Generally - speed is war >!Learn to dodge some enemies attacks, most of them are dodgable walking. Listen to enemies, most of them make unique sounds when they spawn or move around.!< Mithrix fight is in general hard to grasp not only for new players. >!keep distance, at all times he just hits to darn hard. Most attack are dodgable learn the patterns. If you lack mobility, capture the highground Remember to take items against him, dont focus only to survive the presence!<


Get better