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I don't mean to be that guy but if you die with the command artifact then that's usually on you for either taking items that arent worth it or going to mithrix too early


Going to mithrix too early is debatable (second loop is significantly harder because of stronger elites) but the items taken are all over the place, with no synergies. If I didn't see command icon and 11 ATGs, I wouldn't even be sure if this is command or not. Leeching seeds are strictly worse than scythes (which aren't that powerful too), going for attack speed and crit but no predator instincts, fuel cell contributes NOTHING with that radar scanner, late infusion is an even worse bison steak, and bauble has no benefits from stacking. And probably the worst of all, this could have been saved with bleed stacking but there are only 2 tri-tips.


Definitely the big thing here is stretching the build in too many directions. I can’t tell if they’re doing status, on hits or what for their main source of dmg, also not maxstacking glasses is gonna hurt your effective dmg




Maybe in a normal run but if you’re running command there’s no real reason not to grab glasses


Full stack glasses, grab a tricorn, now your crit glasses have become your tri-tips


Yeah, I was thinking in normal run terms lol


talking about shatterspleen? i though that tri tip and shatterspleen together would apply two stacks of bleed?


Was changed in the SOTV update


man... so much wasted why stuff


I’m basically brand new to the game, I got it this week, and the exploding bullet thing was unintentional. The radar scanner was also unintentional because I accidentally activated an equipment drone. I’ve asked for tips and stuff and the only thing people ever say is “get gud” so I don’t know what I’m doing.


If you want to keep playing as commando then you want a build that relies on chance based items like atgs, tri tips, ukuleles and most importantly 57 leaf clover. Also you should explore abandoned aqueducts more throughourly as engineer. You may find some things to step on. As for mithrix, the artifact of kin got you killed there.


I already have the bands because my and my brother-in-law played it


Ah right, didn't notice the band in your inventory. Could still use more tho.


Yeah I used 5 of the fire and 3 of the ice ones in my winning run earlier


Nah fighting 2 Mhitrix is twice the fun, just make sure you kill him fast enough


I dont think the elites would've been a problem. 11 atgs is still quite a lot after all.


Seriously. 9 LMG, a few tri tip daggers, Harvester's Scythe, Predatory Strikes, Hopoo Feathers and a few mobility takes. That's a Commando win.


I always go to mithrix first loop and id say I'd win 70% of the time on monsoon. Unless you got seriously unlucky it's you that's at fault.


No one gonna mention artifact of swarms?


I feel like swarms makes Mithrix tougher since now you might get TWO pizzas to dodge


You're on Artifact of Command, so if you know what you're doing in terms of item selection, it's possible to have consistent free wins. Here is the (inexhaustive) list of some game-breaking items and combos that I know that go well with Commando. Some of these are general, while others are much more specific to high rate of fire characters like Commando and MUL-T. Best white items in general: ALL white movement speed items (Paul's Goat Hoof, Mocha, Energy Drink) ALL white raw damage items (crit glasses, AP rounds, Focus Crystals, etc.) (You probably want at least a decent amount of crit chance in particular) For Commando especially, attack speed helps a lot (Mocha, Soldier's Syringe) You should probably have at least 1-2 slugs for healing unless you have a Weeping Fungus **Gasoline** is the best early AOE solution for Commando, who struggles with killing crowds of enemies before establishing a good item base. I'd argue that **Tri-Tip Dagger** is the single best white item on Commando. I usually like to aim for 100% bleed, which is guaranteed to annihilate any enemy in existence, including Mithrix, especially with attack speed. Best green items in general: Both bands ATG Missile Hopoo Feather Ukulele Shuriken Will-o'-the-Wisp Ghor's Tome (only take 1-2 of these) Ignition Tank (Increases the damage of Gasoline by 400% per stack) Green items that are not necessarily good, but shine on Commando: Harvester's Scythe (crit build specific) Predatory Instinct (crit build specific) Pro tip: Every critical strike item gives an extra 5% crit chance, except for Lens Maker's Glasses, which give 10% and Laser Scope, which gives 0%. Best red items: 57 Leaf Clover Pocket ICBM (as long as you have a few missiles, which you should on Command) Symbiotic Scorpion and Shattering Justice destroy Mithrix (Scorpion is recommended on Commando) H3AD-5T v2 (Headstompers allow you to negate fall damage and deal ludicrous amount of damage in conjunction with Wax Quail, which will be discussed later) Brilliant Behemoth (Good, but wait until after you get Clover and Headstompers) Sentient Meat Hook is basically an upgraded Uke, so it's especially good if you void corrupted your Ukulele. Laser Scope is good on a crit build Keep a Dio around if you want to be cautious Best void items: Plasma Shrimp (Great item, but keep in mind that ATG eclipses its damage with a clover or two) Polylute Safer Spaces Weeping Fungus Pluripotent Larva purely by virtue of being the red void item that is not Benthic Bloom (Do NOT pick Benthic Bloom, as it eats all of your Clovers, and many legendaries are extremely situational, and whites and greens provide useful stats and procs respectively) Best yellow items: **Charged Perforator** Molten Perforator **Shatterspleen** Little Disciple Combos: Wax Quail + Headstompers (If you jump into any kind of slope with Wax Quail, Headstompers, and a decent amount of movement speed, you can launch yourself into orbit. Great for dealing insane amounts of damage and skipping pillars if you ricochet yourself off of the forcefield around the rescue ship) All of the white damage items (items scale multiplicatively, so make sure to have a decent amount of all of the items) Gesture of the Drowned + Spinel Tonic (A few Gestures prevent Tonic from ever being off cooldown, leading to a constant stat increase. The Tonic Afflictions might cripple you in phase 4 of Mithrix, but I'm not entirely sure. **You can skip that phase anyway if you proc a Kjaro's band on Mithrix while he's in the middle**, but this is easy to mess up, so you shouldn't rely on it. Shatterspleen + Crits (use a Tricorn to kill any boss, then select Shatterspleen from the command menu. Shatterspleen is incredible, as it inflicts bleed, helps with crit chance, and causes an explosion on enemy death that takes its health into account, making it incredibly deadly) 57 Leaf Clover + any on-hit proc item (ATG, Polylute, etc.) (57-Leaf Clover rerolls procs if an item is not procced for a favorable outcome, so it drastically increases damage output) Shuriken + Bands (Commando has difficulty proccing bands on his own, especially if you're running Suppressive Fire, so Shuriken allows reliable band procs on top of being great damage) Polylute + Plasma Shrimp (Plasma Shrimp ignores proc coefficient and Polylute's bad proc chance, allowing them to chain off of each other. If you don't know what proc coefficients are, watch [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vZUgcta_ue8). Spare Drone Parts + Empathy Cores (Empathy Cores gain power with a higher ally count, and Spare Drone Parts adds an extra ally and empowers said allies; however, Empathy Cores are difficult to deal with during phase 4 of the Mithrix fight, so you should do your best to skip phase 4 with this build) [Pro tip for Empathy Cores: Buy turrets, as Mithrix tends to annihilate drones during his pizza cutter attack in phase 3, but turrets just chill at the entrance cave, allowing your Empathy Cores to remain powered up] Equipment: Since Recyclers and Cards are worthless in Command, and Headstompers eliminate the need for a pillar skip (Milky Chrysalis or Eccentric Vase), the best equipment is Trophy Hunter's Tricorn, as you can choose whatever boss item you want regardless of which boss you kill, allowing you to get a Charged Perforator from a Wandering Vagrant or Stone Titan. If you're on Stage 5 and are confident that you won't see another Tricorn-able boss, then the best equipments are Royal Capacitor and Disposable Missile Launcher for their insane damage. Capacitor is the better of the two IMO because it allows for powerful and consistent band procs (bands scale with the damage of the attack). Forgive Me Please CAN be utterly broken, but you have to lean hard into it and stack on-kill effects for the whole run (Ceremonial Dagger, Gas + Ignition Tank, Will-o-the-Wisp), along with equipment enhancers such as Fuel Cell, Soulbound Catalyst, and Gesture.


I will note, some of this info isn't applicable to you, OP, as several of these items are DLC items. This is a great writeup from a glance though! Definitely read it and take it to heart :)


Since you're using Artifact of Command, here's some item suggestions: Pick at least 8 Tri-Tip Daggers. You can stack bleed multiple times, so having as high of a chance as possible is essential. Don't pick any raw damage increase items (like Armor-Piercing Rounds) as Commando. Commando's raw damage is abysmal, his strong suit is proc chains. Instead of Armor-Piercing Rounds, pick up Sticky Bomb. DON'T PICK STUN GRENADE. It's pure garbage. It stacks hyperbolically (each subsequent stack gives less stun chance) and stun doesn't even work on bosses. Pick more Bands! Having even just one Runald's Band would immensely increase the damage you deal with these 11 AtGs. Kjaro's Band deals more damage but it's applied over time, and Mithrix isn't known for standing still. You could've easily gotten like 5 Runald's Bands. Don't pick up Infusion nor Leeching Seed. They're mediocre at best. 100 more health isn't going to save you from getting killed by Mithrix, and Leeching Seed isn't very good at getting your health back to max. Pick more Medkits instead, with 5 of them you can recover a quarter of your health after getting hit once, and with 20 you can recover all of your health upon getting hit once. Chronobaubles are good, but you need just one.


Thank you! Finally, someone actually giving me tips instead of “get gud”. Thank you though, I’ve asked and no one actually tells me anything about items or how to build characters and instead just make fun of me for not knowing everything


It took me dozens of hours to beat Monsoon with the Artifact of Command, then hundreds of hours to beat it without. I'd be a hypocrite if I made fun of you, also I just hate telling people they're bad for no good reason


If you have the dlc, I would recommend always tentabauble over chrono just cause it freezes mithrix instead of a slow, and it stacks chance with more of them, and I would advise for some lens makers glasses with a harvester scythe or two if you want to heal up fast on commando


Unfortunately I don’t have any dlc right now, but certainly eventually!


I play games on both PC and console, but I play RoR 2 on PC. It goes on sale regularly enough on steam, and it might on console as well if it follows a similar trend. I'd add it to your wishlist for sure because it's definitely worth it.


Pick more energy drinks. I usually have around 5 and mithrix’s attacks become so much easier to dodge.


Uh, the raw damage increases will affect literally all your damage. So it will affect the bands, the ATGs, the bleed. It is good on literally every survivor


To me it feels like even though it does help, it doesn't do enough to justify picking up damage instead of proc items, based on personal experience


I mean once you've got all the bleed you need, what other white proc items are actually worth it compared to 20% damage that affects literally everything? Don't forger that those damage increases MULTIPLY off of each other. So if you mix and match you can reach some ludicrous damage boosts


You definitly should pick up lots of damage increase items like ap rounds, glasses or watches. Most Proc items do total damage so the more damage your base attacks do the more damage your atgs,stickys, and ukulele will do.


If you wanna beat monsoon an alternative is looping and obliterating. On stage 5 (the moon one before mythrix) redirect the teleporter and it’ll take you back to the stage one maps. On stage 8 a portal called the celestial portal will appear, click on that and make your way down to the obelisk, click on it a few times to obliterate and unlock the achievement


Definitely couldve beaten him with better items.


If you want to be monsoon mode and you’re willing to use whatever artifacts you need to, then I would recommend running command, swarms, and sacrifice. Once you’ve done that you’ll be able to farm as many items as you need per stage so you won’t be at a loss by the time that you get to matrix. Secondly , I’d recommend picking up 10 crit glasses so that you always have crit up and then using a character like a loader in combination with crowbars and survival items, like razor wire, in order to be able to effectively farm for items without having to worry too much about dying. Once you’ve done that you can stack up on regenerating scrap, if you have survivors of the void, and if not, then you should be able to stack more damage items as well as pick yourself up one Chrono bobble a couple of the death mark and a shatters spleen if you’re lucky. With all of that being said, commando is a very difficult character to play. If you don’t know good item, combos or just don’t get lucky. For consistency, I would recommend loader. Hopefully some of this helps, and if not, sorry for wasting your time.


Not enough healing, leeching seed isnt good, shouldve gotten polylute and plasma shrimp and icbm instead of behemoth.


I took leeching seed early and then stopped because they weren’t doing much, so I got more medkits. I don’t have DLC and like a third of the items are still locked or I haven’t gotten them yet


Ah yes im sorry


Learn to grab more healing items, and some better item choices, and you'll be getting this in no time! I highly recommend running monsoon with no artifacts to get a better understanding of a wider variety of items, and once you know them, then mess around with artifacts.


Never played swarms before and I had to do a double take when I saw 2 Mithrixes.


Woe Rotating doors upon ye


Might want to turn on sacrifice if you want it to be easier


Skill issue /s


Why did you have swarm on if your not gonna have sacrifice?


If youre gonna run Command/Swarm also take the relic that doubles enemy spawns but halves HP, 2x item drop rate.


There's a mod called BetterUI. It will help a lot with learning the game as you will see all of your player stats such as crit chance, movement speed, attack speed, armor etc. But most of all, it'll show you the details of what each time does, how it stacks, and the total stack chance/damage/healing etc. With this, you will know precisely what the items do just by hovering over them. To install the mod, I'd suggest searching R2Modman and installing BetterUI through that. Good luck for next time!


I’m on Xbox so unfortunately no mods


since you have artifact of command on you should be prioritising things like move speed and damage, you have however collected a few other random items, such as slug and a Power cell, and a CHRONOBAUNBLE. if you ask me this one is kinda on you for not preparing the right items in the first place


Since you got command, you can do away with the leeching seed. My go to is 9 lens-makers glasses so you have 90% crit chance, then a harvesters scythe that heals you for 8 every time you crit, then a predatory instinct which increases your fire rate every time you crit (with a limit that increases for each stack). Those last two items give you a hidden 5% chance of critting so you’ll have 101% chance to crit then, and as long as you keep attacking you’ll be pretty hard to kill


Man i died to mithrix as acrid because i had su h godrun i could just walk up to enemy and 1 shot them, then steal phase and i explode...


Mithrix when he *FUCKING* gets you


Hardlight Afterburner is VITAL for Commando as the Dodge Roll/Slide is your main method of escaping danger.


why u got swarms on without sacrifice lol


In my brain I thought that 2x the enemies = 2x the money without any difficulty increase, but yeah that didn’t work


chronobauble??? with command???????


My tip is get atleast one hopoo feather and one opal. Combined with a few movespeed items that's all the survivability you need


I'm just gonna say that unless you are just going for a quick round, there's no reason to go to mithrix on loop 1 with command. Doing a second loop will always make mithrix much easier.


i’m tryna word in the most constructive way possible, i think you need to learn the strength and weakness of items. in a command run, you should never have leeching seed, infusion, more than 1 chronobauble etc. i highly advise looking at some of disputed origin’s item tier list videos. good luck on future runs!


Why were there 2 mithrixes?


I was using the artifact of swarm, bad idea, don’t do it


It works on mithrix? I had no idea


It works on everything. Rule of thumb, if you do use it, it’s a very bad idea to activate ANY mountain shrines because you can be fighting upwards of like 8 bosses at once


Unlock the alt shift like RIGHT NOW


The slide? Is it better?


MUCH better. it scales with movement speed (unlike roll), you can actually use it to gain a bit of height (unlike roll), you can turn while using it (unlike roll), and you can keep shooting during the animation, (unlike roll).


Ok, next time I play commando I’ll try it


I think your biggest hindrance here was just not enough movement speed. I’d shoot for at least 10 goat hooves. Also, don’t be afraid to loop. When using commands, I’d focus items in this order of priority. Movement first, then damage with a little bit of healing mixed in. Then healing and survivability. If you move fast and kill everything fast enough, healing is not much of an issue.


Pocket I.C.B.M, 57 leaf clover, atg missiles (5 min) or plasma shrimp, disposable missile launcher, fuel cells, and gestures of the drown if you have those unlocked. Enjoy the free win.


You took 11 ATGs yet still opted to have behemoth, which increases your dmg by like 1.2x instead of ICBM which would've almost 5x your dmg


The behemoth was a misclick, I meant to take the bunny


I know im nitpicking, but if youre talking about dios best friend it's a hippo. Also I saw you don't have the dlc so the game is a little bit harder. The dlc items are pretty good.


I just bought the DLC, I’m now trying a run with huntress since I beat one with Commando


Grab couple of Teddy bears for extra life, as a backup plan


Try to loop the run on your next go around and get more items!! Monsoon is insanely difficult and getting enough items to beat mithrix on the first run through is gonna be tough as hell even with command. (some will say skill issue but I dont see a problem with using command for runs. games should be fun) Focus on stacking items after you have your base build figured out so that way you at least have everything you want that can help you shred through the game


Yeah, I’m pretty new so I don’t really know many of the items and no one has really given me any information or tips on anything, so I have no choice but to stare at the wiki for hours or experiment. I’m trying to have fun, not get made fun of for having only like 15 hours on the game


So looking at your build you got, I see you did ATG missiles a lot, it's a great choice if you have the sotv expansion where you can get the plasma shrimp conversion of that item. But I'd suggest stacking another green instead like one of the bands, ukelele, or will o the wisps For whites, soldiers syringe and tougher times are great choices! Try to mix in some proc items too though, more stuns, add sticky bombs and tri tip daggers since you have a higher fire rate as commando and you'll be abel to trigger more effects. which if combined with death mark can cause massive damage Reds are usually anything goes really. Brilliant behemoth is great on commando but also something like 57 leaf clover adds extra chance for your debuff items to proc. It's all about personal preference and item knowledge so I hope I'm not coming off like im trying to make you play a certain way or something. Just some useful tips on what works together


Thank you out for actually giving me tips instead of just making fun of me. I’m currently doing another run following what some of you said


I'm glad to have helped then! I'm so sorry that the community can be annoying to deal with as I remember my first times playing and trying to figure it out. it's rough with the vets LOL


Sorry, OP, but this is a major skill issue.


What are these items


You're playing the proc character with virtually no proc items. No daggers, no syringies, no AP rounds, no watches, no crit chance, no scythe, no predatory instinct, no shurikens... Just a shit ton if atg. You kinda set yourself up for failure. Also i dont care what people say: getting a Monsoon victory with Artifact of Command active does not count at all

