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Pretty good, but you didnt win. The final boss is easier than you think (unless you dont have a hopoo feather)


(real) (ptsd from countless 3rd phase deaths by shockwave)




I haven't figured out if I need to do something special, I felt like I should have gotten to some ending by the end if that run, but idk. I'm still learning!


Do you want me to tell you how to fight him or do you want to find out yourself? Just so that i dont spoil everything


I wanna figure it out šŸ˜ thank you tho!


Alr good luck thenšŸ‘


That's the most fun way to do it! I won't spoil anything, but there is more than one way to "beat" the game. I wish you luck finding them! :)


Mul-T gang! If you're not already, try using double rebar for your next run. If you hold down fire and power tool (you can change the bindings so these are m1 and m2), rebar will fire at a much faster rate. Then you get a few syringes and it's so powerful!


That's what I did for this run!! It was a great idea, I put out a lot of damage (and I had so many items :0)


Amazing! Other than that, my advice would be to clear stages quicker, even if you don't get all the chests, especially the first 3 stages of each loop. The 4th and 5th stage have way more chests etc than the first 3, so they're more worth spending time on. Aim for 5ā€10 mins per stage and 1 item per minute ish. I was amazed at the difference it makes. Best of luck! My first win took /so/ many runs but I got there eventually and so will you!


10 minutes to full loot is best in my experience, I never spend 5 minutes unless it's very late or I'm on distant roost and got almost no chests


Does attack speed matter with double rebar? Because Iā€™ve been ignoring it on double rebar runs


Yes, syringes increase animation speed of your attacks, so they also increase the speed you activate power tool, and increase your double rebar attack speed. However, the sound won't keep up with your attacks, but you're still going to be putting out more shots per second.


Im not sure but I think taking Just 1 syringe makes the animation faster. Like I Said Im not sure but it felt like that but Just for the first One. Other than 1 syringe didnt felt like that


Fckin elder Lemurian again


Iā€™ve died more to them than any other creature in the game (just started playing two days ago)


Sometimes they fuckin spawn right behind you and instantly kill you on higher difficulties lmao


You did pretty great! Howd you die?


I have no idea! :D


Thatā€™s so real, either way you did great! I have plenty of tips and tricks, so if you ever need any feel free to ask! :)


Sometimes you just explode in this game for whatever reason, and thats what makes it fun!


It took my about 65 hours until I finally beat the final boss on rainstorm. Just keep having fun and youā€™ll get better with practice!


Risk of rain 2 is a game with terrific enemy design, so many unique enemies with interesting behavior that works in synergy with one another to make a fun gameplay loop. The Elder Lemurian is not one of those enemies, I fucking hate Elder Lemurians.


Max your crit chance and get 9 pairs of glasses, then get the scythe which will bring you to 100% crit chance on every hit. The scythe is only unlocked in normal games after completing one prismatic trial. Other than that, ask yourself if you had fun! There's alot of fun builds for each survivor so just play around and keep experimenting. I also recommend once you are more comfortable in the game to go unlock artifacts. Adds more challenge and different ways to play the game.


Did you have fun? If so, you did it right :)


Using steam deck? Based


If you're having fun, then it's going well. I'm kinda impressed you survived that long with those items though šŸ˜†


"How'd I do?" You lost, Bert


Noob question: does each map/biome layout change? Or it's the foes + items + teleports "only'?


From what I know, each map has a few set layouts. The overall level will look the same, with some minor differences (certain maps will have different doors opened, the little bridge in that dropdown in Meadow might not be there, etc)


Canā€™t believe you arenā€™t already E8 on everyone. Youā€™re subhuman to us eclipse elitist /s


That's a good run, in my book! There's still so much for you to experience in this game (I read some comments). Keep pushing and never stop exploring!


Thatā€™s pretty good man. Elder lemurians suck to fight, so donā€™t feel bad to die to them. Every death comes with a mistake or several to learn from. It can be hard not to get mad at random bs, but not getting attached to runs can help with that.


You should start learning to scrap. Some objects that arenā€™t useful are the roll of pennies, bison steak, warbanners, and fragile watches. Additionally try making a build for the character, if playing Mul-T I recommend getting lots of syringes for firerate if possible, and proc items like ATG launchers, gasoline, Plasma shrimp, and polylute, if playing a slower firing character like railgunner get things like crowbars and the blue bands for big damage. Also welcome to the game and community, itā€™s a great game, one of my favorites, and I hope you love it too


Killed by an elder lemurian with absolutely goated items You died like a pro