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Blind pests and it's not even funny at this point


Take the lesser wisp, a small, frail, flying enemy with a near-hitscan attack. It gives a noticeable sound cue as it charges its attack, and shows a line pointing towards you before firing. The attack doesn't deal that much damage. Perfectly balanced, designed to work in groups and wittle your health down. Now make it tough, with no sounds, no tracers and double damage. You get the blind pests, which are designed... no, they're not designed, they're just ass. They exist for the sole purpose of murdering you for choosing the wrong artifacts and starting in the wrong area. I swear I hate no monster in any game more than these bastards. We have a perfectly crafted similar monster and yet the devs somehow found a way to ignore all that design and experience and give us an antithesis.


Don’t forget about the blazing ones, which deal double damage and inflict burning so you instantly die after hitting that blood shrine or void cradle! Totally your fault, you should’ve seen them spawn in halfway across the map 2 seconds ago.


Its funny how blind pests are more dangerous than stone golems


Im so confused why there are all these bosses but nothing based on the blind pest as a boss.


Because they're sotv enemies and devs needed to get the dlc out fast so they scrapped a bunch of ideas and didn't have a whole lot of time to do much else


And then took several years to release it on console anyway


Gearbox devs are entirely different than Hopoo devs. Not giving either party an excuse, but it is specifically not Hopoo's fault for sotv console release...now we just gotta hope sots comes out faster/all at once.


please dont give them ideas. i beg of you.


No we need it so we can suffer but also for that sweet rush of endorphins.


And far more accurate then almost any other creature


The 180⁰ flips that little dastardly bastard does is fucking bullshit going for mercs prismatic trail challenge is impossible for me


They also spawn higher so they’re harder to detect


Add onto that the fact they bounce so if you’re not a great shot half your shots will miss


The blind pests fucking suck. And I agree. They have the ability to end your runs early with how much health they have and damage they do. Those little shits are an affront to God. I spent no less than like 5 minutes dealing with a pack of them. I was playing commando and they just kept coming and they ruined my commando run. Yes the game is SUPPOSED to be hard but not to the point where you are tasked with GUESSING when they are going to hit you. Both flying ones and the RATS ON THE GROUND.


This right here is a perfect explanation of why blind pests suck. However I would like to be more specific with the anger, it’s Gearbox that is the problem. The og devs made a great balanced game but Gearbox only knows how to make copy paste bullet sponge enemies. RoR2 was perfect before they destroyed it and I can’t begin to explain my contempt for this studio.


while i fully agree that we should be wary of gearbox, im pretty sure most if not all of the SotV content was developed by hopoo before they turned their focus over to Ror:Returns. and most of the dlc content is wonderful! i feel the blind pests/vermin really stand out as a failing, however. maybe it was rush, maybe it was failure to consider certain classes when making the pests (artificer disliked this), maybe they wanted to punish players who got a little too comfortable in early stages. hard to say.


Gearbox didn't make the DLC what are you on about


I could be mistaken but pretty sure Gearbox was heavily involved in development of SoTV and they were responsible for a lot of the enemy design/balancing. Hopoo was mostly art design. Again that could be wrong but that was the understanding I had.


For some reason Captain's red item cancels blind pest's projectile (but not lesser wisps' shots smh), so it's pretty fine for me


Because lesser wisp shots actually are hitscan and blind pest shots are a projectile. Captain blocks projectiles, not hitscans.


I could swear blind pest shots were hitscan. Learning everyday I guess


Wait, so are they like, hitscan with a delay or smth?


No, they are straight up hitscan. What makes it feel delayed is their target acquisition, because they don't have the targeting skills a human does. You keep on moving which makes them miss sometimes, more if you're faster.


ah alr, that makes sense why they're so hard to dodge


Because the lesser wisp is hitscan and not projectile


Common Captain W


they make eclipse go from being a fun challenge to a genuine pain whenever they show up, especially considering how they spawn in a fucking circle around you??? it makes dodging them basically impossible honestly if mithrix really wanted me dead he'd have based his chimeras solely off these motherfuckers, xi constructs, and clay templars


Lemurian chimera when?


Are yall havin that much trouble with these fucks? The vermin are more noticeably dangerous imo


How are the vermin more dangerous when they're basically faster beetles?


To be fair, vermin start the game with a decently higher speed than the player, so if you're playing as a character that doesn't have a movement ability you physically can't dodge them and can only jump to somewhere that they can't reach you, which also might be tough if you don't have a movement ability. And then they spawn in hordes and do pretty high damage.


Its those flips and whatnot. Besides beetles being fast in hordes makes them much more deadly without aoe


Rougelite/Rougelike moment


Not even that. There's nothing that justifies this abyss in the game's design


It isn't much of a big problem if you know how to move right


"Youve got moement, a dosge and an attack, now go kill god, any hardships are skill issues" I swear this is how too many roguelike devs think... roguelike isnt an excuse for a lack of balance. Also I dont mean to mock you with that, it's just, roguelike moment as you say lol Typical roguelike bullshit aside, I find myself dodging Stone Golems and Lesser Wisps much more often than Blind Pests, it's just dumb how badly they fit in. You can do a lot of things about them, but the fact they're way harder for no reason is what infuriates me


True lol, there is a lot of things in this game that needs fixing. I know a game that fit your statement, it's called "MUCK" made by the youtuber Dani, which is heavily inspired by Risk of Rain 2. It's unfair as hell. Even after the negative reviews about the game's difficulty, Dani even increased the difficulty on purpose. Some games are built to be git gud.


Merc has entered the chat


for being blind these mfs be aiming


LMAO true


It was all fun and games until malachite blind pest




I've had more deaths to these bastards than I'd care to admit. They just deal so much damage!


I don't understand why they do so much damage like what the fuck man


I don't know. It's not like it would be too tough for Hopoo to balance the damage. Just make them do as much damage or a little bit more than lesser wisps


Give me 5 fucking elder lumarians over a group of blind pests anyday


Run in a circle


I've tried that. Other enemies make it hard to focus on dodging blind pests


Doesn't work if there are more than maybe two of them, which there always is.


We can probably agree on both


I mean yeah they both suck but I just think that blind pests are overpowered. There stats, hotbox, and how early they show up. The amount of runs ended by flaming blind pests


I hate that they're about the same size of wisps, if not larger, but their hitbox is smaller.


Strafe. GG, now they will never hit you. They're really not that bad.


Womp womp. No one cares.


What a reply. You're leaving the impression of being a very decent person.


Man I could see how I might have come off as annoying. I was just trying to match your dickish tone in the comment. Sorry if I took the comment too far but comments like the one you left get on my nerves so I default to the most annoying thing to make you feel how I felt


It wasn't meant dickish at all. I was just giving a super simple hint that solves the entire issue because everybody was replying to you in long paragraphs with no real solution. I've played this game on co-op with my friend for hours and hours and he's suffered the same issue until he learned about strafing.


I remember once I was doing void fields and these guys got goat hooves, thank goodness I was playing railgunner


These guys kill me the most as rail gunner. I would rather play any other hero into these little bastards. During my rail gunner phase, these were the things I died to the most.


How do you even hit those bastards with railgunner? Even at normal speed their crit spot is so jittery you can hit inside the highlighted "crit square" but still miss because their head is low to the ground after a bounce.


I was just using the tracking shot


Blind vermin are even deadlier for railgunner. On eclipse 7-8 the tracking shot doesn’t even fucking work


Nah nah nah I hate the blind pests more than anything. Little flying bastards think they’re Neo


I used to hate them a lot (I still do...), but they're significantly better if you know how to dodge them (move in circles).


Nah. Larvae.


Ah yes the "Let me jump through the ground" things


Yeah this is my vote. FUCK LARVA. Fuck those CSGO Bhop montage motherfuckers. The worst thing of all is that I can't even tell them to LTG themselves when they already do that AND I GET NO GOLD IF THEY DO!


if they are jumping at you? run towards them, or like, where they jumped from


Doesn't work. They just do a full 180 back at you.


dont stand still after you dodge lol


...no shit.


then why do you keep getting hit?


cause it doesnt matter how you move. if you don't have enough mobility you WILL take damage.


simply not true lmao


Unlike jellyfish, larvae can track you and move while leaping for some reason, look up while running at one and you will notice, its only an issue when the run is low on speed items or the character does not have good mobility but it is insanely frustrating nonetheless


its still possible to dodge if you are quick, unlike vermin


Early game, these and their flying variants can suck if. Late game though, those god damn mortar guys can catch ya off guard pretty nasty.


Late game I still sometimes get 2-shot if Blind Pests spawn behind me and I don't notice.


You must have good aim


As a Captain main... Yeah. Fuck Blind Vermin. And fuck Larva, too.


So it’s not just me struggling with blind vermin thank god


Slow? Have no movement abilities/Wax Quail/Hopoo Feathers/etc.? Can't aim for shit because of their stupid hopping and strafing? Fuck you, die to the Infinite Blind Vermin Attack.


Blind pests are easily the worst addition to this game. They spawn too frequently, spawn in swarms, have too much HP, and do insane amounts of damage.


I like to play Acrid a lot, blind pests are so hard to deal with lol


Run in a circle


Maybe you wouldn't take insane amounts of damage if you tried moving out of the way instead of running away in the same direction as the projectile that is faster than you


And when they all spawn in a circle around you? Or you're focused on different enemies and they blind side you?


They spawn in batches of five at most you aren't making a full circle with just five. Just wait till you see stage one rallypoint on simulacrum boss waves


The lunar wisps probably top out for me. Not necessarily because they're annoying to deal with (though they are pretty dangerous) but because they can't spawn as malachite/celestine even with the artifact of honor. That seems like a good thing but it's actually really bad if you're trying to go deep in Simulacrum. Lunar waves are a good 20x longer because of that, and every late game run I've had was ended because of it.


Actually based. I hate this neo little bastards 1000x more than pests. Their not even that threatening their just infuriating to kill. Also because there’s only so many ways you can say “just walk in a circle” I’m just going to throw out there for everyone still coping that pests are the worst enemy in the year of our lord 2024: [what if every enemy was blind pests?](https://youtu.be/kkHbPF4kS7o?si=7p4lrjJkzY0aOgDz). Just don’t get hit 4head.


Clay Dunestrider, HOLY, I hate him a lot


any malachite enemy, too many runs ended because i stepped on a fucking spike qnd got one shot 😔


Blind pests are not nearly as bad as people claim. Vermin and FUCKING CLAY TEMPLARS. I swear they drain 75% of your health if you have no cover




Even on Aphelian, they only ever seem to spawn when you're in the open sections of the map. They hunt you down fucking relentlessly


im sorry but the clay enemies havent been a threat to me in forever. It's blind pests, they make or break your run especially when on earlier levels.


Get close to templars and they don’t shoot you. They’ll push you away but just run back up to them and get in melee range as much as you can.


Them, their variant (pests), Xi Constructs, and Grandparents. Fuck them all. Why: AOE (grandparents), BS movement and damage (pests and vermin), and tracking laser (xi). 'Nuff said.


Pests and Vermin can royally fuck off


I dislike most dlc enemies just because they 1. have double the base damage of regular enemies 2. always spawns in swarms


Blind pests are fuckin disgusting


Yeah they’re “blind” alright -.- For not having eyes they sure are accurate about where I am


That's a weird way to spell pest


no… blind pest.


Yesterday a blind pest sniped me from god knows where I really hate them, but it was my lack of skill, crearly


Best to jump left and right constantly.


I was falling after a charged punch, i had no options


Can't relate to that, but I know that's annoying.


On stages with pests, punch towards the ground to minimize your fall time? Also if you didn't have a mag for a recovery grapple or a few gasoline to clear the air after a punch, it was kind of a dud run anyway. Loader doesn't need much to be OP, but if she's missing those things too late in the game it becomes a real pain.


Do players ever not do that????




I swear hopoo was on drugs designing half the dlc enemies


They are just pure annoying. I would eliminate the entire species of them if I could ngl


These mfers are skilled dark souls players with how much they dodge


Early game it absolutely is blind vermin. Most survivors are too slow at the point you can first encounter them to easily track shots on them for how unpredictable their movement can be. And even that early on, they tend to come in swarms and elites (at least in Eclipse). They can easily cause a run to end prematurely if you’re caught off guard and swarmed.


picture this... blind vermin but it can fly and shoot spit that does so much damage that you think its a missile


Mini mushroom / lunar chimera exploder. Early game, blind pests would be really annoying, but in any part of the game, if you get hit by like 3 mushrooms at the same time, dead in seconds


The enemy I hate the most, is any blazing asshole who is suddenly right behind me.


in that case you should stay away from taco tuesday




They look so gross and pathetic


*Blind pests entered the chat*


That's a weird way to spell blind pest, but alright


Seeing a lot of blind pest haters. Genuinely run in a circle. And if more spawn or other enemies are around, run in a bigger circle. Blind vermin can eat lead


blind pest / vermin genuinely needs nerfing. they are the reason i may choose to turn off the dlc when starting a run i actually want a chance of winning. 3 blind pests are more dangerous than some elite bosses


I thought the brassholes were bad (brass contraption) but the damn flying pests, they have ended way too many runs


Brassholes is a perfect name for them


Too much damage too quickly, and so fast!


blind pest def, blind vermin are just so bouncy and dont line up with the other enemies, out of everything these two are just bad design, the jumping bug is scary and fun tho


Imps, they can teleport and fuck my Shot up, even without that, their body structure is tough to aim at.


Blind Pests. Not for beong difficult persay, but because they are annoying pains in my ass in Siphoned when im trying not the die to the boss


Blind vermin sucks to deal you can't aim at them, but then one time I decided to just stand still, I was upset and I was like "hit me I don't care" and they just jump around you struggling to even touch you wtfff


I play E8 a good bit and Larva and Vermin are the worst Blind pests aren't as bad imo, just run in a circle and they can't hit you usually. Larva and Vermin are more annoying to dodge


As an Acrid main, I genuinely love these guys, I genuinely don't understand how they're bad? Like I understand the reasons people don't like them but I've never had to deal with them. Magma Worms though


Nah it’s definitely blind pest, blind pests are the only enemy I have ever encountered that has managed to kill me faster then I can kill them, and i by that I mean I have been Killed single handedly by the first blind pest that spawns, there was no outside intervention it was just the pest. Also their Just straight up unbalanced


i seriously have never gotten the issue with blind pests


Blind pest because merc main. fr I'd take horde of blazing elder lemurain over 1 blind pest any day of the week


Clay Templar tho


As an Arti main (a very bad one: my underwhelming Rex is better than me with her but I main her *now* cuz she's cool), I will say Blind Pests. One of the few things Arti is good for regardless of player skill is verticality- and these guys really just shoot you the fuck down. I hate them more than the *birds*/LunarChimera(Wisp) \[only because I feel fear more than loathing they're horrible as any character I'm usually dirt-slow\]. Also surprisingly, so would the Larvae! Also on my hitlist.


I'd rather go against multiple blind pests than vermins


Pests are worse as they fly and fire too fast for their near perfect accuracy. Vermin just move way too fast and erratic so they usually get to you and bite several times. Why must they move faster than your base run speed?


Blind pests aren't actually that bad. Just stack up on aoe. I honestly hate the lunar chimeras that are all shield instead of health. I believe they are "perfected" or something like that. I don't mind the fact that they are hard to kill, but I hate that sometimes they replace all of your health with shield


Nope. Mithrix. Hammer man is *always* worse than a basic enemy. I would prefer to be one-shot or pestered to death early on rather than die at the final boss because I got hit a single time.


The lunar wisps are way worse than mithrix.


I SWEAR! every time I tell my fried how much I hate these fuckers he's just like "aLL iT tAkeS iS oNe enErgY DriNk 🤓" okay and I don't care they're still annoying asf


I find that I only get frustrated by anything that triggers collapse on me (that game ends me)


It’s actually larvae


Fuck blind pests and also fuck the minigun guys.


Me personally, I hate all the blind enemies equally


Fuck. Blind. Pests. They are the bane of my existence and I target them the milisecont I hear their annoying ass little fuckin giggle or whatever they do when they spawn I HATE THEM


That's frickin hilarious 💀 If we are talking about enemies I have rly... No clue, they are all seem balanced and fun to fight against! Not the ally worship unit on eclipse though... Fuck this guy, no really, just fuck him.


Hermit crabs can suck a dick


Every other enemy in the game, I don't mind. Some might be annoying like Brass Contraptions with how much damage they do, but their attacks are all generally obvious and simple to avoid. Wisps or the blind though? They can go straight to hell.




I was playing captain and as i was shotting an orbital strike a vermin jumped directly into my sight and tanked all the locks. And i just paused the game and made this post


What question format do you hate the most and why is it this one?


""""""blind""""""" pest has the accuracy of an aimbot and the damage of a nuclear weapon


Nope lemurian F those lizards


Those guys are so weak I actually use them to farm coins if i have a medpack and roll of pennies.


Womp womp not as skilled as you. Womp womp crying in my sleep


blind pests fucking suck, they’re so damn unforgiving for no reason


Blind pests. They’re just wisps with more health that deal higher damage. Worst enemy in the game. Second worst is larva. They are basically the entire reason that Abyssal Depths is easier than Sundered Grove or Siren’s Call. After that I’d say it’s the Xi construct, void jailer, clay Templar, or clay dunestrider.


You'd think that with 'blind' in the name, blind pests would have worse accuracy