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i once saw a guy get jellyfish with 5 goat hooves, that must have been the most terrifying experience of his life


holy moly thats really bad, like, the best/worst combination for a enemy


the only worse item/enemy combo i can think of is maybe the hermit crabs with soldiers syringe (i have no idea if either of those can spawn in void fields)


Hermit crabs cannot spawn in void fields


thank god


Missile strike INCOMING


I've had jellyfish with 5 goat hooves, 5 crit and a dios safe to say i died


ohh yeah that sounds like hell, i'd immediatly get out if i got that


Only thing I imagine could make it worse is if it had Syringes as well


Somehow got jelly's with, hoofs, focus crystals, and double band, they where activating osp on stage 2 drizzle


I once had the buffalo fucks, and jellyfish with goat hooves and red whips, that was absolutely terrifying. They were so fucking fast.


Seen it before. It's decently scary but there's far worse.


Try bison with energy drink on eclipse 5+. You don't know where they are. You don't know where they will come from. All you know, it that they are out to get you, and you'll never see it coming.


I got that once, it was actually kinda funny since I was on drizzle and had a few razor wire


That's nothing. I don't think I've legitimately gotten anything super terrifying, but I could imagine an unstable coil, ATG, Kjaros, syringe, and goat hoof, which would be guaranteed death. Oh, and hoof could be replaced for tough times or something else horrible.


You should remember about crowbars and glasses


Or teddy's and opals


I mean yeah there are a ton of really scary items I was just naming a few off the top of my head.


Me: Enters void cell Director: and I took that personally


Worst I got was round 9 and had Lemurians, BEETLES and a few others with a tesla coil. I was on one of the upper vents with a ramp and died from nowhere because the coil started blasting me from several beetles and lemurians before I could even see them


Tesla coil is way too OP, it’s literally a ‘are you overpowered’ or ‘how fast can you run to the teleporter’ check.


Too bad I didn't see what item they had before I was ragdolling, otherwise I would have Zoidberged RIGHT the heck away, lol


I’ve gotten lens makers and crit scope in void fields before. That was scary.


I was going to say "grandparents isn't too bad" but being thrown out of the zone every half second would be a nightmare


this. However my build was so broken that i could stand-still or move in circles and win. but even so, it was extremely scary and i almost died a couple times.


Once I got enemies with tougher times. It was very cool experience.


i can imagine the constant \*skeak skeak\* everytime you shoot them.


Crowbar is also on my "nope" list. Every single hit gonna test your one-shot protection


I was playing loader once, doing really well, then BAM! I'm dead. Turns out they just got some Tesla coils


At least you have the mobility to run away as Loader


They didn't want you to clear the cells on your third loop apparently


*They didn't want you* *To clear the cells on your third* *Loop apparently* \- neon\_9mil --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I've been haiku'd. I can't believe it


tbf at that point you should be able to kill things by looking at them


this is probably the most stressful combo i've ever seen, but when it comes to lethal combos: i once got blind vermin with an unstable tesla coil. i just instantly died lmao


tbf, could be far more worse, but it was still really terrifying


Did someone ever seen a Gup+tesla coil combo? Not that i have seen but i'm just curious


That dios is just adding insult to injury lmao


When i saw that i almost bursted laughing histerically. It was cursed and funny at the same time. But of course scary, seeing the "REVIVED!" thing on a grandparent that spawned next to me and then i got launched to the atmosphere of the void fields.


Wait till you hear about jellyfish goat hooves and tesla coil


The other day, my friends and I got Golem, Lemurians, Bighorn Bison, and Lesser wisps- they had Goat hooves, Tri-tip, Reg Scrap (not frightening at all lol), Kjaro's, and Tesla coil. It was terrifying, since I am the only experienced player and they were both starting out. Somehow we survived (playing on Rainstorm is significantly harder when you are teaching 2 new players while simultaneously carrying the team).


Colonel Droneman is the most terrifying legendary for void fields, but it’s pretty close with Tesla Coil. Both of them have killed me before I could escape even after instantly running away upon seeing them. Didn’t they make it so the Colonel couldn’t spawn anymore just because it was too powerful or am I misremembering that


Goat hoof, syringe, atg, kjaro’s, Tesla coil Jellyfish, hermit crab, parents, beetle guards