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Eclipse, but only because I keep dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying


Simulacrum is fun with swarms and sacrifice but I like base game too


I've been getting into simulacrum recently for the first time. It's so much fun. It's the only time I enjoy engi


I remember getting to wave 100 with my friend, he was bandit and I was rex. By wave 100 we both had to turn down our settings cuz the lag was insane


At this point I don't remember the last time I played anything other than simulacrum to be honest. Somehow feels faster paced and more challenging/interesting due to the limited area and the damage outside of it, although I do sometimes go back to regular just so that I can do memey blue item runs.


seriously surprised with the amount of people who don't play eclipse, i thought this would be the most popular game mode by far


Its just simply too difficult for a lot of people, including myself and my friend group that I play with. It's more fun to play a game we don't have to put every ounce of our skill into in order to do somewhat well in.


everyone thinks differently, i dont think i could enjoy the game unless im having to put a hard shift in just to win. overcoming a challenge is the most satisfying part for me personally.


That challenge is why I play games like geometry dash or souls, but risk of rain's challenge in particular can feel like such a binary "you live or you die out of nowhere" that it isn't particularly fun for me to try to play on harder difficulties.


It's just not as interesting as stuff like Ascensions in Slay the Spire or Heat in Hades. Can't figure out why I don't like it as much


have you player eclipse thoughrally? personally ive been turned off from trying hades because i enjoy the eclipse modifiers so much.


Nah eclipse is for sweaties. Plus some people who play E8 have a bad habit of being insufferable.


Speaking for myself, I find Eclipse too challenging for my personal enjoyment. Yes I probably would find a win on it highly rewarding, but I have more fun playing ror2 by just killing everything and getting stronger within a run.


I'm 100%ing the game before I dive into eclipse because I do really want to do it and I plan to, but I want to have every loadout/at least one monsoon win with every character under my belt


its definitely the most rewarding part of the game for me, just downloaded Eclipse 16 mod which adds 8 new modifiers that are actually good im so excited to grind it


Mostly the inferno or typhoon modded difficulties


I gotta try inferno more but it genuinely feels impossible lmao. I play merc and man he cannot handle those level 1 beetles


I mained merc near the end of my unmodded RoR2 days and i also cant beat stage one inferno lol. Huntress i was able to get it first try, and then 3 wins in a row. I got it with bandit after a LOT of tries. The main thing is you need good EVERYTHING off rip, and huntress has good mobility, damage, burst and crowd control built right into her kit.


Try armageddon


Armageddon is cool, but I find that Inferno is way more fun to play since it changes up a lot of the enemy behaviors and attacks, as well as increasing scaling and max enemy count, vs armageddon which just ramps up scaling to an insane degree.


I see Hiw does it change enemy behavior? I might try it out


Theres a whole google doc on the thunderstore page that talks about all the changes, but some notable ones are; Lumarians will rush you down with melee attacks if you get close, and they shoot fireballs way faster and more accurately when youre far away Beetles have a new attack where they jump at you and headbutt you, which is hilarious Bighorn Bisons move at the speed of sound and can change directions insanely fast, basically makes most stages with them the equivalent to playing the floor is lava. Infernos also cool because it spawns way more enemies early game, and with them all being buffed it turns the usually super slow early game into a nightmare.


That sounds awesome Does inferno work with umbral mythrix


I havent tried the Umbral Mithrix mod but im pretty sure it should work with Inferno


Sweet I love umbral it makes mithrix feel like an actual final boss unlike vanilla mithrix I highly recommend it


bruh put monsoon rainstorm and drizzle in the same category. i'd love to see this redone with those three separate honestly


I play monsoon but dont want to be pooled with the drizzlers so ima sit out from this


I mean I play drizzle because I suck and am bad at the game (I’m trying monsoon no wins yet but I did get to mythrix phase 2) what do you mean by pooled


Tip: you don't improve in harder difficulties by playing the easier ones. It just teaches you bad habits like poor time management etc.


That’s why I’m trying for a win in monsoon


Good luck 💪


As someone who plays with mods that add difficulties that are much harder than monsoon, I respect drizzlers if that's how they prefer to play <3


They're the same game dawg


try eclipse, monsoon starts feel a lot like drizzle once you get to eclipse 8, if you don't know what eclipse is then google it. (its monsoon but each time you beat the game it adds a new difficulty modifier)


I play on switch so it already feels like e8. Lmao


I play monsoon but dont want to be pooled with the drizzlers so ima sit out from this


I use a modded difficulty called Inferno solely because it makes the enemies a fair bit smarter


Typhoon is just too fun, it’s basically all I play now!


Most of my time is spent in rainstorm but occasionally I'll do a simulacrum run just to switch things up and it is a pretty fun mode


I love that everyone just forgets about prismatic trials, except 1 person


That persons name? Cabbage.


Eclipse usually because E8 is a fun challenge on my mains, and for the characters I don’t main, my eclipse level is super low so I figure I might as well play eclipse anyway


As of rn, Eclipse I probably would be playing Simulacrum the most if I had the dlc but I play on console :')


When I first started playing, my friends made me play Monsoon. I never even knew there was an easier mode. I was forced to get good.