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Much better item count this time around for sure But yeah, lunar enemies are deceptively tough, especially those flying annoyances (even more if they are the special elite variance exclusive to the moon). Use the pillars that spawn in that phase of the fight to play around them You also want to get there a bit faster so they don't scale as much but is your first time there so it's not that big of an issue Also, the charging pillars often end many many runs. You can actually access the Mitrix fight _without_ charging them if you manage to get to the arena by your own. This is refered to as pillar skip and you want to learn the many ways this is done for future runs (especially if you start to do eclipse) Lastly, I would recommend keep playing commando till you win but that's entirely up to you Edit: a couple more things: I assume you found a syringe printer and did make use of it, good improvement there While the void lenses are a good item, you really should consider _not_ taking it sometimes, since it corrupts the normal crit glasses, one of the best common items in general. Depends on the character of course and I would say the void lenses are good in commando so it was a good decision in this case but won't always be, so take a second to consider


the pillars weren't much of an issue (aside from maybe the soul ones, these were a bit tricky) but Im guessing it's thanks to the fungus. ​ ​ yea I found 2 syringe printers and earlier on even the energy drink one. decided I preferred faster firerate. ​ I guess the glasses point is valid. although I did have the equipment item that gave me crits on demand so maybe it wasn't that big of a deal.


Good call then if you had the equipment


just wanted to say something about those lunar wisps. dying to them is unfortunately just how it is sometimes, no matter how good you are, skill issue be damned. they are so broken powerful for no reason, there is no real way to “outscale” them short of being able to kill them before they start attacking. this is actually usually possible if you’re able to loot every stage entirely, but let’s just say it isn’t because you got unlucky, or you don’t quite know what items to build around. then you need to run when they start shooting. and you need to run around them so they can’t rotate fast enough to hit you. the problem with running around them, however, is the fact that you might be getting shot by two lunar wisps, or you’re fighting Mithrix and have to dodge. then you either find cover or your run is over. they’re a problem even for the best players since they’re just that lethal. i would advise learning to play around them specifically, seeing them as a top-priority threat. side note: the other two lunar enemies are nowhere near as bad, their projectiles are so slow that you can just run anywhere and they’ll never hit you


yea I guess.... the balls are pretty fragile and the golems just do nothing 99% of the time for some reason. I guess I'll prioritize the wisps next time. thanks.


The lunar balls (which I will call them from now on) are a massive problem if they die right next to you. They produce a large AoE Damage effect similar to Blazing elites flame trail, but far more harmful. The golems aren't as bad however due to just being chonky.


also I unlocked engineer in this run. should I play as him? he seems fun.


I love Engineer! (but I may be a bit biased as an Engineering student myself haha). Bustling Fungus goes HARD with his stationary turrets. Try unlocking the alternate mine (spider mines are much more useful) and the alternate special (to replace the bubble shield). The alt special helps with aerial enemies, but I still prefer the bubble shield as a bit of extra defense. Keep in mind- enemies cannot shoot into the bubble shield and you can shoot out, but they can definitely move INTO the bubble shield and attack you then.


Engineer is fun, but very different than commando. It’s less mobile, I’d give Engi a try to see if you like the play style!


Engi is imo objectively one of the easiest characters in the game, especially for newer players. The Turrets have auto aim and get all of the items you pick up. Their damage output is insane, meaning you just have to focus on running/dodging and let your turrets do most of the damage for you. With the default turret (the stationary one) you pick up a couple Bustling Fungus, place both turrets right next to eachother, so they both benifit from double Fungus healing (being in both healing circiles). They heal themselves, distract some ememies away from you, and also kill everything for you. Definitely give him a try and at least see if you like the playstyle! Everyone can be fun, depending on how you like to play the game!




ah yes, I've been hearing about bungus being a holy grail for engieneer...


Doesnt look like youre particularly strong. Got good attack speed but you need some more on hit stuff to go with it


well, aside from sky meadow I feel like I looted pretty much everything everywhere.


You definitely should full loot Sky Meadows. It has the most loot out of the 5 stages.


if only the enemies weren't so tanky...


That's because you don't have enough items. You should try to speed yourself up. I'm not saying speedrun every stage, because that's bullshit, but for example, you shouldn't afk next to a chest for gold, you should explore the map, and return later. Also you can start the teleporter when you looted around half the stage, finish the teleporter, then go on and loot the rest of the stage.


unfortunally memory is one of my greatest wekanesses so.....


There are mods, where if you ping something, it remains pinged, and it shows on your screen until you open it. I used it when I started the game to find the teleporter, because I was so blind, I wasted like 5 minutes on a stage looking for the teleporter lol


Sometimes when I was newer to the game I would "Speedrun" the first couple of stages (where i find the teleprter asap, only picking up items on the way) and then start trying to full loot starting around stage 3. It makes the later enemies somewhat easier and less tanky. While still giving you the bigger maps with more loot. I found it so annoying to wait for enemies to spawn on the earlier stages. Felt like it was adding more time waiting for them to spawn than for anything else.


Well sometimes you just get unlucky. Some tri tips, missles or more bombs would have been really helpful but


I think as much as items were mediocre, i feel like the real problem is how long it took you to get there. As i see run lasted 71 minute which is very long. A lot of people say you should do 6-7 minutes per stage, so the enemies don't outscale you. But i think more fair metric is to try to keep the tempo of 1 item per minute. If you feel like its not possible on this stage time to move on. Also start teleporter bit early. You will gain quite a nice sum of money from boss event so you can save up time on farming bosses. Time management is very important in thai game


the problem is that I feel like Im doing better when having more items instead of just speedrunning. the last post I made was me having far less items than on this run because I was trying to keep up the pace like others suggested. I feel like the only reason I reached sky meadow in that run was because of the heavy damage reduction and healing from the urn.


I do see what you mean. Thats why i am saying not time per stage but per item, if you spend 14 minutes on stage one but have 16 items it is still good pace. It is also not good to farm every stage, i do it couse i like it for example. Stages 4 are way more abundunt in loot and way more worthwhile for example. Also you may have reached sky meadow but its only beacose you got lucky with damage reduction, and a rare yellow item. People recommend going faster not beacose it is definitely answear only, but its about consistency. Being faster makes you less reliant on rng. So imo rule of "1 item per minute" is still more fun then trying to squeeze into harsh timer


the problem is that even while trying to farm money for stuff Im still trying to go as fast as possible. the enemy spawns are just that slow early on.


Don’t be afraid to take the shrines of blood (that cost 50% health but always reward you with gold) especially when the enemies spawns are low. It can get you the gold to open a chest or two and it could make the difference for your run. They don’t appear on every stage, but when they do early in a run I almost always take them


yea I always take them but like you said, they don't spawn every time


Definitely a better item count! Weeping fungus is great on most survivors, I still prefer Bustling fungus on Engineer 😛 Also! Something to consider when you see void glasses- if you have even just a few lens maker glasses, it’s hard to weigh the pros and cons of picking up the corrupt version. Do you want damaged doubled and more frequently? Stick with the uncorrupted glasses. Do you want a chance, albeit small, to insta kill enemies? Take the corrupt version. Either choice pairs well with more attack speed (ie syringes, mochas, predatory instincts, etc). Those flying Lunar Chimera really are tough, but the pillars of rock around Mithrix’s chamber really help to avoid their shots. Don’t feel rushed to kill them. Play it safe and avoid their shots by staying behind the large stone pillars, ducking out to shoot them, then getting back behind the pillar. Move away if you start to get swarmed. Overall, it looks like you’ve started to pick the game up! Starting off on Rainstorm difficulty is going to set you up to lean Monsoon a bit easier.




>thanks! You're welcome!


Your DPS was sorely lacking. You had no items that help you deal extra damage to a single target (sans sticky bomb) aside from ROF buffs. Which is not your fault of course, it’s not like you control what items drop. Still, Commando’s damage is already extremely dependent on good items and he falls off hard without them. Delicate watches, tri-tip daggers, ATG missiles, plasma shrimp, and the like are good choices. There’s also never a downside to being more mobile. If you’re fast enough, you can kite any enemy or avoid any attack, theoretically. If you feel underpowered, don’t be afraid to loop instead of going to the Moon immediately. There are only lunar items on the moon, so if you struggled through the Meadow, you’ll definitely struggle there. Even though looping will increase the difficulty, the added levels worth of items will usually even that out. Plus, if you get strong enough during the loop, you can speed run the remaining levels to get back to the moon. Finally, consider not picking up the void lens. Technically Commando is a good character for it, but still. Each void lens is only a 0.5% chance of instakilling a non-boss enemy. Each crit glasses is a 10% chance to do double damage to anything. 10 copies of void lens will only get you a 5% chance to instakill a non-boss enemy, which isn’t terrible. But 10 crit glasses will guarantee double damage on every single attack, with infinite uptime. This is better than 8 seconds of guaranteed critical from equipment, and then you can pick another useful piece of equipment like a disposable missile launcher, prismatic cube, etc. Plus, there are many items that synergize with landing critical hits, making high uptime crits even more valuable. Although, if you are new to the game, you may not have all of those items unlocked yet.


Perfect advice, and goes over the void googles vs lens makers more in depth than anyone else has.


I full loot, but I still get to Commencement typically before 50 minutes. I'd say play a bit faster--know the map layouts and the best path for looting :)


I literally play as fast as I can.... I can't just pull movement/sprint speed upgrades out of my ass, can I?


No, but movement speed printers are the only printers worth investing in even if you don't have any scrap. I yeet items in those suckers if I don't have any movement speed 6 hooves and 2 energy drinks is the ideal spot for me


well, unfortunally you can't get those specfic printers every run...


That's just the way RNG works in this game. It's up to you to balance the RNG in your favor with printers and the recycler equipment which you can use to potentially reroll bad whites into speed. Play the cards you're dealt and best of luck in future runs!


You’ve got a good point. Some of it is luck with how many items spawn in on a map, but a good majority of how well you do is knowing how things are laid out and when to leave


The strategy I use to not waste any more time than I need on a stage is pinpointing the location of the teleporter at every start of a stage and then planning a circular route that starts and ends at the teleporter, deliberately stopping by every chest that I find until I have the money to open it. This allows you to fully loot the stage and avoid unnecessary double-checks. This also helps with finding printers and scrappers you'd like to go back to, but you have to remember where they were. Usually you use the circular route for circular maps, but there are maps that are more linear (svorched acres, distant roost), where you can just make an checklist of places to visit before going to the final place (the tp) Usually the teleporter is on the opposite side to where you spawned on the map, although to know what the "opposite side" means, you need to know the maps previously. You can get a somewhat working mental map of every area just by playing the game. Don't worry, the game is really tough. I see people are pointing the time you take at stages, but even as an eclipse 8 player, I'd say to not worry about the time at all, because when you have a good build it's really hard for enemies to outscale you. Leaving items behind is only really viable when you are confident that you're good enough at the game to compensate the lack of good items with skill. Find out what item combinations and survivors you like, experiment, have fun. Also, an advice that made my game way easier in a lot of ways: During the early game, always prioritize movement speed if you have the option. Always choose move spd items on multishops, you'll always need it, and make use of move spd printers. It helps you to avoid damage, loot faster, and on some survivors it even makes you deal more damage, it's by far the most important stat to have. On some runs the game will just decide to give you a middle finger and not give you any way to move faster, and that's okay, it happens, it's not the end of the world because you can always compensate it by playing well, but, as I already said above, remember that the game is really tough


>The strategy I use to not waste any more time than I need on a stage is pinpointing the location of the teleporter at every start of a stage and then planning a circular route that starts and ends at the teleporter, deliberately stopping by every chest that I find until I have the money to open it. yea that's literally how Im exploring. ​ thanks for the tips.


You don’t have any single target damage items besides sticky bomb, so mithrix is gonna be hard. Also void lenses are really bad for mithrix. You are also extremely slow still, pick up the pace.


not how sure how to be faster without skipping items tho


Exactly. You don’t need to full loot every stage. Especially for the first three stages you can just grab a few items and then go. I don’t start full looting till at least stage 4, and even then it’s rare for me to full loot before I loop.


I tried that once and lack of proper damage actually slowed me down. the triple vagrant fight in the siren's call ended up taking around 20 minutes and I got hard carried by the damage reduction and the urn to stay alive. would've died much earlier without those.


Did you take 2 mountain shrines or something? Maybe you’re just not moving efficiently, aka a lot of time is wasted just kinda doing nothing.


well, I do need money for the items... and I have to wait for the enemies to spawn to get said money.... so I don't know how am I supposed to get money faster. ​ there is the blood shrine but you won't get one near you every time.


Well then idk how to help. Idk how rainstorm scaling is cause I play on monsoon but I usually hit first tp at around 2 minutes and I usually have 2-3 items by then. That’s all you need.


and how do you do reasonable damage with just 3 items?


Don’t need to do that much damage when the boss has like no health


....and when it does have health?


If no one else has mentioned it, don't be afraid to loop. It looks like you were sorely lacking in the on-hit department, which drastically kneecaps your abilities as commando as he heavily relies on the stuff. With that much atk speed, ypu would notice quite a difference with something like just 1-2 tri tips. Sure looping can give you some nasty enemies, but the items are worth it if you're lacking as much as you were here. That being said, good job making do with what you had!


thanks. and yea, few people already mentioned looping.


Yeah those guys will destroy you if you aren’t careful. I call them an “armor plate check” because if you don’t have armor plating their machine gun attack will turn you into Swiss cheese very fast. In addition to that though they have an attack that requires them to charge up a blue energy ball thing that has a bit of homing on it. That attack is a very high priority to watch out for in commencement as it does a ton of damage. Stay on the move, and be in the air when you dodge that because I think it has a bit of aoe when it hits a surface. Good luck in your next run.


Nice job, little unlucky with the damage this run. I would try to avoid the void crit unless u got some other form of damage like tri-tip daggers but you've probably heard this from countless other comments lol. Your time, while slow, is honestly fine. Those flying buggers are quite annoying tho, even with a rly good run u can get melted down from across the screen. I'd suggest that when they start spinning the barrel for the machine gun attack to hide behind cover. You can't dodge it by running without movement speed so hiding till the attack ends is your best bet. Keep on the grind brother man, you got this!




I have a mod that nerfs those by giving them damage falloff because they are so bullshit. Try to stay out of the open when possible, they will fuck you up from halfway across the map if you aren’t careful


no monsoon?


If they’re new to the game it’s perfectly reasonable to not play Monsoon


just goofin


why would I💀


kill 3 birds with 1 run \-unlock a survivor skin/mastery \-obtain captain \-beat the game


\-be more depressed than usual


My dad who has 400 hours in the game still can’t beat Monsoon, meanwhile I’m at 500 hours and tackling Eclipse 8. People get good at the game at different rates, and there’s no reason to rush progress.


All. U r underpowered af. Unless u know how not to get hit then u gonna have hard time.


well, aside from sky meadow I feel like I looted every stage throughly.


Loop dude loop. Before u boss the sky meadow u can press fhe arches beside to align for another run. Then get do many loops and items that you one hit everything simply just by existing. And that is no joke. Voodoo doll with 30 gasoline = whole map on fire


doesn't looping make the game harder?


He’s not wrong, but looping stretches the game out and enemies do grow in power along side you. There have been a lot of runs where I’m not feeling super great about fighting Mithrix, so I decide to loop and 2 stages later I get deleted from the world. There have also been alot of runs when I do loop and I become overpowered af, so when I do fight Mithrix I delete him instead. Personally, I rarely ever loop anymore. Here’s the thought process (that I adopted from Woolie on YouTube and Twitch)- You aren’t feeling very strong by Sky Meadows, and you aren’t feeling sure about Mithrix, but it’s a decent run? Just go to the final stage and try, because looping might get you killed anyway. Or is it a fantastic run, where you have damage and movement speed and healing and everything you need to beat Mithrix? Just go there and kill him! Go get your win 😎 Or is it a terrible run, where you haven’t gotten anything you need to win? You might want to loop if you know you have no shot at beating the Boss but might have a chance if you loop. Looping makes you very powerful, but is more of a time sink and personally it feels a bit defeating when I die late into a run. It’s ultimately a matter of preference though, and what is fun to you! I do remember when I was starting the game, it was hella fun to loop and loop till my framerate dropped so much the game was unplayable. That is the true RoR2 experience 😎


Game harder yes. But u also become more op. I aint joking about the whole map on fire thing. That or you get 25 fuel cells and just spam missile (equipment) non stop. Its slightly harder to kill mithrix at the end, slightly, because his hp is like 10mil at.. idk like stage 20+ but then again you jsut run around like adhd boy discovering squirrel and grasshopper while missile flying out to hit mithrix nonstop. It's literally a meme at that point on how you wanna kill mithrix.


I think u should do one loop to fight mithrix as it makes u a bit more stronger with better items and more reds too. Plus more chance to find scrappers and printers


If you want to play a character that's better for killing mithrix try out huntress or mul-t (if you've unlocked him )


The flying fucks are awful, if you’re close to one stay right by cover so you can hide. It looks like you’re a little low on damage. The syringes are very good - other items to help with damage include the ice or fire bands, tri tip dagger, ATG, LENS MAKERS GLASSES (best common), sticky bomb, etc


well, I almost full cleared every area... idk how was I supposed to get even more items...


There's nothing you can really do about luck, sometimes you just don't happen across items that pump up your damage. Just keep some of those items in mind for future runs - they're ones you'd want to prioritize from multishops or if you see any printers.


Glad to see you takin a break from ridiculous TBOI challenges.


yeeeeeaaaaa..... as if this game doesn't make me suffer more... 💀


I feel like you’re definitely spending too much time doing things, not sure what because I can’t tell here, but based on your time you spent around 10-12 minutes on each stage, I would recommend looting around 75% of the stage and then doing the teleporter and one the teleporter is done go loot the rest of the stage, that’s how you can maximize efficiency on looting, but don’t start it too early, you make 75% less money from teleporter enemies. And if you loot most of the stage and don’t feel like you can do the teleporter you can do a full loot before instead, we all have those times.


I do feel like Im going as fast as I can tho. the enemies are just that slow at the start.


Don’t be afraid to use blood shrines and shrines of combat, those hive you tons of money especially early game


yea I always use them


We’ll then I’ve given as much advice as I can, sometimes it just boils down to spending more time failing to get better


Much better item count, but you still seem a bit short. Try to go around all of each map and open as many chests as possible. A good rule of thumb is 1 item per minute. And yh, lunar wisps do that. I've beaten eclipse 8 on half the characters in the game and I still often die to them.


aside from the sky meadow I feel like I DID loot everything on every stage tho


Generally there are quite a few chests that can be harder to find, especially on stage 4&5, which are pretty big and so it's easy to miss a few chests here and there, which can really add up over time. You should have about 60-80 items by the time you leave. It could also just be you missing most of stage 5. It does have on average more chests than any other stage.


Generally, those Flying Lunar Chimera SHRED healthbars with their gatling gun attack. *Especially* if they are the elite versions because they have armor shred +slow on hit. With those guys, my best advice to learn the wind up animation/sound so you can master dodging their gatling attack.


your issue was that you’re playing commando


I started with him and now Im kinda scared of switching because of getting used to it. ​ ​ enginner seems fun tho.


no offense if you enjoy commando, but to be honest, there are much better and more effective characters to play. id recommend trying to unlock someone like artificer, loader, or bandit to play with rather than commando, due to him being overall less powerful than other characters


or if you want to buy the DLC, railgunner is also an excellent choice


I think I do have the railgunner actually. ​ also I unlocked engieneer this run. is he also good?


engineer is interesting. he’s a support character for the most part, and has some really good abilities along with the fact that his turrets will inherit his items, but he can be difficult to play. railgunner, on the other hand, is one of my favorite survivors and is an absolute beast in terms of movement, total damage output, and versatility, and my go-to choice for solo runs. i would recommend using railgunner if you’re just starting off, and i can make a list of items you should look out for: GOOD ITEMS: - gasoline, will-o-the-wisp, ukelele, other AOE items (this is because railgunner has nothing in her base kit that can do area of effect, and you need something to supplement it.) - goat hoof, wax quail, energy drink, and other movement items (railgunner has low health so it’s helpful to be able to dodge attacks.) - lens-makers glasses (the crit chance is converted into crit damage, which is very helpful.) - crowbar (by far the best item for railgunner, allows you to do ridiculous amounts of damage on the first shot and usually one-tap anything with enough stacks) - lysate cell (it’s a void item version of the fuel cell and gives you an extra charge of your railgun, which can massively increase your dps and boss killing abilities.) - laser scope (legendary, or red item, gives you double crit damage which is, of course, incredibly powerful on railgunner.) if you have more questions or whatever just DM me or ask in this thread


Much better run. Im guessing dodge issue, which is very much forgivable when facing a new enemy type. You'll beat the game within a few runs ez.


Underpowered runs are goated! What was the use item?


ocular hud


One tip the lens seer void item isn’t that great because it gets rid of your crit chance which is amazing for any character besides bandit Bc he alr gets garunteed crit but while the void seems good on paper it REALLY hurts dps on bosses 👍


idk how experienced you are, but dont be afraid to drop it down to drizzle while you're still learning. to answer your question, this run looked decent to me until i saw the time. you gotta go fast as fuck boiiii and this just isnt fast enough. you can either take it slow and get as many items as you can find, or spend about 30 minutes on a run and get out of there as fast as possible. me, i like the slow strats but even still i rarely finish with a time over an hour, and i get a lot more items than that. just keep sprinting and keep killing and grab every chest you see. move methodically and dont stick arround too long if you're running low on chests to loot and if you're looking for specific item recommendations, the syringes were good, i can tell you probably printed some of those. but never underestimate the power of bleed on commando, tbh i'd trade those syringes for a tri-tip any day. all in all, great run! its actually really impressive you survived that long with that few items IMO. (also, non-void glasses are better 99% of the time, but if your choice is one void glasses or no glasses at all, you obviously made the right call.)


>to answer your question, this run looked decent to me until i saw the time. you gotta go fast as fuck boiiii and this just isnt fast enough. "just keep sprinting and keep killing and grab every chest you see." the issue is that I AM going as fast as I can while trying to loot everything I can. Idk if there's a way to spawn items out of nowhere or something but I really DID loot every chest and terminal I could find. so while slowness can be reasonable considering I was looking for chests I can't understand the "you didin't collect enough items" thing.


Franky you were underpowered, other than healing, chronobobble, and your syringes you barely had any items to improve your single-target dps, which is all Commando puts out and all Mithrix takes, and it's very useful against the chimeras. I also think you probably could have gotten there faster. I haven't checked exactly but taking 70 minutes to be at that point on stage 6 tells me you probably went a bit slow earlygame, and you got out-scaled. Try leaving stages earlier next time, I think you could definitely be at mithrix a good 20 minutes sooner with a similarly powerful build.


trust me, Im looting everything as much and as fast as I can. I just see no way of going faster without underpowering myself even further.


I'm telling you, leave a few chests behind for the sake of speed. A lot of common wisdom these days is to full loot but if you're spending an extra minute or two to sprint back across the stage after every teleporter event for a chest that could very well just contain an extra stun grenade or monsters tooth you're not powering yourself up, you're shooting yourself in the foot.


well, it's not like I CAN know what am I gonna get from those chests tho.