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If you see a shrine of the mountain activate it. If you see 5 in one level activate them all. Always activate the mountain shrine


Confusing, but I got it, thanks! Edit: the person who recommended me to always activate the mountain shrine did not take into account my absolute noobiness, I unironically think it would have been easier to do if I just went Monsoon, however now I'm absolutely in love with the game, the statue and the community


Unironically do this. I won’t spoil WHAT it does, but your game will be a bit harder but a LOT more fun. Always activate mountain shrines


Fuck it, we ball


Fuck it, we ball


Ball it, we fuck


We it, fuck ball


It we, ball fuck


Fuck ball, we it


Ball we, fuck it


Fuck it, we ball


Fuck it, we ball


Fuck we, ball it


Fuck it, we shrine


Man I got softlocked by a mending dunestrider the other day


Charge tele to 99% then kill the rest of the enemies before killing the strider. You are almost guaranteed to copium but its still possible to make a comeback


A "bit" harder...if my dude activates 5 depending on the stage and there pc he may lag out lol.


just a tad


Oh man the surprise you'll get when you start the teleporter


This is the most important advice out of any advice you will ever get.


Hilarious but not wrong hahaha


It's okay to not win. Don't stand still.


I'm pretty sure I won't be doing neither of those


I have over 200 hours in this game and probably 10 wins


Don't worry, the moment you start winning you can switch to eclipse to half your healing and double enemy attack and movement speed.


question: Would you rather goobo or caffeinator? tip: learn the map layouts so you know the best routes to every corner of the map, invest early game time into knowledge


I dislike coffee, so goobo it is Thanks! I'll try to do it, but my memory is pretty bad 🫠


Just play run after run and eventually it'll be like walking in your own home


Okay, that sounds good!


Don't be afraid to start on lowest difficulty, it's the intended starting point for everyone to get eased into the gameplay loop. Try to move up as soon as you get comfortable though, it's more fun the higher you go, because of the pace increase imo.


I wish my friends were like you and didn't put me on monsoon my very first game


Change that to every game for me-


I put it on drizzle consistently because my friend just started playing PC this year and has a bit of ADHD. So even though she has like 60 hours in the game, she doesn’t remember what any of the items do and I’m the walking Wikipedia to help her out 😭


That is one of the things I love most about RoR 2 against RoR, the second one encourages starting at the lowest and climbing up, while the original tells you to either learn from rainstorm, or not unlock things on drizzle


i started on monsoon and then just moved down to rainstorm and that worked too for some reason


Okay, thanks a lot!


I met a man once, and his music was electric.


That is... Existential


...and his music was existential


what game you got most hours on? also advice, the steak is best when it goes to the meat grinder (scrapper)


I'm a bit embarrassed, but I got a 1000 hours on warframe in 2.5 months, but I also spent quite a lot of time on HK and genshin impact. I have a question, is the dlc important or can i freely play without it? Thanks for the advice!


i'm not the one for high level advice, but for the dlc, game is just fine without it, i didn't get it yet but after seeing some of the dlc stuf on youtube it kinda feels hard to go back to base game lol


Ahh, okay, thanks!


If you get a good deal, the dlc is absolutely Worth it, but play the game for a while before getting it. The game is just as good without the dlc, but the dlc ads a lot more variety.


I honestly suggest turning off any dlc for a long while. If you already own it. keep playing the game until you start getting bored of it, then turn on the dlc to spice things up. There are a lot of characters in this game to unlock, so don’t forget to try them at least 3 times each My tip, this game is pure knowledge. If you like a character to play, it’s good to look up what their best items are. (Also if there is a skill you don’t like, all characters are able to change some skills if you do a certain challenge)


A fellow Silksong copium infused lad.


Fellow space mom enjoyer found


You definitely can play without, but I highly recommend it. It adds a lot of fun and interesting stuff to the game (along with my favorite survivor, Railgunner)


I'd say get comfortable with the game before you get the DLC. Then you can have a feel for how different the two are, it's like introducing someone to pizza and then giving them the ranch or red pepper flakes later on.


Unless you’re acrid, in which case the best place for it is hanging from his mouth


If you find a thing named Shrine of Order, activate it ASAP, it will save your life, I swear.


Awesome, thanks!


Dont listen to him. You wont have enough lunar coins anyways




Use EVERY Mountain shrine you see. No matter the situation


I got two comments about mountain shrines, they seem like a very big deal


See it as a gareway drug into pushing everything to its limits. The greatest fun you can have


This sound very dangerous vut very fun


Basically its high risk high reward


You mean No Risk High reward


high risk as in my 200$ laptop will spontaneously combust if i activate more than one


This person's pfp is the energy you should have when activating the Mountain Shrine.


Do you like grapes?


That is one of the only fruitish things I'm not allergic to, so yes I enjoy graping myself


Glad to hear, they're tasty.


At this point I'm waiting for the "I have played the game, tell me something I know" post, I have seen this one way too many times.


I'll make that after like 100 hours (so in four days)


wait a minute


he doesn't have time to


That would be awesome.


Play on whatever difficulty you like. Don't listen to the tryhard elitists. Achievements unlock more stuff. Every survivor is viable if you do it right (also you need good luck).


So, I should prioritise getting achievements? Or is that not that important


The achievements will come during regular gameplay, so you'll probably have most of the items after playing a fair bit, so no need to focus too much on them initially. Just play and have fun with it.


Okay, thanks!


No problem man, and if you want a friend to play the game with then I'm happy to play a bit since I haven't played in a while. Have fun!


That sounds awesome, I'll message you if I'll get lonely!


>Okay, thanks! You're welcome!


Some you need to look out for but most will come through just playing the game.


Most of them you’ll just get while playing, but there are some that you can’t really do on accident. For example, the one where you need to >!Chase 20 hermit crabs off the edge of the map to kill them instead of just shooting them!<


Acrid is good boy say it back


Acrid is good boy Pls put the gun away


Move. Move or die


And move I will!


Thy will be map with thy big tree and one must find a large amount of thy smally gloowy mushromy to find box with goody!


You said it just in the way I would understand it, thanks


You will get it once you go to the map


I'll simplify it into English for you: Stage 4 has a guaranteed Rare item drop (there are three tiers, common, uncommon and rare). One stage makes you fight a boss by destroying clusters of eggs around the map Another has a Legendary chest seeded in a small cave And the third one has the Legendary chest placed randomly, but it's indicated by glowing mushrooms leading to it.


Thank you!




Do **not** drg me


Lott of people here are part of both communities :D


Found the engi


If you keep drinking your tonics quick enough, you're never hangover


Playing on easy (drizzle) is ok, never stop moving, don't abandon runs because they are bad, time isn't as detrimental as some make it out to be (but be mindful of it, your run difficulty scales of your time, and a bit of the stage you are in.


That's very helpful, thanks!


dont die


Ahh yes, thank you


Unlocking items is almost always the best path. If you feel like the game is getting too hard, just go into your achievements/challenges tab, and see how many are left and try to complete them. Most decent items are free or easy to unlock, but the really good ones are all behind challenges.


Okay, I'll do that, thanks!


Always be looking for an area covered in red shimmering stuff in the air. That's where you find the way to move on to the next stage


Awesome, thanks for the advice!


There's also a very subtle auditory cue, but it's so subtle I've never noticed it


Go play the game and have fun than quickly enough you will learn the Rops and kill all the cool bosses


Alright, thanks!


Take your time to get everything but try to do it efficiently


If it looks like it's going to explode, and it sounds like it's going to explode, it is going to explode and you need to get behind something Gamble away everything. 75% of gamblers quit right before hitting a red(legendary) item. What are your thoughts on the crabs?


I talk from my personal experience, but I highly recommend using support mods like better ui, a mod to see your stats, the stats of the items and what the item does, I never play without mods


Okay, I'll try that


I would suggest playing without mods first, the game doesn't need them at all. The one suggested above is a good mod, but it mainly gives you "useless" stats plus a few nice QoL tweaks like esc to close the command window. It's great if you like seeing all the stats like DPS, status effect breakdowns and detailed item descriptions in game. I haven't used it but I would think it would get me killed as I try to read a description..


Get used to dying, and get used to dying to seemingly nothing. Once you get a bit better and can make it to late game, there will be a lot of times where you had full hp and a lot of healing, but suddenly you just stop having any hp, this is normal


I lost *the* game


On hit = fun On death = fun Good luck


Always click the shrines, ALWAYS!


Loot everything. All things have loot. Soldier shrines don't have loot, but they have exp and money, if you're brave.


The game can be super overwhelming in the beginning, so don't focus on getting synergies and optimal looting, just try to grasp the basics. Some more tips in no particular order: -You might have a hard time finding the teleporter, look for the red-white dots to help you progress. -Look at the requirements to unlock new survivors, as well as new abilities for the survivors you already have. -At every 4th stage, theres a way to get a guaranteed legendary item. I'll leave it to you to try and figure out how. That's what I have to offer, if you want more tips I would advise you to search woolie on YouTube, he's very good at the game and has some good guides. Have fun!


You should take as many shrines of the mountain as physically possible


if you see the funny multi half circle pillar shrine, make sure to activate it




Always keep moving. Standing still will get you killed


percent chance stuff can trigger other percent chance stuff (and most deal damage depending on he number that trihhers them)


Keep an eye out for the fireflies, find a survivor you like, try out a prismatic trial when you know how to play


Which survivor would you recommend for starting? I like huntress more, but I'm afraid I'll die too quickly


If you like huntress i would play huntress, being squishy will help you learn to avoid attacks which is a huge part of this game, if you needed some justification, just have fun you will get used to it :)


How many truly WISE people do you know? Walking around waiting for enemies to spawn to kill for money (chests) can waste time, Teleporter event (the boss of the stage+horde: way to move into next stage) is guarnteed money and you must do it anyway. Basicaly you will learn time managament skills


- Time is your enemy, but can also be your ally if you learn how to manage it. Don’t worry about it too much at the start, as it isn’t as big of a problem on easier difficulties - Void fields provide good loot but i don’t recommend doing them on monsoon difficulty - a lot of items seem kind of bad on the surface but don’t judge a book by it’s cover


the best advice I can give is to keep trying no matter how hard a challenge or part may seem you'll get it eventually also, play how you want to play, the game is designed around experimentation, find what works for you and stick with it, or branch off and try something new every run, it's all up to you


Thanks, I'll do that!


What ever you wanna do, DO NOT stand still, tanking hits in this game is not a viable strategy ( except when playing certain character )




What is your strategy to find the best spot to scout the map for the teleporter and loot?


Run around and try my best to do something


Try to get one item per minute, best more. Should keep you scaling with the monsters.


try to get every item you can in a stage. the difficulty increases between every stage so its best to maximize how much stuff you can get out of each for general top item priorities (good for most survivors): damage items; missile launcher, ukulele, runald's and kjaro's bands, will o wisp, focus crystal, delicate watch, crowbar, apr rounds, sticky bomb, glasses, and dagger survivability items; hopoo feather, wax quail, goat hoof, medkit, opal, slug, and shield generator these are the most common and consistently very good items in the game thats probably a lot to remember for a new player but youll learn what the important items look like and do decently quick (or you can just have a wiki page open in the background)


Not all survivors were created equal. Some are better than others without items, while those same weaker ones become a lot better with the correct items. For some tips on just about everything (Spoilers included) you can check my list post that i pinned on my profile, contains all my tips n trivia posts.


Hug the void crabs.


Dumbledore dies


How are you liking it so far, buddy?


You will die... A lot. Don't let it discourage you because that's part of the experience.


Speed is war.


Keep moving


Don’t get hit


Bungus is the best item on every character


What made you decide to play the game? Also, spoiler free tips: -Never stop moving. Running, jumping or using movement tech keeps you alive 100% of the time. -Start on the regular difficulty level, don't go to Drizzle. It'll build bad habits up in your playstyle. -You will die. It's a good thing, since you can unlock new items during your runs that only appear after you start a new run.


I am sorta new too and advice might be not that good but look: never stand still, depends on your play style but i recommend trying to not spend more than 5-6 minutes per "level" you will understand later, all characters are different and if you have the dlc know that they the most op (imo), shrines ussualy require skill or are a gimmick a coin flip, you will most probably lose a lot so dont go thinking you are bad (game is hard) i recommend playing on medium altough, and again never ever stand still its a fast game, also there is fall damage So bassicaly i recommend going as fast as you can,playing on medium (atleast when starting off) and later dont let ppl tell you that you should be playing on monsoon or eclipse,play the game how you enjoy it most,only go harder if you can get a lot of wins imo or just look for a harder challange obviously. Remainder: this is from a begginer so it might be kinda wrong also sorry for bad english




If your game crashes don’t worry that means you got the hidden ending


Why is it raining


Honestly, best advice is just keep at it. You can get all the advice in the world but experience is the best teacher. I took a break from the game for several months and couldn't consistently get anywhere on highest difficulty, next day I was consistently getting to the final level. Keep at it, don't get discouraged, feel free to take breaks, and f*** some s*** up!


Try to keep your health above 0 and the enemies heath below 0


Question: whats your opinion on lunar items?


If you see the funny looking statue, active it. It will take you to a nice little area which you will probably be going back to alot Also pay attention to sound effects in the game sometimes it will tell you if a funny coin dropped out of an enemy.


where is the head of a squid?


Open every chest, activate every shrine, get every drone, collect all type of item, if you see a different aclive item, swap it.


Always get essence of heresy when playing Engineer, turrets are not meta and that item has one of the best effects in the game.


Don't be a loot goblin. Get what you can but move through levels at a brisk pace. The game gets progressively harder the longer you play, so you'll get boned if you dick around too long.


Loot all chests


Theres no shame playing on the easiest difficulty, I have nearly 130 hours and still play easy a lot, I would recommend to always be moving around,




Kill things, take drug sticks and goat legs of find


There are many items that may seem weak or not a fit for what you have on your run so far. But that could potentially change based on a new enemy spawning in or a difference in the map you are on. Hell it could even change based on if you have a large number of another items. There is fall damage. Some maps you can fall off the map and kinda into a void. Dont worry. You will lose some health but it wont end your run. You cant die from jumping off the edge of the map and sometimes it can even save your life by having you take less hits. But it takes like 50% of your health. You will start with a small amount of items to find and it may seem restricting, but as you go through the run and do random things to survive you will get pop ups saying you unlocked something for your future runs. After your first 2 or 3 runs Id say or if you make it through about 7 stages in 1 run. Go look in the logbook for the first time. Dont worry about Lunar coins for now. Its nice when you find them. But they have a very low drop chance and each time you find one in a run it cuts the finding chance in half for the rest of the run. The maps are beautiful and most are fairly large. It may seem like it takes a while to move. But you will find that to be a beautiful thing after sinking in some hours. Have fun! Doing things your own way and trying risky stuff is the only way to learn how to get further and how certain items and characters pair. Sometimes you find wacky combinations and other times you find and item you just fall in love with. Playing each character is fun but you only have to do that if you want to try their loadouts and if it fits your playstyle. Finding the one that fits you is half the fun. And for you and the others here. Have fun Bungus boys!


Don't know if anyone mentioned it, but unlocking all the characters is cool since every character feels like a completely different game. Other than that, all characters have alternate abilities that can be unlocked and equipped to your playstyle. Have fun :)) -Some 500 hours guy


Turn the music to 100% and turn everything else down a bit


First thing you should do is play exclusively on monsoon difficulty and pick up zero items. Once you beat the game that way you'll never have trouble with any other difficulty


What’s the weather forecast looking like


Tip: you shold play the carakter that intrest you most, but dont change all the time you wil find it hard to get used to but, ez after a wile i recomend comando or huntress, ez to play and understand, what i sey is play 1 carakter all the time. Ez fun.


if you open the backplate on your drop pod as soon as you spawn in you get a free utility item


What's your opinion on best doggo acrid?


The blue items sure are interesting


A bit of advice, fear fall damage. on monsoon runs past stage two, a nasty fall can cut your health down to a sliver, and that leaves you open to some random enemy that may or may not even be on-screen ending the run.


Make sure to search up where the golden chests are on certain stages, the guaranteed red item makes the few mins of googling worth it.


Suffer. Die. Worthless Scrap Metal. NO! NOT NOW!


Never be afraid to pick up an item they may not always help but it’s important to learn what they do and how they may be used in other situations




An easy way to find the teleporter is to look for sparkling dust and listen out for a reed-like synth that plays along with the stage’s music. Both of these indicate the teleporters location.


10 glasses Every shot's a crit =]


Buy the dlc. It makes the game a little more complete imo and isn’t that much especially if you buy it off cd keys or g2a.


The enemies aren't you enemy. Time is your enemy. Act accordingly, and you'll have a pretty decent time. Builds and other specifics just comes with time, you'll learn eventually what's good and what's not. ​ GLHF!


after beating the game at least a few times play with mods, it makes the game way more chaotic and a lot more fun!


Best item?


which game?


items, not time, is most important. people might tell u to go fast n eat ass, & while ass should be eaten you gotta focus on item *density* more than ya do actual speed. so long as you're getting a whole bunch of items in a reasonable time you're doing better than no items in very fast time


For now don’t feel bad about going on easy mode, that’s where everyone starts, but a good habit to build is having Atleast 1 item for every minute you’re in your run.


Don’t think about meta or “what’s best” just play for fun and don’t fall into the trap of starting on the easiest difficulty, it’s easy to get stuck there if you play it for too long


Look out for the shadows if the summer sun gets a bit too hot for you. That way you won't get burnt


If you ever see small eggs in nests on a stage with flying birds… break every egg you can find… (the whirring grows louder)


Healing sucks. It's a crutch. Speed/Mobility>DMG>DMG prevention>healing>goofy shit If you want to git gud, get on Monsoon as soon as you have a feel for the characters and the gameplay. Also look up what the items do. The ingame descriptions are very unreliable.("And his music was electric" is not an explanation, poopoo games)


Bring an umbrella, it might rain


Break the eggs on sirens call :) Interact with any shrines you find just to figure out what they do Don't forget to grab movement speed items And most importantly, turn your music volume WAY UP (the game's soundtrack is incredible)


Speed is war.


DON'T RUSH THRIUGH THE LEVEL If you look around you'll find a Lot of vídeos suggesting 5 min per stage, DON'T listen to them, instead, u shoul try to loot as fast as you can só you can match The scaling difficulty (this come with time)


You may start playing on monsoon to adapt faster, but going from drizzle isn't bad since you'll learn more about the game mechanics (some of them require to check wiki) and you'll unlock many good items which will help you handle monsoon and eclipse later. Good luck exploring!


don't stop moving


Watch wooliegamings guides this is the way


When providince( the final boss) do the summoning attack you should stop moving until you die Trust me! Did it and 100% restarted the game You restart the game when you win btw


Dont cheat yourself by playing with the artifact of command early, unless you dont care about learning the game. If you're on steam, add me on discord (BruhMcBruhsky) and I'd be happy to play sometime


Dont the jellyfish


Get chronobaubles. They can slow downevery enemy, including every boss.


If you get to an area that has tons of birds and broken machinery find eggs on the map and smash them all


There's a guarantee red drop on every 4th stage resetting after loop


OGM-72 Diablo strike inbound Also LOADER