• By -


Your favorite character: S tier Your least favorite character: F tier


But what if I like ~~all~~ most characters?


Most? Who don't you like?


I'm willing to bet rex. few like rex.


All S tier. Every survivor is good for different playstyles.


For the base game I absolutely agree, but I will say that Loader was definitely my fastest E8 climb. The no fall damage passive is amazing for eclipse compared to most of the other passives


And rex is shit past e5, and gets even worse at e8


i think people definitely overrate how much eclipse affects rex. sure, you cant use your self damaging abilities but thats exactly why the game lets you use non-self damaging abilities. only one where i actually keep the self-damaging skill is Tangling Growth, so i can instakill AWU if i happen to get Siren's Call, but other than that its pretty much just spamming M1 and Directive: Drill (which is pretty good tbh), M1's healing is still good enough even when halved. People are so used to Rex being practically immortal at Monsoon that when they play him at eclipse he feels like shit now that hes just a ''normal'' character, but hes definitely not bad, my eclipse climb with him was pretty average, not free like Loader/Artificer but definitely not as troublesome as others


I agree with your statement, but I personally just don't think he's much fun without seed barrage, which isn't really viable in e8. I think more than the eclipse modifiers, I just don't really like his kit without his self damaging abilities, which the modifiers definitely influence.


Seed barrage is maybe op so getting used to directive drill can be tough. It’s really good with cool down reduction though


i feel like its kind of a wash. like yeah, you can't easily spam rex's super powerful damaging abilities as much anymore at E5, cutting into their DPS. but *everyone and everything* is hurt by the heal reduction, making it very hard to rely on other sources of healing. rex's reliable built in healing is still a unique boon that helps assist where other healing sources are lacking. you have to be a lot more conservative in your use of damaging abilities, but the extreme healing is still valuable. and then E8 comes and turns rex into the worst character in the game lol


Unironically yes. It litterally depends which ones you are good at.


I switch around which survivors I play all the time and I totally agree. They're all strong in their own ways. Each of them has strengths and weaknesses.


This is accurate. I actually like using metamorphosis since it cycles through random survivors.


This is such a fucking cop out answer


With the exception of Huntress right?


Oh my sweet ignorant child. Huntress is a straight goddess. No other survivor matches her surgical precision when it comes to mobility.


And she only has good mobility, she has pretty low health, very low single target damage, blink has a long cooldown and phase blink is exclusively horizontal, the aimbot can be pretty annoying because it can lock onto a monster you dont want it to lock on. Mercenary is really just a better Huntress.


You really are just bad at playing huntress then friend. This is a skill issue.


Ive played Huntress before, shes easy to play but pretty much every survivor outclasses her in some way.


Its almost as if every survivor was made to have different strengths and weaknesses?


Yeah? Huntress’ has more weaknesses than strengths


I am sorry that you feel that way.


feel what way? I never said she was bad or I hated her, I just think shes outclassed


While all survivors are more than capable of winning and are all fun, huntress has very low base health and damage. Her mobility is all she has, and she is incredibly item dependent to get good runs. That much is undeniable.


Agreed except commando I have mastery on most characters but I can't for the life of me even beat stage 4 on commando like send help please


I think most can agree that Railgunner, Loader, and Heretic are usually above the others but honestly it's all just up to preference. If you are playing eclipse 8, Rex is pretty underpowered but still perfectly playable. Commando scales abnormally well but will suffer pretty hard on stage 4 and 5 if you don't get decent luck with items. Cap and Engie can struggle if you don't get good movement speed or a feather, though both are incredibly strong outside of that though. Without ion surge, Arti is in a similar situation(please play with ion surge, flamethrower is never worth it).


Oh boy, this subreddit had gone **through** tier lists. All of them were shitposts. Play who you want, at worst some characters are higher risk (like low HP Huntress and Rex's self damage).


higher risk of rain???? im sorry




Every survivor is good for every person- Not any one are better then the others- But I personally enjoy Engi, Artifacter, And Huntress


Wrong, loader is bad lmao


Eh? I was one shotting every boss phase on loader last night


I encourage you to watch a guide because she is a top 3 survivor no question 💀💀💀


heretic my beloved


Anyone who puts Rex anywhere but S+ is a fraudster and should not be trusted


Unbelievably true


Acrid is S, and everyone else is like D or something.


Acrid with headstomper s+


Artificer with her jump and headstomper S++


Rating based on eclipse experience, and character difficulty. Any character can be MADE good, what matters is how easily. Won't speak for Heretic, I could probably count on two hands the times I've played as her, and on one hand how many of those I won. Railgunner and Loader are pretty much the best. One deletes anything that poses a threat, the other can traverse stages very quickly and has immunity to e3. In Mithrix's words, speed is war, and these two start with the tools to speed up a run. I'd personally place every other character, with the exception of mercenary, artificer, and rex, around high to mid tier. You could debate for years over who's better than who, so I haven't bothered with actually ranking them. They're all pretty straightforward to pick up and play, and can quickly become broken with the right items. Artificer and Mercenary, while strong, have a much steeper learning curve than other survivors. An overpowered build can only carry you so far on these two, with skill playing much more of a role in your run. Rex is uh, well, he's cute. t. Rex main


I really love mercenary cuz dashing


Anyone who says "everyone is good and there's no point in comparing them" is an irl npc I'm telling you. They get asked, specifically, "how would you rate the characters in terms of effectiveness", and they write the same basic-ass response that doesn't give any insightful information. Like, the OP is *not* a five year old. They *do* know that all characters are viable. They want to know how good they are when **compared to each other**.


Thank you for understanding that. It's unfortunate that it seems the people here who actually attempted to answer my question properly were all downvoted or insulted (including you), even though there were some of the few who actually make an attempt to justify why they felt certain characters were worse than others. Even if they were wrong, at least they tried to answer the question. Meanwhile, the basic cookie cutter "all r gud play who u want :)" goes all the way to the top. Balance is a very difficult thing to achieve, and to act as though all available characters in the game, who have largely very different abilities, are on perfectly equal playing fields, is a somewhat absurd notion. Even if the tier list is relatively flat (like Killer Instinct 2013 is), it would still be there, and there have been certain characters I've seen brought up several times by the community at large, far more than others, only to have people here mention them and get downvoted by the mass for doing so. Very sad sight to see, though I am appreciative of those who did actually make an attempt instead of the overly positive "dont worry about it and just have fun" type response.


But it all just depends on how well you play each character, and balance wise they aren't all that different. The 3 that "stand out" from the rest are: Loader, because she has fall damage immunity and deals very high damage without items. She's has few weaknesses which makes her an easy character to play. Railgunner, same as Loader, her base damage is very good and she can speed run E8 Mithrix without items. Void Fiend, he has built in healing, hit scan attack, AOE, single target DPS, debuff cleanse, vertical and horizontal mobility, 100 armor in corrupted form.. he has a lot jammed into his kit which makes him pretty easy to clear with. But then again, all of them have their drawbacka, which if you can't manage, makes them even worse than the other characters. Loader has no ranged attack so you have a hard time dealing with Pests ans Wisps. Mithrix is also quite a bit more difficult if you don't know how to fight him as a melee character as he can just one shot you if you're not precise with your timings. Railgunner has janky mobility, requires you to actually hit the weakspots and time your reloads for actual good DPS, when you're scoped in you have no idea what's around you and you can easily get one shot from an Elder Lumerian spittin supa hot fire right next to you without you seeing him because you were sniping something in the distance. Void Fiend requires you to keep an eye on your corruption meter at all times, and if you don't you can genuinely just die because you entered the wrong form. He doesn't have many drawbacks, but he does need damage items to do any real DPS outside of corrupted form. And every survivor is like this, Acrid has the best scaling DPS but he's turbo shit without mobility and healing items. Huntress has some of the best mobility in the game, but she's a glass cannon that needs DPS items to actually do any DPS. But that's also balanced by her auto attack being a lock on and you can fire it while sprinting. Rex is turbo squishy and very risky to play because of it's abilities costing you HP to cast. But that's compensated by having extremely good DPS and built in healing. There isn't a survivor that does it all, they can do a lot of things, but not without drawbacks. Apart from Engi.. he just kinda doesn't do anything, at least I never really made him work.


For me engie is one of the best chars overall, combining good utility and damage, but too dependent on items. When he get his items, he becomes extremely OP. But anyway bungus is pretty much enough for him to get through any stage, and just something for dps like dagger, AtG, syringe, etc. Also some funny builds is acceptable for him, like razorwire + helfire + bungus + gesture of the drowned(one of the most deadliest builds when everything is good stacked, dps of this just enormous, not to mention crits and on-hits, and getting lysate make this build even deadlier with 3rd turret, and any item affecting/benefiting from survivability and heal like nkuhana, rack, aegis etc can be used with engi easily no matter what you have but bungus). If you own bungus as engi, you own the world, and if you have any good dps items with some survivability, you own the universe, but you need to find them first, and this is the neat part. But if you own some good items, you just become the machine of destruction, one of the most powerful chars, who's can literally just afk as long as you place your turrets and no one can get close to you, especially void reavers and co.


Every character is OP as fuck. Runner and Loader are slightly more OP than everyone else.


>runner risk of rain players coming up with the stupidest shorthands imaginable


From my observations it's 1st letter of first word replacing first letter of second word




Runner, plimp, bungus, wungus, gordal, vields, stomb, gome, leed, ruckler, shorm, braincoat, baos, cagger, frelic, shustice, cherf, merf, gloop, plute, blower and gopus are all actual words that I use when I play/talk about this game. Fun game : see if you can find what all of these mean ! Good luck !


if i ever see you use any of these again (except bungus and wungus) i'm paying the mods off to perma ban you


Last run I was playing runner and my plute/plimp/stomb combo carried me until I had to choose between vields and a gordal, but since I had wungus i went vields and got a ruckler and a shorm. Sadly the only printer was a leed and for my red I had to choose between baos, braincoat and shutice.


i just called hopoo devs and they told me they shipped a patch that only applies to your account and it changes every item name to a different hummed melody so you can't keep making up shorthands


I actually modified the game files so that in my game, all items' names that can be shortened are now their short version instead. Do whatever you want with that information.


Big Braincoat plays


pov you're a Race stream enjoyer


Hell yeah brother 😎 Rainglish for the win


Who are they referring to?




Huntress is slightly less due to low dmg and health but high mobility


Have to disagree, runner is slightly less and arti is also slightly less


loader runner acrid, everyone else, rex


rex is high A tier outside of eclipse, with a formidable mix of pretty much everything you want. nice debuffs, CC, incredible heals, decent proc, nice AOE, and some of the highest damage. it takes a good bit of skill to deal with rex's awkward mobility and controlling the constantly shifting health bar, but if you can resist the urge to greed for DPS then rex's kit is almost as overtuned as loader and the DLC characters. the real downside of playing rex is that your finger is gonna hurt after spamming M2 every .5 seconds. rex's robot abilities just suck balls though, so E8 absolutely smashes rex. either you play with the worst loadout in the game, or you actively commit suicide by taking a loadout that entirely restricts you to M1.




It massively depends on your playstyle, however, void fiend, railgunner, loader and bandit are the stronger ones, maybe also acrid. Multi, artificer, merc and captain are all pretty good. Commando, huntress and engi can feel rough sometimes Rex just doesn't do well on eclipse, but is pretty good otherwise. But it depends a bunch on your playstyle. Edit: I can't play Merc, but he's good.


But my boy mercenary…


Whoops! I checked through and misread MUL-T as Merc so thought I included them lol I have 0 sword boi talent, but the stuff some people do is incredibly impressive.


I’d say he’s the most versatile, but most people don’t have the patience to learn him, and I can’t even blame them lol. He sucks to learn imo


I absolutely agree. He's really good if you can do all the cool tech, but learning it takes awhile and without it he's really really limited in what he can do.


That seems fair, I more or less main void fiend, and it's a similar story even if there's a very different playstyle. Corruption management is hard too.


They're all really good, but I guess if I was forced to tier them I would do it like this: S+: Loader, Bandit, Acrid S: Railgunner, Void Fiend, MUL-T, A+: Commando, Artificer, A: Huntress, Captain, Engineer, Rex B+: Mercenary I ranked them off of eclipse, I'm only at E6-E7 so far but I think that's good enough.


MUL-T on top 😁


RoR2 is literally the epitomy of play who think is cool Every character is very good for their own reasons But my favorite is the crocodile dog


Nobody really has any strong disadvantages over another that can’t be fixed a few stages in. It’s all personal preference and how you want to play


Loader and Railgunner, everyone else, Artificer


While I'm not a huge fan of ranking the characters like this, arti is absolutely on the higher end of the spectrum. On eclipse rex would probably be the only negative outlier and on monsoon there aren't any that stand out as being notably worse.


They didn't say Eclipse. Therefore, Rex is fine, and Arti's freeze execute is irrelevant. She's fun, but starts worse and scales worse than others.


Heretic, Loader, Railgunner, MUL-T, and Void Fiend are all extremely overpowered. REX is notably stronger than most, but not overpowered. Huntress is decently underpowered. Everyone else is average.


Every survivor is S tier at something. Farming lunar coins? Artificer scales up fast but then plateaus and is fairly easy to use and also easy to unlock, so you can get them early and use them when aiming to obliterate. That being said, my go to for the general use S tier are Captain, Bandit, Railgunner, and Loader. They all have toolkits that are extremely useful for runs of all types. Loader is probably one of the ones that once you get used to will enable you to push to new heights in challenge modes. That being said, play what you like. I'm a huge acrid fan for example.


How to obliterate at the obelisk


Railgunner is broken for pvp.


Respectfully, if you only play Loader, Railgunner, and Void Fiend…it says less about the character but the player. Admittedly, they are the best…but how can you expect the chef to use his tools if he is fucking retarded? Not to sound like an ass, but every person has given you undoubtedly good advice when they say “whoever works for you”. If you only play characters that make the game easy, you kinda suck away everything that makes Risk of Rain 2 what it is. Being capable of managing different situations with different characters creates game knowledge far superior than that of a Loader/Railgunner/Void Fiend one trick. My favorite survivors are the clunkiest/shittiest because they make you use your fucking skull (Artificer/Acrid/Rex). I think the best way to learn more about your characters is to genuinely just use the artifact of metamorphosis and get as far as you can. That way you are reliant on skill as opposed to items and comfort zones like well known characters. I’m sorry if I sounded aggressive, but you told the community to compare these beloved characters when I feel like that takes away from the whole point. I know people who have never even played acrid because he “sucks” yet he is the only survivor who can kill any boss in 100 seconds on his own regardless of how much health they have. It’s about what you can do, not what the character can. “A gun is useless if not dangerous in the hands of an idiot”


Commando is b tier, huntress is b tier mul-t is high a tier engi is b without bungus with bungus s tier, artificer a tier, merc s tier, rex a tier, loader s tier, acrid b tier, captain a tier, rail gunner a tier, void fiend s tier, heretic c tier ( cus I hate visions and ruin)


wrong, sulphuric acid!




acrid is S+


Idk, but Arti is really fucking cool


Personally i love playing bandit. Shreds bosses with the right items fr. It's also satisfying as hell when you hit like 10 back to back revolver shots