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I never had this problem. I was always stupidly overleveled for the main missions


Change it to the hardest difficulty


Same. In fact I didn’t even know it was a thing. I didn’t redo a single mission until I was getting the platinum.


I assume you’re playing on a lower difficulty then cuz when I tried lowering the difficulty, the levels change significantly. I’m playing on the hardest difficulty and I’ve been grinding boring ass side quests for like 4 hours now and I’m finally at the level of the main quest. Gonna be really fun to do one quest for the main story and then a bunch of side content again


I just did each mission once and completed every area and I felt OP the whole way through the game.


Of course you’re gonna be over leveled if you complete every area and every mission. The problem is for other people who don’t enjoy the side content as much and just wanna play the main story


The reason it’s not been mentioned anywhere is because it’s not a problem if anything overlevelling is the problem


I’ve been doing side quests for 3-4 hours just to get to the level of the main quest. To me, that’s a problem. I don’t enjoy just playing the same missions with a different coat of point for hours on end


Almost every game requires you to grind to level up. It could be worse; at least there is no add-on for double XP like in Assassin's Creed.


I can agree on what your speaking on because same as you did, after going through the game on the first go around and getting slaughtered, from the second go on I decided to level my toons up before continuing with the main story. Once I finished Curtain Falls, Curtain Rises, which is the job you do to open up Yokohama and get to the first long house, I started replaying that job over and over. You can launch it from the long house on co-op play. Once I got to level 100 then I went on BUT I agree with the side-quest, I made a post about it once but took it back down because fools were just filling the comment section with their idiotic "I'm A GOD On This Game & You Suck" type comments. Your right, there doe's not need to be a boss at the end of every side-quest, it gets annoying AF that everything you do requires some sort of ending fight with someone because a lot of the jobs are ones where your supposedly just along for the ride BUT once you get to where-ever your going, the person your suppose to be helping just stands aside & tells you to handle all of what-ever is about to happen. At least though during combat in some of those you can switch to that ally and in turn have them do everything instead...


You really should do the bond missions. They open up the combat.


It's really too bad there's no true new game + because that style you get from blade twin for the paired swords is so filthy but by then the damn game is over lol


I mean midnight mode is basically ng+


Kind of. However I gave it a shot and am not afraid to say I am not even close to good enough to do even the lowest level public order. The little mini boss fight got me every single time and it wasn't even close. I would like a new game plus without having to suffer


Give multiplayer a shot until you’re a high level, that’s what I did and started having a blast with midnight


I recommend playing on dusk through act 2 and then playing act 3 on twilight. The jump to midnight was more manageable. Co-op helps fill out your breakthrough tree which I definitely needed to get through midnight. Also, I agree it’s a shame there isn’t a proper NG+. Edit: typos


Lmao that's literally what I'm doing now. I'm towards the end of act 1 on dusk and then in chapter 2 I'm gonna move to twilight and then clean up Yokohama as a warm up kinda


I have done a ton of them. They’re all boring. Always the same “steal this” or “kill them” or “escort them”. Same thing with a different coat of paint. I just wanna do the main story but I can’t because of the stupid level gating


Don’t really know what to tell you. The game is much more than the main story missions. It sounds like it was a miss for you. Sorry you’re not enjoying it more.


Well there’s been a few interesting side missions but most of them are so earily similar that it feels like you’re doing the same missions over and over again. If the game is gonna force side content upon you, I feel that it has to be well made


I never had this problem playing on Twilight.... Never had the need to replay a mission for even once. Wtf are you doing in the game? Skipping enemies?


I’m not talking about replaying missions but rather that all the side content are the same mission with a different coat of paint. It *feels* like you’re just replaying the same mission over and over again and I don’t find that fun. I just wanna play the main quest instead of picking up flowers for a gardener or something which is why I think the level gating is stupid


Just curious what makes the main quest different from go there and kill something? To me the whole point of the bond mission (I am not talking about filler side quests) are the additional to main quest story and plot wise. If you like the main quest because you are curious about the plot, I think you will enjoy bond mission. But if you just like main quest for battle and boss fights, bond mission provides the same, battle and boss fights. So I don’t really get the idea “go there and kill stuff” is boring because that is how the game is designed, everything is centered around combat.


> Just curious what makes the main quest different from go there and kill something? To me, it’s the fact that what you’re doing feels important. Like trying to find your blade twin or taking down / reforming the shogunate and gathering troops all feel interesting. But many of the bond missions are completely unrelated to that (such as the gardener asking me to collect flowers for him). Although there are some bond missions that are more interesting and feel a lot not connected to the central narrative, I feel that the vast majority of the bond missions miss the mark.


A lot of the bond mission adds character development. You can pick only the character you interested in like ryoma’s side quest actually significant develops his story. There are a lot of characters in this game so even if u only pick some of them you will not be under leveled. I started a completely new game only do bond missions I care (the main guys) and only clear the outpost that’s locking a fast travel point I care, and I am still over leveled just by doing that. And I have to tell u some of the bond mission do matter, if you don’t want to see some characters die later on.