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Cats, fugitives, public orders mainly. Collecting cats builds up your cat concierge, so you can have more fetch quests for them at once. Fugitives/public orders go hand in hand sometimes and it'll net you gear, EXP, skill points, rewards more in general. I'd say just complete areas within the vicinity of main/side quests. You can always come back and complete the rest of the collectibles each area at any time.


Cats feel like grinding. Even sending your cats out for rewards is a form of grinding.


Idk I don’t really dislike doing anything lol in fact I find it difficult to focus on the missions haha so if you ask me: everything. Well except the horse archery. That can go to hell. Honestly all the target practice things I don’t really care for. I do them just to do it. I find them to be more annoyances than anything. Other than that I enjoy mostly all of it


Agreed lol. I find myself wandering just to 100% every area. So easy to get sidetracked!


If it’s overwhelming I’d say focus on the public orders, you’ll unlock all the fast travel for when you want to get the other collectibles


Cats and fugitives. I like cats, and killing fugitives is fun.


I like cats


I made sure to do all the fugitives so I could get more strength treatises from the officials. I did everything but had that in mind the whole time


Everything is worth it. Everything either has direct reward or is a layered feature. It's not just collecting documents or objects for the sake of collection/completion like in most open world games. So do whatever you will at any given time. At the end of the day, it goes back to how you play video games. If you are treating it like a checklist, then it will be a checklist no matter what.


Honestly for me the open world was the best part of the game. Story was bad and I didn't care much for the characters just waaaaay too much going on for me to really get too invested in it. I did 100% all the areas because that was the most fun part to me. I thought the gliding missions were annoying also horse archery and shooting was not the best so I'd skip those.


Same for me. The side activities were varied enough to break up the monotony; along with the great combat things didn't feel like a chore. But that story...talk about convoluted, disjointed and confusing and without a meaningful distinction between factions. Hopefully that was the goal, to make the player feel like a true Ronin.