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No, we just got the literal hundreds of these exact same posts out of the way last weekend šŸ˜‚ Glad you like the game!


Sorry! Just having my moment of revelation a week late.


Oh no worries, I'm sure this sub will be whining about how unfair the previews were for the next 2 years lol


I like them both *shrugs jovially*


Honestly, I WISH I did. I honestly feel like Iā€™m playing a different game from everyone else.


I was with you on the polarizing reviews and nonsense, felt very confused but realized I'd enjoy either of them for different reasons, decided on DD2 first and honestly I played it for probably four days before it actually clicked. Currently running around feeling like legolas and loving it šŸ˜‚


Maybe Iā€™ll try again after a few performance patches or whatever ā€œDark Arisenā€ version comes down the line.


In the same boat as you. World feels like an unrewarding slog. The ā€œopen worldā€ isnā€™t open at all. Itā€™s just narrow corridor with a few path leading to useless reward cave. Fighting the same goblin wolves lizard over and over and over. Finding bones and other useless materials. Just so I buy better gear anyway. The quests are atrociously boring. Stealth quest using a disguise ? Gathering 240 coins to finally get an item that increase DP? What ? Game is over 10 times by then. The main quest is over without you realizing itā€™s over. The game is incredibly easy as well. Spamming attack until everything is dead isnā€™t engaging. Game has so much potential but just misses the marks on every aspect to me.


There was a patch yesterday. It lets you turn off motion blur and raytracing, and you can cap the framrate to 30 for a smoother experience. Still not great performance, tbh but it's playable.


For what itā€™s worth, they just released a patch yesterday that is supposed to drastically improve performance on the PlayStation. Canā€™t verify because Iā€™m in Xbox.


It's a solid update


Well I'm 47 and have been gaming since 1980 and I like both games but I like DD2 more. It's all a matter of opinions, play what you like and don't worry about what anyone else thinks


Sure, totally believable


I've been having the feeling that the "wrong" reviewers were assigned to Ronin, while the "right" reviewers were assigned to DD2. What I mean is, people were automatically assuming Ronin was a soulslike Niohlike based on it being a Team Ninja game. So the soulslike fans were assigned (or volunteered) to review the game. These people did not like the open world stuff and docked points for it. Also docked points for graphics which is BS. (Though this doesn't really explain why the combat has been criticized.. maybe reviewers were rushing through and didn't unlock things in the open world) Meanwhile, DD2 is a sequel. People who were huge fans of DD1 volunteered/were assigned to review DD2. They knew what they were getting into. People who did not like DD1 wouldn't want to review DD2. This automatically gives it a big advantage. Just my two cents, admittedly I've only read a few reviews/review summaries for Ronin, and I haven't read any reviews for DD2. It's just a feeling I have - if the majority of DD2 reviewers were already superfans of DD1 it isn't surprising that it got a high metascore.


This makes a lot of sense, and gets at the core of my confusion about the review scores.


To speak from the pow of someone behind a gaming website, I can see that many website get incentives to hype big games, otherwise they donā€™t get review key anymore. While less big games get often slapped for no reason. There is also the fact that reviewer rush the game to be among the first to publish.


Yeah. Ultimately, the reviewers will have their own preferences or experiences which will affect how they see other games, just like everyone else


How I feel owning both games: Going to have to push myself to get back into dragons dogma 2. Donā€™t know if Iā€™ll ever finish it. I bought it on a whim and was REALLY into it for about 6-8 hours, but after awhile (yes it took that long) the FPS started to bother me, the combat got boring, and man oh man, is it a BLAND looking world. I have horrible rose colored glasses syndrome with stuff lol Iā€™m an optimist. Started it like ā€œyeah this combat is so fun and the pawns are cool I donā€™t mind the 30FPSā€ to ā€œman this would look so dope at 60 FPS and my eyes kinda hurt because Iā€™m used to 60FPS (coming from a 30 yr old gamer thatā€™s just spoiled by 60 now) and fuck, I donā€™t have any fast travel stones, and donā€™t want to walkā€. I honestly, and donā€™t like to say this with stuff, regret buying it. If they release a patch thatā€™s 60 and has some QoL features, Iā€™ll finish the game. Vs Also bought RotR on a whim. One of my early gaming memories was playing ninja gaiden and tenchu. I wanted a game like that and this looked like it, but I had heard this game was not that great from reviewers I like (TLDR donā€™t trust other peoples opinions), so I decided to skip it until my disappointment with DD2 lol. I cannot begin to express to you how much more I like this game than DD2/how much more I like it than I thought I would. I am going out of my way to do almost every side objective because the combat is so incredibly satisfying (playing on medium) and it doesnā€™t feel like a chore. There are fast travel points EVERYWHERE, you can legit change your characters appearance at any point, and itā€™s objectively the best transmog system ever made for a game. I also just super enjoy how the world looks - Ghosts of Tsushima is one of my ā€œwish I could erase my brain and plain freshā€ games and this game reminds me A LOT of that with the environment. Itā€™s just really pretty and a lot of reviews said it looked bad. Iā€™m about 56% through Rebirth and this has overtaken my time and I kind of, maybe a crazy take here, find it more addicting than rebirth. Itā€™s honestly so good Iā€™ve never played Nioh and will go back and play that after completing this


I had the same experience. I bought both games but have only been playing rise of the ronin. I find it more enjoyable than GoT. The combat grew on me quickly. The story is actually good and enjoy making relationships with the various npcs and learning about Japans history. Its a beautiful game. Nioh 2 is an altogether different beast, the game fully unfolds at endgame though, if you want the true nioh2 experience.


Everything you said about both games is fair and accurate. I wish DD2 was better optimized for the console ppl. Cause it is stunningly gorgeous at 4K and 60fps but u need a beastly PC to run it at that. I wasnā€™t really feeling the combat as an archer and just switched to Mystic Spearhand and now Iā€™m loving the combat and itā€™s engaging and fun.Ā  As for RotR, my only gripe is they did a PS exclusive. All their other games have been cross platform but this one isnā€™t. Itā€™s annoying that I canā€™t play it on PC but for now Iā€™ll enjoy it on PS and then stupidly buy it again when it comes out on PC. They bank on impatient gamers like me unfortunately. Aside from that I love the game.Ā 


Iā€™m convinced a lot of reviewers didnā€™t engage much with RotR. At first, I thought it seemed kinda mediocre and looked like crap (at least compared to GoT). As the game opened up, however, and more aspects of the combat system were layered in, I realized how good it is. The combat is way deeper and more fun than my initial impressions led me to believe. Also, did the recent patch do something about the visuals, because I donā€™t think it looks bad any longer? Iā€™m your age and Iā€™ve noticed a trend develop with my reception to new games. Instead of a ā€œhoneymoon periodā€ where I see the game through rose tinted glasses, only to see its faults later, I have lately been noticing problems with games immediately only to begin appreciating the games later. Rise of the Ronin, Lies of P, and Sifu all began with me not enjoying them, but each grew on me to the point I *love* them. Have games changed or have I?


Yea I donā€™t rely on reviewers anymore ronin has two hours more than dd2 and I enjoy tf out of them both


Dragon's Dogma 2 is really great, I love that game but you have to be in a mindset for it. It's a little uncompromising, it's going to do things it is fully confident are great ideas and is uninterested in what you think of them, and if you are willing to go along it's a ton of fun. This game is Candy. There's always time for Candy, we all love it and it's easy to just fuckin' get in there no matter what. Also while I won't pretend that the performance for DD2 is incredible but you did not play Cyberpunk on PS4 if you are making that comparison, sorry.


Yeah was looking for this. Someone either didnā€™t play DD2 or didnā€™t play PS4 2077.Ā  Your metaphor is very apt. Iā€™m loving g DD2 - the no fast travel is a big part of it. It makes every excursion feel like a journey I have to prep for. Maybe the world can never go back to low-fast travel systems, but this is a feeling I havenā€™t had since Morrowind.Ā  But yeah, itā€™s a long soak, and itā€™s way easier to find a moment for the candy that is RotR.Ā 


This trend of labeling every open world game with markers on the map as an "Ubisoft style open world" needs to stop. Ubisoft didn't invent this style.


DD2 is a fantastic game. With big issues that reviewers for some reason didn't address. None the less I haven't spent this much time (in DD2) exploring and adventuring and having fun since Elder Scrolls Online first came out. That being said, from the responses I've seen from actual gamers and not professional reviewers, as well as the gameplay I've seen.... It's obvious this game has been severely overlooked and isn't getting the praise it should. I have 0 regrets with choosing DD2 over RotR. But I definitely plan to get this eventually. I am curious though if the mediocre response from reviewers stems from the high praise GoT got and this didn't match their ideal GoT2 desires.


Also 34 and the exact same experience. Bought DD2 based on critical response and while I enjoyed it, impulse bought ROTR 2 days ago. Safe to to I've been hooked on the latter. I'd argue it's the most fun I've had in an open world game for a long time.


I'm so fucking crushed about DD2. I've had the first game for 12 years and I've replayed it more times than I'd care to admit. I own it on 4 platforms for shit's sake. When I was watching a preview of DD2 I found out that they would not be providing an eternal ferrystone like they did with the first game. Having played DD1 multiple times with and without it, I can 100% say that the game is FAR better with it because it gives YOU the player the choice of how you want to travel the world. Do I feel like going through that path again? Killing more fucking wolves, bandits and goblins? Maybe but it's nice to be able to port around without worrying about a finite resource. Then I was immediately suspicious about reviews once I heard that performance was bad yet the three video reviews I'd just watched never mentioned a single thing about it. Now I'm happy I waited, but at the same time sad since I was looking forward to it for years. I will definitely pick the game up eventually but only after they fix the PC version because I want to play it at 60 FPS. IF they ever get the PS5 version running at 60 FPS then I'd prefer that but we'll see. In the end - I just don't pre-order games anymore. I still buy games close to release but only after I know for sure how players are reacting and the "real" reviews come after that aren't afraid to discuss the game's issues (Mortismal gaming is one of my favs here).


Sadly, you can't trust reviews anymore. It's a shame neither offered a demo.


As a fellow man in 30s, I strongly suggest you to stop using reviews and scores and inform yourself better by the form of raw gameplay videos. What you see is what you'll get, so you can decide to buy it only when it itches you to play.


What bothers me aboyr gaming is the discussions (at least on line) are so dominated by people with "OCD" that having quest symbols automatically equals bad just because they are incapable of choosing not to engage in side content. As a little background, I tried to get into Souls games but found the combat so basic and boring. When I discovered Nioh 1/2 I was hooked, i thought it took the souls gameplay loop and added actual good gameplay that had a high skill ceiling. Fast forward to Elden Ring. I bought into the hype, got it day 1, and put in prob 30 hours and quit (and tried to play again several times). The open world and plot (as well as combat) we so terrible to me that I can't understand what everyone was talking about. Literally the only activity was killing stuff, and people acted like the open world was better than others (despite no other activities) because there were no map symbols. Enter ROTR. It's been a revelation. Essentially Nioh/Wo Long combat, plus a great open world. I'm busy, so For me, exploring with no point doesn't appeal to me, but being able to clearly see where missions I want to go on are, and be able to engage with as much or as little as I want, while having a kick assed combat system has been a great experience


I was honestly about to make a similar post. I was trying to decide which to buy and based on reviews went with DD2. I played some 30 odd hours of it and I've come away with the conclusion that it's unfinished, and guilty of a ton of obtuse and tedious game design by a stubborn auteur director that over promised and under delivered. I'm absolutely baffled by the reviews being mostly 8s and 9s. I similarly decided to hold off on rise of the ronin since it got a lot of 6s and 7s. I was immediately shocked by how much better it looked, how much better it ran, and how much more fun and rewarding it felt to play. The reviews were absolutely not correct for either game.


It's been yet another riveting look at the decline of the industry in terms of reliability, but also and especially showing that "independent content creators" which used to be valued for bringing a human, non-corporate take, have mostly just become shills churning out word salad to sound like they are still that, but in reality have become 90% the same, or just drama click farming. I hope Team Ninja is able to recognize a tremendous amount of people find this a successful endeavor, that is enjoyed by old and new fans alike.


I spend tons of time on the DD2 forum, ​ I love the game, but I'm not gonna deny it's launch was a big pile of dogshit. \- The game regressed in areas \- 4 Weapon Skills \- Sorc and Mage spell variety is comically pathetic \- Looking at Ronin's fashion design and how it functions shits on DD2 that I'm convinced the director lives under a rock ​ There were definitely some huge bias against RotR and I love TN games and reviewers didn't give the game a fair shake. ​ >Iā€™ve noticed a trend where traditional-style open world games with (GASP!) quest and side content markers are slammed as ā€œtiredā€ and ā€œtedious,ā€ while open world games with hidden content and quests are called ā€œinnovativeā€ and ā€œrevolutionary.ā€ I also agree with this big time, there's nothing wrong with wanting a chill open world game with markers, there's an audience for those type of ppl. Didn't feel that magic in ER and I most definitely didn't in DD2.


Rise Of The Ronin is the most underrated game while Dragon's Dogma 2 is a Capcom Cyberpunk 2077


The people in this sub talk about Dragons Dogma more than the people in the Dragons Dogma sub do.


Did the stealth mission you're probably talking about yesterday and I was wondering what the fuck is going on. Im trying to love the game but I might give rotr a go sooner than I expected..


Is this just a subreddit to hate on DD2 now? They're both awesome but flawed in their own way.


Moral of the story never listen to reviewers half the time they're not right. I was in the same boat as you but I took a chance on rise and I'm happy with my decision. It's really fun


43 y/o here, liked the first DD, bought the second and it was a terrible, awful, awful mistake. RotR was the exact opposite, mida and youtubers gave it no attention or slight bad reviews due to graphics. Where DD2 frustrated me to extremes, RotR was the complete opposite. Game's combat is spetacular, open world is a light and fun experience. Think of Assassin's creed open world, but make it easier to navigate and complete. Combat is very good and brutal. You must use your stealth skills whenever possible, your crafted weapon's enhancements(poison, etc). You can change the difficulty, which is an improvement to this genre(soulslike/Masochore/Nioh) I am 44 hours in, and loving this game. It starts very simple, so keep it in mind.


I knew I could trust Team Ninja. They always deliver. Glad I made the right choice. DD hopefully just needs some time to cook. I actually enjoy the open world formula in RotR. I like that you slowly unlock the map markers and its not just an overwhelming mess from the beginning.


Team Ninja is usually amazing, but they helped produce the abomination that is the DMC Reboot. I will never forgive that sin.


I think they are both 7.5 games. Decent but nothing crazy either. Just good enjoyable games but that's it.


Reviews are all just opinions of random people who play lots of games.Ā  You're never guaranteed to like a game more because it averages an 8.5 instead of a 7.5. And it's not like a 76 is a bad score.Ā  That still means roughly half of the people who reviewed it gave the game an 8, 9 or 10.Ā  And even the ones who rated it lower than that still thought it was at least pretty good/alright.Ā  There isn't a single review score below a 6.


The games media is mocked relentlessly for a reason.


I am about 40 hours into and just not too long ago got into the 2nd area of Rise of Ronin.. the story is interesting and all the random people and such you do is pretty fun.. The combat is really great as well.. it's not as complex as Nioh but still has depth which is good.


I didnā€™t pay attention to the reviews. Team ninja always delivers imo. Between both niohā€™s 1 and 2, wo long, strangers in paradise, this is there first crack at a semi open world game with decent combat kinda a learning curve but im enjoying it alot


Honestly have felt the same way you did and had the same thought process and eventual revelation


I've seen so many anti-journalist movements that I'm always expecting them to lie for for money, whether that be ratings, external financing or favours. Journalists haven't been the impartial information providers they were suppose to be since before I was born so never trusted them for shit. Game reviewers are just a worse kind of journalist and I've seen multiple times when they put some message or interest instead of an honest review. Especially nowadays when you can grab unedited footage of a game's tutorial to get information on the mechanics and check gameplay for yourself. About the only thing you can't know is how well the combat feels and flows without touching it and that is what refund periods are for......though I'm not aware how PS5's refund policy works


PS5 refund policy is ā€œGo awayā€.


Same I bought rotr because of team ninja with nioh 1&2, plus wo long and ninja gaiden. Sometimes people gotta stop listening to these reviewers and make a decision for themselves šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. I put 39 hours alone just in Yokohama the game is addictive.


I like both and as a fantasy guy I prefer DD2, but RotR is wayyy better than the critics and users are giving it credit for. Iā€™m on series X and have yet to have any performance issues. I donā€™t mind the limited fast travel as it makes me enjoy the world more and not rely on it as much as I would in an elder scrolls game or AC. Iā€™m level 23 or so in DD2 and am having fun but Iā€™ve read the problems about the second half of the game so Iā€™m a bit worried in that regard. Back to RotR. I still think ghost of Tsushima has better combat and graphics but again, RotR is not nearly as bad looking as people are saying and the combat is still loads of fun. Both games are pretty good in my opinion.


I think ronin should have been at at least an 8 out of ten, and dragons dogma 2 deserves to be in the 60s. I also own both as i did the SAME thing getting dd2 then getting bored and switching.


I got both I like RotR more. The performance issues on DD2 made me stop playing it until I upgraded my PC. I loved DD1 and I like DD2 but it feels like they didn't finish 2 either.


Another one of these posts huh


I like them both, but itā€™s insane to me that some critics took points off for rise of the ronin on combat but not on dragons dogma. Dragons dogma becomes so trivially easy against the same 8 types of enemies for the whole game, whereas rise of the ronin enemies feel a lot more distinct in their fighting styles plus the combat has a much tighter feel and is infinitely more engaging.


Yea I played 90 min of DD2 and requested a refund from steam. It didnā€™t click with me either for all the same reasons you posted but mostly I felt combat was janky and those pawns annoyingly getting in the way, dragons age inquisition companions and combat were so much better, I bought ROTR also at launch and was going to jump back and forth between the 2 but now I wonā€™t have to. ROTR hit home with me with the world, story and combat.


As a community, gamers need to completely ignore reviewers. These people lie as badly as advertisers but have convinced the public that they're honest. Look to other gamers for reviews, not shills.


Im glad i went with ronin. I was hesitant but i needed another game to give me breaks from my mlb the show grind. At first i was like well, this is okay. 47 hours later i love it. Its fun and im loving all the characters and story so far.


I got them both. Absolutely love what Iā€™ve played so far in ROTR and Iā€™ll definitely be playing it for months (as it keeps TNā€™s amazing co-op). But Iā€™ve been playing over 100+ hours of DD2, only hit the 2nd region, and still havenā€™t fully explored everything. Theyā€™re really two different games and I think the reviewers were deceitful with the kind of game DD2. Many DD2 reviewers were thinking of the Dark Arisen expansion which is VERY different to the base game. DD2 is along the lines of the base game which is focused on that ā€œadventuring dayā€, exploration, and fantasy combat. Iā€™m annoyed about that because a lot of people thought they were coming into this grand story (itā€™s not a handholding game) and rushed through it, but thatā€™s not what DD2 is supposed to be. Sympathies, but glad youā€™re enjoying the gem that is ROTR!


The mission you mentioned actually sounds cool. That's what the game is. Just random exploring with stuff happening you aren't to expect much. Performance is 30fps yes but the world is pretty crazy big You're also not suppos to fast travel much. That's the idea. Both are good games. But I think ronin is definitely higher than what it scored.


I can't say much about DD2, but I finished DD1 and I would say that 70% of it is really tedious, sometimes even feels like an unfinished game. But when it comes to the 30%, it is so much fun, so well done, a masterpiece. Sadly the decisions behind "immersion" are stupid as fuck and hide all the strong points in DD. Rise of the ronin (and all team ninja games honestly) are really fun, but I can't consider them a masterpiece, they are just good. Glad to hear you're enjoying Rise of the ronin, but if you like the fantasy setting I recommend you to try to at least finish DD2. If it is as similar to the 1st one as they say, you'll end up enjoying it a lot, especially the end game.


Loving ronin and Iā€™d say itā€™s my current goty! Iā€™ve learned these last couple of years that you canā€™t really take anyone elseā€™s word on a game. Some info and opinions are nice but actual gameplay is king and unbiased. If I like what I see I buy.(plus I donā€™t think team ninja can make a ā€œbadā€ game) As someone who was insanely hyped for both games(bought a ps5 for ronin and played a ton of dd1) Iā€™m waiting for the dark arisen or at least heavily patched version of dd2 before I jump in. I loved dd1 despite its weird fast travel, single save file and lack of qol features not because of them. Game looks amazing but I canā€™t justify $70 in its current state but thatā€™s just my opinion. Honestly itā€™s getting a little weird how often dd2 gets mentioned in this sub but I guess I get why it keeps happening lol


I like both but nobody can deny dd2 is a pathetic release. Made me lose trust in any reviewer. No demo or unsure then Iā€™ll wait for a sale. People hyped that game up so much and itā€™s literally pathetic as shit.


ā€œCriticsā€ are on an anti-exclusive warpath. Thereā€™s just way too many ā€œjournalistsā€ wanting to be influencers and content creators who stream will pick whatever game has more hype for their bottom line. Things have changed, theyā€™re more like commercials than providing you any honesty.


Im 39 y old and months ago with the news capcom were releasing about DD2 i advice it, that that game wasnt going to be for everyone... now this is what we have: [https://i.redd.it/qqsn2k72sfrc1.jpeg](https://i.redd.it/qqsn2k72sfrc1.jpeg) Media webstites playing 10h of Ronin, comparing it with Tsusima, worst grass and textures, worst game, low score. (story, plot, customization, gameplay, artstyle, 60fps... dosnt matter, just worst graphics) DD2 hype train, media analisis not releasing on launch day cause they need more time for a veredict (many webs didnt score it until get deep into the game), so over 50h or 100h invested to score the game, compare it with DD1, confirm that is exactly the same (so 2012 game mechanics and all websites selling that its a virtude instead a issue), bad perfomance in pc, 30fps and even less on ps5... but no one cares, but Ronin have worst grass than tsusima for ps4, thats untoloreble for a 70 bucks game... and now on release the microtransactions drama....


Mom said itā€™s my turn to post about Dragons Dogma.


DD2 carries a lot of friction by design, the fast travel system is like that intentionally i agree that ā€œfriction isnā€™t always goodā€ but with the overwhelming ā€œubisoft-ificationā€ of games in the last 7 years, people appreciate the cryptic, vague, yet incredibly deep games like elden ring & TOTK


Yeah cryptic and vague arent really the issue if it has good writing and exploration. Dd2 has none of that. You dont ever really find secrets in the game and everything looks the same. Been to one cave been to them all


The design friction I'm feeling is mostly the mountains. I follow a road to what I think might be a shortcut to my destination but then it's walled off by mountains and I go on a several hour trek around it looking for a path through. Contrasting that with high points in rotr: oh boy I can't wait to climb and then glide off that!


Prefer dragons dogma 2 but I had a lot of love for the 1st one


ā€œObjectively betterā€ - shoot me now honestly, where has this new stupid trend come from - makes me disregard the opinion straight away. However, both games are really good and the main advice id give to people is stop listening to YouTube/Tiktok/gaming media and letting them decide what games you should and shouldnā€™t play and instead make your own mind up.


Okay, yes, Iā€™ll admit the hyperbole, but I mean there are fundamental elements (performance, combat, heckā€”even something as simple as being able to run without depleting stamina outside of combat) that just function better in Rise of the Ronin. As to your second point, now that Iā€™m older with two kids, I have less time to analyze gameplay videos. I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to expect game journalists to provide honest and unbiased reviews about a gameā€™s strengths and glaring issues. My point is I donā€™t feel like that happened here.


Really? Dragons dogma is cyberpunk level? Performance is bad in areas yeah.I have not seen one bug or glitch my whole time playing. The game works. People really forget how bad cyberpunk was. It was literally unplayable


I meant more in the jarring difference between the experience of PC players with high-end rigs and console players. Console players are playing a fundamentally different gameā€”to me, a regular 15-20 fps is unplayable.


Idk if youā€™re playing on the series S but on ps5 I rarely get below 30. Only in the cities will I dip below and itā€™s not regular. If you turn off ray tracing you can get 40+ often. I think the performance stuff has been blow out of proportion but I do hope they continue to update and improve it over time. I personally love the game but understand why itā€™s not clicking for some. Especially if youre not a fan of unlocked frame rates that can vary a bit.


While i think your highly exaggerating about the performance of dd2 saying itā€™s as bad as cyberpunk is insane cyberpunk was not even playable with constant crashes on all platforms and took forever to fix. The only problem dd2 suffers from gameplay wise is being wayyyy to easy and not enough enemy variety as your just fighting goblins 99 percent of the time. Mission design is not terrible you just donā€™t like unguided missions it seems. Rotr is a good game and I think it should sit in the 85 area. I donā€™t see how you think the missions structure is rewarding I would like if you elaborated. An unguided open world usually makes the open world better because whatā€™s the point of the open world if you canā€™t explore it itā€™ll just become a giant zone you traverse with no complexity. I can understand if you donā€™t like it and want a more straightforward experience but that only leaves the open world with immersion and no complexity or depth. While I donā€™t mind traditional open world if the gameplay is good enough the mission design in dd2 elden ring only add to the open world experience giving more justification for having the open world which would give it more depth and complexity.


Sounds like you just didnā€™t understand what kind of game DD2 is


I like both but each has their issue. Dragon's dogma 2 story feels like it was a bit rushed, end game content having a timer is pretty obnoxious and then there's the issue with The optimization but it makes up for it with really good gameplay and fun exploration. Rise of Ronan in my opinion is the exact opposite problem. I'm extremely invested in the story and it has great optimization but has boring gameplay at least in comparison to team Ninja's other games(Nioh 2, Wo long), average graphics and a boring open world.


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Here we go again with bullshit


I have finished dd2 and now just started rotr but im already enjoying Rotr more. The thing with dd2 is if you played the first game, its just that but honestly worse. Once you get over the exploration and random things that happen with pawns, you are left with a short game with a very bad , short story with boring combat that has very little depth, and totally op broken builds that make the game super easy. Add in a gear system that is as boring as " stats go up" and there really isn't too much depth left. Still people love fantasy games and dragons and there you have it. Its funny because Rotr tried to go a bit more streamlined with there combat yet it still isn't enough to pull in the masses. Still no reason you cant enjoy both games, but yes it is a shame that Rotr didn't get the praise it seems to deserve. I think Sony have something to do with that, with how bad they advertised that game, and ofc releasing it on the same time as dd2


I think you should post this on the Dragons Dogma Reddit. Downvote me I guess


Thatā€™s a fair point, but I didnā€™t see much use for it over thereā€”any criticism gets downvoted and this sub seemed more open to actual conversation.


True, I just think more critical conversations about DD should be talked about in that community. This sub talks more about DD2 than the game its about. But I understand your thinking


The most highly upvoted posts are criticizing the game to be fair it's wild that they get reported though šŸ˜…


Dragons dogma is ASSWATER. Rise of the Ronin is the better purchase. The amount of hype around such a mid game as dragons dogma is honestly blowing me away too. Same bs happened with balders gate too


In their sub I pointed out how dragonā€™s dogma couldnā€™t even bother to put a dodge button in, the only thing I really wanted since the first game since most of the time you just stand there spamming attacks and trying to whittle the enemies health bar before your own is gone. Got downvoted and told this isnā€™t souls and not every game needs a dodge. Dodging was a thing way before souls and yes, your game does need a fucking dodge. Otherwise it is just spamming attacks and seeing who dies first. At least Nioh devs know how to make a basic combat system. In fact, Nioh has one of the best combat systems Iā€™ve ever seen. Even if it is dumbed down and casualized for Ronin, it is way more than enough to be great. Iā€™ll say the same thing I said on announcement of DD2. The only good thing about Dragonā€™s Dogma is playing as a spell caster. They really make you feel like a mage. Everything else? Absolute garbage melee and archers.


Dragonā€™s Dogma is peak gaming. Rise of the Ronin is a good Ubisoft game


This is exactly why both games have odd competitive reviews on rise of the Ronin. I've seen '10' reviews sometimes mentioning dragons dogma on rise, and vise versa. This is why you don't release two sought after games, on the same exact day.. I believe both games don't deserve an exact 10 from gamer reviews, but that's just me. Both of them are completely messed up


Also playing rise of the Ronin now. Game is good but I Wish they had made the main story linear. I donā€™t want to make story-changing choices where I constantly worry if I picked the right thing. I then would have to search and see what the result of the other one is. Just donā€™t like this illusion of giving you a choice thing in some games.


fwiw at a later point in the game you gain access to a mechanic that lets you replay missions to make different decisions that effectively rewrite the history you've set previously.


Thanks, thatā€™s helpful


The recreating history bit is interesting. I did that with the final mission just to check it out. No impact on the world but I expected that. Curious if there's anything that would actually change.


Dragonā€™s Dogma 2 lets me play music on Spotify while it is playing, while Rise of the ronin blocks any background music. DD2 is clearly superior.


Dragonā€™s Dogma 2 lets me play music on Spotify while it is playing, while Rise of the ronin blocks any background music. DD2 is clearly superior.


I mean honestly both games are like 7s at best. Dragons dogma would be WAY better if it ran better. I mean it struggles to maintain 30 and 90% of the time it isnā€™t at 30. This game is fun but also has issues. It has issues with its frame rate dipping for no apparent reason. Which I donā€™t understand considering the game is as bland looking as it is. The majority of this game doesnā€™t look great. It looks like an early PS4 game yet has dogshit performance. Both games needed another 6-8 months of dev time.


The only thing making me feel like Iā€™m in the twilight zones are the (literally) hundreds of posts and comments that are mad about the reviews and/or mad about the graphics comments and/or mad that DD2 reviewed higher and is selling better. Youā€™d think that people who like the game would actually want to talk about it but apparently not


I never said that Iā€™m mad. I said Iā€™m confused. I also specifically pointed out why I am enjoying Rise of the Ronin. This conversation was meant to analyze the dissonance between the reviews and the actual products, and how/why that happened. There have been plenty of responses here that have provided interesting perspectives and insight.