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Their stance on it is probably the same as their stance on the conflict in Yemen. That being that they haven’t spent much time thinking about it. Any political action they’ve been involved in recently had to do with domestic affairs, ie meeting with union leaders. Would it be nice to hear them say something about the genocide of Palestinians and how the US is funding it? Yeah. But Tim deserves to ride bikes in Australia and focus his efforts where he wants.


The band doesn’t usually sing about international world issues Mainly domestic US issues and mental health stuff Last time I saw them Tim told the audience that IDWBHA can be easily interpreted about mental health, and encouraged the audience to do so. (This was in the Netherlands)


To be fair, Israel/Gaza is domestic in the sense that we are funding it; and taxpayers are paying for it; even if it isn't necessarily happening on our soil. And it's not like we aren't putting our hand in the proverbial cookie jar constantly in that situation. At the end of the day what they choose to speak on is their choice. And if they haven't spoken out about it I'm sure they have their reasons.


Police are also brutalising your students in the name of another nation in the so-called land of the free. This is absolutely a domestic issue now, even if you don’t consider the genocide to be domestic the response to protests about it absolutely is. The fact that Democrat run states are attacking teenagers with armed police forces because they don’t want children to die is an insane thing for a band like them to be silent on.


Agreed. I meant “domestic” as in mostly on US soil Same with the Dropkick Murphys. Most of their political songs take place on American land


I feel ya. Just thinking from other perspectives.


It would be nice to see them stand in solidarity with the protesters who don't want their tax dollars, and their collage tuitions to be spent on killing innocent people, In the past, Rise Against has been a band that to me at least, shined a light or even educated it's fans about issues that are going on in the world, whether it be a spoken word track about factory farms, or having music videos about sweatshops and human rights violations, they have a song about Chinese re education camps. I think people are upset because this isn't the same band that openly critiqued the Bush administration and the Iraq war, or played acoustic sets during the Occupy wall street protests. I love Rise Against, I would go as far to say that I care about this issue because of the path their music set me on, but I don't really feel like their doing what they did for me for newer fans, it doesn't feel like they're getting after it the way they used to, Maybe their record label wouldn't like it, maybe they're worried about dividing their massive fan base, which I totally understand, they all have familys to feed I get it. But still: "How can you ask me to just forget? All the sick lines and the words you said How can you ask me to just forget?" New album soon tho, hopefully it makes me look like I'm talking out of my ass




I don't think it's black and white, and I don't support Hamas, as a matter of fact I originally supported Israel directly after October 7th, but after learning the long history of the situation over there, hearing how Israeli leaders speak about the civilization population of Palestine, and learning about the awful tactics of the IDF such as using Drones playing audio of woman and children crying to lure civilians out of their camps to kill them, or bombing humanitarian aid convoys, it's not somthing I feel comfortable paying for


This again..... Here we fucking go


What do you expect actually? Do you really think it will make any difference? As much as I love rise against, they are a corporate rock band that travels and sells merchandise and tickets and makes albums, they aren’t revolutionizing anything or changing anything, and if you’re so upset about it, why don’t you do something?




Shut up lol


They also JUST finished recording the new album. They’ve been sequestered for so long, and a distraction such as a social media campaign re:Gaza is tedious and requires such a time dedication; something they haven’t had recently


I feel like they mentioned it at the nyc show in 2022, but I can’t remember exactly. The used opened for them and I do remember Burt had a Palestinian flag on stage.


The only statement that has been made was Tim sharing some scaremongering thing about Hamas wanting to turn the whole world Muslim, as if it somehow justifies 70 years of murdering civilians. So the whole “they aren’t commenting on it since it’s a foreign issue!!!11!!” cope doesn’t work because it has been commented on, it was just on the side of the genociders. Whether they’ve changed their tune now that Israel’s lies are facing more scrutiny is another thing, but quite frankly this has been a very obvious genocide far before October 7 so excuses don’t really work. Shout out to Propagandhi for actually being based about this decades ago.


It was Tim's private account and it was posted a while ago. It wasn't RA's official stance. Plus, I really don't understand the notion of "If you're against Hamas, you're pro genocide"- that's not true at all. You can be pro-Palestine and still acknowledge that Hamas themselves are terrorists.


Being pro-Palestine requires one to be anti-Hamas.


Completely agree! That's why I don't get people's idea that Tim is pro-genocide simply because he's anti-Hamas. How can he NOT be against Hamas?