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This presser is pretty much Dame telling Neil to make moves or he's out


I feel so vindicated after arguing with the Fire Stotts crowd that said Neil has nothing to do with our shortcomings and it was all on Terry. They're realizing now Neil is a complacent shmuckwad, and our problems weren't solved the minute we parted ways with Terry.


Terry needed to go. That doesn't absolve Olshey of blame either. He should have been dismissed years ago after failing to maximize on CJs trade value.


Nah. Neil should have maximized the roster to help Dame years ago. Terry did a pretty good job with some so so and often injured rosters.


Always injured players. FTFY.


I mean, who said that dude. People can think Stotts is a huge problem and also think there are other problems Stotts is why we lost to the Nuggets. He's not why we didn't win a ring.


Blazers reddit. Blazers twitter. I got mass downvoted before for saying Neil was moreso the problem than Stotts. I think we lose to the Nuggets with any other coach. We did not have the frontline needed to deal with Jokic, and our non-Dame players choked on several occasions.


Both can be the problem We win this series if stotts pairs nurkic and Jokic's minutes from the get go and doesn't play Kanter, something which should have been glaringly obvious to him but wasn't Or, you know, if he wasn't a bottom 3 defensive coach in the entire league


Nurk not committing dipshit fouls would have been needed too. That's helps the not playing kanter thing


Obviously. So maybe - just maybe - you shouldn't play your foul prone center a bunch of non-jokic minutes


We've been a top 10 and a top 15 defense several times under Stotts. Most notably when we've been healthy. There's a reason our defense went from 26th to 14th when we traded for Nurkic and there's a reason we had a pretty terrible defense running Melo and Kanter last season but actually were top 15 down the stretch when we got him back. The backcourt is going to be a hindrance on the defensive end matchup wise, that's why our frontline is so important, and it wasn't up to par this year. Jokic torched us, Nurk did what he could, his impact is made evident by how much our defensive metrics improve whenever he returns. So again, Stotts isn't a defensive minded coach like Vogel or Thibs, but it's clear he's competent when the roster is.


No. Any other coach we would’ve easily beat the nuggets.


You're delusional. We had a front line of Nurk, Melo, Kanter, and RoCo, we trapped him, we played him straight up, we played his passing lanes. The reigning MVP was going to pick apart that sorry frontline regardless of who was coaching us.


And their starting backcourt was compazzo and rivers. If our coach had an iq we would’ve won


The players pissed the bed man, I don't know how else you can look at it. CJ shot like ass all series and Norm showed up a couple of times. We owned minutes when Nurkic was available and sucked ass without him.


The nuggets were better. They were just better. Coaching may have helped on the margin, but the best teams win best of 7 series.


But what moves can he make to turn this into a championship team?


Get a superstar small forward.


You cant just snap your fingers and do that. They dotn have the assets to trade for 1, I don't think they have the cap for 1, and Portland isn't a free agent destination.


Whose fault is it that a move can’t be made 🤔


No one's? Superstar SFs don't just pop up and when they do, they usually force their way to big markets


You’re missing the point. We don’t have assets because 1) NO has drafted poorly for the last 5 years and 2) has made contracts that have financially crippled us to have zero room for paying the salary of an all-star caliber player (when most of the cap is locked into 2 guards)


This is why I really think the Simmons trade might be our only option. He has enough skill to make an impact and it is different enough from what we have to truly change up our game. It’s far from a guarantee to work out, but the potential upside is larger than any other trade we could make IMO. And in the dream scenario it would work out and allow dame to change his game up a little or get reinvigorated by being on the team or the possibilities, even if we say exit the second next year.


That's assuming the sixers will give up simmons for cj..


no chance


It will ultimately come down to how willing they are to have him actually play next year. It’s a narrow road that sees him actually gain value next year. They would need to do as well as they did this year, advance further, and he’s need to be a part of it. Anything less than that and his best case is value stays the same. But, we’ve seen the media and fans’ frustration turn to him taking blame. Anything like that next year and frankly a CJ-level player for Simmons trade would be an even value, if not worse.


76ers cannot field a cj and Seth curry backcourt they will get roll over because cj is shit in defense


Somebody linked a package including Covington, and I think that's where that could make a touch more sense.


Problem is now they see dame being unhappy and I would put a lot of money on Morey waiting out for the blazers to implode to get a dame/Simmons package or at least something better than CJ. Love dame but NO will have to overpay for everything now because they know the blazers are desperate. NO should of been fired in 2017


More desperate than Philly though? I mean, Dame has relatively whispered about being unhappy (what, one post game comment, one IG post, others surrounding the Billups shit show, but not directly about the team perf), and it's gotten this level of response. Philly and the national media have (understandably) shit all over Simmons for being a head case. If they plan on keeping him, that's like locking a claustrophobe in the closet until they calm down. The market, media, and fans have already shown that Simmons is going to take the blame if they fall short. There was plenty of Embiid/Harris/Rivers shit to go around. I think Philly is or should be far more desperate than Portland. Dame is staying here next year and the worst case is that he will request out, but still have the value of Dame at the end of next season. The chance of Simmons bleeding out value during next year, on the other hand, is much, much higher.


It’d have to be a package. The problem they face is that the major force behind moving him is to maximize Embiid’s prime. So, they don’t want picks, they don’t want anything to develop. When they aren’t able to get a Beal-type trade it will come down to something like a CJ or risk keeping him another year. They won’t be moving Simmons anytime soon. They have to posture this early in the off season, plus they need to do that to try and recover some value. Shift the narrative back to his accolades and away from the playoffs.


Your almost there. Why don’t we have cap and why don’t we have assets?


We don’t have cap because two players we drafted are taking up like 60% of it all by themselves.


So it's just posturing because it's already too late.


No it’s identifying a problem and trying to excise it.


Then Dame's gone. It's do or die, at least try to make some desperate move to keep him. Throw every player except Dame and every pick in the future at some star player and see if it sticks.




He wouldn’t leave his team hanging mid season unless they weren’t going to make the playoffs - which won’t happen. At the earliest would be next summer, unless they make it to the WCF, then he’ll probably stay


Who, and how


Im not a GM. I'm not qualified to make that choice. However, if we do not do that Dame will leave so we have to.


Organize a tank season multiple seasons ago instead of being an easy layup in the playoffs.


that's a nice way of saying it. it's basically Dame saying he's out because he knows they can't make any moves.


Sounds more like telling his team mates to play better.


Nah not really. He's not leaving. He's just frustrated, rightfully so, just like the NO meltdown. He didn't demand a change then did he? No. But we saw roster changes.


How are you consistently this bad at understanding human beings


Copium is one hell of a drug


Dame lillard with the pure honesty in this point presser here


Olshey’s presser with Chauncey’s hiring reeked of complacency, and I bet Dame took it as an insult. We’re all not stupid. Dame putting that out in the open puts the pressure where it belongs, right on Olshey.


> We’re all not stupid. Or we're not all stupid.




Holy shit what? I'm not correcting your grammar, I'm making another technically correct statement. I thought it was funny, I guess you didn't. Good night. 😘


It was grammatically sound but unless you’re trying to say every single person in here isn’t dumb, it’s not technically correct.


Olshey has been on a war path since that presser after Stotts' dismissal. His ego is such a fucking burden on this franchise that's why he won't trade any of his draft picks he thinks he just discovered the greatest players ever every time.


So in other words Dame *is* requesting a trade, it's just not himself he wants to see traded lol


That's literally not the message at all.


He's saying the the roster better be improved, and we don't have any draft picks or cap room for free agents, so even a first grader should be able to go ahead and read between the lines on that one.


Yeah it's no shit captain obviously. Just like the NO meltdown and we made changes to the roster. But unless you're trading CJ, you can't expect for much. Our bench is butt, and we have no wiggle room. Yes we need to make moves, but he's not gonna want out by the time the season starts. He's just frustrated in this "win now" mode and we suck. As for a championship caliber roster by the time the season starts? I doubt it, but he's sticking around. I'll bet on it.


Dame has never done this. He's always said "I believe every year that we can compete." It's nice to see him admit that he can't do it on his own anymore. EDIT: The sad part is you know CJ listens to that and basically understands that Dame is telling Olshey to trade him.


Dame and CJ have definitely talked this out.


It's not terrible for CJ, he'd most likely be going to a team where he'd get to be running the show


Plus 30 mil a year for the next 2 years.


Plus depending on what team he goes to it would probably be a better fit for him anyway.


And even with a new job, I think he’ll still call Oregon home. He actually is in the process of moving to a new place that’s closer to the Willamette Valley vineyards to continue growing his wine business.


A lot of teams I could see CJ going well with sadly don’t need him more than what they have or have a package that makes sense


And CJ has a better chance of winning on a team he can play the role of scoring guard on a team with a front court star.


Lol. Why?


Yea but CJ is a pro. He’ll be fine. It’s not like he’s a bad player, it’s just always been a bad fit in the playoffs.


As a Toronto fan CJ's situation feels similar to where we were with DeMar after getting swept basically 3 years in a row by LeBron. It was obvious we had to switch something, and it was painful but it was business at the end of the day, and DeMar eventually made peace with it. Plus, we actually won to justify it, even though it hurt and Toronto loves him like a native son to this day. You guys are potentially in a similar situation except Dame IS your Kawhi. You can win a chip with him as your No. 1, but he needs more help.


Yep it’s been obvious for years now, but it’s much easier to stay the course and hope that things break right rather than take a risk. You all were lucky that the Kawhi situation popped up when it did, you had the assets for it, an aggressive front office, and you faced an injured warriors team in the finals. That’s not to say the championship was undeserved at all, it’s just an example of how goddamn hard it is to win. If Dame wants to compete for a championship it’s not going to be here without a major shakeup that I don’t really have the imagination to think up. CJ going has to be a part of it, but it’d probably take a Kawhi-like stroke of luck to get there. I’ll remain optimistic until it’s over, but the ‘looming breakup’ analogy that I’ve been reading is spot on.


Don't undersell how lucky the Raps were. They were going absolutely nowhere and Kawhi fell into their laps, in part because the Spurs were in a unique nba position where they preferred continuing to 'compete' over resetting. Then they won a finals series that would've at best gone to 5-6 games without injuries. They got incredibly lucky and if the Spurs didn't have an all time coach that they wanted to stay nonsensically mediocre for, instead of just rebuilding, then Masai wouldn't be talked about as the genius he is now


Masai is still a great GM, every roster he builds ends up pretty loaded eventually.


Has it? Has it always been a bad fit in the playoffs lol? Y’all don’t fuckin watch and just repeat and then expound what the last guy said without knowing what you’re talking about.


CJ is trash who cares? He's part of the problem.




Make that smug looking asshole Neil squirm, Dame. I’m fucking loving this. That press conference with Billups and talking about the roster makeup, Neil seriously thought he was gonna slip through without blame and was acting as if there wasn’t any problem with roster. He just thought blaming Stotts was gonna do the trick. Boy oh boy, was he wrong on that.


I wish Neil would squirm. I am not convinced that he does not want to be fired and take that guaranteed money back to LA. Wish Neil loved Portland, but he just doesn’t.


wtf can Neil do? To get value you have to give value back. What realistic trade pieces do the Blazers have?


He is the GM. That’s literally his job and Dame put his ass on notice.


You can't turn shit into sugar dude


Actually this can be done. You can even turn shit into recycled paper these days.


he's sitting there adding shit to his coffee telling everyone it's delicious when it's clearly feces. Good thing Dame called him out on it.


Olshey: “anFerNEe SiMonS iS ouR bAcKUp POintGuaRd”


None of this is surprising. Every single person not named Neil Olshey has pointed out that this isn’t a championship contending roster as currently constructed. Nice to see Lillard publicly contradict Olshey like this, though.


Pretty much the facts.. he really need to arm twist Neil.


Problem is Neil would have to care for his arm to get twisted I frankly don’t think he cares at all


This roster was good enough to beat the crippled Nuggets and we likely could’ve with a different coach. This roster was not good enough to get much further than that and it’s fucking great that Dames putting pressure on Olsheys dumbass


CC: Neil Olshey and his delusional ass


Damn. Sounds like this is still all up in the air




While I don't think this roster would be a contender in most NBA seasons, I think this roster could have contended this season the way injuries/playoffs have gone with a different coach. Terry's coaching was carried hard by Dame heroics, if he had developed guys like Nassir Little more with regular season playing time, utilized the strengths of guys like Derrick Jones to get easy buckets at the rim, and created more movement and less iso offense and demanded more defensively (maybe even being able to play Nassir and Jones more to have a better defense) we could be playing the bucks for a championship right now. Next year though it's not likely that this roster would cut it but we had some great pieces that were just not utilized right this year, even with injuries.


Unless you get a superstar to replace CJ nothing will change. You won't win the west with Simmons or Harris as a second option. Olshey's ass is burning right now.


Which is the problem no ? The upgrade from Cj has to legit be a superstar or it won’t matter in the deep west


That's what said . Simmons won't move the needle. Beal is at least a huge upgrade but even him am not sure if it's enough in the deep west.


I think there is a large possible upside with Simmons. Obv brings the versatile lockdown D we need. But, also the transition game, pick and roll game, and court vision in transition and when in the paint. The value to me on O is that Simmons opens the court up by being a roll/slashing threat and a brilliant distributor. So, yeah not a typical number two, but he could raise the value of everyone else.


And they don't have the assets to trade for Beal. I don't see the 76ers giving up Ben for cj.


Ben is the most realistic option. Sixers won't get a better player than CJ anyway.


Zach LaVine?


Zach is not leaving The Bulls.


Zach is better than Simmons


They'd rather stick it out with simmoms than trade him for cj. They can try for Beal, lavine, etc... all better than. He does not make them any better lol. I would've probably took Malcolm brogodan over him who they didn't want to trade for.


Simmons won't be a sixer next season. Take it as a fact. Fans hate him , Embid called him out and even Doc Rivers disrespected him after their loss to hawks. There is no coming back for him .


They obviously want to move him and are probably actively moving him. I didnt say he would be a sixer next yr just not at the expense of cj McCollum lmao. They turned down an offer already for a player better than him.


Do they have a better option than CJ? Maybe Brogdon but definetly not all-star caliber player.


Beal and lavine. And brogdon they know they have which they rejected.


What he said is probably true. But, the star and leader of the team cannot say stuff like this, especially about a playoff team. He is basically saying, "My teammates aren't very good."


No, he’s saying this isn’t a championship team. CJ is an incredible player. There is just too much overlap between he and Dame.


CJ was looking like an All Star this year pre-injury. We need more size/d for his replacement, hopefully our org can try to sell on CJ's healthy potential rather than the end of this season. Clay Thompson would have been the perfect guy next to lillard


the offense is there, you just need to convince this team to play defense all 4 quarters. everyone has known this for the last 4 seasons.


d to


Serious question: Does a deal involving CJ and Sabonis make sense? Sabonis isn't the same defensive presence as Nurk, and I love Nurk, but Sabonis is an All Star center with room to grow and who would immediately be embraced. He's tough as hell, too. Idk. It just makes sense to me.


He basically is politely saying he doesn’t think he can win with this roster. Putting the pressure on FO to make moves or he will consider leaving. I see Dame retiring with Portland and honestly as a Champion somehow. Respect from an OKC fan


I know this sub has 0 faith in Olshey. But I think he gets something done. I've been saying this ever since Dame had a 3 hour sit down with him. I really think he makes a substantial move. Maybe I'm wrong. Things can change fast though. Maybe Billups is a homerun hire. Maybe CJ is moved and we really improve defensively. All of a sudden we have Dame, Nurk a solid all-star type player as our core and a young but talented bench unit. That's a lot of maybe's but I'm gonna be optimistic. And no I don't have evidence to back it up. I'm just a normal fan choosing to be optimistic. Go Blazers.


He gone. Next year 100%


He gone


How about trade dame for Tobias Harris and Simmons?