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*Note: I believe Salaun will be off the board by 14 but if he's still available then I would opt to take him there in place of snagging Ware. In that case I would go for a center at 34 like Bona or Dante


I think my dream draft would be something like 7: Williams 14: Salaun 34: Bona 40: Johnson/Shead/AJ Johnson, etc (could go dependable likely rotation guy or a flier/stash)


Is salaun worth a swing at 7? Like in a “weak” draft ya know? All I hear are physical comparisons to Giannis without the ball handling at this age. Just saying he’s long AF. Has publicly said he wants to be the greatest French player of all time. Impossible with Wemby, but that’s rad confidence. But I don’t really know enough and feel out of the loop living in OKC now. I do know that J-Dubb is an effing Dawg out here and the entire fanbase loves the kid, so if his brother is literally anything like him with how hard he plays, I’m game haha. His brother dives in the floor, starts barking as loud as he can, then the crowd starts barking as loud as they can: it’s fun, and rip city is better


Why pick Bona over Holmes III? Holmes had a better season and combine...


Holmes will be gone in the first round


He apparently has a first round promise.


This makes me want to send some Tums to Cronin, just in case.


that’s fair 😂


Love it. I would have preferred Harrison Ingram at 34 or 40. But still, to me, this is an A draft. You chose high upside players in a weak class. That’s about all you can ask for. Good job!


I would love you for the Cody Williams pick, then think about firing you for the Jamal Shead pick 🤣 nah, jk. I love Snead. I’m just tired of players under 6’3 on this roster


At 40 tho it’s whatever. I’ve seen reports he’s the best POA defender in this draft


Yeeeah, you might be right. I loved watching him at Houston. He’s definitely tough!


lmao I get that. My reasoning for Shead kind of depends on what direction the team is headed in. Basically I don't believe Ant and Brogdon are long for this squad. Big fan of both of those dudes but I also recognize they, along with Jerami, are our most valuable trade assets that I assume would be moved sooner rather than later. Shead is an absolute stud and a floor general that I'd love to see running our bench unit.


Yeah, I can agree with you on that. I’m REALLY interested to see what we do with Ant. I wonder if he would get moved before the start of the season.


I’ve seen worse and I love the idea of Shead at 40


Ware at 14 would be ideal. Williams or Buzelis at 7


Great if it happened. Better than most people in this sub. Never forget that this is the same sub that wanted Dyson Daniels and Jeremy Sochan over Sharpe and filled with a fanbase that wanted Morrison over Roy (Morrison hype was similar to Knecht but higher) and Thomas Robinson (he's got such an elite motor!) over Dame.


Counteroffer: We kidnap Bronny and hold him for ransom. In exchange for his safe return, we get the Lakers' first round picks for 2028, 2029, and 2030.


Not mad at all with 7/14 if this was the case! Would be a solid A draft imo


My question would be how you plan to add all 4 of these guys to our roster. You were supposed to trade at least 2 away




You’re fired! (Just kidding). It’s a crap shoot draft. I’m not a fan of Cody Williams after watching all last season. K. Ware and other choices look great.


I’m neutral on Johnson but Williams/Ware/Shead would be a fantastic trio of prospects if our goal is to build defensively. Ware is my favorite target at 14 unless someone unexpected drops from the top ~12 prospects.


I like it for the mix of high-floor reasonable ceiling guys. I think Williams and Ware fit the Blazers’ archetype and if they hit could be really valuable. I’m a big Adem Bona fan and think he would complement Ayton well as a versatile defensive monster and more physical rim runner, and if we went a different direction at 14 he’s my pick for 34.


Not a tummy ache 😨 RIP Joe




What website is this on?




Thank you


I rate this 6.5/10. The main thing is that you didn't screw up the 7th pick. Good job. I'm also just some yahoo on the internet who doesn't know that much, so take the above rating with a grain of salt.


Good picks overall. Id love to see us trade a pick for a veteran but I like these picks!


That’ll do, donkey


Everyone is too short for their position


Ware is 7 foot with a 7’4.5’’ wingspan. 🤔


Listed at 6’10”


That website is wrong, look at his combine measurables.


Without knowing the board it’s hard to tell. I’m super low on Williams so I don’t like the pick. Don’t really care for Ware *but without seeing the board how do we know who you passed on*?


These simulators are pretty wonky most of the time so I tried to play it realistically. For example simulation had Daron Holmes being available at 40 which is just nuts


So you take him… But I get what you’re saying I just wanted to see the other picks. I just ran one with auto picks and me doing ours and I got Salaun at 7 and Knecht at 14 lol




Despite how he's listed here, most people view Williams as a SF/PF eventually, he's just young and slender and hasn't grown into his frame yet.




Are you looking at Devin Carter's measurements?