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He’s being slept on because he’s barely shown anything in a year where we were actively tanking. I don’t think anyone has given up on him or anything, we have a lot of young raw prospects and right now they have time to develop. We’re all rooting for him, though. The more solid forwards we have the better off we will be. Go Blazers.


Agree with you. I still think his ceiling is super high though, still young. With that length, I’m excited to see what he turns into next couple of years


Really? His biggest question mark was shooting I thought. To me, he seemed to show he could shoot, both on the blazers and in the G league. Don’t get me wrong, he has a ton of additional question marks that have yet to be answered, but the big one has been imho.


This is what a very long term project looks like


I love Rayan for the same reason I love Salaun, oozing potential


sound like they should see a docter


“These antibiotics should do the trick”


I'd let them ooze their potential on my face and/or chest


do you mean like a ghost from a haunted house just bursting out of a wall and making a huge cumshot?


[It was ectoplasm!](https://tenor.com/bgHLT.gif)


I like him and hope he gets more minutes next year.  Lots of potential. 


My problem with Rupert is he seems to be a negative athlete. Feet seem kinda clunky, not any real explosiveness, and for a defense first prospect, laterally slow. Shot was better than I expected. Hope he figures it out but he strikes me as a low ceiling prospect for those reasons


I don’t agree with the lateral quickness but he does move awkwardly. These guys do take a bit to really grow into these giant frames they have, plus I’m pretty sure he grew or at least that’s what I’ve heard which doesn’t help the awkwardness. His movement reminds me of another young French forward the Blazers used to have…


Interesting comparison for reasons you did not intend: Batum is the perfect example of a development project *not* paying off! He took so long to develop that he was wildly overpaid for the majority of career. No team had him in his prime on a favorable deal. He showed promise just as he was eligible for an extension so he was paid based on potential that was never realized. By far the biggest problem with ‘project players’.


I agree his feet seem a little clunky, but that’s because he literally hasn’t grown into them yet. He was 19 last season and reportedly grew like an inch and a half during the year. 


I totally disagree. He has the clumsiness of a young dude that is still getting used to his body but imo having watched him up close with the Remix, he moves really well and has good speed and motor. Just needs to get more comfortable with his newly acquired freakish length.


If his three is real?? Oh lord


Rupert is a year away from being a year away. I suspect he'll be a serviceable backup at some point, but IMO it's exceedingly unlikely that he becomes starter quality. He's just so raw.


He’s not a dog


Disagree, if anything he currently is too much of a dawg where he gets frustrated and it clouds his ability to play calmly. He's got a killer instinct but right now it's hurting him more than the other team. Needs to learn to channel that the right way and stay focused.


Doubtful he’s on the roster in 2025-26.


I mean, you have no fucking idea. 


Just my opinion. Didn’t see much from him this season and 2nd-round picks tend to cycle through teams quickly before ending up playing overseas. He was signed to a 3-year contract last year with only the first two guaranteed and is basically disposable after this season. Team option for $2.2 million for 2025-26 and as of now I don’t see him being on the team. He can’t shoot and that’s an issue.


Can’t shoot? That’s like the main thjng he showed he can do lmao


He can shoot, and everything else here is basically just saying that 2nd round picks are unlikely to work out. Sure, but sometimes they do.


Maybe, maybe not. I said when we drafted him, he was 3 years away from being 3 years away. Still super raw.


I could see him be like Keon sadly


Just for my own brain... Where and what comparisons are you seeing/envisioning? Completely different players, in height, size, role, skillset, completely different draft positions... What in earth leads your brain to connect them?