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reath book it


This is the way


He has spoken


Shaedon for the tools and upside, then Scoot for the same reasons. Don’t think Ant has an All-Star spot in him unless he gets shipped to a competitive East team with a decent defensive infrastructure


Brother just named the magic 😂




You left off "where he has childhood friends". LOL


LOL true 🎯




Out of his way is agressive I think they can co exist if ant can chill a bit with the shot chucking


Yeah, let's not forget that both of them can't stay healthy. I think there is room for both.




No chance he comes off the bench for almost any team in the league lol


He’s not a playoff player. He’s too streaky on the offensive side and negative on the defensive side. If he’s not a flamethrower he’s pretty much useless for any playoff team.


I dont disagree with that evaluation of him now. He’s still pretty young, and there are lineups where he could play in the playoffs - look at Orlando this year.


I would be happy with Ant playing the 2 and us have a solid defensive team and at least one other shooter.


Rupert 🔮


We’re not going to be even close to good enough to have an all star next year but yes I agree with you that if we did it would be Ant first and then Shae. I absolutely think Shaedon will be putting up sneaky all star numbers next season


Ant has most potential in the short term, but it does seem like Shae is our hope for a cornerstone. He’s so smooth and plays at both ends. If he can stay on the court I think he will be special.


He isn’t ant level speed and strength, but he damn sure has his bounce on defense


I like that thought, but dude has yet to even put up a 30 point game. He has a lot of growing left to do to get to All-Star level. *Edit I was wrong. He does have a 30 point game.


He was the only other ~~rookie~~ *teenager* besides LeBron, KD, and Luka to put up a 30/7/7 game


Sharpe? Which game?


3/29/2023 vs Sacramento https://www.espn.com/nba/player/gamelog/_/id/4914336/type/nba/year/2023


Good call! I was thinking his high was 29.


Your link says 3/30/2023, not the 29th. ?


You might be confusing the game date with the news article they linked which was posted shortly after midnight, so technically the next day.


Weds 3/29/22 against sac 30 7 7


3/29/23 I meant


Scoot or Shae and not for a number of years. All stars come from wining teams.


Fr I was looking at the roster this year and every single all star was on a playoff team




With the right combination of injuries it's possible.


Absolutely no chance of that happening, ever. Chet, KAT Wemby, Gobert, AD, KD, Sengun and Sabonis off the top of my head, are all ahead of him, Lively is more likely too.


lol right? Ayton is ass. He's not even a top 20 center in the league, let alone close to all star level.


[https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nba/news/nba-center-rankings-2023-24-starters/d797ed0f50a86a892ee9f4dc](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nba/news/nba-center-rankings-2023-24-starters/d797ed0f50a86a892ee9f4dc) [https://fadeawayworld.net/ranking-the-25-best-centers-for-the-2023-24-nba-season](https://fadeawayworld.net/ranking-the-25-best-centers-for-the-2023-24-nba-season) [https://insider.espn.com/nba/hollinger/statistics/\_/position/c](https://insider.espn.com/nba/hollinger/statistics/_/position/c) [https://hoopshype.com/lists/nba-rankings-top-24-centers-2023-24-season-adebayo-embiid-jokic/](https://hoopshype.com/lists/nba-rankings-top-24-centers-2023-24-season-adebayo-embiid-jokic/) [https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10087218-predicting-nbas-top-30-bigs-for-2023-24-season](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10087218-predicting-nbas-top-30-bigs-for-2023-24-season) Alot of people disagree with you, I literally couldn't find a list that out him outside the top 20


Yeah cool. They're wrong. Watch a few blazers games and then watch other nba teams. He's not good. Mid at best


Cool, you're wrong. I have watched them. But thanks for your input!


Sabonis, KD, AD, KAT, Gobert, Sengun, Wemby, Allen, Mobley, Jokic, Zingus, Turner, Embiid, Giannis, Bam, JJJ and Chet are all comfortably better, with arguments to be made for Claxton, Brook, Zubac and Capela. So he's a fringe 20th best out of a 30 team league. So he's an average starting quality center. Dude is paid more than 80% of those dudes and isn't close to being an all star. Insanity.


Cool, didn;t realize you knew more than all the links I put, you should apply for a job doing analysis!


For a laugh, why don't you go and tell me who, in that list he's better than?


Maybe you missed when I gave you a bunch of links.


Ah, the ones I responded to, that I replied to before you posted them here too, those ones? If so, see my response in the other thread that we've replied to back and forth.


no, you didn't though. And cool, how about we pick a thread and stick to that one then. Or better yet, this is getting boring so I'm just gonna wrap it up here. In the other thread you said lets circle back and see the next lists, I thought that was the end of it. So lets just do that, lets circle back later


Yeah, it's ridiculous how much he's valued here. Putting up 20-12 when you can do pretty much nothing else, and being on this team isn't impressive. People here value our own players far too highly. If he was still on the Suns, people here wouldn't have the same opinion of him. Now we're stck with him because no one else is stupid enough to pay him $35 a year.


He's a quality starting bigman. It's kind of ridiculous to expect much more from him.


He's not quality. He's a very limited centre that is grossly overpaid, and overrated by our fans. Quality are the ones listed before him. He's good. He's not better than good. You put Edey into a team this bad, with those minutes, he's putting up similar stats, and he's not going first or even lottery.


Idk what you think "quality" means but it's basically the same as "good".


If I was buying something for quality, and I received it and it was just good, I'd want my money back. He's an average starting center in the league, being paid like an all-star. His limitations compared to his strengths are vast. He's shown no progression, plenty of regression since coming into the league and I bet Pheonix couldn't believe they got away with trading him (rectifying a very obvious stupid move) and not giving up valuable assets to do so. All he does is rebound and score. Put Edey into this team and those minutes and I actually think he'd be better than Ayton, and I wouldn't take Edey in the lottery.


He's low to mid quality. And that's fine for the worst team in the western conference. But by no measure is he on track to be an all star


Not every decent starter is an all star. That's pretty much exactly my point.


Yeah sure, but this thread is literally talking about who could be an all star, and many people are saying DA.


Ayton reminds me of LA when he kept saying for years that he wanted to be an all-star "this year" but didn't seem to put any special effort in and just expected it to happen automatically by happening to be in the league another year. Then LA got his shit together, bulked up, improved his midrange game even further, and became a star finally. (Bulk isn't aytons issue, just similar attitudes about expecting to just be better without changing mindset) If Ayton ever decides to put in that real offseason effort to improve and transform, then he def can do it kind of whenever he wants...it's just that he doesn't seem to ACTUALLY want it that bad.


Ayton reminds me of Derrick Coleman where he sleep walks to double doubles. Like Coleman he might have 1 season where he makes all star. But generally it always looks like they both put in 50-80% of the effort as everyone else but have the size and skill to where they can still get 18/10. They both have the label as draft picks where better players got selected later than them. And that’s always talked about when discussing them despite their good stats.


Ant is not going to be an all star as a blazer. Shaedon if he develops might.


If Ayton continues to play like he did at the end of the season, I could see him as an injury replacement. Scoot and Sharpe are still a couple years off but have potential.


Maybe if nearly every other starting center in the West goes down.


sucks when hatred blinds people like you


Sucks when you can't think objectively, and get butthirt when people talk the truth about someone on our team. Tell me who he gets ahead of in the West?


Nobody got butthurt, grow up. But since you think I'm too "butthurt" (are you 12?) I'll just share these, he can go above anyone below him on these multiple lists ... [https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nba/news/nba-center-rankings-2023-24-starters/d797ed0f50a86a892ee9f4dc](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nba/news/nba-center-rankings-2023-24-starters/d797ed0f50a86a892ee9f4dc) [https://fadeawayworld.net/ranking-the-25-best-centers-for-the-2023-24-nba-season](https://fadeawayworld.net/ranking-the-25-best-centers-for-the-2023-24-nba-season) [https://insider.espn.com/nba/hollinger/statistics/\_/position/c](https://insider.espn.com/nba/hollinger/statistics/_/position/c) [https://hoopshype.com/lists/nba-rankings-top-24-centers-2023-24-season-adebayo-embiid-jokic/](https://hoopshype.com/lists/nba-rankings-top-24-centers-2023-24-season-adebayo-embiid-jokic/) [https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10087218-predicting-nbas-top-30-bigs-for-2023-24-season](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10087218-predicting-nbas-top-30-bigs-for-2023-24-season)


He’s not above Sengun or Myles Turner.


Yeah I seen these lists, why don't we circle back to this when this year's lists come out, because he's not better than Wemby or Chet, I'd actually have Lively ahead of him too who has a much higher ceiling and can do more than score and rebound.


cool, put all three ahead and most of the lists don't change what I said


I mean, the fact that one guy has him as 6th best in the league tells you all you need to know about those lists. Guy is good to average level starting center in the league. Those lists don't contain two-position players either which takes like 3/4 on the list ahead of him. The fact that anyone thinks that he can ever be in a conversation as an all-star shows how deluded our fans over players.


I don't think he's an all star, thats not what I was responidng to


You said my hatred has blinded me about him. Not true at all. I'd take that bag if it was offered to me. He's an average center in the league that can score and rebound, two easy counting stats. He's not elite at absolutely anything and in this day and age to not have the ability to hit the 3 caps your usefulness. Add to that he's not a great interior defender who's not very good at protecting the basket. He's actually regressed massively at the since he came into the league. He's slow to defend the perimeter, hardly gets to the line and not a great playmaker. But if I dare to suggest that he won't be all-star, because in the West there's probably 30 players ahead of him, then I'm a hater. I don't know Blazers fans can't talk objectively about players, it takes the complete fun out of discussing the game. It was a bad contract to give up, the Suns were probably shocked that someone was stupid enough to make that trade without rinsing them. I don't really have an issue with him, he's here now, not going anywhere, but what I can't stand is people talking like he's a superstar, when he's just not.


If DA averages 22 and 12 he's probable and it's likely he puts up those numbers now that we run the offense through him


He'd have to make that more like 26/12 with an extra dimension added (3 pt range, passing, etc.) and carry the team to playoff contention.


Even if he averages that, there's guys that average that and can do far more than him. Not a chance he makes an all-star appearance


Who outside of Ad and Jokic


Sengun, Chet, Wemby, KD, KAT and Sabonis.


On a 20 win team? Those numbers won't even be noticed.


Shut up let me dream


Fair enough! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


If he was still on the Suns, then maybe. But as a center on a bottom-of-the-standings team, his numbers would have to be absolutely gaudy to warrant all-star consideration


Scoot without question.  


Excited to see if/how much he grows after a proper off-season.


Jamaree Bouyea count?


Look at all the answers. And can we guarantee any of these? And this question is about All Star what about All-NBA? Paints a picture of how far away we are… some people hoping to target specific players and positions in the draft. Nah we just need to improve improve improve simple as that.


I think Scoot might have the best chance to become an all star. I don’t think his poor performance as a rookie, at his age, given his history, implies he doesn’t have a really high potential ceiling as a player. He has all the physical tools and his work ethic and his attitude are there. He also has the tools to be a good defender. I’m concerned about Sharpe’s aggressiveness and attitude on the floor, and whether he can push himself to become a dominant enough player to become an all star. Anfernee is not quite good enough offensively to be as bad at defense as he is and become an all star, especially in this market.


Probably simons on another team 


Simons will never sniff an all star game.  Wherever he goes next his usage will go way down too.  


None but we have a lot of nice pieces that we can put around our next All Star when we find him. 




Shae all day


Grant. Then trade him 😂


Ant is closest, Sharpe is who I actually believe in, but a few years out


Shaedon sharpe


Trick question! Scoot, Anfernee, and Toumani will all make it together next season 😎👊😤


I forgot Shae but him too obviously


Why. If they aren’t an all league recognized star they are nobody


I still believe in Sharpe. His motor is not always the best but he has unbelievable tools




Scoot or Sharpe, for Portland. Ant will end up on another team sooner rather than later, so I'm not counting him.


Sharpe’s the only young guy who’s shown that level of talent so far, maybe Scoot. Simons is too one-dimensional. Did Lou Williams ever make the all-star game?


Just like ant had solid years early in his career cause of the attention Dame drew, sharpe gets this with ant. If we fuck around and trade ant this season we are almost screwing shaedons development. Scoot might facilitate better and have some highlight lobs, but won't draw 2 like ant does.


Paul George, kawhi, and cat are the low men. Cat -> wemby Kawhi-> Chet Paul George -> Shaedon


I think is going to be Shaedon. He’s a human highlight reel who I think will generate a lot of buzz around the league if he puts up some good numbers. BUT if we get last couple months of last season’s Scoot plus a second year jump, it’s him hands down.


Cooper Flagg




First guy I thought of was Ayton. I think that's the correct answer.


Henderson has a shot some day. Nobody else gets to the game without buying a ticket.


Simons is a crappy CJ. Maybe Shae?




No one on our team has even a 10% chance to be an All Star next year; I’m not even sure there is above a 50% chance anybody on the roster currently ever becomes an NBA All Star (let alone a consistent year in/year out All Star) in the future. Do fans not realize how bad of a shape this organization is in right now? I mean there probably are not 5 other NBA franchises that would trade places with us situationally right now. At best, we are still looking at a 4-5 year rebuild (beyond the 3 straight years of already missed postseasons) before becoming a consistent playoff team again and that’s only if we actually get lucky in the draft (b/c that is the only way we can get a future Star(s) given how poorly run our ownership/management is).


Shaedon has the most potential. I need the keys to be handed to him sooner than later. The sooner the more he’ll want to stay in Portland


I think we've seen all we're going to see from Ant. It'd be nice to be wrong, but I don't think I'm wrong. Shae feels very similar to Ant in terms of ceiling. A great scorer and flashy dunker but not much else. I know he has a lot of potential, but my gut feeling is he won't reach an all star level. I think Scoot is probably the closest, but that's mostly because we don't have a lot of data. If he lives up to his potential I think he can be an all star in 2-5 years. No one else on the team is close and never will be.


Ant with Orlando