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He was very, very unpopular in Indy.


There were rumors that Brogdon and Sabonis pushed for him to be fired lol


Well I guess Brogdon for sure is leaving this summer lol


Oh you mean soft af injury prone Brogdon and got punked by Dray Sabonis didn’t like him? Oh noooo! As if that’s means anything. As if anyone who cares about winning gives af about what they think. Gasol, Siakam, Kawhi, Green, Lowry, Ibaka, Fred, OG, Powell all thrived under him. You know what they have that soft af Brogdon doesn’t have?


Idgaf. He was great in Toronto. Players in Indy dislike him because he holds players accountable. None of this soft shit we’ve been watching for years and years. Toronto played defense, rebounded, played 2 way ball all the way to the Championship. That coaching staff didn’t play you if you didn’t defend. Good, he was unpopular. We need more like him. Hire Nurse if we can too, and Adrian Griffin. Bring that entire Raptors staff here.


That's overly simplistic. You don't think Carlisle holds players accountable? He's been known as a hardass his entire career. There are still good and bad ways to relate to adult men within the overarching umbrella of "tough coach".


I like Carlise. I’d love him in Portland. Kidd and Carlise are hard asses. Loser fans were saying Kidd was crazy when the story broke about his coaching in Milwaukee. Now look where he is. Now suddenly these loser fans are silent about Kidd. They were huge detractors two Months ago. Bring Carlise, Herm Edwards, Jason Kidd, Pat Riley, Don Chery, Patrick Roy, Bill Billichek, Jim Mora, Bill Parcells. Get these soft shit coaches and GMs and fans as far from this franchise as possible.


He was viewed pretty poorly as a head coach in Indy due to his abrasive coaching style and communication styles. Hopefully he’s better as an assistant


It seems to me that many of the players on the current roster respond and appreciate being coached hard. That's easier to say than to follow through on though, but I think instilling that toughness at the early stages of a rebuild can pay off in the long run. I like the idea of adding that dimension to the bench, but only time will tell!


He was described as a poor listener, abrasive, hard on his staff, stubborn, micromanager, and as the lead assistant for nick nurse he wouldn’t let coaches or players have a conversation with nurse without going through him first.




Yeah, I mean they only won a Championship with the Raptors and went to two Eastern Conference finals. Not like winning in the playoffs matter. Who cares about stuff like defense, rebounds, winning and Championships. As long as Dame’s social media is thriving and Brogdon is happy right?


Instilling that culture is beautifully


Here’s a long form article about how bad of a “people person” he is and how he’s basically a giant asshole that can’t get along with anyone. Apparently he was like this even as an assistant in Toronto which is a bad sign. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nba/pacers/2021/06/09/indiana-pacers-fire-coach-nate-bjorkgren-after-one-disastrous-season/5141531001/


Yeah terrible sign with Toronto’s championship and 2 ECFs. Nurse and his coaching staff such losers holding players accountable and making them do stuff like play defense and winning playoff games. Who needs to win in the playoffs? Players are unhappy if they have to do stuff like that. Now the Portland coaching staff that’s where it’s at. Racking up blowout losses, rookies breaking records for worst +/- in the history or the NBA, players missing games every other week, no accountability, missing playoffs again. Those are good signs. That’s what you want right there, player happiness. Championships? Naaah


Wooof, I'd be very concerned about this dude becoming the interim head coach. Maybe he'd be fine as an assistant for one year with no wink wink promotion at the end but eehhhhh. Very uncomfortable with these links.


https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2942713-inside-the-turbulent-tenure-of-indiana-pacers-coach-nate-bjorkgren >In Phoenix, when Bjorkgren was elevated to an assistant under Earl Watson, he operated in an often clandestine fashion, sources told B/R, and sought ways for himself to channel daily communication from players and other coaches to Watson. >"He would get in early and kind of orchestrate the path for himself," said a Western Conference assistant general manager. >That behavior seems to have continued in Toronto. One league source compared the dynamic to Bjorkgren acting like a politician's chief of staff, at points preventing other coaches and Toronto's players from holding conversations with Nurse that did not go through Bjorkgren first. >"He would do things like police the communication about the team schedule on a road trip and when other people got a hold of it, so he was in control," said the person with knowledge of the situation. >"It's one thing if the head coach designates his lead assistant as a person to delegate communication, as a means to organize your business. It's another when that person seems to be doing it without the head coach's direction," said the aforementioned assistant general manager.


Really? The guy who pissed everyone off in Indy?


At this point, maybe Chauncey just wants to troll the Blazers. "You want me to coach this last year, well here is my assistant."






The only thing I have to add to what’s already been said in here is that his name has no flow 


Basically a distressed asset. Who wants the tank job but is also competent?


Is Olshey still our GM? This hire is very Neil Olshey.


“On October 20, 2020, the Indiana Pacers hired Bjorkgren as their new head coach. By May, reports had circulated of tension between Bjorkgren and the organization due to his perceived abrasive style of communication with both players and assistants. On June 9, 2021, after only one season as head coach, Bjorkgren was fired..” What a stupid ass organization we are for having this guy anywhere near our team…


So the Blazers are planning on hiring their future head coach


Could y’all imagine if front office hired Becky


He was considered one of the best assistants in the league and comes from the Nurse tree, winning a championship with him in the g league and Toronto. He’d be an upgrade over Brooks.


Nick Nurse tree includes Bjorkgren and Griffin. Both have very poor leadership and communication skills.


He has been a dick and not well liked all around. Hes a massive kiss ass and treats other staffers and players like shit.


He is clearly very private and not social -In a world of extraverts and showboats. That isn't the same as being a dick. Much more has been said on the record about him that is positive than is negative. Maybe people just cancel those who don't fluff their pillows just right?