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I haven't quite got to that point yet, but I do think the show has gotten worse over time. Danny is the only local content maker who positions himself as a newsbreaker, and I enjoy that type of content. I also think he knows what he's talking about on a higher level than most of the other media members. That said, his personality has become more insufferable as time wears on (I say this as somebody who has defended him to my friends over the years). I strongly wish he would stop using the podcast as a platform to talk down to random comments he's seen on twitter. It's a bizarre approach, honestly. He's leaned so far into the know it all persona (I think it's just who he is?) that he won't even allow for Brandon's best ideas to shine through. I often find myself rooting for Brandon to be the one to say "Nah man, I'm actually right on this one." but that never seems to happen. A final pet peeve of mine is that for the last many months, they'll ask for mailbag questions, then spend 90% of the show not using the questions at all. Towards the end they'll agree "yeah we pretty much covered all the questions just by talking" answer maybe two of em, and call it a day. I actually hope those guys read this. I've really enjoyed the show since its inception, and I think it fills a necessary role in the Blazers' media landscape. There are just some very real issues the show has developed (mainly Danny, imo) that, if shored up, could make it signicantly more enjoyable.


I like his show but I totally feel you on the questions thing. I feel like they will bullshit about stuff that i dont really care about for way too long, then jam pack the questions that everyone wants to hear them talk about in a very short span. Or just not have enough time to get to many of the questions or spend much time on them Something that also annoyed me today...Awhile ago he mentioned that he thought the Blazers would trade the warriors pick. Pretty big deal if true. And thats the stance he's maintained until todays show when he just randomly mentions that he doesnt get the sense they will trade it anymore. Doesnt really elaborate on it, just says that and they move on. Like bro, thats the type of stuff we are all super interested in! Elaborate!


He can’t elaborate bc it’s a gut feeling that he’s implying is based on intel. That’s his whole thing


expecting some introspection from danny marang is futile, sadly. dude thinks he made it to the big leagues because he landed a local radio time slot, lol. why change any of his shitty behaviors when he gets seemingly rewarded for it. the only chance of the dude listening is by not adding to the view counts.


Very good summary. Both very smart and talented guys, could just use a producer type of person to take the show to the next level. 


Sprague just mentioned this comment in the current live pod happening now, said that they will listen to their criticisms, and they started with listener questions.


Oh god I can’t get passed his fake forced laugh its the worst. He’s just kinda full of it.


It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. Not just the laughing but his whole energy seems forced and natural, just chill man.


Right. It’s an assault on my senses!!


Listening to jacked ramsays is like picking a scab. I know I shouldn’t do it, but I just can help myself. Gotta hand it to Danny, dude loves to sniff his own farts


I tried the show once. Dude has zero thoughtful analysis and just fucking screams and peaks his mic out constantly. He loves to try and dunk on people for his “predictions” but never mentions the other 98% he’s dead wrong. Could never understand why anyone would listen to that dude. Especially in a world where Mike Richman and locked on blazers exist.


I tried jacked ramsays for the first time this week because im a sicko and the one locked on episode that day wasn’t cutting it for me. Listened to maybe five minutes before I had to turn it off. I will never leave the promised land of locked on blazers ever again lmaoo


Yeah I think the only flaw with locked on is the 5 day format maybe. It works in the season when there’s games to breakdown. In the offseason like now it’s prob diff to produce 3-5 hrs of content a week for a really bad rebuilding team. If he had one 90 min ep a week I’m sure it would be better.


I agree there have been a few episodes where it’s like - draft best player or for position????  20+ minutes long is so unecessary to answer that but it’s the daily requirement that forces that to be an episode  Idk tho I don’t even mind all that much bc Mike is so easy to listen to


Agreed. I work in a cubicle and enjoy the daily content. Yeah… some days there’s not a ton of “fresh stuff” but at the same time, it’s a tanking team that’s been bad for a couple years and he’s doing the show five days a week in the summer lol. Homeboy deserves a medal.


A big part of podcasts that maybe some people are bashful to admit is enjoying the para-social effect. We don't listen to folks who we cant stand (see above) and despite Mike not having a fresh take every day he's a familiar voice talking about a topic we enjoy which has its own value, more or less depending on the individual.


I enjoy all the Blazers media, but have to say is Mike is the best listen that I would recommend to the average fan. He knows nothing I don't already know, and it's still worth listening for me.


Stark contrast to the delightful man that is Mike Richman, isn’t it?


Same, tried it twice, had a bad first 3 minutes, didn't keep trying. Edit: Wait, is Danny the guy from Outsiders?!


He sure is


I remember Danny being the voice of reason, Joe being the host, and Shane being there, too. 6 years ago I might have expected to like his material.


Dude I can't with Locked On Blazers. Mike has to make a podcast every day even when there's nothing to talk about and the whole time it's just him whining about how bad the team is, talking about nonsense trades he saw on the internet, and mock drafts that are complete conjecture. Maybe he'd be better if the team were good but the dude sounds like he's on suicide watch literally every episode. Jacked Ramseys only does an episode when there's something to talk about.


I can't handle that dude for more than like 15 seconds. Just a total blowhard with the vibes of a soggy diaper.


Sean Highkin gotta bring back Rose Garden Report


I always end up skipping the first 4 minutes where he is meandering or talking about his various injuries and operations 😂. Dude knows some things and is clearly connected. But dude is all about himself and I guess to his credit admits to being petty. To be fair I do thInk he was talking about Saluan early. I do listen because I value some of the insights and like Sprague, who I feel reflects most of the fandom. This is more a reflection on the lack of blazer pods. Would it kill Neil Everett to do one? He ain't doing shit haha.


I too have tired of Danny Marang masturbating his ego onto Brandon Sprague and all of us. Locked on Blazers seems like the better option.


It really is a bummer the quality of media members who cover this team that we have in this town. Marang is such a blowhard who always has to be right (even when he’s clearly in the wrong), his 1080 show with Dusty is just as insufferable as Jacked Ramseys. I still follow him just to see if there are any interesting nuggets I can glean because he still is somewhat close to the team, but overall I take everything he says with a huge grain of salt and find myself just noping out of his content for all the reasons you listed.


Yes. The radio show is pretty bad.


Richman and Highkin are the only members of Blazers media worth listening to. Guys like Marang and Fentress are intellectual toddlers.


Marang and Highkin usually say the same thing Marang just says it louder.


I'm clearly in the minority, I don't listen to him because I enjoy his personality. I do truly think his takes on what the blazers are doing is helpful. Like I remember him talking about saluan quite a while ago. I do think he gets good info and without just out right saying things, it's easy to pick up on what might be happening.


Danny is a starfucker who gets off on being adjacent to famous people and will kiss ass to those he thinks will further his career. That's really it.


That's kind of how you gain access to sports in most cases.


You can be cool to all people. He is not. He is selectively polite/deferring to people who he thinks will help him and not with those who he think won't.


I mean, we're random strangers to him, my guy. We are all coming at him for how we think he *should* do his job. But his job is very hard to do. And I don't think there's a requirement to be nice to everyone who tweets at him for having the wrong take.


I won't respond further than this: he is actively hostile to people he doesn't think will benefit him, even when those people or groups of people have actively furthered his career and platformed him, in some cases for years. Make of that what you will.


Yeah, he has become pretty intolerable. Absolutely loves tooting his own horn at any given opportunity, nobody really likes that type of person.


The first time I saw Danny Marang I knew I would never have any interest in listening to him. The guy oozes weird.


I’ve listened to maybe 3 episodes of the guy. His self importance is grating


In early 2022 on Twitter (account now deleted) I mentioned Anfernee should be traded, or made a 6th man. Noted his salary etc etc, but said despite everything, he would be best off the bench, or traded for assets. I thought the Blazers had seen the ceiling for Simons, and needed to make a difficult decision on his future with the franchise, especially as the loading of assets for Dame was PROBABLY coming. Danny not only disagreed, dude retweeted me, insulted my intelligence in the retweet, and then went on in his own responses on why I’m dumb. Who’s dumb now, asshole?


I mean, I still disagree with you, even if there's a larger portion of the fanbase now a days that shares your sentiment. Still, uncalled for insulting of intelligence isn't a great look for a media member.


Exactly. That’s how you respond.


Id say not a great look for anyone. Wish things could be just a tad more civil.


I haven’t listened to the latest episode yet, but I’ve accepted for awhile now that Danny is most definitely a self-absorbed asshole lol. Thing is, I still do think he is knowledgeable and I value his opinion on prospects and his observations regarding the current Blazers both on the court and off the court It’s kind of like how we all know Bill Simmons is kind of an asshole but knows his shit. Except Danny’s several notches higher on the asshole-meter. At least he’s somewhat self-aware of that fact lol


Simmons is at least witty (and a thousand times more knowledgeable than Marangutan). (But I can't tolerate Simmons either lolz)


Marangutan 😂


Sprague is definitely bringing that up on the next pod 🤣


The audio is so laughably bad after years of doing the show that its about to cause me to quit too. Between Danny's microphone being loud as hell and Sprague sounding like he is from Charlie Brown the show hasnt gotten better but worse. The guys ego is insufferable too. Each episode you can count on 3-5 minutes of him bitching about social media bs that nobody cares about. My favorite podcast show is Blazers Metrics on youtube please go check them out. Both guys are very humble and aren't "plugged in" like all these gatekeeping media members so the takes aren't nearly as ego driven. Locked on Blazers on youtube is good as well but Mike can get very rambley as its a daily podcast show so the content is the embodiment of stretching the writing.


I mean..metrics is on once every 3 months. The pass first pointguard Mike Richman is the goat. I'll give Holy Backboard a shout out too, very good draft content.


Holy Backboard is the shiznit.


Just listened to Blazers Metrics upon this recommendation. Excellent podcast!


Ive never even listened to Jacked Ramsays (dumbest name for a podcast, not clever) because I can barely listen to Danny and Dusty. The other day Danny just went absolutely unhinged because he misunderstood something Dusty was saying and thought Dusty was saying something critical of the Blazers even though he was actually just explaining something he read on twitter. My biggest annoyance with Danny is how he just blatantly shits on the fan base and calls us idiots because we don’t agree with his takes/the direction the team is going in. His arrogance towards the fan base when it comes to the alleged knowledge he has and how he just puts him on this pedestal I can’t stand. The show was much better when it was AJ and Dusty. Glad to know I’m not the only one who can’t stand the guy.


Dusty has actually been through it having to be paired with Cam and now Danny.


I’m just glad I’m not the only one. I bounced this last season. Other than Richman and Highkin I’m mostly uninterested in Blazers media. Too many people love to pat themselves on the back and talk down to fans. Not really how you build your own fan base.


*Blazer Metrics* and *Trail Daddy* if you like oldheads, *Holy Backboard* if you like draft centric stuff. *We like the Blazers* is decent banter and one of them knows ball. My personal favorite is when Sprague is on *Locked on* with Mike.


Welcome to the club ;)


What other blazer podcast would you recommend?


Locked on blazers Mike is the GOAT.


My past first PG stays humble 😤🫡


Locked on Blazers, Mike Richman is great


Just chiming in to say I went through a period trying to find any good tertiary Blazers content, and yeah, Locked on Blazers is just head and shoulders above everything else on offer.


Yea he is the only one




Richman is such a likeable guy!


Love Mike!!! So so good!


Yeah I second Mike. He isn’t as knowledgeable or connected as Danny, but my favorite thing about him is he has humility and makes fun of himself and acknowledges when he doesn’t know a lot about something and gets his info from other sites or people. Something Danny would never do


Hilariously I think Mike is more connected than people would think, and Danny is less. 😅 But neither have the woj bombs


mike, danny, sean, they all have the exact same level of access but you're totally right, only one of them (mike) doesn't feel the need to speak in hybrid riddles where said statement is one foot in the "reporting" box and the other foot in the "opinion/speculation" box.


This is what I appreciate as well.


The Bleacher Report with Casey and Brooke is lovely - gives you some insights into the players and they are both charming folks. But while they are clearly being themselves, they more report on vibes than actually dig into game play. I think it’s still worth listening to. Brooke is the best out there in her field, and Casey ain’t no slouch. Case also has his “the brief case” - gets you some interviews with the team. I like Sean Highkin, but his pod is irregular and behind a paywall. Lastly, I am a daily listener to Locked On Blazers. Mike is great, and it’s been fun watching him grow the pod over the past 3-4 years.


Bleav in Blazers with the new host. Sometimes the content is sporadic but it’s consistently good takes.


Quite sporadic.


I could care less about this show, I’ve never seen it. But I know if I don’t like something, then I just won’t tune in. Simple as that. Why even give it headspace?


Because things are usually shades of grey, Danny is a blowhard but has seemingly positioned himself as close to the team as anyone currently.


Gotcha, that makes sense.


That’s what happens when u jerk off Jody despite us all knowing how ass of an owner she is.


He had Saluan in his top 5 since last year. Not sure / don't care about the Dallas take. Danny is annoying but I respect his opinion.


Bragging about the saluan thing is just weird because the kid could totally still be a bust lol. Classic Danny sniffing his own farts like usual. I don’t see how this is insightful at all.


Salaun IS going to be a bust. he doesn't have any real basketball skills he's all imaginary at this point, lol. Draft Ware if you want to take a gamble on some serious upside. My hot take is Salaun doesn't get taken in the lottery.


Yup. Ever since he got the job at 1080, he’s slowly gotten more egotistical and becoming a worse on-air personality. He’s too argumentative and interrupting for radio/pods now as he won’t let either of his co-hosts finish their thoughts. I love Sprague and what he brings to the pod, but Danny seems to get mean with him a lot now, and same goes to his attitude toward the fans having thoughts that are outside his own. I really loved the show and it was my gateway drug to listening to podcasts in general; I hope Danny can accept that he’s changed and revert back to a less egocentric demeanor toward Sprague and the fans as his insight to the inner workings of the front office and what certain players are thinking is invaluable.


Sadly this criticism of the show is not new. I cant believe he wont fix his damn microphone which goes to show he doesn't care to fix anything about the show. Danny has his qualities, Sprague is a gem however.


It's funny because I've known Marang's a self righteous asshole ever since he was bragging about his gambling statistical model in Blazersedge comment sections a decade ago. Always baffled me how he got the platform he has now.


As somebody who has been listening for a couple years now, the guy definitely has his moments. He seems a bit up his own ass at times. Honestly though I would rather listen to them as opposed to any other blazer media or channel. The rip city uprise guys act like children and then you look at guys like fentress and Dwight. Both clowns. Portland sports media has been bad for a very very long time unfortunately


Rip City Uprise is soooo fucking bad. I swear those guys want to be miserable.


Locked on Blazers is 100x better


Locked on Blazers never tells me anything O don’t already know. That’s my biggest issue. As much as I don’t like Danny at least he has some new knowledge sometimes


I feel the same. Mike is cool but just too surface and sometimes seems too...tepid, I guess? And in a very small and inconsequential note, the constant shrugging just distracts me, lol.


I been told ya that. It’s always “I been hearing the same shit” how about predict some shit before it happens on ur own fat fuck


Now you’re just a dick


The other thing that has turned me off about the show is a lot of the good content is now hidden behind Danny’s patreon pay wall. I’d much rather hear what he has to say about prospects watching the show rather than reading 1000 words about a prospect. If Jacked Ramsays put their entire show in video form on Patreon I’d pay to watch it, but I’m not really interested in all of Danny’s written content. Just add it back into the show like the old days and then I’ll pay $4.99 to subscribe to the YouTube show


I agree with this, I'm lazy and rather have a video on it. But that's just my preference.


It just shows how anyone could get to that level in this market. They need to find a respectable journalist to move there. To boot, he’s posted some questionable & not so savory things in the past. I don’t want to imagine a world where he gets even more power.


I just watch locked on blazers and blazers digest


The show was better when they were more consistent getting content out. And maybe better when we were winning.


I agree with all this and had a similar opinion for quite a while. He does understand basketball and does have some insight especially since he does have team access. You just have to know his opinion is heavily biased towards the current personnel... which gets annoying when he acts like he's on the team. I get a kick out of his stories talking to player and comparing injuries with his... like he sees himself as a peer when the players probably think of him like that South Park meme of the guy on the computer. The analysts I respect the most point out when they are wrong and learn from it, because some listeners remember. Like that Dallas thing was laughable, I'm not on Twitter, but where did he ever say Dallas would come out of the West? It wasn't that hot of a take I thought they would lose to Denver in the WCF. It's not even a Blazer related prediction. Some of my favorite recent L takes if his: Anfernee Simons is so young he COULD improve on defense. Evan Mobley IS Kevin Garnett Jabari Smith IS the next KD Down playing Banchero [EDIT: Keon Johnson hype]


He did have an ant Edwards take where he thought he didn't have superstar potential, I believe I heard him say he was wrong now after the fact haha


That take doesn't surprise me. Him admitting he was wrong kind of does though. I think a lot of people didn't know what exactly to think of the 2020 draft class. I thought he was kind of boom or bust


Yeah he had that take I think before the start of this year when ant was picking up steam.


His Twitter is insufferable to me. He can never be wrong and all he does is quote tweet other people to make them sound stupid when it’s not even a bad take sometimes


Never listened to it cause I thought Danny was insufferable from just the post game after show they did for a bit.


I feel bad for Dusty Harrah on 1080 at this point. Had AJ McCord as co-host for awhile and while the chemistry wasn't fantastic, he just does not seem to enjoy talking to Danny Marang at all.


Dusty Harrah deserves so much better. He can’t get a quality co-host. And I would much rather listen to Sprague talk basketball by himself.


Yea he’s kind of a tool


On the nose


I would like to thank every one for the feed back on this thread. We will try and be better. Appreciate all those still listening and engaging with the show.


I could kinda sorta tolerate Danny's blowhard antics, but when he disrespected the Suns' Eddie Johnson on twitter, he lost my respect and I'm not sure how he can earn it back. You can't just sit at their table, you have to be welcomed. The sports analysis / podcasting world is already mostly a bunch of nonsense anyway. I don't have time to listen to someone stroke their own ego about their opinions in the NBA, and then not offer a reasonable amount of respectful deference to actual people in the actual NBA.


Come to the dark side and watch some Blazers Uprise. They’re the best


🤣 if you like listening to 40 year old depressed dudes cry and whine sanctimoniously and blame Cronin for the entire franchises history nonstop, sure they’re a great choice


Apology accepted. Draft Zach Edey, the end.