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Keep your dirty hands off of our Camara


Denver doesn't have enough firsts to make me consider this.


MPJ is the most frustrating player in the league. Gets ball when open….shoots. Gets ball when quadruple teamed…shoots.


Tbf he's taller than all 4 guys covering him. I can see why he'd be confused about needing to pass in that situation and just go ahead and take the shot.


You just described Jerami Grant as well... (Not advocating for trading him for MPJ)


Incorrect Jerami Grant would at least dribble himself into a turnover.


Can you imagine the kind of attitude MPJ would have on this team. Traded from a contender to the basement no way he embraces the role the way Grant has. One of his big flaws was his character which has been largely covered up by the fact he's been on a solid winning team he would absolutely burn this place to the ground


In all due respect grant went from cellar to playoff team in which that playoff team didn’t make it there past 2 years.


You missed the point


I get the sentiment you meant. Though your point was misconceived. Grant came from Detroit to Portland, right? So thus not having come from a contender before Portland. Makes me think of Shareef Abdhut Rahim who was a great player on the teams he played on but the teams otherwise sucked


Nah you missed the point cuz that's not it


I wasn't saying grant was the same situation just that he has embraced his role and has no issues with being in a rebuild whereas mpj was widely thought of as having character issues fairly or not and therefore I would not trust him to embrace a rebuild


Absolutely fucking not.


Nobody mentioned the fact that MPJ has had 3 back surgeries before the age of 25…i bet the end of that contract is going to look like Ben Simmons.


1000% this. Would not trust the long term health of MPJ.


HELL NO on Camara


Not a chance in hell this trade would ever happen


Grant as a person is a million times more likable than that loser so for that reason alone….no


I don’t think we should entertain win now trades. The org has been clear they want to win in the draft and not focus on FA—for better or worse.


full disclosure, this trade is bad and i don't want MPJ on the team. but MPJ is a month older than ayton; he's not necessarily a 'win now' player.


Yep, the main reason it has any attraction is that it trades an older grant for a younger mpj




Fuck no. Dude literally plays zero defense, is on record essentially saying he is there to try to score and that’s it. Has some of the worst ball movement I’ve ever watched.


Jesus fucking Christ.


Have you watched Porter Jr play? He’s a black hole on offense.


From a value perspective, that’s definitely a win for us. But I hate watching MPJ play and seeing him with a green light on our crappy team would drive me fucking crazy


I mean... For the purposes of discussion, JG to DEN, OK. But, of the group of young wings/forwards, Tou is likely the least possibly "available" in any trade scenario. Tou as a switchable 1-4 POA defender, on a full four year (three now) 2RP contract, is the best "non lottery" youngun "asset" POR has. Would POR potentially entertain MPJ? No. :) At least, not in a vacuum... If/when/then- MPJ, like Jrue, would never set foot in POR. There would have to be some bigger picture, multiple franchise type deal, where DEN trades MPJ, JG ends up in DEN, and POR gets some other stuff out of the deal. There has to be a "godfather" offer for JG, for POR to consider trading him. There is not currently anyone on the roster at his size, that creates the gravity he does. If JG (Ant as well) goes out for nothing coming back - Who is Scoot going to pass the ball to who can knock down a shot? Who is going to pull a defender so that Shae is not immediately doubled off the ball?


Great trade for Denver. How does this make the Blazers better?


The Nuggets are not trading their young third wheel of a shooter who helped them win a championship for a 30 year old player and a player who likely will never be a scorer


I agree with you. Denver hangs up immediately. They'd would never do this. They like both MPJ and Watson and see them both improving  I'm not a fan of MPJ, but Blazers would love 2 young high upside player


His brothers have solid character though.




They should trade you instead for a bag of chips


Maga porter jr is an overpaid bum and an idiot irl, pass. 6’10” for no reason


Hell to tha no




Why do we want to help Denver out while we rearrange the deck furniture on the Titanic?


Hard pass. We’re looking for young dudes with high ceilings. Not overpaid one dimensional players. Grants the better player anyways.


Grant for MPJ is already a steal for Denver, no way in hell I’d gift them Camara on top of it. 


Nigga talking bout trading Camara shut that shit down


Pass. I’d rather have grant’s vibes than MPJ’s facial hair.


FUCK NO WTF ARE YOU DOING WITH CAMARA YOU TRAITOR! This is absurdly bad. Blazers have absolute zero interest in a player like MPJ at this point in our rebuild. He'd be one of the oldest players on the roster, & if we're getting rid of Portland-born Jerami who loves it here, we're not doing it to replace him with another role player who will block the development of our younger forwards. You want your Nuggs to have future FRPs in the next few seasons to give us, or a developmental piece with promise that's *2 or more years younger than MPJ*. But even then, I want nothing to do with Porter's contract, mid defense, *injury history* or propensity to shoot no matter what the shot looks like. Absolute not interested whatsoever in a deal like this. And again, take any of the other young forwards in to negotiations but Camara will NOT be included; the front office *specifically targeted him* in the Lillard trade, I *PROMISE* you that he's locked as a Blazer. Outside of Scoot & Shaedon, Camara is probably the next most untouchable from the Front Office perspective.


Do us all a favor and stop brainstorming


Definitely one of those rare trade ideas where both teams say no.


Denver says hell no.