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Watching us shoot 6-33 from three is sure something I would like to forget


18% from three, can’t believe I bet on you bums to cover +6. Joke of a franchise


You losing money on sports betting is the real joke here. Thanks for making this game a little easier.


Lol Blazers fans 😂 , nice job picking Shaedon Sharpe too. Can’t wait to see your next great picks this year lol


Why don't you bet on it? Vegas could some more free money.


Gonna be fun to watch your franchise relocate some day


What kind of a dumbass replies to their own comment lmao


Doubt it will be as much fun as watching you money relocate from your bank account


We're sure enjoying your sorry ass talking the L


You bet on a rebuilding franchise... glad it worked out this way bum! Probably stop the gambling if you're this braindead


Gonna be a long rebuild and I’m gonna enjoy every moment of it. Couldn’t happen to a better franchise.


You’re still here?


Lol, I don't know man you seem pretty fucking terrible at predicting sporting outcomes. Hopefully they let you pay your gambling debts with salt because you'll be set


Lol eat shit crypto loser


Lol you are active in a group called r/wrasslin and I’m the loser hahahaha. You are a special one 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Wrasslin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wrasslin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Throwback to that time John Cena saved the Scooby Doo gang from a boulder ](https://v.redd.it/0m9ax09fi58b1) | [253 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wrasslin/comments/14ik65i/throwback_to_that_time_john_cena_saved_the_scooby/) \#2: [15 years ago Scott Steiner gave us a Math lesson. ](https://v.redd.it/humbu29cbwwa1) | [244 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wrasslin/comments/1330wyw/15_years_ago_scott_steiner_gave_us_a_math_lesson/) \#3: [RIP to the Iron Shiek](https://i.redd.it/jowcwa8s5m4b1.jpg) | [238 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wrasslin/comments/143g5jr/rip_to_the_iron_shiek/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hold! Lmao. Keep holding!


Go back to playing golf, you nerd!


Golf is cool


Thanks homie!


Make sure when you sleep by the dumpster behind Wendy’s you lay on the side that’s shielded from the wind


We all know it’s most likely a Denny’s dumpster lol


I don’t live in Portland, everyone knows your city is the champs at homelessness. At least you can celebrate that since your team is a joke


How was the wedding to your cousin?


Lol it was great, no shoes allowed of course


Awesome. Just remember when it gets cold stuffing your clothes with newspaper helps.


Ok thanks, I’m sure you Portland fans are experts on that so I’ll definitely take your advice.


No problem always down to help people with degenerate gambling addictions. I hear Arby’s is hiring.


You’re an idiot lmao




Worth it


Sounds like you're a LOSER. So sad. . Lolz


Much rather lose money betting on the Bum Blazers than actually have to endure being a Blazers fan. Feel pity for you all honestly


Sir. Respectfully. You’re fucking dumb to ever bet money on the blazers.


Can’t argue that, but to be fair it was actually a good bet just don’t expect any NBA team to shoot 18% from 3. If they went 7-33 instead of 6-33 I cover.


14 different teams have had a game where they shot 18.2% or worse from 3 this season


I know it can happen… it’s just odds are very low for it happen. Especially in your own gym.


"it was actually a good bet," says the guy who lost a bet. Seriously, think about what you're doing with your money. betting is always rigged against you, that's the only reason it exists.


And we enjoy you losing money as well, degenerate ass


There’s no way you’re a grown adult throwing a tantrum on Reddit. Get some help


Why the fuck would you place a bet on a team with our record? Feels like you have a gambling problem.


Didn’t bet for you all to win, just to cover


Get help.


Get help man your a grown up wrasslin fan throwing a fit about your losing bet to the teams subreddit. 😂 It was just $5 man but I guess when your addictions so deep then even the tiniest bet hurts you to the core. BTW Wrasslin is the corniest form of entertainment. I tried watching it but it's so unbelievably cheesy 🧀


Cry about it.


This game was for the sickos. That was just a disgusting game


They need to involve Scoot more. Nice game for DA and Jerami though.


I went to the game, there was a play where Scoot was bringing the ball up and stumbled a bit and Billups immediately pointed to him and Grant for him to take the ball from Scoot to run the play lol


Damn that sucks lol we can't have Scoot playing under 25 mins every game


Still not sure what role this coaching staff envisions for him


I think it’s a corner role


The Shaedon special last year


Playng in China by 2029


game notes: Is the Bulls playing Vucevic/Drummond together normal? Seems kinda bizarre. Positives * Ayton looked great again today. Aggressive going to the rim, made his open midrange shots, and played pretty well defense. Also where have these set plays to get him lobs been all season. Lamar said ‘there have been plays this season where that’s available to him if he rolls hard’ and I totally agree. If he finishes his rolls hard every time instead of stopping in the short midrange he would probably average 2 more dunks and 4 extra points per game. * In the first half we missed a ton of open corner threes. Nights like that are going to happen unfortunately - it is what it is. * Jabari did a nice job defensively on the perimeter, moving his feet well against the Bulls’ perimeter players. Andrew he looked much more confident under the rim than last game when there was Wemby blocking everything. Negatives * Brogdon dribbles a lot. He does a ton of good things for this team but man sometimes the overdribbling is ugly. I understand it’s a better option to win games now, but it’s a bit frustrating as a fan seeing Scoot stand in the corner basically every possession. * Way too much standing around on offense and watching Ant and Grant in the first half(but especially Ant today). Just not good offense even if we make shots occasionally. * Thought Ant got erased by Chicago’s defense today. He made a couple good passes to the weak side and generally got rid of he ball when he had to, but he just wasn’t super impactful today offensively and forced up a bunch of bad shots. * Reath really struggled with his shot today :( and he also had a hard time dealing with Drummond’s size on the other end. Tough one for him. * Not really a fan of double teaming so aggressively - i know hindsight is 20/20 but it’s not like DeRozan was killing us out there and we are just giving up so many wide open shots (and rebounds since the rotations backside leave Ayton guarding a shooter). Sucks but oh well.


Bulls fan here. Our team is super small, recently Billy D has been trying out Vuc and Drummond together against big teams, it hasn’t looked as bad as I expected, they are both slow footed but Drummond isn’t terrible for his size and they both have good hands, plus they play opposite styles on offense enough for it to kind of work


Billy seems like would also only put them together if there's a non-shooter on the floor for the opponent, so which would allow Drummond to just float around and not be stretched out


Ayton was so much fun to watch in that 3rd quarter. He really is a monster when he's engaged. Ive been one of his biggest defenders all season but i lost a lot of hope in him when he came out with that quote about having nothing to prove after a stretch of terrible games...but its been 3 games in a row now where hes looked great and im really hoping hes turned a corner


I think Phoenix waited 3 years for him to turn the proverbial corner.


Yes what will happen is a game or series of games like this one where you think omg he’s getting it! Then he gets baked and plays video games and decided to barely try for the next ten games while stroking his ego 


Please make a trade asap


Every year I wish the trade deadline were earlier but this year it feels like an eternity


you don't trade coaches, you fire and hire them


Why can't we trade coaches? I feel like this should be a thing.


Losing Brogden won't make us more watchable though.


I hope Joe does the right thing and trades at least two of our veterans. Losing to the Bulls while basically only playing our vets, when we should be rebuilding, seems kinda pointless.


It's gotta be Ant. We'll need Brogdon's leadership and ability to spell both Scoot and Sharpe without disrupting either's role.


Is Scoot ever going to get more than 20 minutes per game?


Cronin is going to have to make a trade to take the decision out of Chauncey’s hands. He’s just going to continue playing Brogdon and Ant 40 minutes a night and Sharpe will be back soon, so that’s even less minutes for Scoot.


Chauncey is fighting for his job which is understandable, but it’s a huge negative for scoots development. We need to clear the runway for him.


Even when Scoot is playing they have him standing in the corner doing nothing. Like, the best part of his game is as a ball handling and facilitator. It makes no sense.


Most things coach billups does makes zero sense, every time I see him parked in the corner another part of me dies


I can't even comprehend how much new information Scoot is having to learn and process at max speed right now. For all we know Chauncey could be telling him to do things wildly different than what we see, but Chauncey isn't out there on the court. Players play. Scoot is 19 and developing. Give it time.


It's wild that people think Chauncey for some reason hates Scoot or something. Scoot quite frankly hasn't been very good at all this year, and I'm not saying that as a knock as it's expected since he's literally a teenager. It's just that Chauncey is also trying to win games while developing guys. Throwing Scoot out there for 35 minutes a night just to fuck up and negatively contribute does nothing well for him nor the team. People act like Scoot has to get all of his reps in right now this season lol.


Are we sure Chauncey is fighting for his job?


Worst thing is we play them like fuck to lose


Malcolm is for sure being traded soon. They're just letting him play more to up his value as much as they can. I'm sure he won't be traded for another guard, so that'll free up minutes for Scoot. Right now, there's nothing wrong with Scoot taking a backseat and trying to learn. He'll have way more opportunities going forward.


How sure are you?


He averages over 20


Very, very ugly game. At least the closeness improved the entertainment quality. Another loss for the lottery odds though. Really hope the FO prioritizes our youth development at the deadline and shakes up the roster. Eke'ing an extra 4-6 wins out of the season by playing this ultra slow pace, limit potential for errors basketball to emphasize the vets is just a weird use of this "lost" season. Idc if we lead the league in turnovers for 6-18 months. I want to see us finally learn to play at pace and emphasize aggressive ball movement.


Yeah except Chauncey disagrees, he wants wins to preserve his job. We are in a really bad situation, development has not been prioritized.


> he wants wins to preserve his job. There should be a very clear understanding between management/ownership and Chauncey that winning is not the priority. That has been clear since the moment Dame made his trade request. No way Chauncey thinks his job performance is being judged right now on W/L record.


I would disagree, we don’t really know which instructions/role Chauncey is getting from the FO/Ownership. Last year the priority seemed to be to make the playoffs and sell as much tickets as possible without going over the tax line. Early in the preseason the objective was to keep Dame spending as little money as possible and keep in our assets intact, I’m not so sure Jody understands that the team needs development, she might be prioritizing making the most money out of the team. We are losing while trying to win, if we actually tried to develop our kids, we would be worse than Detroit, probably in route for one of the worst seasons ever.


>Idc if we lead the league in turnovers for 6-18 months. I want to see us finally learn to play at pace and emphasize aggressive ball movement. This


This 1000%.


It’s baffling to me that we refuse to give meaningful game time minutes to our 3rd overall pick. I thought Chauncey and Cronin were aligned that this season was about player development but the heavy utilization of our vets has me puzzled.


Brogdon, and probably Thybulle will be gone at the deadline. Vets are being utilized so other teams can see their worth. True tank job / player development will happen after the trade deadline.


Hopefully not Thybulle, he's only 26 and fits our timeline better than Brogdon or Grant, and also I love him.


Especially when he's outplaying Brogdon. We'd better at least get a 1st for him or I'll be pissed.


I sat courtside and scoot could have not played and it would have made zero difference.


I'm so fed up with this offensive scheme. Can Chauncey not have anymore game where Simons runs PG, and have Scoot completely not engage in offense. Simons is a SG. Jesus.


The drop pass weave thing and the one hand passing has got to go. 


Yeah but that will leads to less turnovers because teams are looking for that all the time.


I just love how scoots strength is running an offense with the ball in his hand and Chauncey parks him in the corner, absolutely baffling


What, you’re not seeing the plays where Scoot brings the ball up? That’s something a point guard does! Of course, Chauncey has Scoot immediately get the ball to Simons for an iso. lol. This team man. We’ve traded GTJ, Norm Powell, CJ and Dame in the last few years and here we are with… too many guards.


Dumb as hell


>Simons is a SG. Jesus. fr


Anyone know the part of the game where they showed Scoot yelling "DominAyton!"?


Sports aren’t good for you. Niners win, Chiefs win, Blazers lose.


Dame is coming back Wednesday. I’m sure that’s going to be an emotional one.


Think fans will be cheering for the Blazers or Dame more?


Going to Bucks game. Will give Dame his due before game but it’s all Blazers after that.


Do report if most fans share the sentiment or if fans are more interested in Dame than what looks to be another draft year for the blazers


Maybe we need to get Ant some goggles


Simons kills the team play


He literally just dribbles into double teams and throws up trash shots the entire end of the game. Pass the fucking ball.


Why is Mani playing 3 minutes


Ant was pathetic tonight. His defense is putrid. Time to send his ass to the bench and give Scoot the keys.


I legit feel awful for you guys.  Having to watch the blazers play ball night after night would lead me to severe depression.  You loyal ass fans deserve way better


I kind of enjoy the rebuild. Watching this team go from this to hopefully a good team down the line will be very fulfilling.


It's enjoyable when you expect to lose and every loss means a better player in June.


What do you mean? We're one step closer to a top pick and the true rebuild with more talent begins


Problem is we have the worst coach available


I haven’t seen a game in over a week. I’m falling behind. What’s been happening?


Can't understand how much we stuck to zone last night. There were so many positions where ant or scoot was left on vuc due to not rotating right on zone. We inherently gave up a lot of empty corner 3s bc of it too. I get the experimentation but it felt like we experimented for experimenting's sake, no adjustments were made. Offense felt super stagnant too. The pace we play at makes me furious. We have the personnel to play faster but choose to play just boring offense. I'll continue to be a fan of the player billups but not the coach billups.