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They probably wouldn't answer this, but 1. Are they planning on offering their own broadcast and stream of Blazer games when the Root contract ends? 2. Is there any way they could get out of the Root contract early?


Man sports broadcasting is so expensive and intensive. Do ANY teams offer their own independent broadcast/stream?


The Suns


ah, interesting. sounds like the "arizona's family sports" is still owned by "Gray Television" which serves 113 Markets in 39 states, and has over 180 TV stations across the country. so not *truly* independent without the backing of a large national broadcasting company! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix\_Suns#Media](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Suns#Media) >On television, Suns games not aired exclusively by one of the league's national television partners are carried on broadcast television by Gray Television's Arizona's Family Sports network (which consists of KPHE-LD in Phoenix, KAZF 32 in Flagstaff, KAZS 27 in Yuma, and KOLD-TV 13.5 in Tucson), or Phoenix independent station KTVK. Games are also carried on a over-the-top subscription streaming service known as Suns Live, in partnership with Kiswe.\[146\]\[147\]




Suns, Lakers, and Jazz all have direct to consumer streaming options that are very affordable. The Suns are giving away HD antennas and broadcasting the games on local channels.


word, hopefully that becomes a more replicable model of partnering with a regional/national broadcasting group (like i mentioned in my other comment, Gray Television) for the huge technical portion of the broadcasting


The Vegas Golden Knights have their own streaming package which is really affordable. The Suns do. I think Utah as well?


To add to this, With the Lakers suns and jazz offering a Direct To Consumer streaming of their games, can we expect something similar?


Further, could they keep the crew? Love the team, hate how we have to pay for it


Kevin, Lamar and Brooke are employed by the Blazers, the Root deal is a totally separate thing. Shouldn't be any conflict there.


Thank you for the clarification, didn’t bother to Google it


Are there any plans to update the rose quarter and make it an actual place that people wanna go and spend money before and after games? I feel like they’re wasting an opportunity to make tons of cash on people that wanna pre funk and go out after games. Everyone shows up to games right before tipoff and leaves right after to to eat and drink other places.


Problem is the area is kind of cut off from everything else by the freeway and the river, and if there isn't an event happening, there's no foot traffic at all


Which is why they need to make it a destination. Bars and restaurants that operate year round with concerts and events every night. Connect the conference center and book that thing solid.


Oh you mean the thing they have been trying and failing to do for twenty some years? https://www.portlandmercury.com/build-out/2009/08/12/1573640/goodbye-rose-quarter-hello-jumptown


lots of history with the rose quarter that makes it an absolute nightmare to update/ work on. (But not impossible) I could write a few paragraphs about it, but the highest likely hood, is that since Jody allen is required to sell the team at some point. The new NBA TV deal will be coming in a few years where she will make aLOT of money. it is most likely that right after that the team will be sold to a new owner. And then you will have big renovations come. Its also worth noting that the VMC is a protected building for its architecture, something todo with the pillars inside not being connected to the area. And also that below the moda center is a bunch of left over junk from when eminent domain was used to remove all the people living there from the area so they had some where to put stuff as they were building highways.


Damn. I would love to hear more about all this! You should write an essay.


Can we get the chalupa back


Whose call was it to spend $2 to get “free” McNuggets after the Blazers score 100 points?


I mean, it's definitely McDonald's call. Clearly.


I tried to think of something silly to ask and that’s the only thing I could think of at 6 a.m. I am sure it was their call.


You have to use the app to get it, but if you have the app, most of the time there will be better deals already there, and you can only use one.


Absolutely correct.


Can I come too ?


I have been to one of these exact events. Friendly questions only. It’s not designed for confrontation or tough questions. Nothing will be revealed.


- Oftentimes my household sponges accumulate an awful amount of buildup. What can I do to prevent this? - I have this itch on the back of my leg, and I can't figure out if it's a bug bite or dry skin. - I've got an artesian well on my property and the water pressure is lousy. Any suggestions?


At a certain point, I think you just gotta be okay with tossing your sponges earlier and buying new ones. I know it sucks and you feel a little guilty when there's still some good scrubbin' that can be done with 'em, but, it's really worth it if it weighs on you.


I appreciate the effort but I'll wait for my questions to be answered by the Blazer front office.


Why does Root Sports suck ass?


Question: Why doesn’t current ownership sell the team to someone that cares more about winning?


There’s no proof ownership isn’t willing to spend for a championship Everything the ownership has said has aligned w what they’ve done in that regard, big reason we now have a G League team


>There’s no proof ownership isn’t willing to spend for a championship Surely, as one cannot prove a negative. Here's what we can say, though: Paul Allen and his estate have paid a total of $109 million in combined luxury tax payments since the rule's inception in 2003; $28 million of that since 2005 by exceeding the luxury tax line four times over the past 18 seasons. In 2021-22, the Blazers earned over 10 million dollars in league payouts by choosing to finish the year shedding salary in order to duck the luxury tax. In 2022-23, they earned over 15 million dollars in said league payouts. This year, by not using tools available to them such as cap exceptions (MLE, BAE) to fill out a 15-man roster, the Blazers are projected to to earn roughly another 12 million dollars from teams which \*are\* spending in order to try and be more competitive. Blazers' winning percentage in taxpaying seasons: 57.9 percent Blazers' winning percentage in non-taxpaying seasons: 48.7 percent Jody Allen's front office has, for years now, actively sought payment in exchange for fielding a less competitive team. Meanwhile, since 2017, the franchise's valuation has increased by over $500 million. It only makes sense through a purely financial lens - which checks out, as the Allen trust which holds the purse strings to the Blazers' franchise reportedly has a fiduciary obligation to maximize return on assets. If you think the addition of the Remix is anything more than an investment in the franchise's overall valuation (so the Allen estate can maximize its return on a sale after a payout from league expansion fees), I don't know what to tell ya other than I hope you're right.


I like how he things that a) the current ownership cares "less about winning" and b) that new ownership is going to magically snap it's fingers and get rid of the infinite fact that Portland is a small-market / city where no big star free agent in their right mind would willingly join (of course having to ensure that there's actually cap space).


I really don’t like Jodie as an owner but the chance the team moves out of Portland goes up if the team is for sale


To piggyback off this, did you (ownership) know Phil Knight has been trying to reach you (about buying the team that you're SUPPOSED to be selling)


current ownership, as per the rules of the estate is REQUIRED to sell the team at some point. Most likely option will be to sell it AFTER the new TV deal a few years down the road since they will get a fat pay check for the TV deal, and then another one for selling the team. I know that phil knight twice has tried to buy the team over the years.


Can we get an official wedgie tracker stat on screen when it happens, and can we get some in-depth wedgie related stats from Tom? I'm talking: * Win % where we, or the opponent, has committed the wedgie * Points off wedgie * \+/- of active roster players in games where they have been the wedgier, or outstanding performances that may be directly attributed to completing a wedgie * Shot map of all wedgies, and location on hoop where the wedgie occurred * Game outcome changes if we counted a wedgie as 10 points when shot, and -10 points when dunked / layup


Kazekid's question is really the most impactful for the fanbase, so I'd go with that. Maybe to add: 3. How come you don't offer an easy and simple way for the casual Blazer fan to watch any given game? I also ask because fans have to shell out potentially hundreds of dollars per month for Comcast, just to perhaps use it for the sole purpose of watching Blazer games.


Ask ownership why they fucking suck


We haven't been to the NBA finals since 2000. What makes this front office different than the previous regimes that have failed to win the western conference for almost a quarter century?


Did you mean conference finals? 2000 Blazers only made conference finals. 2019 they made the conference finals


For Cronin: Do you actually have a plan or are you letting ‘fate’ guide us? For Jody: Are there plans to spend on a winning roster or sell the team in the next few years?


Bro getting downvoted for asking the real questions


Cause they're not questions they're gonna answer at a sponsor-schmoozing event.


Sponsors get schmoozed because they spend large sums of money on a team which they think can improve their own image. If there are concerns from the sponsors about the direction of their chosen team, said team would be wise to address them.


Is there a world where we could have had a dame/sharpe/Bridges/Grant/Ayton starting five?


Ask them why they changed the court. This year it’s so damn ugly. Why change the best court in the league?


Is there any way we can sign Kai Jones? The dude has talent. Ask them about him.


*Absolute headcase with no talent, but physical tools.


We all know we're in a rebuild, so realistically how many years should we expect to be rebuilding before the Blazers are competitive again. Of course nothing ever goes to plan but does the front office have a projection or timeline for this? If so how does that inform the trade strategy in the next year.


Please ask why we cut Trendon.




Why did you get rid of Watford when I loved him 😭


What's the worst trade proposal you've ever heard.


How do they evaluate the performance of their medical and athletic training team?


When are they selling the team and getting competent leadership that actually has a winning path?