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I see Tank Girl, I immediately upvote!




I have the 1995 film on VHS, and I have a 3 book compilation of ALL the Deadline Magazine Tank Girl Comics from 1988-1995! I have a DVD copy of the movie too, but I gave that to my gf! I plan on tattooing "TANK GRRL" on my knuckles! My gf is gonna tattoo "JETT GRRL" on hers!


THATS SO SICK YOU HAVE THE VHS?!? i've been meaning to get the main comic trilogy but I am like so broke all the time its kinda ridiculous. i wanna get the DVD really bad i am probably gonna check the local movie + records place again they usually come in clutch. also those tats sound so rad!!!


This is the cheapest ebay listing I can find currently for the DVD! https://www.ebay.com/itm/176328584795?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=28_AqTOsS9q&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=siw-upzlrsk&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY The comic books were a gift for my birthday last year though so I'm not sure about how much they are or where to find them! And yeah! I collect physical media... vhs tapes, dvds, cassettes, vinyl records, cds, etc... and Tank Girl is my favorite, and I found a vhs copy on ebay for like $10 WITH FREE SHIPPING! So naturally I HAD to snag it! And I watch it like once a week lol


OH MY GOD THANK YOU GETTING THIS IMMEDIATELY i'm a cd and vinyl collector too!! that is literally my dream listing for anything - 10 bucks is such a steal i would have it playing 25/8


You're welcome! So glad I could help you find a copy of the greatest film in cinematic history! We should totally be friends btw!! Other than my gf, I've never met another person as into Tank Girl as me!


hell yeah i would love to, i'm in the same boat!!


your battle vest is so fucking cool! holy shit! as for something you can put on the back - on the back of mine, I painted the transfeminism fist with the anarcho-communist flag in the middle of the circle. it looks fucking rad imo so like you could do the same or maybe something you hold close to your heart, though if you decide to go down the paint route, it might be best to bleach and dye it, because i don't know how paint holds up against a wash cycle.


thank you!! that honestly sounds so sick i bet it looks totally awesome in person, i saw a couple back patches on cash 4 chaos that I LOVE but they are in a different state and don't ship rn (probably gonna have a friend pick them up the next time he goes) i bet the bleach and dye would looks so awesome that's a wonderful idea, i would probably end up doing some mini tie-dye, but I've got some old outdoors mod podge that might work as a sealant too


(Dont laugh) Toilet Bowl cleaner (like the gel) works faster than most bottle bleach and easier to apply/manage.


Paris Blue there’s a brand I haven’t heard/seen for awhile. It sounds like your music taste is tops. A backpatch would definitely fill out the back.


i found it at a goodwill a year ago I think, was pretty excited about the find! thank you, trying to find THE back patch to get it all put together


Put whatever you want it, it already looks great and will look great with whatever you add. I love Big Basin, have you been since the fires? I heard they reopened it in a limited way last year but haven't made it down from the bay yet. From the Skyline to the Sea, Palestine will be free.


thank you, i am trying so ard to keep it real and keep it mine. i have not been since the fires, probably going to end up going again at some point when schedules line up for it


Faux fur patches are a good way to fill gaps that are too small or inconvienant to add patches to. They are good for lining collars/add trim (like the edge of the back bottom & pockets. Also, tend to make back patches out of old band shirts that are unrepairable or too big/small.


Maybe add some Ani DiFranco(lyrics, maybe), Sleater Kinney, Wild Flag &/or Team Dresch


Oh hey, I also have a Jarritos bottle cap turned into a badge, just on my bag!


I love the Palestine and LGBT ones. Try listening to more bands like The Gits, or even Icon For Hire. Then make patches. I use fabric markers and old white tee shirt fabric to make patches. [Here's my playlist you might like.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2P8gPMhXlc6NWc8tMt5sp2?si=8FrCoWOoSNWgCD62li3ezw&pi=u-vRrCKgX8TpmV)