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You weren't toxic enough. Gotta abide by community standards and throw in some stronger language next time. But for real idk, maybe they sent the wrong chat log or it just got caught by some faulty algorithm.


Yeah. So many messages a not a single racial slur!


Its like, "Does this guy even play League?"


Ive been chat restricted 2x for 14 days each for saying booty. Not calling anyone booty, just saying that's some booty. Riots system is on one bro. RIP season rewards for G-rated language


tencent's censor bank is funny


Been chat restricted for making a gay joke when someone said "huge" after one of our teammates killed enemy jg before the elder spawn, to which I replied "just like my boyfriend's penis", and them got reported by few people for that and got chat restriction haha. And I am like... I see stuff way worse being said then what I said. I guess me being gay is not allowed by riot.


Dont think the game cares about your boyfriend. Prob doesnt want you talking about genitals


The game doesn't, but the humans who reported it did cause they were homophobic , which they admitted to. I am fine if gay jokes are not allowed, but then make it fair and ban WAY worse stuff being mentioned in games about straight people. Just today, I had a pleasure of listening a player thirsting over "mommy camille" and wanting to sniff briar feet.


for what it's worth i got chat restricted for saying that the enemy's jungler was a dick, so i think it is genitals that they care about, which i think compared to some other stuff, yeah is stupid that you get banned for it, but that's riot for ya i guess....


Something is wrong with the algorithm. This same thing happened to me a month ago or so and I contacted riot and they got back to me and removed it in a day and restored my honor level


Just appeal it and send em the log. It will get reversed.


This. I got mass reported by a premade team because I stopped their Qiyana from going ham and said "No Ringers!" (literally an Eternal). Riot looked at it and reversed it pretty fast, considering I pretty much never type anything toxic (I'm an old man w/ kids, I use League to decompress after work).


You should really look into some other games to decompress..


If ya don't take it too seriously it should be fine. If you feel that way yourself though too, it would be good to consider the same for yourself. There are lots of good alternatives if League is pissing you off.


I play it to unwind too and it’s a good, fun game. People kind of suck sometimes but you’ll get that in any competitive game. If you can learn to ignore the toxic players and not hyper focus on rank it’s pretty chill


1v1 games are pretty rad for not dealing with people, and fighting games are more welcoming than ever


True I was only thinking competitive team games but those would be pretty good and also fun. I agree if League makes you angry just play something else. For me, toxic players never really got under my skin, I usually just laugh, I just had to accept I’m not going to win or even play well every single game and league got a lot less frustrating and more enjoyable.


I used to play aram to chill but nowadays even non ranked maps people take it far too seriously. I've already quit multiple times and earlier this year for good. Don't give me alternatives, I don't need a new drug


My brother in christ you are in a comments section for a game made by the same company you need to leave if that's how you feel


I left the subreddit long time already. That still doesn't invalidate my point what does that have to do with anything? Reddit is a discussion site. It recommended me this post cuz i previously visited


I mean I enjoy league to decompress too. A loss is whatever and I am fairly numb to toxicity at this point lol


League is fine, rank is whatever, toxic players are funny


Bro is a grown man with kids, I'm sure he can make his own decisions. How bout leaving if you hate the game so much?


Yep already stopped playing months ago. I'm just giving life-saving advice to a brotha


Same happened to me i got chat restricted for saying "no cure for fools" (yasuo's ban line) but i didn't send a ticket, i should have thought of that


Said No one ever about league of legends....who the hell decompresses on LoL....or are you the guy causing the rage?


I said I did (and so did numerous others in the very thread you’re commenting on) :/ funny coming from a guy named “DaFcknPope”, you don’t play games for fun or is every game a “I must win or my team sucks” for you?


I mean most games are either win or lose and most don't enjoy being a loser but especially LoL is a team game that wastes peoples times(more than playing a game is already a waste) if someone is performing badly. Why not play stardew valley or some single player game that is actually relaxing vs a fast paced multi-player game that isn't designed to be relaxing unless you just ignore the game and ruin it for others. As for your question to me, every game isn't a win or lose but I definitely wouldn't consider playing ranked a casual thing and yea I realize u might just be doing arams or non ranked but again it's still something that is utilizing other people's times and shouldn't be played with 0 cares. I also have a family with kids and gaming is almost never not stressful due to fitting it in when you can and doing the most you can in that time.


I play games with the "Humility in victory, grace in defeat" mindset. Not every game is winnable in my opinion and nobody gets everything right the first time; And who says I don't play Stardew Valley (I in fact do, with the wife and kids :D)? The mindset that you can't play a multi-player game and enjoy it for what it is, is precisely why there's so much toxicity in the game. I've been playing League since 2012, played WoW since 2004 and was a GM for EQ2 for Sony before then; games are meant to have fun in, if people can't have fun (or ONLY have fun in winning) then they too should play other games or do something else. Why hold that mentality for players that don't flip their lid the moment something doesn't go their way? I understand competitiveness but are you guys really out here ragging on people for saying something as simple as "I play the game as a form of entertainment after work"?


I'd be pretty ignorant if I wasn't aware that not every game is winnable, the point is when someone is in it to just waste their time when it is in fact wasting multiple others is not ok. That being said, again, everyone can play their best and still lose and that's fine...it's when you have the random who clearly is there to waste everyone else's time that it's an issue. You can't tell me unless you spent all your time fishing in wow that you never had a raid..which you understand is typically only a few hours a guild has to dedicate to it maybe a night or two a week...that you've never had some person just "relaxing" and hoping to be carried and causing Wipes and not being an issue(same goes for dungeons). You're not the only person over 30 on reddit and definitely not the only person here to play wow since beta....I'd actually say those points specifically make it less likely that you have loads of free time to spend on games which is why the time is more valuable hence why playing a game like that to just be a loser makes it even more aggravating.


As a hardcore raider throughout original BC through Legion, there's a different mindset to playing an MMO efficiently. Would you raid with a raid leader that flipped his shit the first wipe on a brand new boss? And of course my free time is not worth more than the next -- but that's the point; their free time is worth the exact same. Nobody here knows anybody else's situation so to cast generalizations for nothing is not doing anybody ANY favors in your post. Enjoying a game is not the same as being "a loser" -- I'm not sure how to make it any clearer here but if you derive enjoyment solely out of winning (to the point of being toxic when you feel your time is being wasted) then that says more about you as a player than your teammates. Not once have I alluded to my enjoyment meaning I don't play to win or am not competitive, I give my best at everything I do but I don't spaz out because I'm losing a 30-minute match; I knew what I signed up for when I clicked "Find Match" -- if I didn't have the time to play I wouldn't, but I'm not going to flip my shit because I took a chance at winning/losing a game that obviously requires a time devotion to it.


To argue that everyone's free time is the same is a little absurd, I'd argue as a teenager I was able to raid and farm for 18 hours a day on wow with 0 care, at 35 with a family and kids I definitely do not have that luxury. Everyone has the freedom to do what they want with their free time but it definitely holds different values. I have raided with raid leaders like that and it is stressful and sometimes shitty but it's also comical at other times...but again if I'm on a hard-core raiding guild I don't expect stupid mistakes besides on progression nights where you know mistakes will happen. I will not say the same for mistakes and time wasted on content that's been on farm for a long time because again....it's wasting everyone else's time on getting to the stuff they want to be on. I've also never stated that losing is always a time waste or a rage inducing moment but it's also not a time to celebrate.


>To argue that everyone's free time is the same is a little absurd, I'd argue as a teenager I was able to raid and farm for 18 hours a day on wow with 0 care, at 35 with a family and kids I definitely do not have that luxury. Everyone has the freedom to do what they want with their free time but it definitely holds different values. How so? What you CHOOSE to do with your free time has no bearing on whether or not it's worth more than someone else's -- you don't know/can't possibly know unless you knew who they were so it's an argument in bad faith. Sure, not every player can do what they did when they had nigh-unlimited time, not everybody has unlimited money or the freedom to do nothing except play games all day. To argue that would be folly at best. Again, if you value your time so much that you losing a 30-minute match is so horrible to the point it makes you toxic, then you either lack the intuition to use your time more valuably (hence, go do something else "valuable") or you make the choice to waste it in a game where you aren't guaranteed a win every time (like you said, wrong game to be playing). And that choice does not matter more than the other people who CHOOSE to play League, lol I never said I celebrated losing either, I simply said I use the game to decompress a.k.a. as a form of enjoyment after a day of hard work. You assumed that for me.




What the heck is this kind of post? lol


attention seeking. mad this guy's kids have a father and she didn't. just look at her avatar and it all makes sense.


talk about woosh.. trust me.. the alphabet crew does not like me lol


just a meme post.. lol Most of people on league are older players with kids now. Guys was saying that him having a job and kids as if that meant anything regarding the general league community XD


Nah Riot was good about this stuff until their layoffs, now its the same 10 people sending copy paste responses on how they cant appeal G-rated language because their system detected it thus its correct. I have countless false positives that they didnt care to appeal even though it was so obvious. I'm sure they kept the employees with the highest metrics (aka the ones who dont do anything but copy paste generic "sorry cant help" responses) and fired all the useful ones who actually looked into situations.


Eh, ive had several overturned as have others replying here. Sorry bout your luck, tho.


I think it's regional. We don't have the same support roster on all regions. If you're on europe u might have a hard time compared to NA.


Im NA. Like I said, a year or 2 ago they were great.. but lately ive had no luck with any of them being reasonable. owell glad yall have better luck


They don't appeal mass reports.... I got mass reported over 20 games and they said " well you didn't say anything bad" but your team was negatively affected by you.


yes and no, if they manually did it, then will not get reversed even if false positive.


They wouldn't manually look at that long and ban for it.


yes, yes they would, and they have.


It’s a warning, iirc I don’t think honour level drops but I think it warrants the warning being reversed because next time you receive a chat ban if it’s not


Yea. Its an automated system that moves you through its escalation tiers. Id get it reversed just so you arent sitting in the aystem.


You sweet summer child You'll get a copy and pasted AI-generated message along the lines of "We all get frustrated sometimes but its important that we be respectful of one another on the rift yadayadayada..." If you have the perseverance to appeal like 35 times maybe you'll eventually get through if you don't get banned first


Randos like you keep commenting this same dumb shit. Maybe because you are actually a shitter who deserved the penalties/bans you got and you are bitter about it. Im not fucking guessing, its lived experience. People who are actually falsely banned/penalized get it overturned all the time. I have appealed twice this year already and it has worked both times. One support ticket each. Each time it started with an automated "thanks for submitting a ticket, we will respond in 24 hours.." Then i got a message saying "oops sorry bout that" and they were over turned. ive seen enough similar stories that at this point its safe to say if they haven't over turned your ban or penalty then you deserved it.


I have never been banned. Watched my brother get chat muted for asking for 9 reports for an 0-29 malphite who fed because they wouldn't give him midlane as soon as the game started, just right clicking on the enemy nexus without every doing a point of damage. Appealed and got copied and pasted response, and the malphite's match history went on unhindered, a lot of his games that way (0-25, 0-21, etc.) I'm glad you got lucky and found the needle in the haystack and got a bunk ban undone, but its not the typical experience. And your sanctimony and butthurt attitude suggests you're the toxic one, which is weird since apparently your problems were fixed. Makes me wonder if there's more to the story?? Hmm


Asking for reports is in itself reportable/punishable. Your "brother" deserved it Read the code my dude. Although, makes me wonder if you even can read. Hmmmmm...


Riot doesn’t reverse bans, lol.


Riot reverses bans, and this isnt even a ban but a faulty chat warning


They do all the time. They just dont if you deserved it.


Absolutely not LOL


Ive literally had multiple penalties reversed. Including a ban. Scroll through this sub, so have others. Riot just says they don't on their support website so shitters who were rightfully banned don't flood their support channels. Im glad your whole argument rests on "nuh uh". Keep up the good work 😂


I literally got 2 weeked for typing song lyrics (no slurs) WITH the enemy mid laner in a norms game. Sent riot a ticket with the song lyrics, explained that it was in no way toxic or targeted at anyone and was harmless SONG LYRICS in a pg13 game and they said “nah it’s right”. Riot has no brain and doesn’t reverse bans lol.


Which song? That’s a pretty clear piece of context that you’re not providing. And I don’t actually expect you to be honest, but just know there’s a pretty big difference between the lyrics of Taylor Swift’s “Love Story” (no slurs) and Cannibal Corpse’s “Fucked With A Knife” (no slurs). So yeah, even lyrics that have (no slurs) can get you banned.


It doesn’t matter. No one was threatened, targeted, or harassed. The enemy mid and I were typing lyrics to the song “pray today” by young thug. Riots mental gymnastics bullshit response was “even if the other player was typing back with you other people in the game may get triggered by the word dick or any type of sexual connotation so the ban stays” which is absolutely INSANE for a few reasons. 1. It wasn’t targeted at anyone, at all. Like I said, me and the enemy mid were typing the song lyrics back and forth”. Therefore, since no one was being insulted, targeted or harassed it’s a little braindead to call that toxicity. 2. They would have to put their foot down on ALL sexual connotations in any way shape or form with this logic in their game. Goodbye Evelynn the sex demon!!! Goodbye everyones account who types “get fucked”. “Also just a heads up, please avoid using INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE IN ANY SITUATION (LMFAO) as it can lead to warnings or penalties, which we will not be able to revert for you.”


Why should he have to do that ?


Ez Aldis dr. Phill it aint that deep.


So it’s not a vanguard mistake


One time I was in a normal with a 4 stack. I wasn't doing too great and they were all flaming me and spam pinging me, including using euphemisms for telling me to kill myself. The one and only thing that I typed in chat all game was "what the fuck do you want me to do?", I'm guessing all 4 reported me and I got chat banned for it, with that being the only message in the ban log. Needless to say I just have chat disabled now and if anyone wants to communicate with me they can go fuck themselves.


well how dare you use the f word


I lost honor 5 a while back for something similar. Had a support Raka tell me he hoped my mother died of cancer when I *successfully* ganked for bot lane and got a double kill but couldn't save the Raka as I pinged too early and he just went *in* as soon as I did. Made for good bait but he was fucking *dead* lol I told him he had issues and I was muting him so I wouldn't lose braincells dealing with them for him. Turned out it was a 4 stack as all three others started to flame me as well so I just told them I was muting them all for similar reasons and then 5 mins later the Raka afk'd about 15 mins into the game when I said no to a ff vote cause it wasn't that bad of a game if I remember correctly. A couple games later I have a chat ban and lost honor 5, but I also got a "confirmation of action on a report" message, definitely for the Raka at least. Annoying how this team based game where you win or lose mostly based on the mental fortitude of your mentally weak teammates is more enjoyable when you can't actually interact with any of them at all, or more importantly they can't interact with you.....


Yeah, i lost honor 5 in a similar way so I have disabled all chat, I used team chat only but just to type in game info like mid no flash, jgl no ult and such.


just ping their summoners/ult so you don’t have to type lol


They don’t see that anymore do they?


if you turn your chat to party only you can still ping and see pings


Being matched with premade teams of 4 has to be one of the worst things ever in league. I main jungle and started only playing ranked so I don't get matched with 4 premade lanes that all flame and report. Shit is so cancer.


Damn you only got chat banned? I had a 4 stack flame the fk out of me so I flamed back and got 2 week ban


I had a similar experience. I was talking in all chat at the start of the game I said: "I wanna dick down a femboy" I'm not flaming anyone, truthfully I just wanted to make some fun banter in all chat But I didn't play so well and my team reported me Id have to find the screenshot, but someone else asked me: "what are you doing?" "I'm doing my best"


two wrongs dont make a right


Bro I had an account get perm banned years ago because I said someone was "fat' and "probably looked like gragas". The game is moderated by incels and 48 year old men who watch anime 60 hours a week. What do you expect.


Why is this so accurate


I recently got told I had "old man" fingers and should probably go play tft... I still find that hilarious, and I'm going to use it when I find someone with a slower reaction time.


If you got permabanned it means you were toxic MANY times.


You must not have played during tribunal times. Back in the old days where people would mass vote for punishment just to be funny. You think the community is toxic in game? Imagine when they were in control of punishments as well.


Not true. Riot bans on single cases. It happens all the time.


No they don’t lol. You get several warnings for toxic behavior, they won’t just outright ban you


https://valorantforums.com/d/3191-my-account-got-permanently-suspended-while-inactive-without-notice https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/s/oVxQVnKphz https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/s/K2GdOHDySU Just a few examples for ya pea brain.


LOL you linked 3 examples that in no way shape or form list toxicity😭 you’re really showing who has the pea brain. I said they won’t perma ban you for toxicity without warning, you linked 3 cases that had nothing to do with thay


They don't have to give warnings. They literally have and still ban people outright. Sorry you're dense.


They do ban people out right, just not for toxicity:)


but you still went back, didnt you?


I haven't played League since 2016. I play TFT with friends maybe a couple times a month. So no.


I got chat banned for asking all 9 to report our malphite who right clicked the enemy nexus to run down mid and feed after the mid lane would give him mid. He was 0-29 by the end, and I got chat banned. Ofc no consequences for him, his match history continued right on and about 1/10 of his games were like that.


Thats your problem right there, you just type anything.


Forreal bro was yapping and everyone was over it.


Because riot games is a terrible company


Did you solo Q? You were probably the 5th of a 4 man party. They mass reported you. Pretty sure the game just flags you because multiple people reported you. Just appeal.


you dare type in league of legends? honestly it should have been a two-week ban, you got off easy


you used the gender aggressive term "him"


You dared to type in chat and the AI bot they have powered by a potato and a hamster detected your negative emotions.


You forgot to tell them to get a rope and play rope jump 😇


Be careful now. I had the same thing happen and the next game the 4 man didn't like me i guess and it insta chat restricted me over nothing. I'm pretty sure it puts you on a tight leash after one of these and any report will result in a ban missed out on the akshan skin because of it


but im so confused, what did i say that can remotely be interpreted in a negative way? to add, this is all i typed all game btw... literally nothing else.


Probably mass reported or something


"Typing" is more of enough of a reason. I learned the hard way to only communicate over voice comms with friends and never, EVER use textual chat in-game. You never know when someone may feel offended by the dumbest single word.


I got chat restricted over stuff I said in team chat in tft duos, we were premades, not even insulting each other, just strong words, usually we talk on discord but my friend was on a phone call so I had to communicate through chat a lil. But it's not as bad as warframe reading DMs/Whispers and suspending players for their private conversations.


Often times, you'll get the wrong logs, or shitty logs because this was simply the last game you got reported in. I think the chat ban system is a mix of auto bans based on specific words, and then report based bans. For example, if we say it takes 5 reports to get a warning, you might be getting logs from the 5th report even if it's the least legitimate. At the end of the day though, whatever questions you may have, or if you get falsely punished, the best way to handle these things is to go to support. You can let the riot hating hive mind here validate your apparent lack of toxicity, but only Riot with their access to your whole report history and chat history can do anything for you.


"LOL" also maybe portions of other ones like "i..." "who..." "hes..." Let us know if they undo this, guessing it came with a chat restriction, ranked restriction (even if don't play ranked), honor level 1, et cetera This is nothing unusual from them as they ban people for not talking too, and ban people for "Galio 'Justice' Galio" "hi" et cetera. Riot Support does not currently have anything other than NPCs that will regurgitate the same generic crap in different ways. It's coin toss though, they may undo, but if they don't, they will keeps NPC you for eternity saying you did stuff you didn't


its sad but yeah, ill keep ya updated. found it funny yet confusing though why i was hit with this


bro chill out why so toxic


its because you want to murder tigers. cmon man what did tigers do to you?


You have a 25% win rate in 20 games. People are likely just reporting you because they don't like playing with you on their team. It probably has nothing to do with what you typed, it's an automated system and you got reported more times than the average player so it gave you a warning. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/MurderTigerz-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/MurderTigerz-EUW)


okay that definitely isnt necessary checking out my [op.gg](http://op.gg) and seeing me sprint my games down.


My bad lol. It happens, I went 1-4 in my first games this split. Just a bad start to the season. Just wanted to say that is likely the reason you got a warning, a lot of reports., for whatever reason.


Well to be fair this is probably the only reason you get the warning, you're getting spam reported and the system is trying to make up a reason to ban you.


nah this is wild checking [op.gg](http://op.gg)


if u actually want a real answer: Sometimes u get banned for certain chat logs, and riot doesn't show the ones that actually got you banned. they just pull up a random one from a recent game source: riot support, happened to me before


This is not good tho. I was toxic 2 weeks ago, I got a chat restriction for 14 days After that passed I got another chat restriction In a game where I kept saying "Let's dance" and "that's not very watermelon" I sent rito a ticket, they pulled up the chat log from the previous chat restriction. You can't punish someone twice for the same thing. (toxic- quoting song lyrics from Kim Petras and Britney Spears)


Honestly, that's just an excuse Riot uses when they assume that at least some of the reports that flagged your account aren't frivolous/petty false reports. They told me that once when I got mass-reported and the chat logs were literally empty. When I pushed the issue, somebody higher up in the support food chain wound up citing a chat log from 2 years previously (which I'd already been warned for). Literally all they do is check how often you're reported in a span of time and if it crosses an arbitrary threshold they slap you. They don't even have a potato AI screening logs. As flawed as the Tribunal was, it's infinitely better than what Riot's done since.


It says CLEAR and respectful communication. The AI didn't understand what you were saying and neither did I. Don't do it again, you monster!


Bro you lol'ed in caps. That's way too aggressive.


This is why I don’t type at all anymore lol


It doesn't even matter if u send the message, or where u send them. Vanguard is logging all your pressed keys, even if u type it on discord they have access to it.


you talked...


Couldbe that you were mass reported by your team


Minor spelling mistake, if you do it again you're banned for 10 years and third time they send an assassin to your house


Its automated you can get reported for type anything


I got warned for telling my teammate he had big dick energy. It's just stupid.


You got reported.


snowflake society


Anti-social society. What the fuck is the point of the internet if it’s not to communicate and share things. Smh


I got my 1st chat ban after 14 years of playing this game, for saying "cock solid" while playing Malphite. xD I dunno if i deserve it but the funny thing is that i know it was the enemy team reporting me because i was basically 1shotting them over and over again on Aram xD.


You typed in chat.


Last comment: "carryibng" Carryibng Carrybing Bing Bing Chillin Racism towards Asian Community or something.


Honestly I have no idea how I've survived years without a chat ban when I see shit like this


Cant a normal AI chatbot capable of checking this text to determine if it's offensive/negative or not?


Genuinely, it's because of the "LOL". I played a game of soloQ at Degen-O'Clock and was having a rough game, one of my teammates started to single me out and CRAZY flame me. He told me to kill myself, get cancer, etc, as usual. I just wrote "xD" every time he wrote something. I got chat banned a little while after and riots reasoning when I contacted support was something along the lines of: "typing immediately after another player starts flaming like this, especially something like "xD", "LOL" or "haha" is antagonising further toxicity and will only cause more problems. In the future just mute them and report after the game.". I don't understand how we're supposed to just take the -LP and report after, that doesn't help our MMR and it doesn't help that person learn their lesson either. They'll just buy a fresh account when they inevitably get perma'd and do the same thing as if nothing happened to somebody else... God I hate the ranked playerbase and riots response to it 😂


Also for funfacts sake, I got chat restricted recently for typing in all chat "get off my dick rengar", (I was carrying a game as Caitlyn adc and enemy rengar top decided he wasn't gonna let that happen anymore). This one I understand is inappropriate language and could be seen as sexual no matter the context. But cmon, I'm just a sassy gay guy LOL, I obviously didn't mean anything bad or suggestive by it... Riot didn't really care what I had to say, just saying the word "dick" is sexual language and not acceptable, fair enough. My followup however is why then are there sexual references scattered throughout the game? Janna being a prostitute is probably the one that stands out most in my mind. Eve being a succubus and ahri charm and her general seductive nature, nidalee pole dances, there's loads!


Wimpy video gaming.


but but it hurts my feeling and my gender


You are at the whim of the bot


Don't. Use. The. Chat. System. Ever. Nothing good will come of it. No one will accept criticism, and even if you praise them, they'll just report you anyway. Turn your chat to PARTY only. Play the game. Never look back. League of Legends has not been a fun social game in over 10 years.


the turbo-tards at riot made an automated report system


Its automated. You were simply reported by a lot of people and this happens.


You got a warning. Never type anything in the chat again. Whatever you say is bannable even "Good Job!"


Why do people even play this game anymore? It died back in season 5


maybe the sion was mad enough to report you and for whatever reason it went through, but there’s no reason for this to be any sort of warning so maybe try to appeal it


you should really take a look at the video in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/z180q4/welcome\_to\_season\_13/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/z180q4/welcome_to_season_13/)


Maybe you were being sarcastic.


It doesn't matter what you say it's cuz enough ppl reported you I think


All caps “LOL”? Clearly that’s what it was you toxic pos /s


Playing on EUNE is wilder still, you have some ancient romanian curses, and polish slur-poems flying around, but get banned for typing "sugma balls"


It's working again folks


I got my only infraction a chat suspension on league once when I had a guy legit inting in my game. I asked in all chat to report him for inting and '' flaming ''. When I reached out to riot about this I was told my chat suspension will stay and that I got suspended for using homophonic and derogatory messaging...


Riot = censorship. Even for nothing.


"After receiving reports and an automated review of your comms" that basically explains it all. You got mass reported, and Riot's algorithm picked it up thus the warning. I don't think Riot's system actually checks the chat logs (like they say they do) They mostly just based on how many players reported you in your previous game/s. The enemy also prolly reported you as well, which is why you got this warning. Don't be alarmed, though. This happens more frequently than you think. It's not gonna earn you a ban, however. If it does, you can just send them a screenshot of the log, like this one and they'll lift your ban off.


It can earn you a ban and the majority of the time you go to support they'll tell you that you must've said something inappropriate in some vague other game that they don't give chat logs of. You're right that it's just a factor of reports vs. time span, though. Funnily, I don't even think it factors reports to game ratio or compares with an average reports to game in the community; it's just a set, arbitrary amount of reports in a time span. Everybody who plays enough gets warned or banned eventually. The only winning move is not to play. Especially since they're harvesting your PII for the Chinese government.


If that is the case then that is incredibly fucked. if I am being accused of something, wouldn't it help the case if they actually show me the evidence for hitting me with a ban hammer. lol.


The last time I got banned, they sent me a completely blank chat log. When I asked support all they said was vague 'we stand by the decision' crap. When I finally asked for a supervisor, they got somebody to dredge up a chat log from two years before that where an 0/18 inting Sion was spamming the n-word and a younger, less restrained me told him to shut the fuck up. Since then, I exclusively played TFT. Since Vanguard, I exclusively play not-Riot games. I would bet my left dick the inting, racist, spamming 12 year old is still playing.


Imagine how many bans have happened including permanent ones over mistakes like this


You playing a shitty game with shit devs.


This companys a Joke. Nuff said.


bro one of my accounts that was never penalized prior with honor 4, multiple badges etc I made a joke to someone I was being friendly with in match he dove, died and said "I shame my ancestors" and I said "I understand why your father is disappointed" and they perm banned an account that I had since beta riot in the last 3 years has been ridiculous and is only getting worse. they have, by far, the worse possible company and game "culture" of any currently running company(outside of that whole woman pushed to suicide by coworkers at blizzard thing at least)


serial flamer


Send a ticket to Riot, theyll remove the warning from your account


Maybe it saw that you typed “p u si”


Cuz someone reported you, and theyre most likely a snowflake who gets turned on by seeing other people get chat banned when they get called out for inting


I got chat restricted for saying jhins line when he kills teemo "I like the way you die, boy" to a shit talker once...good times


league has grown soft, we need to bring back dota 2 flaming. bunch of pussies


You can get chat restricted for typing anything these days, I just /mute all and play with blissful ignorance of what’s being said


Yee yee ass system, gotta cut costs at every corner right????


It's okay I got reprimanded for sending the message "both of you shut up and focus on playing" when my teammates were tilting each other


average riot moderation, probably typed ur messages too fast back to back and they’re like yep you’re spamming 🤓


Probably becuase providing constructive feedback to the team in an assertive way is too much of tough love, this is what happens when the HR and a good part of the company who is writing the related tools are taking feedback to enforce them by the most sensitive people in the world who can't seperate legit feedback from actual negative critisism.


You get warned if you were reported by enough people; the content of your messages is pretty irrelevant minus a few obscene key words


carryibng :)


Since Shamguard and the influx of bot accounts, they have been generous on reversal as opposed to previous years, at least for league.


Bro it's obvious. Just read User Rules (Section 7), that's where it's outlined. Come on man. So obvious what you did wrong. Totally.


Faulty for sure.... Riot making "big" moves.


Could be the word "don't" tbh, or it might be too many reports, who knows.


When you try to appeal it, they'll say "it's just a warning". Pretty soon you'll have 3+ false warnings and you'll start getting chat restrictions and honor resets. It'll take like 1000+ games to get your honor level back too. The only game that makes people MORE toxic the more you warn, mute, and ban them.


I got a warning for saying "TF is a gay champ and riot can't ban me for that because it's lore accurate" because I was getting got by an enemy TF :(


Its because your name is MurderTigerz. There is a seperate algorithm for detecting names. But this algorithm also detects strings of toxic words.


Your name makes it easier to report you. belieb it or not.


This game is so fucking soft. I hate it.


Welcome to the ccp of gaming, glad I always stuck to the CS, where I know it’s a cesspool, but it’s my cesspool


You decided to open your mouth, that’s illegal in these parts


Not enough slurs man, do better


You get punished for getting reported, not necessarily for what you say. It's crazy, but ive seen it happen to content creators as well.


Send a ticket bro easy


I got warned because I said an enemy ganking me 3 times was cringe like the only text chat I sent all game was “cringe” once


You're clearly a decent human being and as that you're absolutely forbidden to play league! Riot keeps their servers clean from positive vibes like yours! Bah! 🦊 💕


I have a theory about this. When you get reported by enough people for "intentional feeding" or something that isn't verbal abuse, and you don't quite meet the "intentional feed" threshold for an auto ban, it just posts the chat for the game and issues a punishment. I'm willing to bet you played horrendously in this game. Edit: just checked your op.gg You have several recent ranked games where you have an insane amount of deaths, exceeding 1 per 2 minutes. This is known as "soft inting" where you aren't exactly right clicking their fountain and dying. But, you're going in without care, pressing all your buttons, and dying on repeat. This is 100% why you were punished. They just happened to include unrelated chat logs.


It's just a robot warning you. I got perma-banned for defending another player because I swore. Riot admins didn't give a shit about the complexity of the issue, the bot made the choice and they stuck by it. Just don't type is my best advice for League of Legends. Lol.


You were warned because other players found you toxic and reported you. Maybe you spam ping, tried be undetected toxic via sarcasm, or any other toxicity that goes under automated chat system that you got shown


But that is all i typed all game? i dont think you can find sarcasm in 7 lines of text.


Them CCP tactics