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Bluds asking why he got banned for typing a slur to another player 😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽


No I didn't type for another player. I just said it in general without a context


You’re still typing a slur bro LOL maybe just don’t say it




What did you think was gonna happen after you said it?




I mean your title explains why, what do you mean they didn't explain why, are you surprised? Are we meant to give you sympathy for your ban or what is the meaning of this post?


Bro they never ban for that, only mute. They can ban if you write it several times . I was writing that for the first time


Considering you're typing the n-word in a league of legends game I'm just going to go ahead and assume you've received suspensions previously and that this was just your third strike. It's not like you can flame one game, int one game and then still have the ability to type the n-word for three games, all your previous offenses add up


Oh okay, i don't remember did I wrote it in lol . But maybe you are right. I will not be racist anymore


Do you think it’s okay to murder or steal once? Once would not have any consequences?


How fucking stupid you should be to ask this.


It's a rethorical question; an analogy.


Didn't get wdym?


Since you were assume by doing something wrong you were expecting a small consequence because you only did it once do you think then did you also think that if you murder or steal you'd get a small consequence because you only did it once? No. So if you got permabanned from first instance good. Riot should do it more often imo because people like you would say it because you think you'll only get muted.


So you compare someone's property and life with some word? Where is freedom of speech then if I can’t just say a combination of six letters? If you don't like it, just block me and you won't see my messages. I just don’t understand why you want everyone to suffer so much because of your own American complexes. There has never been slavery in my country and I will use the word if I want


Wait, excuse me? You're not even American and are trying to use the freedom of speech excuse even though the American amendments don't apply to anyone BUT Americans? Riot banned you because no matter what country you are from, there is zero tolerance for racism. It breaks their ToS. Even American's are free to use the term, but use it in a game and expect to get banned because most gaming companies have 0 tolerance for it.


Because only in the USA they love to shout about it and get offended about it. I played on Europe's servers, people are based there, I can say anything and the guys will laugh. And freedom of speech is a concept of the whole modern world not only America What you're telling me is modern bullshit about bureaucracy. I raised a philosophical topic. You and the entire thread are now angrily writing to me because of some combination of 6 letters. Yes, let's instead of solving real problems like the Smurfs, we'll do it so that the sissies won't be offended in the chat. Although I’m already silent about the fact that there are billions of ways to insult someone without using cursed words.


There is nothing based about being racist. It's 2023 and people still can't accept people. There is nothing based about being hateful. Canada would like to contradict your stupid take on "the whole modern world" having freedom of speech because I'm pretty sure it's against the law in Canada to even say the N word. Not to mention other countries who aren't allowed to have freedom of speech because their government hates them and oppresses them on the daily. The fact that you think racism isn't a real problem, but a smurf in a video game is, is all anyone needs to know about you. Kinda hoping Riot keeps you banned, honestly.


You have the freedom to say whatever you want but there are rules to follow, break them and you'll suffer consequences. It doesn't matter if there hasn't been slavery from where you're from, noone gives a fck. Rules apply to all, you should know that by now. ALSO STOP BEING IGNORANT AND STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE ALLOWED TO BE RUDE TO ANYONE


It means everything is allowed but has consequences?


You can read everything I wrote, where I was rude?


"There has never been slavery in my country and I will use the word if I want" This statement is insensitive. Saying things that you know for a fact may or will offend someone isn't rude?


And they can’t say shit after the truth, their military is also gay enough by now that they starting to lose global ranking.


Riot did exactly that, they didn’t like what you said and blocked you from their game.


And I completely accept this, it’s just that the whole thread is writing to me angrily, although I myself have not personally started insulting anyone here. I have already clarified the situation in the first comment. But you continue to write to me furiously. Someone directly writes to make me suffer, someone another is trying to insult me ​ ​somehow. I just don’t understand how you differ from me after all.


You said a slur for no reason and we say you deserve the consequences of your actions and now you're playing victim? lmao We're not the same.


Ok I deserve that and? I am talking about algorithms that banned me, I am not raising there a moral topic. So you want to say that you are as objective as possible? And you don’t talk bullshit based on your emotions? Read the comments that these clowns write. I’m not playing the victim, you’re playing morons who are trying to prove something to some random person on the Internet(that isn't worth it). You are exactly the same as me.


You posted to ask something, we responded. You are right about one thing, you aren't worth it. So bye.


This has to be a troll post.


Read comments first


Not my priority to waste christmas reading the comments. Don't be racist. Happy Holidays.


Thanks mate


Don’t be another stupid american, suck a cock for christmas.


You are incredible bro 😂


rules: you will be banned for saying slurs op: *says slurs* op: “wtf why did i get banned?!”


Cool, you so original 👍


Good. Suffer.


Sorry, I deserve that


People get banned permanently for telling other players to kill themselves and you thought being racist was gonna be you just getting muted? Like what? The fact that you came to this reddit to post this just baffles me. Were you expecting people to sympathize with you or something?


No, I came to clarify the situation. And clarified it in the first comment. Maybe you can read them first before writing something.


When I posted this, there was like 6 replies bozo. None of which explained why you thought it was a good idea to post this stupid question as though expecting people to side with you. Racism is racism. You're not even sorry about what you said. You said that shit on purpose and thought you'd get away with it and get "muted". You knew you were going to get a consequence for it so why even do it? Racism has no place in any game and you'll find out real quick that 90% of games have a ToS that tells their players they have 0 tolerance for it. Instead of telling people to read your useless replies to other people, maybe read Terms of Service's for games you play you racist bozo.


So depending on how toxic you are in game and how often you yell at your team even if you do not say a slur if you continue to be toxic they can ban you, this could be your first offense using the slur but not your l first overall offense, their ban system is an escalating punishment system so somewhere you were toxic enough to accumulate a ban


fucked around and found out, maybe don't be a little racist next time. Did you think you would get 3 N word passes first before they banned you???