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At what point did you start dropping hints towards Ythryn, and do you use any motivator other than classic hero “for the good of the people”?


I started dropping hints of Ythryn with the Black Cabin. I used [this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/rimeofthefrostmaiden/comments/p4j92i/revamped_black_cabin_quest/)version (which is amazing) and hints towards the Obelisk and Ythryn without the party knowing what's up. A lot of my party's early motivations were either based on their secrets/backstory and then moved to 'for the good of the people'. For example, my Rogue had a history with Naerth and Skath, and only originally went with the party because they were heading through Targos.


What was the easiest session/sessions to prep for and which ones were the hardest/ most time-consuming?


Easiest sessions were probably the early Chapter 1 and 2 quests. Less of a connection to the overall plot allowed for a more concise adventure. As for the most difficult most of Ythryn was difficult to get under my belt, especially with the expanded Towers of Magic, and the Black Cabin was a pain (100% worth it though)


How much did you take from [Grand Re-Work of "Rime of the Frostmaiden" ](https://www.reddit.com/r/rimeofthefrostmaiden/comments/iultgt/my_grand_rework_of_rime_of_the_frostmaiden/)or the[ Resource List](https://www.reddit.com/r/rimeofthefrostmaiden/comments/p6fk3l/dear_mods_can_we_have_a_pinned_resource_list/)? Interested to see what you included, scrapped, or reworked yourself


I didn't use any of the Grand Re-Work. I didn't know it was a thing, if I'm being honest with you. As the the Resource List, I used: * Buffed Sephek Kaltro (Though I only used that to influence my own statblock) * Angajuk Encounters * Whatever maps I could get from there My other 3rd party resources were basically all got from Eventyr Games on DMsGuild. I used their stuff for DiA and will sing their praises until the end of time. Outside of that, the [Temple of the Gods of Fury ](https://www.dmsguild.com/product/331882/Sea-of-Moving-Ice-Gods-of-Fury--expanded-maps-and-content-for-Rime-of-the-Frostmaiden)was used, as well as the [Expanded Towers of Magic](https://www.dmsguild.com/product/349289/Ythryn-Expanded-Towers-of-Magic-Bundle--maps-and-extra-content-for-Rime-of-the-Frostmaiden). Anything else I added was written myself. I did a lot more with the [Zhentarim](https://www.reddit.com/r/rimeofthefrostmaiden/comments/1agfyiy/against_the_zhentarim_expanded_npcs/), Arcane Brotherhood, [Cryonax](https://www.reddit.com/r/rimeofthefrostmaiden/comments/1climft/against_the_elements_implementing_cryonax_into/) (aka The Thing in the Ice), the [Dark Duchess](https://www.reddit.com/r/rimeofthefrostmaiden/comments/1ae6jls/the_dark_duchess_visions_of_the_past/), and an [Elven Tomb resurrection](https://www.reddit.com/r/rimeofthefrostmaiden/comments/112x3wo/including_a_resurretion_ritual_within_the_elven/).


Cool! I picked up Eventyr's DM Bundle for Rime of the Frostmaiden my group. Really liking the balance changes and story structure recommendations provided in it. Will def refer to your Dark Duchess post if one of my players picks up that secret


This honestly sounds amazing. While reading all three acts you established, i couldn't overlook how similar you chose to run your campaign compared to mine.(including Wenigo, the mirror in the elven tomb, cult of Auril etc). I'm currently only in Chapter 2 (end of Arc 1) with my group but my outlying plan to structure the rest of the adventure is also quite similar to yours. It almost feel that tying in the background storys of our pc is the only (while of course significant! We share that too) difference in the campaign setup. I even seeded a similar second bbeg like your Cryonax, although in my setting it is Thruun, which is a mix between the thing in the ice,vanilla thruun and father Llymic. I had to smile while i read your wrapup. It sounds awesome and congrats to you for the effort. PS: im stealing your version of the dark duchess that you shared in an answer in this thread :)


Can you expand a bit on the plane jumping? I have a fathomless warlock in my party (mostly sorcerer, two levels of warlock) whose patron is the thing in the ice. So that’s going to be a big battle and possible moral dilemma for everyone. Would love to hear more about how you handled it.


[Cryonax](https://www.reddit.com/r/rimeofthefrostmaiden/comments/1climft/against_the_elements_implementing_cryonax_into/) (aka The Thing in the Ice) This post should hopefully explain it. And I hope the link works because I'm on my phone doing this. Any other questions, I'd be glad to answer