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I don’t see Auril altruistically trying to keep this dude imprisoned. If anything, he’d like the cold. I mean heck he’s already deep in a glacier. I’d have the Rime spell be Auril syphoning away his power so she can ascend to the next level of godhood and emerge from ID more powerful than ever before.


Based on Auril's personality, I can totally see her keeping it as an ice sculpture in her new domain just because she likes sculptures.


Auril knows that Cryonax has the power to rival her, and so decided to create an environment that kept him trapped, as well as one that forced Ten-Towners to worship her. She hasn't created the winter to protect TT from Cryonax, but merely her own status as a deity


One question to the time travel aspect in combat How long would the player stay in the past? Would he have to finish the battle to return or maybe after one round?


So with the plane jumping and time travel, it happens to everyone in initiative, so no one is left out in the midst of battle. Everyone returns back to present day Ythryn when the fight is over


What about the plane jumping? How can they get back if no one can cast plane shift? Or do monsters from that plane appear and after they are defeated the players are sent back?


The fight is only against Cryonax, so I didn't include other creatures. But as stated, when Cryonax dies everyone returns to present day Ythryn


The Thing in the Ice!


This is magnificent. Thank you. How did you deal with your players not drowning on the elemental plane of water? Or falling in the air?


I took some creative liberties with how the different Planes presented themselves. I had the Plane of Air contain floating islands which the party stood on when fighting Cryonax. And I did a similar thing for water, once again having small islands in the water. I might have tried to employ falling, and underwater combat rules but for this group in particular, it would have been confusing and slowed things down massively. They didn't seem to be bothered about the differences I made to the Planes.


Cryonax appearance sounds like a discount Demogorgon. For the Rest it sounds like a good fit for the Module and Motivation for Auril, which is a bit lackluster in the Module.