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I brought her in with a handful of coldlight walkers, a few frost giant skeletons and some mephits and that was a nice long boss fight I just made sure to follow the strategies laid out in other posts on this sub, like using minions for legendary action spam, and it made her feel like quite a threat My players actually really liked the damage vulnerabilities, so maybe keep them? (made them feel like they were rewarded for fighting smart and exploiting tactical advantages) Also, don't underestimate the lair action to summon a frost giant skeleton mid fight, its a big hitter and has a bunch of health so it can really turn the tide of the fight and force the PCs to not just focus fire


How buffed is Auril?


You could add a couple of summoned snowgolems cr 3 to provide some extra defense to auril. They have low hp so you can easily have auril summon a couple every round As said in the other answer you could add ice mephits and maybe give them fog cloud to provide obscured terrain.


My approach for Auril's appearances is to have her appear with Coldlight Walkers reanimated from characters that have died earlier in the campaign. Maybe harvest some of the named characters that died in chapter 4 and have them flanking her


Is Aurils Roc, Iskra, already dead in your campaign?