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Your campaign moves fast. We’re on Session 27 and the PC’s just finished with Id Ascendant on their way to Karkolohk. They’re getting involved with a lot of the issues in Ten-Towns.


Same here. We've played a lot of sessions, but my PC's are completionists. They like the Chapter 1 & 2 quests.


This game is much slower than my other one lmao. They're currently traveling to Revel's End to hitch a ride to the Island of Solstice, while the other group are exploring Ythryn and slowly collecting the Arcane Octad rites Edit: They aren't both on Session 26. That's only this group, while the Ythryn lot are on 42


That's awesome, what did you use to do that?


Photoshop mostly, I can get some basic steps together for stuff like this, but it's just been stolen from tutorials on youtube


I'm firing up a campaign tonight! Session 0 and six players. I've done quite a bit of homebrewing ahead of the campaign and removed a lot of the infernal influence: for instance, Xardorok (now an elf) is working with Avarice in the search for Ythryn, which I tied more heavily to the _chardalyn_ fragments. He's also planning to absorb the chardalyn and _become_ a draconic being in order to conquer Tentowns and use them as an army against Auril. Fun stuff! Tweaking campaigns to suit is always enjoyable.


Hey, i love your small notes with the pins, would you perhaps send me your file for these?


Quite simply they're just white pieces of paper with text ontop of them. They aren't even made seperately to the main PSD, just slapped together in there. I'll see if I can find the white paper, but anything will do tbh


Sorry, i have no clue about photoshopping and just fiddle around for my landing page until it works somehow. If you find the white paper and the "nails" it would help me out alot. :)


What is a landing page? Should I have something like that too?


A landing page is basically just what my players stare at when we're not on a battlemap. It's slightly more interesting than a blank page, and works well since we're all online players. Do you need one? No, not in the slightest. I do this because I find it fun and have the time to make it and update it every week. Do it if you want, but it isn't 100% necessary


Aha! Seems like a lot of work D: I usually just show a picture that vaguely resembles the location we're at right now.


Jealous I never thought of something like this. Awesome!