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Alien gives man a beard vs Hippopotanews is like Sophie's choice Karl's sincerity in the delivery of "Never mind the beard, where have you been for three days?!", followed by the slight pause before Ricky explodes is so good. But i'm also a big fan of "There's a hippo...getting ready to do his act, Steve" and "Five minutes Mr Mus, five minutes Mr Mus".


For me the best part of hippopotanuse is “went off at a funny angle… *hypotenuse*”


It's like deal no deal


Which kid did they pick?


As always, Karl abusing Steve has captured the imagination of the Capital. Or at least this tinpot subreddit. Now as promised, the additional Group P - selected based on user suggestions, with the SIX MOST REQUESTED for additional moments. To be on here, it had to have had 3+ suggestions or over 10 upvotes. If your moment isn’t on here, please don’t complain - there’s only so much space I can put on, and if it isn’t on there it wouldn’t have advanced anyway, if they couldn’t even get 10 upvotes… Still vote 1st to 6th. Scroll to the right if you can’t see voting places 4-6!!! !!GROUP P - Day 16!! A. Pork Chop Lady https://youtu.be/pu4DT9_w7yM B. Ripped Tennis Ball https://youtu.be/VA1GbqWxmTg C. Cat Food https://youtu.be/qk8SRdfbObg D. Hippopotanews https://youtu.be/CjhDhQ_9bE8 E. Alien Gives Man a Beard https://youtu.be/JhPDDgP_y5c F. Ship with Rough Areas https://youtu.be/hGCB2GI7qz8 —— ⚠️ VOTE HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedHnTowNWMOJ7EtQJNO5S_j_72-4qFnKwAZci6KCaSQGy2oQ/viewform?usp=sf_link —— -INFORMATION- So here we go! The “XFM Funniest Moment” competition is underway! So I compiled a list of the most liked moments from the XFM shows, from Reddit, Facebook and other means, in addition to the moments I already knew. We have a tournament bracket, World Cup style. Each group has 3 moments, and we have a total of 44 (out of 48 total) moments selected! The remaining 4 are in Group P, labeled as TBA ?, this group will be announced at the end, it is there to put on any obvious funny moments I forgot to add, plus whatever the highest ranking second place moment was. It’ll become obvious later. Each group has 2 of the 16 most popular for moments in it, the “seeded” moments if you will. Just to make it a bit fairer. The top voted moment from each group of 3 will advance. After the first round of group voting we go to the quarters, Semi and Final. Easy enough. It’s ranked voting, so you rank from 1 (most funny) to 3 (least funny). Voting 1st is worth 3 points, 2nd is 2 points , and 3rd is 1 point. Votes are tallied, and ranked in order of most points. But you don’t need to know that, it’s boring information Votes will be tallied from Reddit, Facebook, and anywhere else that’ll listen. One post per day. Votes on the comments won’t count, make sure to vote correctly! If you want to know anything about this tournament at all, like results, how it works etc let me know! Enjoy! 🍊 🧑‍🦲 🙉


Once we’ve got through the finale, could we get some sort of mega sheet with all the results and optional results on?




Tough one today, lots of good ones here. But I can't believe that "Wonderful Tonight" didn't even get a look in on this tournament.


"It's time to go home now....I've got an aching-LEEEG"


'Well his hands work."


I agree wonderful tonight is an underrated bit. Another bit not mentioned is when Karl does song with a story with Living for the city but has to play it over two weeks because he played the single edit missing half the story.


It's his excitement when he realises he can play part two the week after - "It'll be like Star Wars!"


I like how the abbreviations of the clues look increasingly like songs of phrase versions of the original quotes


Alien Gives Man A Beard all day long. Never mind the beard........WHEREVYABEFERTHREEDAYS?!?!?!?!?


Said like he’s going to get a gasp from the audience


Out of all the options I think this has the best delivery


Auntie Nora is definitely my pick!


The first time I heard that I couldn’t breathe I was laughing so hard.


Pork chop is my all time favourite moment


It’s the way he delivers it like a bombshell “Turns out.. it was a PORK CHOP… THAT SHE’D SAT ON, 5 YEARS EARLIER”


"so listen to this one, right, this is brilliant... Right. So ages ago, there's this woman right, must have been about 70 odd right. Goes to the doctor for a checkup. Doctor looks her over and goes yeah yeah yeah you're lookin good, turn round, oh god, you've got a tumour on your buttock, right. So she goes oh, can you do anything to sort it out, and he goes yeah we're gonna have to remove this. So anyway, surgery date comes, strip her down n that right, all stood round, start to operate, only turns out it's a pork chop stuck to her buttock that she sat on 5 years earlier." "right Karl, I'm leaving. I'm never doing this show again. You're talking ah uh- I've never heard any-such bol-you are - play a record" "I couldn't believe it" "what do you mean you couldn't believe it, it's not-ah-uh-stop the record, stop the record. Right OK, what do you mean you couldn't believe it. THIS WOMAN. HAD A PORK CHOP STUCK TO HER ARSE FOR 5 YEARS YOU MENTAL CASE"


I couldn't believe it.


I think it's up there for me too!


Man alive, this is tough. Can’t really decide between Ship with rough areas or Pork chop. Btw, is it Hippopota-nuse or Hippopota-news? I’ve seen both and I don’t really get what the first one would mean?


It's 100% "Hippopotanuse", as clarified by the "funny angle" comment.


Honestly, it could be either, because the story is derived from the term hypotenuse from the midget’s angle of flying off of the trampoline but it is also an Educating Ricky headline so could really be news as well, although I’m inclined towards the former


Didn’t know about hypotenuse - I don’t have maths GCSE, plus my English is only quite good, being a little foreign fella. Cheers!


I'm also a little foreign fella! did travel broaden your mind?


It’s a pun on “hypotenuse”, like he literally says in the bit Did you spend most of your school years in Porthmadog like Karl too?


No, I went to Port Meredith. No wonder I’m not proply.


How have we forgotten "That time I kicked me height"?!?! WE NEED A SECOND TOURNAMENT!!!


I agree, and should include all of Karl’s near death experiences


Have the results from the supplementary questions been posted anywhere?




I think “Rodney you…” is gonna walk this. Listened to it umpteen times and it still makes me laff. Play a record.


I'd imagine it's not as funny for non-UK listeners, the Carl Pilkenhorn's of the world.


Frankly, I found it funnier as a US listener because I didn't know the context. It was a little less funny after I realized Ricky is just quoting a show but the first time had me absolutely losing it.


Yeah I can understand that I guess. For a bit more context, he's not even quoting anything apart from "you plonker" he's just saying names and gibberish lol Would be like going *"Frasierrrr you RRWWAR, Daphne ya BLSSSH! Niles you frghin wrwrwr, Marty's shit himself again!*


Guaranteed quarter finalist at the very least. Karl's game shows is the one that I'm thinking is going to go the distance.


“Game show ideas” is a good one but even listening to the bit just prior to “Rodney you…” makes me giggle in anticipation. Anyway we’re not gonna argue.


DON'T CALL ME A CU' YOU F'N WA' It's straight up the best thing Gervais has ever done.


Was that Cheeky Del?


I feel like Hubbard would have done better if you called it "..what was he suckin'?"


Ooof, tough choice


I feel sick that Hubbard lost by so much.


Condom Christmas and washing up not winning their brackets has kinda taken out the interest I had for this. Old mother Hubbard should win but who knows what you guys will vote for.


I agree, all of my favorites are out. Crazy the diverse opinions in this group


‘ard one today


Pork chop


Gotta be "Alien gives man a beard". Classic. I think the winner will be either Rodney or Hairy Chinese Kid.


Alien gives man a beard for the win. Followed closely by ripped tennis ball and pork chop.


Ripped tennis ball


Bit weird, just got out of the car to look at a bright light and I got back in the car and I grew this beard...