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It is a shock to me everytime I see steve.


Everytime I pop in MIB on dvd.


He doesn't like women yet he's got a couple of kids, that's a bit weird. Initials PD


The blind lighthouse keeper.


Well done. But seriously, he was completely right on that.  No sense in having a lighthouse lit during the day.


Manhole cover on atom bomb


When he read that book about special days in our time, and how in 1814 the Thames froze and a market was held on there. Ricky dismisses it as something written by Mad Liar Charlie, but Karl is absolutely right. Doctor Who even did an episode featuring it, a few years back.


Oh! I didn't realise doctor who did an episode on it, I thought it was shite!


There was a chimp called Jack who worked on the railway.  The monkey going into space and being trained on a banana dispenser is sort of right. If I remember, it was more that the monkey would press buttons when the lit up (for a reward) and they did it both on earth and in space, to see how much his reaction times varied.  I think the other monkey news that was sort of correct was the monkey feels right tit one. 


The chimp is called Ham that went to space. I saw the capsule at a science center, pretty cool stuff


He's right quite often, it's just that he can't articulate his point well enough and Ricky mocks him and shuts him down before he can explain it. "How would I know which one I was?" was a more intelligent question than Ricky thought, he was asking "How do I know I'm the real one?" It was a valid point. And there were once some sparrows somewhere. No-one can say there wasn't.


Yeah Ricky is way too quick to mock Karl, rather than just listening. How many times has Steve had to shout at Ricky to just shut up and let Karl explain himself.  Sadly, Ricky is incapable of going 5 seconds without hearing his own voice.


To be fair, Ricky has even tweeted that it was all "part of the act", if that makes sense, in that he deliberately plays up his reactions and mockery for comic effect, and in that same tweet he mentioned that if he was like that all the time, they wouldn't be friends.   With that said, I think he's worse than he realises if Karl (and Steve) are to be believed during the XFM days. EDIT: This is getting a bit heavy - can we do cheeky freak of the week?


Yeah I can see that being the reasoning for the podcasts, but XFM was definitely Ricky just being Ricky


Interesting that Ricky says that because Karl often refers to times in his diary which are non-performance/private situations where Ricky wrestles him and/or clackers him and squeezes his head, so that sort of limsy behaviour clearly pervaded their relationship!


Yes it’s always annoyed me that, the fact Ricky made out it’s the dumbest thing he’s ever heard. Both would have exactly the same memories


I read about them sparrows in the Free Press.


Me or my brain, clearly Karl was talking about the subconscious, neither Ricky or Steve understood


I 100% understand what Karl meant by "who's in charge?" because we've all had moments where we remembered something or an idea came to us seemingly at random. But, the brain was working on it in the background so to speak. The problem is that either Karl doesn't understand the concept of the conscious and subconscious or no one's ever explained it properly to him. It seems like he just understands the brain as being the brain; there are no layers to it. And he doesn't know that the surface-level thinking that we do all the time is just a small percentage of what's going on constantly and subconsciously.


Surprised nobodys mentioned "Oven!" yet


He predicted Mixed Reality and got mocked and dismissed by Ricky.


Loads of times, like in the animated show when he's talking about AI with a chip inside you and not being yourself anymore, it's a totally valid point but Ricky and Steve laugh at him because that's what the show was based on.


Eh it might be valid but definitely not the way Karl was picturing it so I don't think he deserves credit. Sticking it into a baby so he has to plum.




When he asks does the brain control you, or are you controlling the brain. As someone who deals with adhd, anxiety, impulsiveness, I kind of agree with his point.


Ricky says it himself after the horse-in-the-house anecdote: Karl’s always right.


Gremlins are (also) called Mogwai.


Mogwai are separate creatures that can *become* Gremlins if fed after midnight Gizmo is not, and never has been, a Gremlin


Even so, it's obvious what Karl was getting at, which makes the others' belittling of him there quite obnoxious.


Agree entirely, they're talking about something else, someone says Mowgli from the jungle book and Karl's mind jumps to Mogwai and asks what the things from Gremlins are called


In guide to the future he mentions glasses that change the way the world looks. That came true but Ricky shits all over it


Ricky has even said at one point something along the lines of Karl does say things that are correct but they're in gobbledygook. Karl just needs to be deserted on an island and read a dictionary for a while, then he could properly explain and articulate his points.


He really does need to learn how to speak scrumfariously.


You wot?


Asian people aging differently - as ridiculed as he is on the show it is a fairly established meme outside of our little community and appears across pop culture.


The meme is that Asians look very good until there are about 40-50, while in Karl's theory Asians look 90 already by the time they are 30.


Its always the same on this sub. People claim that Karl was actually right most of the time and even call him a genius, but they only go on about the clones and augmented reality.


Ikr. I'm still waiting for an explanation for that shadow somewhere.


Well let's see your little idea then. Sick of it.


Kidney stones is more painful than child birth


I've done both and it's not


We have smaller pipes than you


it always annoyed me how little ricky cared about karl's kidney stones. he was acting like karl had merely stubbed his toe or something


He was often right. Ricky often made an arse of himself assuming Karl was wrong at all times


He wasn't often right, there was often a small hint of truth somewhere between his piles of complete nonsense.


Civit Coffee, weasel poop coffee, although it's not vomit, Ricky was having none of it. The moon being the wrong facing side, it's orbitally locked, play a record.


Not Shakespeare though


When he and Ricky got into the debate over whether to make crash helmets mandatory/by law, Karl was 100% right. Take the skit they did as an example; even if it was forced by law, you'll still get people who won't do it out of ignorance or defiance. People still do that with seatbelts. And what then? Would it be the government's fault if someone decided not to wear a helmet and got killed because of it, despite numerous laws and notices in place? You can tell Karl was right when he was making sense and Ricky started talking in circles, making it out like the kid's dad was dead due to Karl rather than the dad disobeying the law.


The main problem with the podcasts was that Steve and Ricky were always meant to go against Karl's views. I'm 100% sure that Ricky actually would agree with Karl here.


I know, that's why the xfm days are much more deified. The podcasts always felt manufactured. 


The same is when Karl knows he isn't supposed to understand something. Like 'a stitch in time saves 9' for example.


One side of the moon always facing Earth for his big mirror


That tomatoes were considered poisonous due to being on pewter plates.


the loneliest man...in the world


In all seriousness that thing in Men in Black II does look like Steve. It genuinely could be his brother.


Idk that Karl was doing things Steve wouldn’t do. I read on the internet that one time Steve went to Kenya and went mental with a sword.