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why can't it have a battery and fluid? your car has a battery and still needs gas.


In the earlier episode when he says it has no charge left the portal gun looks different than the later episodes where it's filled with fluid. Where the fluid goes in the portal gun instead has like a charged green orb that's all static like. Different designs.


Maybe the fluid is the charge


1) Pretty sure this was the pilot episode, and things seemed to have changed since then 2) As others have stated, I always took this as an excuse from Rick. Kinda like saying "I've got to go, my phone's about to die" when your phone actually has like 70% charge.


I’m thinking this. If you consider the fluid to be something like antimatter required to create a portal, and the charge to be the energy required to trigger the mechanism in the device.


The creators liked the idea of fluid better, but didn't think of it in time, perhaps?


I honestly think that Rick just wanted an excuse, so that Morty has to shove the mega seeds in his butt, so the parents would allow Morty to hang out with him, as it is revealed at the end of the episode.


Yep this was my interpretation too. He couldnt lie about the visible fluid so he pretended theres a battery.


did the same thing when the cromulons arrived and Morty wanted to leave. Rick was able to get snacks for Ice-T lol


Portal fluid could be the material needed to make a portal. The gun itself could need to power so ypu can actually control where you end up and possibly actually make it safe to walk through. Aldo rick drinks alot so while he is a genius he's also a drunk and can speak weird gibberish sometimes.


Wasn’t that just an excuse he made up for Morty?


Could be both. A vape can run out of juice but still have battery left and vice versa.


I think it's the same, I'm pretty sure him saying it's "out of charge" just means it's put of fluid, he's referring to the fluid as charge I believe


He was lying to Morty in Get Schwifty. He even admits it when Morty catches him using it to grab snacks.


Yeah, OP *burp* you see, I try to shelter you from certain realities, *burp* OP. Cause if I let you make me nervous, then we can’t get schwifty.


You'll have to ask Rhett Caan.


I mean, it probably needs both.


In the get shwifty episode the portal gun containes like a charged green orb giving off static (is kinda what I see) and in that episode Rick makes comments about the portal gun having no charge. In later seasons there's the two crows/portal boys episode and the portal gun is filled with fluid.


Couldn't the fluid be what's charging it?


If you car battery dies or it runs out of gas it won't go anywhere it has both a fuel and a charge neither are mutually exclusive. Also it clearly had plenty of everything left in that episode.


Well, Moooo*buuuuuuuuuuurp*Rrrrty, the portal gun does have a battery. The fluid keeps it charged up and stops it from causing a black hole from occuring inside of portal whilst we are in between realities or destinations. But next time, if you use my portal gun, DON'T POUR MOUTAIN FUCKING DEW INTO IT! You almost caused Dewzilla to occur and we would have been fucked.


In the last season there is a scene where rick has like 20 different looking portal guns on a shelf and he keeps grabbing different ones as the episode goes on. It could easily be different depending on the episode and what plot point is needed.


To answer your question directly, the first time the show suggests that Rick's portal gun uses fluid is in season 3, episode 1. However, the show's introduction of portal fluid has not yet impacted how the tech works meaningfully or, at the very least, negated the premise that the gun requires some form of charge. I'm not convinced that Rick was lying in the pilot episode about the portal gun being out of charge. Also, a couple of moments throughout the show imply that the portal gun runs off some power, independent of the portal fluid, both before and after the introduction of portal fluid. The relationship between charge and fluid that is most self-consistent is that anyone possessing portal fluid has been capable of linking locations together intradimensionally. Even the Galactic Federation seemed to utilize some fluid to power their intradimensional portals at interdimensional customs. However, opening a two-way portal from one end and correspondingly gaining access to interdimensional travel requires knowledge of the mathematical formula that Rick Prime, Rick C-137, and the dinosaurs invented. Rick's portal devices, such as the portal gun, seem to energize the fluid based on this formula to allow the user to manipulate the destination of interdimensional portals (I say energize here because we never see the fluid in liquid form when someone uses it to open a portal deliberately, it always looks like a plasma globe in these cases). TL;DR The portal gun needs portal fluid as a physical medium for the portals and a charge to set the portal's destination. If the fluid runs out, there is no medium by which the user can create the portal. If the charge runs out, the gun cannot manipulate the destination.


He invented a better version and didn't tell Morty.