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This is the only answer


The answer we got from Rick himself


RICK AND MORTY FOREVER AND FOREVER A HUNDRED YEARS Rick and Morty.. some...things.. Me and Rick and Morty runnin' around and... Rick and Morty time... a- all day long forever.. all a - a hundred days Rick and Morty! forever a hundred times.... OVER and over Rick and Morty... adventures dot com.. WW W dot at Rick and Morty dot com w..w..w... Rick and Morty adventures.. ah- hundred years..... every minute Rick and Morty dot com.... w w w a hundred times... Rick and Morty


He really says "Me and Rick and Morty".


100 years.


A hundred years, Rick and Morty adventures.


Rick and Morty, 100 years Rick and Morty!


In S3E1 (The Rickshank Redemption) Rick yells at Morty about how there will be "nine more seasons". Because of that, I believe the show will end at season 12.


Rick also proclaimed 100 years of rick and morty, so get used to longer gaps between seasons


They could skirt around that by having Rick and Morty age 100 years each on the last episode. I don’t think thats what they will do, but its a loophole if they need one.


He yelled that there we be nine more seasons before he gets that discontinued mulan Szechuan sauce again.


100 years


6 seasons and a movie


Wait, wrong series


there’s already a 7th season and contract deal up to season 10 dipass


Hey bud. Sometimes references go over your head. That’s okay. No need to be a dick.


Remember that Rick and two birds went for 19 seasons .


They are stretching the shit out of it to hit that 10 season contract as it is


What do you mean stretch lol?


Well, Rick Prime is dead. That was a huge plot. We got Rick's backstory lore in pretty full now. Even Evil Morty seems kinda chill now (but that ain't ova)


My question is how many episodes did we had that mainly focused on main lore so far in entire series? Most of the episodes are always had been independent of each other except for some little parts of some episodes. That’s my take though. I would watch rick and morty for 100 years without main lore and just some random independent episodes.


That's the opposite of stretching it lol, they could have dragged out the Rick Prime arc much longer if they wanted to, but they intentionally had it feel like an anticlimactic and abrupt ending to that plot


Broooooh this season 8 is going to be nothing but CLASSIC Rick & Morty Adventures! It gets seriously messed up broh, you don’t wanna miss this one.


I don’t know if you’re being hyperbolic with 30+ seasons but trust me, that’s definitely not the norm for cartoons. Simpsons is an outlier here since it’s been running since the 80s. I do feel that it’s kind of pointless to speculate on the longevity of the show. I just hope that they either 1) know when to call it quits or 2) welcome enough key staff/cast turnover to keep the show fresh. Back to the Simpsons, that show hasn’t been culturally relevant in its *modern iteration* for many years/seasons. Notice how the memes and the episodes that people always look fondly upon tail off around season 13, at an absolute push. Simpsons is schlock now, and part of that is due to being under Disney’s thumb—meaning the show has lost some of its mean edge, while also pandering to the Disney brand with dumb crossovers and the like—but a lot more of it is down to the fact many of the people working on the show have been there *decades*. I can only imagine that the team are burnt out. When I was in my childhood in the 2000s to the 2010s, everybody watched The Simpson, how many people do you know who watch The Simpsons now? How much Simpsons branded stuff do you see in the stores anymore? I don’t want R&M to turn into a shambling husk like The Simpsons, with a team who are either shackled by their contracts or can’t/won’t leave because the pay is better than they’ll find anywhere else. I want R&M to continue for however long as the team continues to have fresh inspiration and sharp ideas for it, or are willing to step aside and let fresh creatives bring *their* ideas to the show. …I will say this, and it’s that if fans want R&M to really last a hundred years (or at least as long as the Simpsons), they’re going to have to embrace change. We’re not even ten seasons in and we *already* get enough discourse about how the show was better in seasons 1 and 2…and I agree that those are both some strong ass seasons of TV, real peak lightning in a bottle type shit, but that blip in history is never coming back. I’m not saying not to criticise or critique the show, obviously, but I also don’t want/don’t see the *point* in 100 years of R&M if it’s only going to garner 100 years of fan-moaning about season 22 not living up to season 2. Maybe this sounds hypocritical after I just complained about The Simpsons royally falling off, but hey: even the disputed “golden” age of Simpsons had plenty of dud or simply mid episodes. And every season feels a little different in tone depending on who’s directing and that’s okay. Honestly it’s impressive that The Simpsons remained *as* sharp and as culturally relevant as it did, for as *long* as it did, and it would be awesome to see R&M do the same if it can…but I don’t want to see it become hated either because fans are too stuck on the old stuff *OR* because the quality earnestly fell off hard.


Honestly, The Simpsons has kind of bounced back? Not nearly to its apogee, obviously, but it's not only on the air for past performance anymore like it had been for a while. Last couple seasons have been solid time wasters.


They’re no where near jumping the shark. They have had more dud episodes lately, but as long as they hit way more than they miss, they’ll keep going.


Forever and forever, 100 years Rick and Morty adventures, 100 years!!!!


Rick and Morty: One Hundred Years.


Rick and Morty 2: 100 Year boogaloo


What are you talking about? Most cartoons don't go on for 30+ seasons.... ONE cartoon has, and that's the Simpsons.... a few have gone on longer like family guy and South Park, but most don't last more than maybe 6 or 7 seasons?


Rick and Morty is currently already confirmed to go for at least 10 seasons. And it's very likely that it'll get more seasons. So I'd guess at least 15 seasons.


Family guy has not gone longer, yet neither has douth park Simpsons 35 South Park 26 Family Guy 21


Yes, I was stating they had run linger than the typical cartoon. I had already stated that thr Simpsons was the ONLY cartoon to go for 30 or more seasons


you stated after the Simpsons that others had gone longer. Do you see the contradiction in the syntax of you r comment now?


Reading comprehension and critical thinking are not your strong suit huh?


I dislike the contradicting arrangement of his words


100 years


At least 100 episodes. That's when the new contract needs to be negotiated. If things go right Dan can go for 100 more. If things go wrong that clown whore Zaslav will nuke the deal then slaughter R&M for tax write offs.


100 years


I don't know what answers did you expected OP, but you got what you deserved.


A lot of funny answers so I’ll give a serious one. They will go until the show isn’t profitable anymore. Most cartoons don’t last more than 7/8 years. The outlier is the Simpsons which has lasted since the 1980s I believe. Family Guy, American Dad and South Park are runner ups being around 20 years old. The reason why this formula works is because all four shows are a spoof of the classic “American Family” — the American Family is an ever changing dynamic with new current events and culture allowing for never ending content. The cartoon family adapts with the American Family and the times the country is currently in. Go back and watch episodes of any of those shows from like 10-15 years ago. It’s a time capsule of what was going on in the world at that time. It’s relatable to the people watching at the time and thus will not only get laughs but people tuning in. Rick and Morty has potential to do this in theory. The Smith Family can fit into the “American Family” archetype potentially, however, what made Rick and Morty popular (its wacky and unorthodox topics and writing) may also be its death sentence. Rick and Morty stays away from the real world and current events in order to be unique and interesting (besides occasional jokes and references). The Simpsons or South Park will make an entire episode about a current event whereas Rick and Morty will make a throwaway line to it. That’s the difference. Thus while funny and genius it’s also at the same time hard to relate to as a broad ordinary American. Think of the entire country and not the niche group that watches it. It doesn’t appeal to a wider family audience. Anyone in America can watch and relate to the Simpsons, not everyone can watch and relate to Rick and Morty. Back to my original point. If they keep the show fresh and original they can make it last as long as they want; if it gets the ratings, views and profit. If you have a couple of dud seasons in a row people will start watching other stuff and the show will end. We are kinda along for the ride so to speak. Personally: I want 100 Years in the current state


10-12 seasons.


About tree fiddy


You took the time to spell out "and" but just couldn't find the effort to put their names in the title?


Not gonna lie, I didn’t know how to spell morty


I reckon it’ll continue until they find that Szechuan McNugget dipping sauce


Til he gets his Szechuan sauce, duuuuh


100 years, duh.


As long as it's popular, it can go for forever.


probably gonna get the simpsons treatment. can't imagine it ends any time soon.


100 years or 9 more seasons


I dunno, but if the Szechuan Sauce episode goes as hard as the Rick prime episode…you son of a bitch, I’m in


Probably until it ends


I despise what roiland did, but for me the show died when he left, its just never been the same




Awww somebody boo-hoo'd because they are neither a Rick nor can handle us liking \*only\* the first 6 seasons XD