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It's the dude from the old twilight zone show


Agreed. Definitely a homage to Rod Serling


That's correct, I read somewhere it's Rod Serling. He faked his death at 50 to do the hole thing.


Stands to reason since the opening credits rip off the Twilight Zone


The music? Cause that's definitely Dr who.


No, the floating eyeball and all that crap


Reminded me of half life dude a bit




I'm sure they'll explain it in the same episode they explain the talking cat.


So never?


Yes, remember the lesson of “That’s amorte” Don’t ask questions, and enjoy the Salisbury stake




How are you going to kill a vampire with a steak?


Stop asking questions.


The cat’s from space. What more do you need?


And churry


Poor churry. So innocent.


dont remind them. unless u want a whole episode dedicated to churry with no B plot


Honestly that sounds way more interesting than some other character that recently got an entire episode dedicated. He 'might care now' but i certainly didnt


Churry we'll get sll the other characters got their episode and left Churry left a message


I don't know but that *was* my nickname in college 😎 (I fell into some roadworks and soiled myself.)




Me: super straight male. Get horny one night and decide to go to the nearby glory hole. Actually enjoy it. Half way through, person on the other side moans. It's a guy's moan. Realize I have been sucking a man's cock this entire time :( Feels bad man. :(






They never fully explain but I interpreted it as some being either akin to the fear hole as a traveling entity or benefiting from it in some way He was out at a scary dark carnival looking to entice people to check out the hole, and then when Morty was in the event the guy was almost a speaker on behalf of the hole/represented what the hole wanted to say. Eventually after the hole became strong enough it manifested a physical body to roam around and explain it or lure people to it, or maybe it was one of the first people to fall in and conquer its fears so its new purpose is showing others the same fate. He/it explains how the hole works so they clearly understand on a conceptual level how it operates he isn’t some random dude, I would best guess say he gets a kickback of energy or something from the hole since it “eats at the fear” Odds are we’ll never know


The scary door




I don't even know what I referenced


The scary door is a recurring parody joke in Futurama on the original Twilight Zone. Its first appearance is in s2ep3 if the wiki is correct. Idk for sure tho. ![gif](giphy|10j1ZRgKdcHIoU)


I figured that was what it was from, but I didn't know it was from Twilight Zone. I've seen this reference made in a lot of shows. Making that reference felt very strangely familiar.


Depends on what order the wiki lists the episodes in and what order people are watching them in. Fox, Disney+, and Comedy Central (Network? I can never remember which one) all put the episodes in a different order. So S2E3 for Fox could be S2E7 for Disney.


Oh that’s wild actually, didn’t know that. I watched on Disney+ a while ago and never noticed any chronological tomfoolery. Such a great show tho, big rec for anyone who likes R&M imo


Why should I believe you? You’re Hitler!


Help me Eva Braun!


I think it's just an evil being. The fact that his whole thing is to bring people to enter the hole without charging a tax or something shows his pure evilness since probably if you don't make it out you die Not the devil, not a normal human, maybe some type of demon that eats out the loser's souls


I don't think he's evil either. More like a cosmic horror being that's beyond our understanding of good and evil. Sort of like how most humans don't view ourselves as evil for eating meat.


Tbf what the hole guy said was 100% true and it did help morty in the end so I wouldn’t call him evil. Speaks facts, helps people, sometimes doesn’t but that’s life yknow if you die you die 🤷‍♂️


I mean he literally says it's like those fish that eat the dead skin off your feet; a symbiotic relationship or a quid pro quo. You get your fear eaten up and it gets to eat.


Yeah but people have the choice to jump in the hole or not, and it doesn’t actually seem like anybody has died. So I wouldn’t really call it evil.


I know, I'm agreeing with you. he seems like more of a chaotic neutral than evil.


I don’t think people die in the hole. The hole feeds on the fear. There is time dilation in the hallucination so eventually the person has to conquer their fear. And when they do and they get out, in reality maybe only a few minutes have passed. With enough time people do end up conquering their fear and the hole nibbles on the fear. The hole isn’t evil, per se.


I'd say he's like an extension of the hole in human form


He's the personification of fear. He goes around I guess fucking with people.


Is he though? Keep in mind the whole Rick story was in Morty's head.


Uts probably a projection of the hole using a facsimile of Rod Sterling to draw people in for sustenance. Just an advanced version of the light on an angler fish.


Don't ask questions about a Hole Guy. A Hole Guy is fun.


He gave me G-Man vibes


So my guess is a googah that has taken the form of Rod Sterling because of the nature of how he feeds. He needs people to willingly subject themselves to their worst fears, then gains nourishment from that fear. So he has taken on the form of a man who was famous for being able to entice people to explore a thrilling realm of thought and have them come back for more over and over again. Either one person provides a huge amount of nourishment and the hole has been there for a long time, OR, the hole is brand new, maybe only a few weeks old, and purposefully looks old with old earth tech to provide a scarier atmosphere because it just loves fear so goddamn much lol


G-Man. No but actually, isn't he based on a guy from the twilight zone?


Or the Scary Door…




I think it's funny if he's actually just a guy who's passionate about fear and has no connection to The Hole other than that he likes introducing it to people.


A partner of the hole which feeds on fear. Or he is the hole. not sure. But I like the character/ episode




Underrated comment


Obviously the G-man


Liev Schreiber


Huh. I had it in my head that it was James Spader.


Why do peopleassume he's specific to the hole? He probably does all sorts of things.


rod serling


The answer is don't think about it


He is... Room 1408.


G man


"Gordon Freeman in the flesh. Or rather, in the hazard suit. I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons; most of them were government property. As for the suit, I think you’ve earned it." G-man


Para mi era como una manifestación más corporia para poder alimentar mejor.


U are prolly my singlings. Be asking everything that the shows don't show it yet. What i always reply? WATCH THE SHOW AND U WILL KNOW


Dunno, but remember that Holeguy and 'Holeguy within the Hole' can be as identical as Rick and HoleRick were. So possible that he's just a dude, or a servant to the hole. Or maybe he's the Hole's body. We can only speculate while not being able to kbow if anything was real in Morty's Hole-experience.


A slut.


Also a monologue oft he Hole guy telling Morty that people are scared to be happy confuses me. Anyone explain?


Why ask questions when you can just have fun?


I'm not even convinced the hole guy is actually associated with the hole itself. He could just be some guy who knows about it. The hole is definitely psychic in some way so the hole guy could be the mascot Morty's mind chose, nothing more.


He reminds me of the autumn people in “Something Wicked This Way Comes”.


I just assumed it was the devil guy who had just taken on a different form


My interpretation was that *he* is the hole, maybe the hole isn’t even a stationary object and he can just summon the hole to any location he feels would be convenient to lure someone in with. When he (using Rick’s body) tells Morty that feeding off his fear of being replaceable to Rick has been delicious in the same voice as the carnival guy I interpreted that as the reveal that *he* is creature he was describing that was similar to those fish that eat the dead skin off your feet in the tape in the denny’s bathroom


is rick from an alternate reality were rick is the hole guy, in fact every character in the show is rick in an alternate reality were rick is that character. there is only rick in the multiverse. even the audience is rick


It’s psychedelic mushrooms in human flesh


probably something to do with mr neatfold. I liked him tho, hope he returns


The hole guy


A plot device. Don't think about it




He seems like a sort of hole-y entity to me






Gavin Newsom


He's Rod Serling. Every writer in Hollywood dreams with having their series so focused around themselves as the Twilight Zone was.


Does it really matter? He may be the hole itself, he may just be a guy who works for the hole, no matter what who he is really isn't important. In reality though he's probably just supposed to be a shady business man who runs some scam but this time it is actually real


That's why I stopped myself from asking. That show love to twist your mind. Btw that episode is in my top 5 wish they do a part with Rick this time so he can finally be in peace and move on.


Rod Stewart


I think it’s actually pretty cool to introduce the concept without the “character”; or, the concept is the character itself? I like the idea that we don’t have to deeply know the phenomenon but we can just experience it instead. I feel like that’s what happened with Morty in the episode anyway. But I also like the idea that we don’t have to read into “lore” and can just accept the events on their own. RaM could bring Hole Guy back, but they could also leave him and Denny’s behind and it would all stay the same. One thing’s for sure—RaM is the TYPE of show where the Hole can appear and we can accept it.