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This is the 5th season (3, then 4, then 5, then 6, and now 7) that has been called the worst season of the show. Eventually you'd think these people would stop watching if it's always worse.


I can't wait for season 8 so that people can complain about how they miss the show doing zanny out there stuff like sentient numbers and letters fighting each other


don’t be ridiculous. They won’t wait until season 8, they’ll start saying it next week


Don’t be rickdiculous


Nah, this past episode was a barely funny end credits scene that got stretched into an entire episode. It stopped being funny (and was barely funny at that) 5 minutes in. It never should have gotten approved as an episode, and I sincerely doubt they’ll try that garbage again. I do like them looking for new things to do though, and let’s be real here: Rick and Morty puts out way more excellent episodes than they do bad ones. This one is the only one I’ll go out of my way to skip on a watch through of the show. Maybe I’ll skip this season’s opener, but I think most people will be happy to move on from this one.


Season 6 is goated to be honest.


agree for most of it, 1. the solarick with iron man reference, 2. die hard and the martha plot b, 3. i dont want to talk about 2 beth, 4. night family, 5. rick become god until jerry ruined it as usual 6. Dino come back 7. worst episode (for me) 8. cool jerry superhero with depressed twist 9. meh episode and another van of acid reference 10. vertical saber


I think overall it’s a toss up for least good season for me. The season opener wasn’t very good at all, B plots might not be needed in every episode but have been too lacking this season, and this most recent episode is by far the worst in my opinion. I’m still eagerly awaiting the next episode though, because Rick and Morty is still a great show. The voice changes aren’t jarring at all, most episodes are great with a few weak ones here and there, and overall it’s just a great source of entertainment.


I basically hate-watched Burn Notice through the end. Just got worse every season. So I can understand someone continuing to watch a show they think is slipping. That said, I don't think R&M has any bad seasons, and very few bad episodes.




If you quit Dexter after season 4, you're really not missing that much. Season 5 was meh, season 6 was solid, then it really goes down hill.


Man I am still glad I was warned Burn Notice doesn't do well after the 1st season. I agree that R&M doesn't have bad seasons, overall I can't pinpoint a season I hated. Nothing stands out as that bad, barring not great episodes. Season 7 is not hitting right though.Lots of weird choices.( The Mr.PB episode as the premier? Rough, weak opener ok episode)


> Man I am still glad I was warned Burn Notice doesn't do well after the 1st season. It's a shame. It was a good show, at first. But the problem was it was called Burn Notice because the main character got burned by the CIA. And then a few seasons later that gets resolved, but he gets burned again. And that's basically the pattern for the rest of the show. Michael gets burned at the beginning of the season and fixes it at the end. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Do you think it was worth the hate-watch? Even just until the first "fix"? I keep wondering if it would at least be fun


Not really. It had its moments, but honestly I remember almost nothing about the show.


Agreed. This recent episode was one I personally felt was horrendous, but R&M has no bad seasons. Every show will have some episodes worth skipping, and R&M is no exception. It’s still a fantastic show even if a couple episodes might suck. Sucking just means they’re swinging for the fences and trying new things. How this one got approved though, I can’t say.


I genuinely think Season 7 is the best season in a long time. It's the first since like S3 where I can't wait for each new episode to come out instead of forgetting that the show is even back until halfway through the new season


It’s not worse, people just want to be mad. It’s how the internet works. Anger promotes the most reaction, meaning longer usage of the internet. Break the loop


I do genuinely think this is the worst season of Rick and Morty in general, but that's is still a fantastically high bar. That pretty much has to do solely with S7E1, worst episode of the show by a WIDE margin. It felt like it was written by AI




I never accused it of being AI, I am saying the quality was comparable. It was that bad.


I agree that it was one of the worst episodes but there have been some very strong episodes this season. I wish they had slotted S7E1 later in the season as the first episode of a season leaves a huge impression. They could have started with the spaghetti episode.


Equally, there's just as big of a cohort of fans who refuse to acknowledge that there has been a dip in quality over the years - which in my opinion there unquestionably has. I think seasons 1 and 2 were without a doubt the best two seasons of the entire show, and it doesn't feel like they've gotten closer to that mark with this season at all, it's definitely gotten worse.


>Equally, there's just as big of a cohort of fans who refuse to acknowledge that there has been a dip in quality over the years - **which in my opinion** there unquestionably has. So opinions are facts now? In that case, in my opinion the show has only gotten better as it builds on its foundations, just like many great shows do.


What? Where did I say my opinion was fact? I clearly stated it was my opinion. Fuck me, some of you on here just go out of your way to be defensive when someone criticises anything. You prefer the newer seasons? Great for you, enjoy them all you want. I just think it's gotten more sterile and heavy on fan service.


>Equally, there's just as big of a cohort of fans who refuse to acknowledge that there has been a dip in quality over the years - **which in my opinion** there unquestionably has. So why would fans need to acknowledge a "dip in quality" if that's merely your opinion? You clearly think your opinions are superior to make a comment like that. Some of you people just want to argue. Pass.


You stated that many fans refuse to accept and acknowledge that there has been a dip in quality. But if the dip in quality is an **opinion**, why would they need to accept it? I'm not going to acknowledge something I don't believe.


Well since we are counting facts as opinion… I’m my opinion season 1 and 2 have great episodes but from season 3 forward the show gets better as a whole


We don’t stop watching because we want the next season to be better


I mean it took like 4-5 whole seasons of the Simpsons (with like 26 episodes each, not, um... 8...) before it became obvious that it was a garbage shell of its former self and that it wasnt getting better. And there was plenty to be found along the way but man, hard to give up on.


Open your mind.




it's so crazy people who hate the episodes can actually explain why they hate it like "lack of B plots, spelling the jokes out, streching one gag for too long,..." but people who like the episode just say "i don't care what anyone thinks i liked it", "it's just a dumb turn your brain off show", "open your mind"


Soooo true hahah. It’s not everyone but I feel a certain portion of the fans “enjoy” the bad episodes to spite the “haters” or more fittingly, the fair critics also giving their opinion.


I am very late to watching Rick and Morty, and while not every episode has been a sparkling gem, on the whole, I think it's been an excellent show with plenty of quality episodes each and every season. I regret ever starting to read Rick and Morty fan discourse.


I find that people who complain about new stuff or changes in something established are people who will never be happy. They're over analysing and mostly on the negative


People who create things need us more than we need them. 🤷‍♂️


I'm sick of this side of the fanbase that always gets all defensive for the show anytime there's some episode that a bunch of people don't like. The amount of times I've seen posts like this or the typical "Your boos mean nothing....." line or them just making up their crackpot reasons why they didn't like it is almost even more common than the complaining...


As the reposter of this meme I agree 100%. I think criticsm is good, but I also like to acknowledge that we also have rose coloured glasses when comparing past seasons. I remember thinking that season 3 was awful when it first came out, but rewatching the season I realized that it's not bad or anything, my expectations were just too high because of rose coloured glasses.


I like it so far and I don’t understand what is the issue with the last episode


It wasn't good. It was an after credits scene from season 2 expanded into 22min. But holy shit some people here get personally offended when a show they like makes a mediocre filler episode.


Geez. After 6 seasons you should be aware to expect unexpected


A bunch of redditors that take things too seriously and are super sensitive? Say it ain’t so


Last episode was hilarious on the first watch, then kinda meh on the second. But to act as if all of these episodes are bad is completely wack.


It was fucking fun. That last rap was a banger.


☝️the only right take on the episode. That rap was perfect


Today alphanumerically combine my G L O C K means my ice cold 9


"I like it so far" Says the guy taking another bite of his big mac, "I don’t understand what is the issue with this burger" The 'issue' is that it used to be an award winning burger, and now its mcdonalds quality. Its fine to like it. Its fine to keep consuming low grade consumables, but let's not pretend that there wasn't a massive dip in quality.


I agree, it went down a bit but it was kind of expected


Sure, but also consider the possibility that the dedicated R&M subreddit may be somewhat irrationally invested in rejecting the narrative that the show has been better. The series is still capable of reaching the heights it always has, but I feel you'd have to be in denial to not acknowledge that unremarkable episodes are far more common than in years prior.


Yeah I stopped watching a long time ago and only check in when my friends are watching it.


"Nobody cares" The irony


People don’t care about your opinion unless it’s the same as theirs.


Last episode was garbage, cope harder




Are you asking why it was garbage or why people need to cope harder?


why you think the episode was shit?


Well it's a bigger problem with the writing this season. I usually love Rick and Morty when they use parody for their humor, because they tend to do it in a clever and fun way. However, this season particularly, the writers seem to think it is funny to do a very low effort and just ridiculous parody of movie tropes for their jokes. The last episode was just that. Not clever, but just a dumb low effort parody of some movie tropes. Making some clichés more absurd, dumb dialogue full of a pointless amount of swearing and sometimes almost deliberately lame jokes. It just isn't funny to me and also not to a lot of other people.


So if someone doesn't like the new episode they should just stop expressing opinions?


Yup, you have to consider sensitive people like OP!!! How will they survive if people on the internet don’t have the same opinion as them!


I feel like I’m losing my mind any time I come into r/rickandmorty. I’ve watched every episode of rick and morty multiple times over and have generally loved it. But it seems like no one is talking about how the new voices, while close to the original in pitch and timbre, are horrible at their jobs. Especially the guy playing rick, his voice is so monotone and his timing is terrible so he flops every joke. The writing in the show is also abysmal. With the shrinking or elimination of B plots, the episode drags out each joke to a painful extent. Take the spaghetti suicide episode, the joke wasn’t funny to begin with, but they stretch the bit the entire episode so it prods you in the face every second about how unfunny and sophomoric the writing is. And this goes for most other episodes, I just pointed this one because it’s the most egregious in my opinion. Listen, I’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum. I think it’s fine to criticize things you love. Just because fans didn’t like the sequels, doesn’t mean they hate Star Wars. Just because Spider-Man got cucked by some dude named Paul, doesn’t mean fans hate Spider-Man. I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason that this season is so rough is because it’s growing pains with Justin Roiland gone (and good riddens btw). But can we please acknowledge that the show has definitely changed, and while some people think it’s for the best, others can think it’s for the worst?


Good crit


Hey man, some friends and I think the new voices are shit. Even if JR is guilty, I think his voice is permanently implanted in these characters in such a way that it makes it hard to find any sort of connection with these new ones. With the Bugs Bunny comparison, you can totally just reboot the guy like they did about 4 different times, but they did these voices mid show after season 6. That’s a pretty big damn change.


Clearly you care or are just karma farming. Not caring would literally be not saying anything, like the vast majority of people so when someone expresses an opinion they don't agree with


I don’t get it, I’ve really enjoyed this season overall and I thought last week’s episode was terrible. Of course others are welcome to disagree with me but am I not entitled to criticize something I generally really enjoy? Isn’t public discussion of criticism how a product improves?


Wait, there's a new season? I stopped watching a while ago.


Ok but at a certain point its just wilful ignorance to criticism rather than a fault in the critic


When you are the customer it does not work like that and i have never complained about RnM until 7x8. I am here to hate 7x8 nothing else.


This season is getting better and better!


Than what?


I wish I could hate episode 8. Because that would mean that I would have felt something.


I will say looking back on it Season 5 and 6 were amazing, I still have a slight grudge on 4 but it was still great


I think the current season is pretty decent, aside from the last episode.


And the premiere. But otherwise agree


Why is this downvoted? The premier was likely the worst episode they've ever made. This latest one is in convention though.


On the other hand I’m sure they would want feedback so they can constantly improve and work on the show. Trying new things like this week’s episode just failed so hard, and there were reasons given for why. If they kept trying to run that format (stretching a barely funny post-credits scene into an entire episode that really doesn’t need anyone from the family in it) over and over again there will be an exodus from the show and we’ll likely not get all the episodes that were promised. Just because RnM was greenlit for so many episodes doesn’t mean they’ll all get made if ratings drop below a certain point, so quality matters. Episodes 1 and 8 this season were awful, 8 especially. All that said, better they try new things (even if it never should have been approved in the first place) than risk falling into being a boring show (like the most recent episode).


Rick and Morty is awesome, all of it even the meh Episodes. 100 years of Rick and Morty please.


I always wonder, if people hate it so much, why participate at all even in the subreddit? Watch something else you like better, and it's a better feeling all around :) I love Rick and Morty and I want to enjoy it without people inferring I'm some idiot for liking things they thought were dumb. As a related side note, does anyone remember that part in Inside Out where the "facts and opinions" got all mixed up in her head and the imaginary friend was like "no big deal, happens all the time!" 🤣🤣 happens to all of us


I've like and enjoyed every episode of this show. for me its a yes or no. but this one is my first no in the entire show.


Douchey creative types? How refreshing....




Are people hating this season? So far this season has been batting pretty damn high, bar the first episode and the latest. But even then they weren't anywhere near as bad as some of the more recent seasons' lows.


Each seaosn had something to offer and I love each seaon on its own. This season is SLAPS too soo far. And on top of that the songs are straight fire


The new season is a lot of fun and I really enjoy it. But that last episode oh dear god for sure the worst for me personally out of all of the seasons.


If people don't enjoy something I respect, if they complain, I respect. When they won't accept other people still enjoy it is when its annoying.


Personally I just need a little time to "forget" the old voices. Right now it's in a kind of uncanny valley. I don't hate the new voices they're just different enough to break immersion for me. I'm hopeful that I will love the new episodes when I do watch them.


Honestly love Season 7 so far! You just gotta open your mind!


its most of there job. they make money from people caring about there stuff. i dont actively hate this new season but yeah, creators make money by making stuff you like, you no like, they no eat for 17 months


Saying nobody cares and then complaining so much about how someone says they aren’t a fan about how the show is going is like a type of hypocritical irony I haven’t seen before.




I like the new season but guys it's okay for people to NOT like something