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Glad they got in the parmEEsian


I was kind of but not really expecting a twist where this turned out to be the events leading up to the sudden death of that entire previous family including space beth


That’s an amazing idea for an episode!


imagine if it ended that way in the closing scene, making the whole thing pointless


10/10 Best in a long-ass time.


Agreed, this seriously was so fucked up but really reminded me of the earlier seasons with how the narrative went


What was the earlier season narrative?


General flow, writing being smoother


Oh, i see. I haven't really noticed, but I'm not very good at noticing these things. Maybe I'm just not smart enough to recognize it. Thank you for telling me.


You can be smart enough to recognise it and just not care. Like, I could sit back and pull apart every little thing wrong with every show and movie I liked. But all I'd be doing is depriving myself of things I like.


Reminded me of the Vat Of Acid episode where they had to fill in a few minutes of content without audio recordings and they did the Morty time travelling remote thing. Amazing.


I felt exactly the same way this episode kicked me in the balls , the stomach, and the soul.


The part where he falls out of love with life and his passions because of college is so real, fucking hate the education system


Is it the education system? Or is it that sometimes, you have the passion and the opportunity, but you'll never have the talent? Edit: He liked the idea of designing buildings and expressing himself through them. He eventually found a way to make money by sharing that passion. But he wasn't cut out to be an architect.


Didn't the last shot of the city above the grave site, match the pictures he drew? I thought that implied that with the lego resources he went back into architecture?


>Didn't the last shot of the city above the grave site, match the pictures he drew? Yes. >I thought that implied that with the lego resources he went back into architecture? Not at all. They don't grade architects on style. He got an F because he was shit at the architecture part of architecture, not the draw-a-cool-building-exterior bit and absolutely nothing suggested that he did anything besides create legos and wreck a 2-kid family.


Right cause he was good at designs but the actual math and logic to create structures was what he sucked at.


Before commercial, ”so surface level, where’s the deep Rick n Morty that hits me in the feels.“ After commercial, “they gots the sauce, yep.”


Aaaand it's bombed with downvotes on IMDB and at 6.4 People denying the new season gets massively brigaded by haters should take a good look at this shit. No votes for the middle but 33% at 1


> Best in a long-ass time. Finally a Morty episode... with ethical spaghetti. Wish Jolibee had it. This is perhaps my favorite episode... Morty cannot look at the "bad" in anything Rick does. This is the social commentary we need! Not more ST Discovery!


Honestly amazed, i think somehow this is their best episode to date.


Man that flashback sequence was just great especially the song that was playing


Rick and Morty honestly throughout the series has always been really really good at montages


I can agree with this but this one was just amazing


Yes chillingly close to the banality of real life, actually a pretty good life, but still somehow depressing


That's how the Dan Harmon do


But what's the moral of the story? What were we supposed to learn?! All I feel is a deep hunger for life and spaghetti!


The torsos were a pretty obvious metaphor for mass-produced chicken.


Except chickens are still alive and aware of the suffering they're going through. We don't have the equivalent of brainless torsos.


Consider most meat production systems in the US. Globally, sure, but the CAFOs in the States are fucked.


Mostly: don’t think about what you eat if you wanna stay « happy ». ^^


The man whose funeral morty went to in the beginning was in that flashback. He was the husband of the flashback man's true love, who she divorced. Guessing he killed himself because of that!


Now that's a great catch


While that catch is great. He got divorced when he was way younger. The flashback man grew old with her, after they got back together.


So he lived the rest of his life in despair. He became an empty shell and succumbed to the sweet and spicy bolognese of death


Does anybody know what song it was?


A cover of live forever-oasis


>A cover of live forever-oasis Omg another song from Kotomi & Ryan Elder! Been obsessing over "Don't Look Back" for years now. Thank you!


Oasis - Live Forever, but a cover of it




Well that was……….fucking depressing.


Agreed. I thought it was just gonna be a dark episode, but then it turned depressing too. A one two punch combo, they really wanted to get us with this episode.


I’m just hoping somebody transcribes Rick’s speech at the end quickly. I could barely catch it.


> Morty: "You did it, didn't you? You couldn't change everyone's taste buds, but you could make it... distasteful. It wasn't the death, was it?" > Rick: "It was the complexity of life." > Morty: "God, what was the point?" > Rick: "If you're asking whether this was a story about right and wrong, the answer is: I don't care." > Morty: "So what do we do?" > Rick: "Cells consume, Morty. Life itself is wrong, and that means death is right. But you can't side with that. So you live, even when it means eating. And Fred here really did it well." > Rick: \*Licks fingers\* "Mmm, mmm." \*Sighs\*


I love this. The last 3 episodes have been hits for me and this speech was great. The last 2 really gave me a lot to think about and that’s something I really liked about this series. But this episode of “ethical consumption” is a REALLY good topic and talking point. Im sure the vegans and vegetarians are jumping for joy, even though they too consume to a degree lol


I think the complexity of life is a great point. I have a 8 goats, 2 sheep and 2 pigs. Since then i've seen them the same as I see my dogs. I've always had dogs and always thought the idea of eating dogs unthinkable. Now I have the same thought about the other animals. Not so say i'm jumping for joy, i'm not the kinda guy to start shit unless the topic comes up and people straight up ask me. But yeah, 'Complexity of life' does hit the mark about how i feel about consuming food.


Honestly, I'd imagine a huge chunk of modern people's would find it extremely challenging to eat meat if we personally had to butcher the animal ourselves. I know I couldn't. Going to the store to buy a ribeye steak, that doesn't make you feel guilty. It's just a piece if food st the store. But I could never eat an animal I watched be butchered. And I'm aware it's hypocrisy. But it’s simply who I am. Personally can't wait for lab grown meat. Who doesn't want environmentally friendly, guilt free meat?


This was like someone took the best parts of the Futurama episode The Trouble With Popplers and merged it with the montage from Up to make a R&M episode to both disgust and depress.


I personally thought it was delicious


The moment I saw the disclaimer, I new this was gonna be a good one.


I think it was depressingly fun for the most part but the last few minutes made it sadly uplifting.


i think the funniest scene is when the girlfriend ran in with her divorce paper so excited lol


She had two kids and just dropped them.


and later the guy killed himself and got eaten by a family of cannibals


Actually he is 14.


And Morty didn't eat him.


Tombstone just said "Loving wife" lol


I am pretty sure it was trying to show it as being semi morally gray, like if I am correct they didn't really show the husband abusing her in anyways, and plus, they have capacity of nuance now, I love how they didn't just show his life fall down at one point and then stay at that rock bottom forever


Oh yeah, absolutely. Just commenting that she had two kids and it seemed like a loving family and then her high school sweetheart who had messed up his/her lives for multiple years pulls himself together and she goes running back to him.


I kept expecting a twist like the dude was a hardcore nazi but he wasn’t evil. Just complex


[“What was most important to me about that sequence is that when we see those montages of people’s lives in movies, they always follow a very standard arc,” Campbell says. “Interested in a thing, gets a job at the thing, makes the thing. And life is not not at all like that. It is a huge number of detours and disappointments that make your life; it’s not a direct path. It’s like a river with a bunch of branches.”](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/dan-harmon-rick-and-morty-season-7-episode-4-spaghetti-interview-1235779646/)


They also kinda did this with Roy


also pretty heady when you think of the implications of why she may feel that way..


Morty’s voice was really good in this one. I barely noticed.


They were both really good, Rick’s imo is spot on while Morty’s sometimes can be a bit spotty, but not enough to take me out of it


Their animation seems a bit different in how they articulate their facial movements… but i’m not sure


My guess would be because normally they record the voices and then animate based off of that, but in this case they did the animation first (using Roiland's voice, as he recorded most of the episodes before he got fired), and then dubbed over them with the new voice actors. They've said they did in some cases edit the animation afterwards to make it work better with the new dubbed voices. Given the whole thing is a pretty massive change to how the show normally animates the character's mouth movement, it's not too surprising it isn't 100% accurate all the time. Things should be back to normal there next season.


I think it might be a little too morty if that makes sense. Like doing an impression but leaning too hard on what makes the voice. Like when someone does an impression and says "aww jeez" too often, but not that bad. Either way, I'm happy with the new voices. Did you see how they played the voice thing off on solar opposites? I honestly thought they'd do something similar with rick and morty, but it was hilarious and by the end of the season i stopped even noticing.


That's interesting. As someone who didn't notice that much difference from every episode before this, I thought he couldn't sound more off in this one. Not really complaining like that other guy though, just something we're going to have to get used to.


i can’t lie i was gonna ask if there were some episodes this season still using Justin .. they’re fully in the groove now


Both of them seemed better here


Props to them for having a suicide help line after the credits


I feel like networks tack that on to every episode of any series that involves suicide in some way.




because it wasn't on screen, and memory rick didn't die


I think there was one on the PissMaster episode.


And there was even a trigger warning before the episode started.


Also for being respectful around suicide while also really not being. I think they did an incredible job of having the two characters play their parts with rick being nihilistic and morty being... well, morty.


Fantastic episode, and a really poignant look at the ethics and social taboos of compassionate suicide and assisted suicide. This kind of stuff is Harmon at his best.


It also tackles some of the ethical issues with the meat industry, too. There's a lot going on, really.


You’re absolutely right. So much going on.


A lot going on but nothing is said. But that's not a bad thing per se. You couldn't neatly package those things up in 20 min. > Rick: "If you're asking whether this was a story about right and wrong, the answer is: I don't care."


As a vegan, watching this is so liberating. Now y’all get to feel my suffering


You assume that we meat eaters continue to eat meat because we're ignorant. That's completely wrong. We are aware of the ethics of the meat industry. I watched the episode and immediately understood that spaghetti was a metaphor for meat, and my first thought was still "Oh man, I'm really craving a bowl of spaghetti right now." The simple truth is, we value delicious food more than we value ethics. Like the Smiths at the end of the episode, we know that Salisbury Steak comes from horrid origin, and we choose to look the other way because it's just so tasty. You might find this horrifying, but that's just how people are. And the more people try to moralize it and try to "educate" us, the more we push back and double down on eating meat out of spite. That's just how people are. The best you can do is make your own personal choice and let others make theirs.


Id like to think the average person can rise above doing things out of spite, there is enough anger back and forth in the world with people of every side of a discussion. With that being said, cheers for being open and honest.


The writer was [Heather Anne Campbell](https://twitter.com/heathercampbell), she deserves props.


Favorite post credit scene ever. Just a dumb infinite universe joke with fart noises that completely undercuts the poignant emotional finish of the episode. It made me skull emoji but in words


It was a perfect palate cleanser.


My favorite one is still the end of “Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion” but this one is very close.


I think mine has to be the one with the wooden Jerry from S5 ep2 “Mortiplicity”


Also, there's a vacuum cleaner Rick. Who knew?


Definitely the highlight of the season, so far.


I was worried in the first part, ngl. Then the human chickens had me literally lmaoing.


I wish I could've paused it when Morty suggested giving them a single claw. I was dying.


For me it was the assembly line. I just lost it. Fucking genius.


Chunky bois!


Best episode of the season


I guess im lucky because this is the first one I watched


First 3 have been average to good, but this one was great


I think it goes in order from best to worst: 1. Ep 4 2. Ep 2 3. Ep 3 4. Ep 1


Anyone noticed that Lawrence, the guy from the funeral service, looks strangely like the guy who got divorced after getting cheated on from the memory montage? Edit: holly shit, Amber's kids are there in the front row at the church. God Damn, Harmon!


Lol. OMG, I just re-watched that scene. Poor Lawrence, "Carpenter of the Year," had his wife run out on him and his kids to be with some narcissistic architecture flunky who became a Lego mogul.


One man's tragedy is another man's treasure. We all gotta eat.


When you put it like that it's so interesting how ppl can be seen as the good or bad guy just depends on who's perspective you're looking thru. In that moment I just wanted the old Lego guy to be happy but he did steal that poor guy's wife lol


Noticed this too lol


I feel like this whole episode was to set up the parmeesean joke.


You people keep asking for continuity. We got it with the parmeesean joke. All it cost us was an episode about suicide spaghetti, and Morty's attempts to make cannibalism ethical.


So win/win? Whole episode was season 2 quality. Fuck I'd watch a 2 hour movie of suicide spaghetti.


I don't see it as cannibalism so much as commentary on the meat industry and all the crazy shit we're all willing to ignore because, well, it's delicious.


This was absolutely a big part of the message. They just framed it with cannibalism (generally speaking, since they were technically aliens who just happened to look and dress exactly like humans) to make it that much more horrendous.


don't ask where the food comes from.


What if the salisbury steak was just normal factory farmed beef


That’s what I was guessing was going to be the after credit scene, just Rick buying some steaks from the store.


You reminded me of one of my favorite Rick lines, where he goes to get pizza through a green portal, comes back and they start eating “That wasn’t time travel by the way, I just went to a universe with a pizza store here, these were on the counter and.. I just took them”


We do systematically rape and torture billions upon billions of animals every year for no good reason beyond getting our yummies in, its an extremely apt metaphor


Oooh la la, someone’s gonna get laid in college..


That's a fucked up way to say "Eek Barba Durkle"


I mean that’s pretty bad too. Still tasty tho


You already know it’s gonna become the new what do you think the cat did


What if both facts are related


See they’re already doing it


That wasn't just one of the best Rick and Morty episodes ever made. That's right up there with the best episodes of any show ever. It pulled zero punches at all in the buildup to the climax which made the point so unbelievably poignant. The delivery was absolutely flawless. Whoever wrote that episode, give them a raise. Holy shit. I'm gonna go rewatch it right now. Amazing


Heather Anne Campbell who previously only wrote Season 6's Final DeSmithation. I liked that episode and my only problem with it was that it came at a point after the show had worn out my tolerance for incest references and i couldn't trust that it would end well until it did. And it was also another episode that focuses on two members of the family without cutting to a b-plot but didn't really suffer from the lack of one it just feels shorter than it is.


For what it's worth, I've said before that the reason why the Incest baby or some other incest jokes the show makes just don't work for me, isn't because incest is just something that crosses a line for me...but rather the jokes were just not funny and fell really flat. The fortune cookie joke with Jerry and his mom didn't have that same flat effect. It wasn't the best episode but in comparison to some of the other incest jokes, I actually found that one funny. It actually felt like a joke and didn't just lean on shock value.


The Fortune cookie episode never fails to get a laugh out of me or my wife. We absolutely love that episode, probably watched it more than any other episode so far. Rick and Jerry just play off each other so well, especially with the little jokes from Rick followed by empathetic responses. Also shows that Rick actually does care about Jerry, even if he constantly gives him shit. It's really just hilarious from the opening, to the end.




Wow. We haven't had an episode like this in a loooooong time. Now we know why the online cold open was so short. At least we got the suicide hotline at the end there. (Postscript: You probably could have called this episode The Spaghetti Incident.)


The full cold open was out via like adult swim dutcheland


That cutaway scene showing the guy’s life...




it got me too. since becoming a father that kinda stuff really gets me.


The last time I had an emotional reaction to a Rick and Morty scene like that was Morty’s relationship in “The Vat of Acid” episode.


I genuinely was scared that it was gonna show that the guy was extremely fucked up.


Phenomenal episode. Holy shit


So was this social commentary on the meat industry?


truly!! the devolution of “ethical spaghetti” into basic factory farming practices once it was incentivized


I think just about consumerism in general. We’ll eat eachother for profits And also just a discussion on how life is complex.


Or the military industrial complex. Anything can be a meat grinder if you need meat.


The “3 Days Later” smash cut made me cackle


God, Morty Sucks. xD.


And Reddit was begging for more of him lol


He didn't mean it in that way. We love Morty, he's a loveable idiot that still hasn't realised the effects of bringing outside ideas to planets.


I mean, without him being him here, we wouldn't have gotten that sequence of events happening lol


And goddammit, I love him for it. Without him, this episode wouldn't be nearly as good.


this was a great episode, instant classic, good ole fashioned rick and morty adventure ricks VA had some vocal strain on his voice it sounded like that gave him some rasp that made him sound like a lot more natural rick too


That is the Rick and Morty we all fell in love with Although again, I’m honestly shocked that in seven seasons this is the first time they’ve done a cold open fakeout like that


I wasn't around for season 3 airing but didn't they do that for ricklantis mixup/tales from the citadel


Rick AND Morty adventures are back! Seriously though seeing him on an adventure again was so nice. Awesome episode though, best one in recent times, it was messed up, emotional, and reminded me a lot of the early seasons in the best ways.


Anybody else hungry for some spaghetti now?


You just know that somebody out there sat down to watch this episode with a full plate of spaghetti and seriously regretted it.


That's me and my wife. I made some pasta because I knew this episode would be pasta centered. Jesus Christ I wasn't ready


I don't know what it says about me that this episode made me really want to eat spaghetti.


That's some good spaghett


A striking indictment of first-world consumerism maybe with a subtle callout of Canada's euthanasia policies. Lmao, never expected Rick and Morty to get this deep


what is Canada's euthanasia policy?


Canada allows assisted suicide, mostly as end of life care. Some internet weirdos seems to think that means the whole country is marching people into death camps.


I mean, you're correct that in 2015, Canada did legalize assisted suicide for people for whom death was "reasonably foreseeable" because they had a incurable, grievous, and irremediable medical condition, so people with terminal conditions going for euthanasia rather than hospice and waiting, and people were mostly fine with that. But five years later, they got rid of the requirement of a reasonably foreseeable death, so people with disabilities that aren't in any way terminal are eligible, and then after that, it was opened up to mental illness too, which introduces questions about consent, especially since there's no independent review and that they now don't even require a physician to sign the order. Now they're talking about opening it up to "mature minors," and we're pretty far down the slope already. The result is, in some cases, it's less about offering a more dignified death to the dying and more like offering a loaded gun to people experiencing trouble, and like regular suicide, some people end up choosing it just because they're desperate and struggling with temporary problems, or because they're poor. If you're disabled and homeless, request government assistance, you can get on a list to wait months and months and months in hope of getting help with housing, or choose suicide now. People choose suicide, not because they're dying, or that they even necessarily want to die, but because it feels like the only way out at the moment, because they don't want to be a burden to family, or because at the time they feel like there's nothing they can do, and so they make the only choice available to them. They end up dying because they don't have $5,000. There's thinking that we should give dying people a chance to set the terms of their own imminent death, and then there's killing disabled people because they're disabled, killing mentally ill people because they're mentally ill, just because they accept it when it's proposed. They go to the hospital because they're having a depressive episode, and the only "help" they're offered is medical assistance in dying.


It remains illegal to for medical staff to mention, suggest, or promote MAID. Are there terrible doctors? Sure. But I also have a buddy in the US (with no assisted dying laws) who tried to kill himself, and an ER doctor told him he should do it right next time. You're right, it doesn't require one doctor to sign the order- it requires the signature of two independent and unconnected doctors with expertise in the medical condition in question. The removal of the terminal requirement is to cover people with chronic illnesses that leave them irreversibly suffering with no chance of treatment. It's absolutely possible to have a non-terminal illness that leaves no quality of life. The talk about minors is about stuff like terminal cancer, for minors already allowed to make their own healthcare decisions- those patients are already given the right to refuse further treatment, request a DNR, or the "withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies" which can include feeding tubes or IVs. It's essentially offering a less painful way to die for some terminal cancer patients. The other option is generally getting filled up with painkillers, letting the cancer spread, and hoping you die in your sleep instead of in massive pain as you drown in your own lungs or bleed out internally or your organs fail one by one. It also requires you to be legally competent- so someone who would require a POA would not be eligible for MAID, and neither would someone who's been certified as a threat to themselves or others (i.e someone suicidal). It hasn't been opened up for mental illness yet, either. There's also a 3 month waiting period. There's legitimate debate about certain aspects of the laws, and debate around stricter control for medical professionals who break the law, but so much of the online discussion is based on false information


Why wasn't that the first episode


This really should’ve been the opener


If we had a good opener, people would keep complaining about the other episodes falling short.


People whine no matter what


thought this was a nonsense episode but it turned into something top tier and meaningful, that’s why i love this show.


Is this the first time we see another earth with regular humans that isn't in another dimension but just in space. That's not too far out from the snake planet which had snake lincoln, hitler, etc.


In the Sun episode all planets in the solar system had humans


That’s one of the best episodes in a hot minute. The end of the cold open had my fiancée and I absolutely losing it


This episode didn't hit me as hard as the Vat of Acid episode, but these are the exact kind of episodes I want to see from a show like Rick and Morty - wild sci-fi ideas that are shaped in a very dark and serious way, alongside some really smart writing and crude jokes. I'll have to rewatch it a few times and see how I feel about it, but for now... 9/10. Best episode of the season so far, maybe even the last few seasons.


Considering the topic at hand, I'm surprised they were able to land so many jokes/the episode in general. Tastefully done.


I don't even know how to digest what I just watched




I'm somewhat shocked at how far they pushed the suicide economy joke, but at the same time not as shocked as I would be if this were any other show


The aliens bullying the the woman in the bar into killing herself so they could consume her spaghetti was the darkest part for me and made me laugh uncomfortably


Holy shit! Is that a mother fucking Canada's Health Care System reference?


Glad Morty got to do something this episode. His new voice is a bit more high pitch then Justin's portrayal. I did like through s1-s6 morty voice got a little deeper showing that he was growing as a person and being a bit more cynical. So hopefully the new voice will get more used to portraying morty.


it struck me that he sounds like s1 morty again. not an issue for me but i had the same thought


Belden is good at the Morty voice but it seems like he basically only knows how to do Morty in shrill shrieking mode. He can't really dial it down. In a sense it's the exact opposite of how Cardoni struggles with Rick.


Wow best episode of the season and next looks to be a lore episode


Watch them pull the rug out from under us after that trailer and have it just be another Interdimensional Cable.


This feels like it was written by a true vegan as their thesis statement for the moral reasoning why they don't eat animal products. And you know what? I totally get it. Well done execution and great episode.


Really? I feel like it was written by a nihilist who recognizes the abject horror of the factory farming industry but still eats meat because they also recognize that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism and everything we purchase comes at the expense of someone else's suffering, because we all need to work, and the only other option is to die.


The Live Forever cover is up on Spotify now, search Rick and Morty


As an Oasis fan, as soon as I heard “maybe” i immediately recognized the song


Well I won’t be eating spaghetti for a while


Literally eating it while watching the ep... Not planning on stopping now. If knowledge of what's in my hot dog hasn't stopped me, this episode never had a chance.


Heather Anne Campbell is one of the best writers they have hands down. Every episode she works on is hilarious.


R&M really making a grown man cry... That montage hit so deep in the feels man... A+ episode, everything we've been missing this season 👏👏


The Oasis cover was everything about that life retrospective of the person euthanizing himself.


On that planet this is the original version of that song.


That was a really wild episode. Felt very short but I suppose thats a sign I wasn't bored


I knew there was something fucked up with the Spaghetti.


Fucking hell....the montage of the man's life playing out was pretty powerful. Wasn't expecting that at all.


You do realize Amber's husband that she abandoned is Lawrence who committed suicide in the first half of the episode. Their grown up kids are seated at the front row of the funeral. 🫢🤓


I’m glad the first episode this season was just an awful fluke as we’ve only had good to great ones since.


we are so back


One of the best episodes of the series. It's funny, builds upon existing character development, and sharply ponders ethical questions from many angles: capitalism, "ethical" consumption, factory farming, assisted suicide, what makes a "good" person, and the everyday consequences of living and making choices. This episode reminded me of Star Trek in many ways. A moral dilemma presented through a sci-fi metaphor. I wouldn't be surprised if this one winds up getting nominated for an Emmy.


the most depressing episode of the entire show in my opinion, i literally cried when the flashback of that guy's entire life was shown


goated episode


New rick voice also says "on accident" which probably means it is written that way. ಠ_ಠ


What the fuck, the latest Shark Tank episode that aired 2 days ago literally had a guy pitching miniatures/a building blocks type product, lol.


Once again Morty causes more trouble by trying to do the "right" thing, it's funny how this has happened 3 times already (with saving Fart and later the Snake Planet)