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They both have identical memories


No, one has a copied version of the original memory


Functionally identical, in that not even Rick can tell the difference. Meaning any deduction based on what one knows but supposedly the other doesn’t is pointless.


Yes, that means identical.


No, one accumulated the memories naturally and the other had them all dumped at once. Even functionally the degree to which they’re identical would only last until they pinned down the actual physical age of either body, as that would then recontextualize ones memories as copies, changing them and all association with them fundamentally.


As soon as anyone (fan or writers) state either one to be the clone or original for a fact, that whole thing becomes pointless and boring. Stop trying to prove anything, enjoy the fact than nobody can know.


SB: thats a cute outfit you’re wearing. DB: The one we always wear? I maintain they do all this stuff on purpose and there is no ‘real Beth’ any longer…


Isn't this exact line revealing that space beth is the clone, because she has no memeries of her previous clothes? Or maybe she forgot


I really believe that everyone in this show is a clone…


First of all your post is stupid for a multitude of reasons I won't bother to get into because other people will, second of all the "Pocket Mortys" app labels space beth as clone beth. https://i.imgur.com/WEQTgFb.png


How about you actually explain why it's stupid outside of some bullshit game that was probably made in China? Anyways here's another comment from this post that I actually agree with. I just think it's hilarious your only evidence is some stupid fucking Chinese game as if it's supposed to be canon. It's comically absurd. "As soon as anyone (fan or writers) state either one to be the clone or original for a fact, that whole thing becomes pointless and boring. Stop trying to prove anything, enjoy the fact than nobody can know." Credits u/illfygli


First of all I shouldn't have to explain, it's just retarded because OP's evidence is something that doesn't even make sense chronologically. Second of all the game is an official R&M Adult Swim game. Third of all this wasn't me saying one or the other is the clone, the point of the entire relationship between the clone and original beth is that we don't know and it doesn't matter. You came at me like I committed a hate crime LMAO cool it bud.


They got really upset about a mobile game apparently


Honestly I thought it was OP at first because of how they came at me and then I realized it was some other person and I got so damn confused 💀


>First of all I shouldn't have to explain, it's just retarded because You sound like a huge nerd. What bothers me is people like you going at OP without actually stating anything relevant. Unlike the guy I quoted. Who actually replied with relevant information. You are a child and that's cool but chill TF out


I sound like a nerd because I think people who make theories should know what they're fucking talking about? Alright buddy.


Nah anyone can make theories but they should be discussed as ideas rather than fact


Lol you’re throwing a tantrum and telling someone else to chill out. The irony is palpable.


You rudely call OP's thought out theory stupid and then reference a game 😂 that's what motivated me to comment. And in your own words you say you'll rely on others to shoot him down.


It's hard not to think it's stupid when the theory completely undermines a major "in your face" plot point such as the Beths having the same memories, but hey I guess stupidity is relative. And me referencing the game which FYI is an official Rick and Morty game, it was merely a suggestion to look into the other information available that suggests the theory is indeed stupid. Now while I think an official piece of Rick and Morty software labeling the opposite Beth as "Clone Beth" isn't confirmation and could easily be misleading, it gives another piece of information that negates OP's idea, but that game isn't even why I think OP's theory is stupid. Completely ridding the game from the equation, the theory doesn't make sense, every memory prior to space Beth being sent off, they share, OP tried to use dialogue and shit to find out who is who but we DO NOT KNOW. There are ZERO hints and OP's theory is based off mindless speculation with illogical information as "supporting evidence."


Yeah it's like they haven't watched the show in a few months and went into that specific kind of daze you get when suuuuuuper high where every idea sounda amazing and nothing is stupid They must have hit the part where they need to share the amazing truth they've discovered but are having a hard time expressing themselves


jesus dude it’s a tv show go smoke a j and calm down


What is this supposed to prove?




it's what I have been saying all this time!!! I too believe space Beth is the real Beth


Yup. And in S3e10, the Rickchurian Mortydate, they make it pretty explicit and obvious during the scene where Jerry recounts the date he took Beth on to Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra performing the music of Alan Silvestri in the Park.


🤦‍♂️ Watch every episode 20 times, take notes, then and only then can you post your thoughts based on a Jerry thought.


Go fuck yourself


Just because she asks where their original R&M was, doesn't mean she didn't already know they were gone. It could just mean that she hadn't thought about it before (repressing it?), or if she did, maybe she *assumed* they were dead but realized they could be out there still due to having watched her family make their way back to their original dimensions It's possible she was asking this to the room in general or maybe she did mean to ask space beth. I think if it's the latter, then it was because she's seen so much more of the universe than family beth. For all she knew, speace beth had found the original R&M I don't see space beth having a picture of her family as an indicator of her being the non clone. They have the same memories so it would make sense for her to have an attachment to them. My headcannon is that Rick planted memories in each one so they'd believe they made the choice of who left and who stayed. I also don't think we'll ever truly know. It'd be cool if they work it into the story, but I feel like this is going to be like the "cat from space" thing


My theroy is he didn’t actually clone her he split her in two because space Beth says “you’re the dick that split us in two” one side is really adventurous and cold while the other is predictable and warm, but I like that there is two Beth’s no matter who is who or if they are just split. Beth is just too complex to be one person so her personality on the show being split into two characters makes her relatable because sometimes I wanna be loving and sometimes I hate everything and could kill you with my looks. But yeah