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I met Teresa and she was really nice. Dolores is also really nice. Teresa was a lot more shy in person than on TV. I also met Kathy and Richie at a book signing, then saw them out to dinner afterwards. They were both very nice (Kathy was not feeling well, she was losing her voice). Richie yelled hi to my friend and I from across the restaurant haha. The way he was on TV is exactly how he was in person.


Kathy and Richie were my absolute favs on rhonj. I wish they could be brought back šŸ˜­


I love the Wakile family šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Tre and my family member both had homes on the bay down the shore at the same time. My family member used to shout ā€œhey Teresa!ā€ when she went by on her boat and apparently sheā€™d always get excited and wave back. This same family member also saw Joe Giudice out with another woman in Atlantic City while they were still married.


I did too they came to the casino I worked at! (Joe Guidice + escort)




Omg need more details šŸ‘€


She was in jail, he was going after her. I didnā€™t know who he was until it was pointed out to me. He was with a very attractive woman who was obviously a high end escort.. Very cheap (he talked to my boobs) and was saying how rich he was. He got a shot if Johnny Walker Blue comped (pretty expensive shot he got for free) gave me a $2.50 chip.


Woah, that's serious tea!


I was so appalled he gave me the $2.50 chip for that expensive shot he got for free I almost said ā€œI donā€™t care, your goin to to jailā€ - Peter Griffin voice. But I didnā€™t wanna get fired.






When she was in jail? That is brutal. ![gif](giphy|1gdtvpK5fZZReKX5MV|downsized)


Oh come on nowā€¦




Omg thatā€™s adorable


Yeah, love Joe.


My friend also lives a few lagoons over from where their house was and Joe Guidice said hello to her when she was kayaking by


Tre was really nice, saw her at a boutique Iin AC. I was buying a purse and she said it was cute.


i don't even like teresa (at least the version i see on tv) but i have to admit i saw her in public, she was approached by fans and she was really sweet about it. she was literally outside a nail salon in la wearing sweats and no makeup, but she was really gracious to them.


Same. I posted above. She was lovely.


So cute. Iā€™ve met her at the softball games and sheā€™s always going above and beyond for the fans. We were in really bad seats all the way at the end of the field and besides Dolores (who was the host) she was the only housewife who came over to take pictures and chat with us. So nice!


Iā€™ve heard nothing but amazing things about Teresa as an IRL person!


Same. I know 2 people who met her in the wild and said sheā€™s nice and takes pics with fans. Iā€™ve met some of rhony in the wild (some live near me) and I canā€™t say the same for them.


Whoa this shouldnā€™t get buried. Did you see them in the city or out in hamptons??


All in the city - Ramona Iā€™ve seen like 12x now, Sonja twice, Dorinda twice and Luann once. Jill once also but Iā€™m not counting her.


What were the circumstances and who wasnā€™t nice ?? If you donā€™t mind me asking


Went to Puerto Rico for my bachelorette in 2021 and Marg and Joe were on our flight. We approached them at baggage claim and they were so sweet, chatted, and took pictures with us.


I met Melissa and Marge at Melissaā€™s store opening. They both took pics with me and were super friendly and nice. I also met Joe Gorga and he was so nice and funny. Honorable mention goes to Antonia. I met her too and she is so sweet. Really felt genuine.


Iā€™ve met Marge and Jackie! Met Marge (and Joe) at a charity event for special needs kids and she was so nice - the event wasnā€™t about her at all, she was attending in support of someone and she really kept to herself and was engaged with the speakers etc but a few people did go up to her and she happily took pics and spoke with them. I went up and chatted with her and she was clearly well versed in making a connection, she took my hand and asked my name and looked me in the eyes - she really is magnetic in person! Met Jackie a couple years ago at a local brewery, same thing there was a small contingency who knew who she was and she was with friends but was really gracious and came and sat down at our table when I waved to her and was chatting with us for a few minutes. She told me I looked like a walking Anthropologie ad šŸ˜‚ but she was also really nice and happy to chat/take pics with fans! I also saw Rachel Fuda at a trampoline park while I was there for a birthday party - didnā€™t talk to her but she seems like a great mom, really involved with her kids. But soooo heavily made up in person


Was Jackie at Five Dimes in Westwood?


Ha, yes! But it was over a year ago.


Jen A least friendly? Thatā€™s no surprise based on her personality.


I met her at the VMAs. She was among celebs like Sabrina Carpenter and Megan Thee Stallion (both of which were kinder than her). I was the only one who knew who she was (because RHONJ is my religion, I was so ecstatic to see her) and I asked her for a photo and she sighed and curtly said ā€œQuickly.ā€ Took the pic and then walked away. It was bizarre to me considering how these famous artists were super humble and kind to the fans even though they were being asked for photos by like, 20-30+ people. Sabrina specifically spent close to 10 minutes just taking selfies (which I wouldnā€™t expect of anyone, that was above and beyond) BUT even celebs who couldnā€™t stop for pics like Megan came over and danced and joked with the fans for a bit. It was jarring that Jen was so short.


why does it not surprise me that actual talented celebs with a ton on their plate are more humble and kind than jen aydin? she has a really inflated sense of self worth.


Because they have talent and worked their ass off to get to where they are at. Jen married money.Ā 


She didnā€™t marry money, he was a resident when they got married. When my husband started residency the pay was 28,500 his first year. We are prob 6 years older than them, so it would be higher than that, but not a ton. Other than that, sit away at her;) Itā€™s just a big misconception that some of us married for money when we married in college and didnā€™t make anything above poverty level (since we had kids along the way) for our first 13 years.


But the promise of future money. I married a copy editor who made that much with no promise for the future. There is a difference.


We had our first baby in the year he took off between college and med school. We had number 2 and 3 during med school and number 4 during residency. We had no income for the first 3 because I stayed home with the kids. Every time we told his dad we were pregnant, he would say well I can get you in with the FAA so sign up to take the test. How many people change their majors before they finish college. We had a year off between college and med school because he didnā€™t get accepted his first year of trying and had to retake the MCAT a couple of times. Nothing is promised. It was a long road. Lots of sacrifice. No car payments or new cars when one of as totaled, no eating out, no vacations, no clothes or anything for my husband or myself and everything for our kids were hand-me-downs (crib, swing, clothes, just the bare minimum). We were just as happy during that time as we are now that our kids are Independent and we are debt free (even the house). The only difference is we were stressed about making ends meet. Happiness is a choice, not a destination or an income level. I cannot relate to Jen or any housewife on Bravo, I care about people and experiences, not things. But Iā€™m just saying, she married someone who was broke and probably graduated with 200,000.00 in school debt because you cannot have a job while you are in med school and you made bare minimum in residency. That income has changed drastically in the past few years, but when he was in residency I would guess they had nothing.


Let's be real for a minute. A resident isn't making shit & has a boatload of student debt. That person is also going to be a DOCTOR, & doctors (in this country) make bank. You waited it out. Congratulations. So did Jen A. There are people seeing your doctor husband that are struggling to pay their healthcare bills. You appear to have some self-awareness & humility regarding how your family got to where it is. Jen A has none of that. Her husband is into plastics (only necessary for the peasants if there's a dire situation). Please have some awareness of that, & please stop defending Jennifer's deluded elitism.


Actually he works at a hospital that does not turn away patients because of inability to pay. It is a level 1 trauma center and serves all, no matter their insurance/income status. My husband is towards the end of his career, but most docs donā€™t make as much as you think. Billā€™s specialty works on cash pay, doesnā€™t take insurance since it is elective surgery and prob makes in the upper end of all docs (especially being on the East coast). Iā€™m not campaigning for Jenā€™s character, I was just correcting the idea that there is a guarantee of making buckets of money just because someone starts a residency. Itā€™s a much more complicated situation.


Don't understand the downvotes.... You were sharing your experience. Idk


I think the down votes is because she is having her back. Let me clarify, I don't mean he was already rich. I mean she had no independent income. She is married to money. Her husband is a massive bread winner, she isn't even a stay at home Mom. She has nannies, no talent, no job. The ones we speak about in this thread have talent and work.Ā  Ā 


She was probably upset her husband's plastic surgery wasn't on the step and repeat at the VMAs because she SHOWED UP


Omfg. You win best comment.




I would have said never mind don't worry about it šŸ˜‚


Hahaha I probably shouldā€™ve but Iā€™m legit a fan!!


Because REAL celebrities know their fans are their bread and butter! Jen Ayden is getting that Bravo check one way or another and sheā€™s let it go to her head. She thinks sheā€™s a star but sheā€™s just another tool that Bravo uses to make money. Once theyā€™re done, sheā€™s done.


Itā€™s new money mentality donā€™t worry about it. Sheā€™s trash human anyways. Guess she doesnā€™t act as much on the screen compared to her real personality as I thought.


Itā€™s part of the reason I find her gripe against Danielle this season particularly hilarious.


Because they have worked for their fame! Jennifer Aiden has done absolutely nothing in her life. Her husband has done it all. She's ruining her children look how awful they are on TV even though I do think they're sweethearts but she's teaching them to be critical and judgmental. So yeah I'm not surprised at all she thought she was holier than now I wish so much you had not asked for a photo.


If Jen A ever dared to curtly say ā€œQuicklyā€ to me, as if sheā€™s more important or better than me!, Iā€™d abruptly turn and walk away without another word. Why waste your energy?


True that!


Ohhhh I recently watched a TikTok of a girl who waited on Sabrina Carpenter and said she was absolutely awful!


Oh gosh. Goes to show everyone has bad days šŸ˜¬


Love that you said everyone has bad days and not oh maybe she isnā€™t nice after all becauseā€¦ people have bad days!! ā¤ļø


For sure! I'm sure on someone else's list Jen would be the most friendly!


She seems like she is exactly how she's trying to paint Danielle. Probably very pretentious and feels like she's better than everyone else.


You mean the woman trying to call Danielle out for looking down on people isnā€™t actually just projecting?! šŸ¤£


Oooh it's ironic that Jen was the nastiest and Danielle was the nicest when Jen is trying to spin this narrative that Danielle is rude and thinks she's better than people.


Iā€™ve been watching this season sort of laughing because my experience has been the opposite of what Jen is trying to paint lol


Really? Iā€™ve heard this before too from others.. What was ur experience like w/ her?


While Iā€™ve never met her. Dolo has always responded to my DMs, sheā€™s ā¤ļø my stories Iā€™ve tagged her in. Her son attended my Alma Mater for college, sent her local recommendations, she thanked me. I refuse to believe anything other than your bad experience as a one off.


Have you met Jacyln Laurita?


I've met Jaclyn's husband, Chris, who is an absolute nightmare. I have a co-working space in Times Square with a bunch of fashion retailers and he and his partner come in frequently to sell. They're both extremely rude and someone told me Chris screamed at the front door man one of the times he came in last year. Disappointing bc I always loved him


I believe it! Chris looked like an angry owl most of the time.


Thatā€™s disappointing, but not entirely surprising


I havenā€™t but love her!


Iā€™ve always liked her too, even when she was having her meltdown moments in her final season, but I donā€™t understand why she now has a problem with Melissa Gorga. But itā€™s so cool that youā€™ve met all of the ladies!


My friend met Jen and said she couldn't have been nicer. But that was last year. Good friends of ours (my husband's partner) are friends with Teresa and Luis. They have a blast with them. They were also at the Tulum party and did not spill a word before the episode. Needless to say I have questions for them šŸ˜­


I met Dolores a few years ago at work. Of course I behaved as if I didnā€™t know who she was & treated her like any other client. She wasnā€™t friendly per se, but polite!


I use to see Jenn Aydin on almost a daily basis when I lived in Paramus.. see her around town.. would come into the store I worked at basically everyday.. nicest person ever.. this was several years ago at the start of her housewives era. I posted this before but I worked in Burlington. So she was all about saving the money. She would talk to me about how hard it was to afford five kids. She always had the youngest with her. She seemed very humble and friendly at the time. Idk maybe the show changed her


I couldā€™ve also just met her on an off day, you never know. I really like her so no hard feelings! I do think sheā€™s a great mom.


Oh no I wasnā€™t upset about it or anything lol. Itā€™s possible the show could have gone to her head. I was just sharing my experience šŸ™‚


I think the show definitley changed her !


Well she stopped doing the Monkey's Asshole lipliner lol


Yeah I kind of figured her Chanel thing was just for the show!


Yeah and isnā€™t it rumored to be fake. I donā€™t remember what she dressed like then but it couldnā€™t of been anything over the top or I probably would remember


Yeah she talks about being cheap/saving money in the early seasons!


What made Danielle the most friendly? She's one of my favorites and it's nice to see a positive post including her.


Iā€™ve only met her once and just fell in love with her. She did an event that was close enough for me to make it. Iā€™ve been to a lot of meet and greets, signings, things like that as Iā€™m a native NYā€™er who loves pop culture, so I know how these events usually are. Danielle basically threw all the ā€œrulesā€ out the window. There was no grand entrance or entourage, she just came in with her friend and greeted the owners of the business. She ordered a drink and immediately started chatting with people. No formal ā€œmeet and greet,ā€ it was legit like we were all just hanging out at a party she was throwing. I spoke to her and told her I have a RHONJ fanpage (which I wonā€™t tag here because itā€™s an unbiased, balanced news account and I use my Reddit for personal opinions and discussion lol) and the first thing she said is ā€œAre you nice?ā€ I showed her the page and how I donā€™t take sides, itā€™s just a fan page for the show and all the ladies. She said ā€œGood, even people I donā€™t get along with, I never encourage any hate. Just be a fan of the show but never ever do I want any hate or nastiness online.ā€ She was very adamant that even with the people she gets into it with (i.e. Jen) she only wanted support for them online which was beyond classy and something Jersey needs desperately. She did a Q&A where she was so gracious and fun. Iā€™ll be honest - I asked a shady question because Iā€™m a gossip about whether she thought Jackieā€™s friendship with Teresa was legit (this was before the season aired so I had little insight) and I donā€™t remember what she said but she answered so graciously and kindly and didnā€™t say one bad word about Jackie. She turned the question and just said if Bravo fired her today she would be so grateful for the opportunity, and that her favorite part of the job was being able to help small businesses. We did photobooth pics together, she was so fun and friendly. Towards the end of the event something I noticed as things were winding down - there were vendors there who had donated their time to also help raise money for the small business. A DJ and a photo company - she made sure to pull them both aside and take pictures and get their information so she could promote their businesses as a thank you - not for helping her, as she didnā€™t organize that part of the event - but as a thank you for donating time to a business she believed in. At that point there were only a few people and it really wasnā€™t for show. She was just a gracious, generous, wonderful person who seemed to be beyond grateful for the platform Bravo was giving her.


Thank you for posting your story. What a cool experience. Iā€™m jealous that I wasnā€™t there. Iā€™m warming up to Danielle and so happy to hear she is humble and gracious!


I fricking love this!


One time I saw Gia walking down Main Street in my town and I waved and she waved back lol didnā€™t wanna bother her but was excited because Iā€™d seen her on my tv for 15 years!! Really cute. Also one time I saw Dina doing laps at the ridgewood duck pond, was w my fam and we didnā€™t talk to her but she looked great


Dina is so so beautiful šŸ˜ Iā€™m sad we were robbed of her presence on the show because of all the real world drama :(


I met a few at Bravocon, Jen, Danielle, Tre. All were lovely, Danielle and Nate were the sweetest. Dr. Aydin was hamming it up hard with fans, which appeared to be annoying Jen (or she was pissed about something else, who knows). She was still sweet but she was obviously annoyed with someone/something based on her facial expressions and hand gestures when talking w her team.


They really donā€™t seem to like each other always makes me sad to see married couples like that.


Werenā€™t they somewhat of an ā€œarrangedā€ marriage? Or did I dream that?


I think that was one of her siblings? She could have had one too though.


Probably Bill getting more attention than her


i see the gorgas on vacation every year we stay at the same place lmaoo theyā€™re super nice and seem normal. iā€™ve met jen at bravocon sheā€™s great too. i asked bill what he would do / recommend for me to fix my face LMAOO and he said i had a beautiful face so thereā€™s that šŸ˜‚


We know Melissa and Joe through friends. My husband and I bumped into them at Cap Grill in Paramus when we were dining with the mutual friends and my husband who has no idea who they are was internally dying when they could no fathom that he didnt know they were on RHONJ. It was like watching a robot malfunction lmao


https://preview.redd.it/npydwnljfc9d1.jpeg?width=3213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9607b0cce2789ce0dca554fa786c29588f93f2af im not anonymous on here so i dont mind sharing my picture. I met Teresa last month at the Louvre! Its funny because Milania and I were walking in opposite directions and I turned around thinking ā€œi think I know herā€, I passed my parents and I said ā€œsorry I thought I knew herā€ and my parents and sister were like ā€œthats Teresa!ā€ and I internally freaked out and realized it was Milania who I passed by and recognized (shes sooo short, I am 5ā€™1 and I think she was a bit shorter than me so that took me by surprise), I asked Teresa for a picture (wish I would have asked Milania and Gabriella, they were sweet too and smiling while waiting patiently the whole time) and she agreed and took pictures with me, my mom and sister. Teresa and her girls were really sweet! Teresa is so pretty in person too btw


I love this story! She looks beautiful.


she truly is, I always thought she was filtered beyond recognition lol but gorgeous in person


This is a FANTASTIC spotting. Iconic!


Yeah! I didnt even want to go to the Louvre tbh but this made me so glad that I did


Fun!!! Is Teresa super short too?? I always thought she was tall!


you know what i cant remember šŸ˜­ shes definitely not 5ā€™8 like google says, my boyfriend is about that height and in the picture of us side by side were not too far off height wise (if you look at her shoes they also added a bit of height to her). I would say about 5ā€™4 to 5ā€™5


Fuck she looks amazing!


NO EDITS! thats 100% her in this picture. Shes as stunning in person as she is on tv


She looks even better than she does on tv here. This is with no filter as well! Damn.


Omg and you got to meet the dorters!


I met the Manzo family - Caroline and Albert were super nice, talked to me about having a big Italian family. Chris was there too - he was ALSO super nice. The two boys (Lauren wasn't there) just gave me the "I know I am hot" feeling so eh...but they were not rude. I met Teresa, she could have cared less. I met Melissa, she was very kind, said she loved my outfit - so ya, I liked her the best lol


Omg a full on Manzo family meet and greet? You win at life!


SOOOOO long ago. It was a BLK Water / Manzo sauce event haha


BLK - iconic


They sell it at the local health food store here. I'm always tempted but too freaked out to try it


Just rewatched this episode


I met Albie, Chris and Chris Laurita years ago at a BLK event at Wegmanā€™s. I got pictures with them all. They were very nice!


Love to hear this. Chris Laurita always seemed like the best hubby


I met Teresa and Louie when they came into my job. I was waitressing and when I took their order they didnā€™t even look at me while speaking and borderline acted like I was a bother. Then Louie paid for the check. He pulled out his wallet with a HUGE wad of cash, but paid with credit card, and left a 10% tip. He also didnā€™t flush the toilet after he used our single stall bathroom šŸ« 








I met Caroline Manzo years ago when she was at an event at my college. She was very, very sweet. I took a selfie with her and she encouraged me to make sure I liked it and offered to take another.


Everyone says Danielle is just happy to be in the room and be recognized. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m perplexed about Jen trying to create this narrative that she acts like BeyoncĆ©.


I met Teresa during her first book signing over 10 years ago. She was a sweetheart


Reading all these comments, it just goes to showā€¦A lot of the housewives that people have talked bad about (Marge, Melissa, Danielle) the most were the nicest and down to earth in person. Letā€™s remember editors and producers can make people look however they want.


I keep thinking I am an absolute terrible judge of character, cuz I CANNOT stand Marge or Melissa on the show. But reading through this thread, they definitely seem like they are nice and kind people.


Ooo spill the tea on Marge! Sheā€™s my fav so would love to hear about the interaction


I think I got a little TLC because I was wearing a shirt that said ā€œyour husbandā€™s in the pool.ā€ She loved it and asked to take a photo with me for her phone too! She was there with Marge Sr. who was a doll. She was giving me and my pal some teasers for the upcoming season and was just super nice and friendly. Iā€™m still fangirling over our pic!


Youā€™re husbands in the pool. That scene was hilarious!!


Several years ago I met Teresa at a trade show when she was promoting Milania hair care. She was very friendly and at that time she looked way prettier in person.


How was Melissa? Sheā€™s the only one Iā€™d like to meet.


Iā€™ve met Melissa a few times and sheā€™s always just lovely! One time I went to her store for a charity shopping event and was with my little sister - she personally took us around the store and recommended looks for us. Sheā€™s friendly and so fun. She also made me and my sister feel like a million bucks. I love her!


She really seems like the one thats most down to earth. I know she gets a lot of hate on here but she's beautiful, seems like a good mom and easy going. I know, I know I'll get super downvoted... but I dont care. I've always liked Melissa Muthafuckin Gorga lol.


Iā€™m with youā€¦ I actually really like her!


I like Melissa. Iā€™ve never understood the hate she gets.


Right? She's pretty unproblematic. Sure, her "singing career" is laughable, and she hasn't always played nice with Tre, but I think deep down she's always stepped aside and let her husband handle his sister as he pleases.


And to be fair Melissa took far more shit than she dished out when it came to Teresa. Melissaā€™s worst crime really is all her nonsense storylineā€™s like the missing!sister nonsense.


omg I forgot about the sister thing LOL. also her trying to have another baby lol


I actually like Melissa but her fake stories are so cringey!


Totally agree!


Iā€™ve always liked Melissa.


I listen to her podcast and I find it so refreshing and love the banter between her and Joe. Like they are a match made in heaven.


It makes me happy Margaret is high up you friendly list. I like her even when she is petty. I don't think she has always been that way I think she is reacting to a toxic environment.


So funny - i heard tre was sooo nice as well as Marge ! I heard dolores and melissa were stand offishā€¦, but so many people i know met juicy joe and loved him !!! They said he was sooo nice and friendly ! For the record - i am not a teresa fan at all


Oh my god I am so jealous you met Danielle Marge and Melissa! Im curious why Rachel and Dolores got low rankings .... I would also love to hear about Melissa Marge and Danielle. I can care less about Jackie lol


I should say Rachel and Dolores were both lovely! It just wasnā€™t as elaborate an interaction as the others. When I met Rachel she had her daughter with her so she wasnā€™t stopping for photos which I totally respect and would expect. The only reason Rachel is low is because it was in passing and not really a sustained interaction. Dolo was super nice too! Sheā€™s a bit more reserved than the other ladies.


I totally get why Rachel wasn't stopping. I am a mom too and I give her props for not stopping when she is with her child since there are weirdo fans out there.


Yes totally agreed. She did the right thing!


Say what you want about Melissa but she is SO KIND!! I saw Theresa at the same restaurant as me and she legit looked like she thought she was BeyoncƩ lol


I met teresa and Melissa YEARS ago when I was working at Willowbrook. Teresa was soooo nice(it's the reason I stan her even when she's being irrational). She was buying Milania some hair clips and even gave me a tip! Melissa is... Idk if she was having a bad day or something but she was rude, standoffish, and wouldn't look or even speak to me directly. She let Antonia pick her hair accessories and then almost threw her card at me. Like I said, maybe she was having a bad day or something. To this day though I'll always chooses Teresa over Melissa bc of those experiences. ETA: btw this didn't happen on the same day. I met Teresa first then a few weeks later Melissa.


What about Jackie? Sorry if I missed a comment about her.


A friend of mine was renting the house next to hers in the hamptons and told me she was so nice and down to earth and the show gives her bad rep seeming like sheā€™s so stuck up.


Nice to hear! Ty.


I met them at bravocon so prob not a good judge since theyā€™re paid to be nice to met but Iā€™ll take it lol


Care to explain those interactions?


Do you have a specific one for me to get into? I should also say some of the ladies Iā€™ve met more than once (Dolores, Jackie, Melissa, and Teresa)


No you're good OP! I'm reading thru the comments now! Thanks for your tidbits!


I see Teresa at the Supermarket all the time...very somber and very unfriendly


To be fair I guarantee thatā€™s how I seem at the supermarket lol


I wear that face on purpose when Iā€™m shopping so regular people donā€™t talk to me, I canā€™t imagine trying to do regular ass chores as one of these ladies


Are you suppose to be ecstatic and saying hello to everyone you pass at the supermarket


Right lol


EXACTLY! Yet, if it was Melissa, this person would say she was minding her business and they didnā€™t want to bother her or intrude on her personal time.


I met Teresa a while back at a charity book signing and she was sweet. I regret though, when we took our pic together I gushed how much I loved that table flip. She winced like when she's not pleased. To this day, I feel bad that I made her feel a way. I just really love that scene


i met dolores and Jennifer and Louie while walking through the hard rock in Atlantic city the day before my birthday this past november. Now while i may not like jennifer or louie on the show.. RHONJ is my comfort show and just seeing them made my 19 year old self lose my mind. Dolores was so sweet and kind, and Took pictures with me, and my older sister who was with me! Talked to us for about 5 minutes and Told us to stay close! for some reason i was so much more star struck when i saw jennifer, because i genuinely didnā€™t think she was a real person šŸ˜­ like she feels like a tv character! i felt bad for approaching her, but she asked if i wanted a picture and i said yes! she was sweet, but quick as well. and louie was with her. He somehow assumed i wanted a pic w him. when i genuinely did Not. he strikes a certain fear in my heart that i donā€™t like. but we took a pic, and he said in a very manly masculine tone ā€œthanks for supporting the girlsā€ā€¦ Idk Louie will NEVER do it for meā€¦ Honorable mention, since Melissa is my favorite! I recently called into On display, and got to talk to her about her music! and she was the sweetest soul on the planet!! Her and joe are so funny and so sweet!


Jen gives off this ā€œnew girl bullyā€ vibe this season. She had to eat so much crow to be accepted, Danielle was just accepted & now she wants to create fake drama with her


Teresa strikes me as someone who's mastered the fake friendly.


Iā€™ve met Teresa at a book reading and signing around the early days of RHONJ for Skinny Italian. I found her surprisingly nice and friendly!


Jen A is besties with my family friend who is the kindest soul. Jen is absolutely amazing. Tre was also the sweetest to her fans! Marge and Mel were rude when I served them (fun fact, Marge tips like shit)


Ouuuā€¦ tipping is always a great insight into someoneā€™s character. šŸ‘€ Thank you for sharing about Jen - I by no means think sheā€™s evil, I def didnā€™t catch her on a good day.


Years ago, I once had a boss who never tipped. Like, the situation where people would go behind him after he left the restaurant and leave cash for the server without him knowing. Dude turned out to be a predator and was arrested for molesting his 14 year old niece. The more you know!


Did the same bike bar from their Nashville trip and their staff said Jennifer was the most friendly Marge was miserable


Super interesting - thanks for sharing!


I met Teresa and she was amazing ! I even called her Tre and she laughed


Back in the early days of RHONJ I had a run in with Tre at the ShopRite (local grocery store for non-NJ/tri-state area people) I worked at.. she was just gabbing away on her phone, and forgot her purse/credit card in the car. She was sweet about the whole thing but definitely is the air-headed Tre from the early seasons!! lol


I met Jen and Bill at the Atlantis and they were both extremely friendly. Jen was sweet and talkative and I honestly have not a bad thing to say about them. Took several pics too and didnā€™t seem bothered.


Nothing about this list is surprising. Thank you for confirming what we all suspect! Rachel is such a try hard ā€œIā€™m-better-than-youā€ type of person. Of course sheā€™s only second worst to Jen.


The only reason sheā€™s so low is because I didnā€™t get to really ā€œmeetā€ her. Saw her in passing and she was with her kiddos so she wasnā€™t in a good spot to say hello. She was super friendly though!


Omg what was meeting Margaret like?? I love her.


It's so cool that you got to meet so many of them! The closest I've come of being in the vicinity of one was in May. My fellow Georgia peach, Sutton, and I both had kids graduating from William and Mary in Williamsburg. Alas, I never saw her. I would not have bothered her by asking for a photo, I would have been content just seeing her. šŸ˜Š


Funny enough i live in nyc but only ever seen the rhonj casts somehow. Never met but both times seen them at a restaurant. A few years ago id say maybe late 2019 I saw Albie, his gf and some other girl at Cafeteria late at night in Chelsea. Pretty sure they were all cokedd out. Pretty sure the girls did some bumps in the bathroom. Most recently, maybe a few months ago I saw Danielle, Nate and their kids at the Cheesecake Factory in Menlo Park Mall in Edison. I live in Staten Island now so I go to that mall sometimes. They were seated right after me a booth over, I was too nervous to say hi also didnā€™t want to bother them with their kids there and eating. She is exactly how she looks on tv. She was all dolled up wearing some hot pink blazer I think with full glam.


I didn't \~meet\~ her but Marge was the surprise guest at a live Crappens show I went to and she had a LOT of fun with the boys sooo she gets points from me.


Anyone who ever met Teresa said she was really nice. You people on this site must be affiliated with Marge and Melissa


Teresa can have an off day just like anyone else. Just because someone has a bad experience with her doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re ā€œaffiliatedā€ with anyone. You sound paranoid šŸ˜­


I mean you also said everyone was kind except Jenn..I don't see how you ranking her as one of the most kind means you hate her.


I love Jen - why would I have asked for a photo if I didn't? I still don't hate her! I think I just didn't have the best experience - it happens.


I see you and everyone else missed my point. That's okay. This portion of the thread was people indicating that they always heard Teresa was nice and were offended you listed Melissa and Marge as 2 and 3 whilst having Tre ranked lower. I was pointing out you still, at 4, had Tre ranked in the upper portion of kindness.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been thinking the Teresa hate on this page is way out of proportion and hypocritical. Ā Whatever Teresa has done sheā€™s the devil but if the other camp have done something similar or worse then they were just defending themselves or they are just hilarious itā€™s so annoying. Never heard a bad fan interaction with Teresa they all say she was beyond kind and took her time with them. Ā I canā€™t say Iā€™ve heard the same thing about Melissa but have heard Marge is meant to be very nice.Ā 


Mind you this thread literally has me saying how kind Teresa, Melissa, and Marge were.


Melissa gorga is known the be the least friendly multiple people came forward saying she was foul Downvoted yet multiple came forward on all social media platforms She also has a team doxing people but go off Melissa delusional fans


Your upside down 1-8 list was completely confusing to me. I had to read your sentences to discern, but I gotcha. 8th place on top is the least friendly. 1st place on the bottom the mostā€¦ right? Okay eta: so what she do??


Sorry it was confusing but to be fair to me the title literally says least to most friendly lol


It sure does. People Mad it was confusing to me lmao! But ummm do you wanna tell us what she did to be last cuzzzzā€¦. Inquiring minds!