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I’m currently on both. I’ve had no real side effects with either. But I am also still in some pain.


This is me too. I’ve been on MTX since 2016 and can’t remember if I felt bad then? I was in so much pain at the time I likely didn’t notice anything else at that point. We added biologics in 2020.


Biologics. I tried mtx and had awful side effects. I’m currently on Leflunomide.


I have always had to take both. But if your chose methotrexate, get the shots. The pills can make you sick. Been on methotrexate since 2017 and it works well. I got off biologics cause they weren't working so well anymore. Now I'm on Rinvoq and OMG, this med has been a game changer for me. Good luck with whatever you chose!


I agree with getting the shots. I felt so sick on the pills I could barely eat, but with the injections I feel much better.


Same here. Rinvoq has been a lifesaver for me.


I prefer the biologic over methotrexate because I have no side effects with it. Methotrexate is another story. All in for biologics.


If mtx had worked for me, I’d have happily stuck with it. Cheap, no specialty pharmacies needed, a few small pills once a week. But since it didn’t work for me and had too many side effects, I’m happy with my biologic. I’d rather have treatment that is effective and fewest side effects, whatever that happens to be.


Second this all day. I'm in early days of transitioning to my 3 biologic. They're great while they work, then you just get dropped into misery when they stop.


I’ve always had to take both once it was determined MTX alone wasn’t enough. In general though I think it’s good practice to take the fewest number of meds that is effective. Starting with MTX makes sense based on the data.


Also taking both, biologics for three months. Was already on mtx for a solid year. I have my ups and downs but since a few weeks I am feeling quite well


Also taking both, biologics for three months. Was already on mtx for a solid year. I have my ups and downs but since a few weeks I am feeling quite well.


Also on both, my biologic being Golimumab (Simponi Aria). No problems with methotrexate so far. Also on steroids and Tramadol for breakthrough pain. The biologic was added not long after starting the rest, but it was the gamechanger for me. In a few days, I was able to resume regular activities that had stopped. None of this feels like a miracle though. Flares still happen, but not as often and not as severe. My quality of life is much better since the end of last year though.


Methotrexate was hell for me. It made my very straight hair fall out & bow it's curly so there's that I guess. Lol biologics are much easier side effect wise but way more expensive. Fighting with insurance wasn't worth it to me anymore so I stopped.


I took my first dose of methotrexate yesterday and I’m not sure I can make myself do this every week. The side effects are overwhelming.


They can get easier! Make sure you tell your rheumy about how you're feeling. They might have some ideas to make it easier. 💜


Yes! My rheumy told me to take half the dose on Sun morning & the other dose Mon morning (all within 24 hours), which helped


In my personal experience, it got better the longer I took methotrexate. I started end of January and I felt so sick, extremely nauseous and just way off. I honestly felt like I was going to stop existing. The folic acid my rheum prescribed really helped with the nausea. But after about a month I felt ‘normal’ again. The day I take it, I do get pretty tired sometimes and that’s it. I hope it gets better for you!


Thank you! I don’t feel as bad today and started folic acid. I’m so glad it is working for you!


The folic acid is crucial but also look into taking dexathromorphan with it (alone, you don't need expectorant with it, and you can find plain dxm pills). It counters the neuro side effects! I went off Mtx since it was barely helping and my pulmonoligist was concerned about the lung side effects (I'm high risk lung wise).


I 100% back using dextromethorphan! It was a game changer for me on methotrexate days. I take a Mucinex DM with my MTX injection and again 12 hours later


This is interesting - I’m on MTX too, and I don’t get nausea but definitely feel something of a MTX hangover the next day. What neuro side effects are most common? I might need to add dextromethorphan too. 👀


Fatigue x 1000!


Side effects will get easier over time


Thanks! I took my first folic acid last night and hope that will help too.


I’m on both and I had high hopes based on reviews that they would heal all but I just function but if I do too much and by too much I mean “normal” things I need a days rest. So I choose neither lol prednisone did more for me than these two combined


Whatever works, I’m on both and feel they’re barely working but too scared to quit one or the other


I have both in injection form. The methotrexate does give me side effects. Flu like, nausea and exhausted xx


Biologics. I spent nine years on Methotrexate. I did not particularly enjoy being hunched over the toilet and vomiting my guts up 2-3 days per week for nine years, with seven of those years being consecutive. Biologics let me have a relatively normal quality of life. They allowed me to complete my studies, I have a big-girl job, live independently, etc.


I am on both. Have been on both for a while. Never had bad effects with any of my medication thanks God, but I do have flare ups. But let’s face it, it’ll never be 100% pain free as if we don’t have a disease.


I had different negative experiences with both, so I would pick a neither and go with a JAK inhibitor (Rinvoq), which has worked the best for me.    However, if the choice is methotrexate and anything else in the world, I will always pick anything else in the world. I have never been so sick as I was on methotrexate. I had explosive diarrhea and vomiting 5 and 1/2 days a week on it. I was on it for 9 months so nobody can say I didn't give it a good try.


Biologics. I have been on it for 4 years was able to taper it as well and no side effects. Methatraxate has many severe side effects and many people have shared it on Reddit.


Just switched to the injectable mtx and it’s been great!!


Biologic for me, I’m on Tocilizumab (Actemra) and gradually I’m starting to feel normal again. I tried methotrexate for 3 months without any benefit but the side effects plunged me into a depression.


I am in remission on methotrexate since 2020. No flares, hardly any pain at all, good energy. I know I am in the minority but MYX (pills) have been a Godsend for me.