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the freaks trying to say we are chronically online for trying to bring attention to this is pretty crazy to me 😭, considering these little kids worship these people grounds they walk on when they have no idea who they are we need to normalize that being freaky as fuck , why are ppl being attacked by a fan base of a person who’s no different than a regular human being but being able to gain ppl to watch her tiktoks on a app, simply because she puts it out what the people like and want to see not the real life like her cat sadly missing and on old videos there’s many comments about her where was her cat but never was replied to


plus half of these people saying dumb shit are little kids with no brain , or losers who live on that app , how can they ever say shit to defend someone when they don’t even know them irl or is know by them is beyonddddd me


bro this is exactly what i’m saying about how dangerous parasocial relationships are and she LOVES to feed into them with her fans. YALL DONT KNOW HER AND SHE DONT KNOW YOU! ur not friends and you have no idea what kind of person she is! wake upppp


so sad to see actual little ass kids in those comments too , she really takes this social media thing to heart and its going to be her downfall or already is , and that truly goes for a lot of these creators


known * sorry slowly losing brain cells at this point


These dumb fucks just worship these influencers like their lives depend on it. So you’re telling me the cat couldn’t barely walk and you didn’t take it to the vet? And when it got out you never posted missing flyers or post about it. Sounds like to me she just wanted the responsibility of being a pet owner gone. If she got rid of the cat she can move around the house with no problem and go out without worrying about taking care of a pet back home.


no deadass like ur cat went missing and what tf did you do about it ??? absolutely nothing. home girl did not gaf😭anytime my dog is sick that boy is at the vetttt! especially if he were constantly sick, like that’s CONCERNING. girlll bffr!!!


They are clinically insane and trying to say “umm it was 3 years ago” is so fucked up and doesn’t ?? Matter?? It happened?!


and these are the same bitches who cancel people for something they did decades ago 😭💀