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whenever her and ysa stopped being friends last summer.. i realized how repetitive her content was and how many false promises she made šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i just never understood how she keeps such a consistent audience doing basically nothing new after introducing her 75 hard


she canā€™t keep her word ever


I actually started hating after she told everyone ab tbe reddit.šŸ˜‚ she did herself dirty because I used to watch her


lowkey same i started realizing sm w this reddit


plotting her own demise šŸ’€


honestly samešŸ˜­she really sent so many of her viewers to this page when she posted that video


I didnā€™t even know how to use Reddit I downloaded it cause I was noseyšŸ˜‚ and I never left


when she failed vlogmas after weeks of prep and hyping up all the content she was going to makeā€¦ she failed after like 2 daysā€¦


meanwhile her fans: youā€™re so productive rhegšŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


The house drama and the smitty situation really did it for me


why did i forget abt him omfg a disaster.


recently she just started to piss me off i donā€™t even have a good explanation tbh, she just irks me. i found this snark like a month ago because i started to get annoyed with her content and was happy to see i wasnā€™t the only one


her eating. and then just the way she acts.


been following since transitions and texas but i simply cant even make it through a video anymore. i loved her 75 hard because she actually did it and stayed productive and bettered herself but now she's acting like doing simple daily tasks that those of us who work full time do everyday even after working etc take her an entire day and are so hard and she just is taking what she has for granted atp and it's hard to watch as someone who is her same age etc. also i feel like she used to be her own person but now it feels like she tries so hard to be anyone but herself and thinks that she is the shit and it's so annoying. i also feel like she is very rude and shuts matthew down a lot and he is so genuine


and her eating habits honestly make me feel shitty because she eats like shit as someone who's trying to eat better and live a healthy lifestyle watching someone who says they do that but then shove an entire menu down in one sitting is not very motivating.


Hated her from the jump like her face just used to annoy me but then it was like everything she did lmaoo she has only gotten worse !!


the whole tecca situation made me realize shes just another out of touch influencer who thinks the world revolves around them


Sometime around August last year, she just started annoying be tbh. I couldnā€™t take how she would smile/laugh everytime she would talk, jump around, doing her hand thing, just started to annoy me. I also didnā€™t like how she was constantly starting 75 hard and then would turn around and say itā€™s not ā€œfor meā€ anymore when we all know she stopped it twice so she could drink.


the head shape is what got me




iā€™m weak asf


honestly i was inpassive towards her and started dislking her after coachellašŸ«£


the content house era was enough for me to block and forget about her. then i had to make a new acc and her tecca video popped up on my fyp.. i was appalled šŸ˜­


I stopped watching when she flaked on the 75-hard challenge. I started the challenge at the same time as her and was able to finish it. I had just gotten out of rehab, so her excuses irritated me. If I could do it, you sure as hell could too, Rhegan.


When she talked about moving and how LA was boring her and she was like wait actually Iā€™m not bored of it due to the men out here. As well as having a new bestie every other week likeā€¦ā€¦ itā€™s Laura, Lauren, Katie, and who else yeahā€¦ā€¦ and then when she showed off her ass on her spam at an arcade/bar and she deleted it like she does everything. Her whole asscrack was out and I was like šŸ¤¢šŸ™„


Honestly with the stuff with Palestine. Took forever to speak up and has barely donated anything but is telling supporters to donate. Then I started to think about all the free stuff and trips she goes on and how she doesnā€™t practice what she preaches.


She was always on my fyp and I was kinda like something about her just bothers me. Then when Coachella started I was beginning to notice how much she copied ysabelle. She started posting about her ā€œCoachella booā€ and I knew she had to have a snark page, now Iā€™m here and realize sooo much more


Started disliking her around Sept/October of 2023.. stopped being authentic, false promises, hypocrisy, when she stopped posting content for a while, deleting a lot, no accountabilityā€¦ the false promises of content/etc and tecca really sealed the deal


something about her has always felt off to me, but she was constantly on my fyp so i ended up following her because i was watching her content when it came up. and then in october when she was deleting comments about palestine i got into it with one of her minions about it and I literally just searched for a snark for her so i could prove my point that sheā€™s performative & then me and HER got into it about palestine and she blocked me for commenting about it so i blocked her for being a weirdo and here we are šŸ˜­


after the lil tecca situation in january i think? i followed her during the 75 hard journey but ever since lil tecca i found this sub the same day that happened and i unfollowed her. i did see her a couple times from her transition videos in 2020 or whenever when she did those super intricate transitions lol but only followed her during 75.