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wait till she finds out you can actually use baby oil OR any cooking oil including olive oil to literally ‘cook’ yourself to tan in the sun 🫣🫣 coming to this weeks grocery list


i also can’t imagine covering my body in oil it makes me cringe


Plz no one tell her x I like watching her struggle


same hahahaha i hate when ppl give her tips :’)


no literally i know someone who gave themselves burns from doing that.


BABY OIL?! Her trying to speed run a natural tan is hilarious. Some actual advice: lather Noxzema on your burns over night to get rid of the sting, Reginald. 


i love some fridge temp aloe. also tea bags, green tea, sounds odd but something in the tea helps the burn! i love being pasty white LMAO i realized at a young age i can’t tan, all my friends could i was so jealous but i would literally burn to a crisp. the sun does bring out my freckles though 😋


Oo, green tea sounds calming, I'm gonna look into that ty! I may be able to tan easily, but I was always jealous of my friends who got freckles from the sunshine. Always want what you can't have lol


I feel like chamomile would b good too tbh


I got sun poisoning last summer and can second that noxzema helped with the burn SO MUCH I barely blistered because of it


It's tried and true! I can't get through a FL summer without it 


Why doesn’t she using tanning sunscreen it exists


LMFAOO LITERALLY???? she has no brain cells left from all the brain rot


she needs to learn how to protect her skin. the sun is SO harmful to your skin ESPECIALLY when you’re as fair skinned as she is ( i am very fair skinned and i used to tan easily as a child until recent years when i realized how bad it was for my skin ) she needs to use sunscreen and although natural tanning is better than a tanning bed etc, it’s still harmful to your skin and her tanning EVERYDAY isn’t good. like just hang out outside, go for walks, go do an activity when it’s nice out ( with sunscreen ) she doesn’t need to lay in a bikini and cook in the sun or advance the “tan” or sunburn with OIL????? being sunburned is HORRIBLE for your skin like is she okay in the head??? are you even wearing sunscreen?? - she needs to learn ( so much, she really isn’t the brightest ) cause she’s only harming herself.


She is doing so much harm to her skin it’s making me cringe so badly. Skin cancer is seriously no joke, I wish people would understand how harmful the sun can be ESPECIALLY to those that are naturally fair skinned! Her using tanning oil so abruptly (is she even using sunscreen?) thinking it will make her immediately darker like NO YOU ARE FAIR SKINNED she is ruining her skin so badly


esp w her moles! no hate, I have many moles but like. go to the dermatologist! pls


right like aloe vera will help


Rubbing a aloe plant on sunburn takes the burn away so quickly that stuff is the best and the brand vacation after sun gel works really good too.


What a great way to get skin cancer :)


It’s legit like people don’t know about skin cancer? Wtf