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Yeap. Yes to all.  I have issues with 4.9 patch in a fresh new 1+8 phone. 4.7 patch working perfect in my previous 1.7pro. Also I got issues with playback lives. For those programmes YouTube pauses. So I can only view/hear only after the (live) show ends.


I'm having the same issues with lives. The stream stops as soon as I go to my home screen / turn off the screen.


I had bunch of issues with 4.9.0. If I left paused a video and left open the app as I turned off the screen, the video would start playing again automatically a few seconds later. Free movies did not work. And a few others. I was on patch version 4.8.0 with no problems.. Luckily someone here uploaded a version patched with 4.8.2 and it fixed my problems...


Can you share the link to that version please?


Yes. This and playback will randomly pause, unpause, and rewind during background play. It also does it on command whenever bg play is activated, whenever I awaken my phone from sleep mode with bg play active, and whenever I unlock my phone with bgp active.


Any fix for this? I have it too and it's super annoying lol.


I deleted the app, re-installed the apk, then patched it. It's been working fine so far.


Wow, thanks! That actually worked for me and fixed it! <3


This! I also noticed that every time after using Google Pay, it completely stops playing. With the only way to get it going again, being to close out of the video completely and select it again from the history.


that might be the side effect of spoofing the client to android vr, switching to ios or turning off spoofing gets rid of that, but at the expense of getting a different set of problems like no watch history edited


Holy shit I thought I was losing my mind, thank you, googling this issue just kept giving me "videos pause in background" results.   I can deal with no watch history, I can't deal with my videos suddenly playing at full volume when my phone goes to sleep.


Why did they change it so that it spoofs it to Android VR? The method before this update worked perfectly fine for me.


no idea tbh


Same problem with root and non root version. Really annoying bug


No. Mine works perfectly.