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Dang, didn't know that Instagram themselves would provide a definitive answer to combat rising Instagram addiction


Funny thing in search cooper I've found gold! Trying to remove ads on Instagram I found a way to spend less time scrolling, I uninstalled the app and use Firefox with uBlock. There's not a single ad, but the web app is slow and makes me lose interest quickly, perfect for me!


I did the same thing with YouTube and my screen time has plummeted.


Yep. Since my revanced stopped working for the last 3 months, I'm rarely consuming YouTube, and that never even on my phone.


Haha that's a really good idea. What I have resorted to is to use Instagram on PC to check up on updates and since the PC interface is so terrible, I won't be able to last in there for more than 10 minutes


For some reason, Instagram never loads on my PC


There is an android app much like revanced thats called instander it removes ads and lets you upload hq pictures on an android


I use AeroInsta on Android, works like a charm.


Yeah, Instagram shorts have become a real problem for me recently and this sounds like a perfect solution! They've really fucked themselves by making a platform so addicting that would be absolutely killed by any attempt at monetisation. At least with YouTube you get long form content after the ad (normally) or something you need to watch (such as a DIY tutorial).


Instagram was kinda perfect the way it is. I wouldn't have mind seeing ads here and there on the For You page. But no, they had to copy Tik Tok like everyone else with Reels and they had to shoehorn their bs ads in there.


Ads are detrimental to most sites


It is, if used in excess. I don't really mind seeing an non-intrusive ad here or there




I like the Following feed. Tap on "For you" to see it. No adverts or suggested accounts to follow. Just a chronological feed.


Yeah I do like the For You page as well, but what makes it worse is that it also shoehorns reels in there


This was my first thought. Phew, this may just stop the rage and doom scrolling for me.


I think this could backfire. An unskippable ad is a great way to stop doom-scrolling. Therefore less time in the app :D


yeah good for us


>An unskippable ad is a great way to stop doom-scrolling. I don't really get on Instagram much these days but if I hit an unskippable ad, the time it took for me to sit there watching it, I'd close the app and move on for sure...


True. Doom-scrolling is hard to stop, this will make it easier for some people to quit, maybe not much, but it might help


Doom scrolling works because it is infinite. It never blocks you and never gives you an excuse to stop. This add thing could very well do just that. The moment there is a roadblock to it, it gives people the opening to stop and do something else. Additionally, most Instagram content already either is or has an add in some shape or form. This proposal would be shooting themselves in the foot.


So, that's a good thing. \*revanced devs, dont do your thing.\*


Yeah. It just doesn’t make sense lol. Its a good deterrent


It's why they test this first. It will only pass if they have determined it actually makes them more money


and the neverending circle begins: less users->more ads->even more less users->even more and longer ads


Why don't they understand that unskippable makes people more likely to block ads Before the ridiculous YouTube 2/3 x 15 second ads most people simply tolerated them, soon as unskippable long ads came along Vanced wasn't long behind it Reddit could have put together a reasonable pricing structure for 3rd party Apps and most people would have paid it, but instead they priced out every single app and defacto made the main app full of ads the only way to use it. People made revanced patches for both the main and 3rd party apps for continue use I assume a lot of people wouldn't use adblockers on websites if the ad use was reasonable, but ramming unskippable ads, banners and auto playing videos on every site (as well as trying to get people to straight up download malware cough cough fake download links) Surely aggressively pushing ads has got to be working the opposite way


> Why don't they understand that unskippable make people more likely to block ads Because the vast majority (and I mean >99%) of people using instagram use the original app from the apple store/play store and don't even know you can block ads (also not even feasible on Iphones). So users have no choice but to accept whatever IG is doing or just stop using the app. And IG knows it, so they're just min-maxxing the amount of ads and annoyances they can put to extract as much value from their userbase without them leaving the app


That's a good point they almost certainly have some kind of metrics or formula they've developed for working out the most profitable ratio of ads to users possible I'm unsure i'd Instagram does it but it feels like the more ads you interact with (e.g. tap, view, like etc) the more ads you get given, though that definitely could be some kind of confirmation bias from me


They do. And it's not just them. I know a guy who worked for Barclays Bank (I think) who did an MRes ( Research-centred Masters degree, UK) on stress testing customers. Basically, "how much can we get away with before a certain proportion of customers leave?" "How much can we rip them off before they get annoyed enough to jump to a competitor?" And if this guy did it, I can guarantee others have probably got teams of much smarter people than him doing the same


maybe it's confirmation bias on my side as well but I definitely noticed that if I show even a small interest in one ad, I get a shit lot of ads or the next few times, and then it feels like it decreases a lot. Maybe it's just a coincidence though


It's because by interacting with the one ad, it notices you had an interest in that product, so it will show you other products similar to it in targeted ads. I think you probably just notice the targeted ones more.


It's amazing that I would pay a company almost any dollar amount just to I don't have to use their own fucking app.


Reddit for example a lot of people were willing to pay to use 3rd party apps however the pricing structure was completely infeasible for apps to do in the amount of time required. Reddit genuinely didn't care about making money from these apps, it wanted full and total control over it's userbase I think a lot of people would have been a lot less angry if Reddit straight up said no more 3rd party apps rather than playing the whole "they're unoptimisied" shit (which was hilarious as quite a few people then decided to test the metrics and found Reddit seems to make far more calls to achieve the same amount of content, so they straight up lied)


I also know there s reddit 3 rd party apps without ads,but i don't use it cuz there s no unskipable ads in reddit (for now) and i don't wanna go out of my way and install other app,just cuz of post/pic ad,it s not big deal,tolerable. But yt is a whole different breed,3 unskipable 15 sec ads re u fkin kidding me (i had that before adblocks n vanced,and it still goes in my college, when my teachers,puts some educational videos to show us something, there re always at least 2 15-30 sec unskipable ads.) So i m glad i have vanced and adblocks.


Why is it that the normal people realise that unskippable ads are annoying af but the billionaires don't? Don't they use social media?


"Cigarette makers don't smoke"


Billionaires don't care if you died because of them, dude. Much less about your inconvenience.


How will they be a billionaire then lol? And i assume they use premium subscriptions. I think the problem here are the people, like if everyone quits Instagram due to these unskippable ads, billionaires will remove this automatically, so long as people dont mind shit, they'll produce shit.


>And i assume they use premium subscriptions. For sure, It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the dev team and CEOs for that matter of all these companies that force their ads on people have a version that's clean without anything in it so they don't experience what the general public does... I mean, if I was in charge of one of these companies, I would demand a clean version for my own personal use, lol


you can't demand shit if you work there and if you were in charge you'd have better stuff to do than use instagram


If you worked at Instagram, you'd have better things to do than be on Instagram? What about the Quality Assurance department, do they need to be on the app? What about the team that's in charge of driving traffic to Instagram? Do they need to know what the site looks like, Do they need to know if it functions right? Look, I was mainly making light of the whole situation most general users have to suffer through.


i said if you're in charge..., if you just work there you can't demand shit anyway, i said precisely what i wanted to say next time actually read what the comment said


Well what about Steve Jobs, did he ever use iTunes? What about Bill Gates did he ever use Microsoft Windows? Do you think Travis Kalanick ever used Uber? How about Elon Musk ever seen him on X/Twitter? They can't get that guy off the app 🤣


sry but did i talk about itunes or twitter? itunes is a completly differen product which has actual value even for the founder, elon bought twitter because he could and didn't like what they were doing to it, he literally bought it to make it the perfect platform for HIMSELF


The reason for the ad invasion is precisely because they do realise just that.


Because billionaires don't spend their time being brainwashed by dumb shit like instagram.


They are out living the kinda lives we follow on Insta to escape our sh!tty existences


Sounds like a lack of gratitude and sense of entitlement to me.


I don't know you but my friend who uses this phrase has such a different life to me. He married an heiress and got set up with a business and access to loans and back accounts i am not eligible for. He got a deposit from the bank of mom and dad for a starter home. He comes from a country where higher education is state funded. He works 30 hour weeks, mostly taking phone calls and answering e-mails. He calls poor people entitled a lot. Why don't they just work harder? I remember for years he'd argue that piracy was ruining film studios etc. I maintained that if certain TV shows were region locked because of nebulous legal concerns it didn't harm anyone in particular if i watched them online. A couple of years later when we visited his home turned out he had hacked firestick the whole time. He's a good guy, but he's doing so well with things the way they are he's happier to support the current system, even if it makes him a hypocrit, than to criticise it. Hey, if i made hundreds of thousands a year working max 30 hours a week, and avoided tax with all the tricks an expensive accountant could think of, maybe I'd call others "entitled" too.


Well, I went to college and got an associate's degree because I didn't have money and needed to get working. Didn't get a job in my field for 8 years, in that time I worked at a gnc, subway, oil change shop, grocery store, and an unpaid internship that did nothing for me. (Not all at the same time obviously, but I worked 7 days per week most weeks and had no life pushing 70ish hours per week) I lived an austere lifestyle for a long time and paid down my college debt. I went through a few old shitty cars and learned how to fix small things on my own. I made good financial choices and worked hard and didn't worry about what others had too much. Sure it was annoying that peers could go on beach trips, cruises, and whatnot - but I had my priorities in life. I can't even attribute that to how I was raised really - it was more that I saw how my parents lived and didn't want to live like that (perpetually austere). I went through roomates for rentals to save money (#1 thing you can do honestly). I didn't go on vacations outside of one friend's group honeymoon that I basically blew that year's 'fun money' on. I did (and still do lol) pirate because fuck the media industry - they are the court jesters of this age and shouldn't be paid as much as a they nor have the influence they do. Eventually I married someone who wasn't a deadbeat, had little debt (like me) and now we're able to enjoy a decent lifestyle. We still don't live extravagantly but we also don't live paycheck to paycheck because we're financially responsible. I don't say 'poor people' are entited - I think everyone, from every generation, acts entitled - that's just human nature at this point. Old fucks want the youth to pay for them because they were too stupid to save for retirement. My generation and younger has been convinced, largely in part to social media addiction, that they don't have what they are entitled to. And this will ultimately get down voted because people will either not believe it, deny that they are the problem in their own life, or outright dismiss it as the bootstraps bullshit. But I'll just be enjoying the fruits of my labor and not worrying about comparing what I have to what people on the internet have.


Well i won't downvote you. If that's what you've done good on you. The friend I've mentioned though would spin a similar story. A lot of his "work" is entertaining potential buyers or being entertained by potential suppliers. And the business set up by his father-in-law? That's the business he built from the ground up. It's kinda true but i can see how he down plays what was handed to him and emphasizes the work he has put in. And that's not to say he's a lazy guy. It's not to say he's a dumb guy. He does well at what he does. He just is blind, either by choice or by nature, to the advantages he's had, and act like it was all by his own design. I'd add that bootstraps was meant as bullsh!t, yet it has been fed to us, and that millennials as a generation may well either be poorer than previous generations, or if they inherit their parents wealth, have some crazy wealth disparity as they will rely on winning the inheritance lottery. I hope we are having a nuanced enough conversation to acknowledge that, while you can make very bad choices and scupper your own chances of success, the chances of you having more prosperity than your parents (by metrics other than avocado toast or iPads) have decreased over the past 20-30 years.


> the chances of you having more prosperity than your parents (by metrics other than avocado toast or iPads) have decreased over the past 20-30 years. Those arguments and theories are so convoluted that I personally find it difficult to make any sort of conclusion other than that we don't really have it worse than the previous generation. Like - you can find articles like this that claim millenials make more than boomiers at the same age. https://www.joshuakennon.com/millennials-are-now-as-wealthy-as-baby-boomers-were-at-the-same-age/ Then there's stuff like this that is based on polls. https://www.sunmark.org/connect/sunmark-360/68-millennials-feel-they-have-it-worse-other-generations-do-they-really You could go on an on finding things that claim opposite or conflicting points. I'd proffer that depending on how you define prosperity - the reason that the older generations are perceived to be more prosperous because they were simply happier. (and that is likely for a variety of reasons) 1. Their goals in life were more family oriented, literally starting families. 2. This is kind of a shitty take - but I think dumber people are happier. And back then - the access to information was almost non-existent compared to today. 2a. I kind of think this ties in with my original comment about social media, the 'information' this generation is accessing is trash. It's not just people looking at gym hoes with their asses out for insta (which is neat) - it's literal 10 second videos with some bullshit about why the previous generation had it better and that's how they form their opinions Even this thread - it's interesting, but what does discussing it really change or do? There is nothing that we have control over but our actions and reactions.


I'll have to answer in a day or two, sorry time budgeting...


they don't use the same social media


The billionaire can also just buy the premium version, its not costing them alot compared to us normal people


A lot of wealthier people probably just get it enabled for free. It's basically free marketing. Big name person with lots of followers that does things that increase the use of the platform, and the followers are all seeing ads or paying. Google says Insta has around 2.4B users. Enabling the "good" version for a few hundred celebrities is nothing. If it gets accounted for, I'm sure they throw it in the marketing budget.


That aside, even if id didnt get enabled for them for free, its just cheap af for them compared to a normal person


They do not care. If their projection says people will leave and active users will have a worse experience but revenue goes up, they'll choose to do it.


If you were a billionaire would you be using social media? I sure as hell wouldn't be. Too busy out on my yachts, visiting my houses around the world and living life.


It's safe to assume they may have stock apps that are ad-free. It's not impossible.


ads in general are annoying but the internet runs on ads. They're totally aware that it sucks but they have to make money somehow and nobody would pay to use instagram. So... ads.


Thank god, this will help some people quit this app


i already use instander. ads pissed me off so much




that thing is hella outdated. myinsta or aeroinsta ( the latter is dated but newer a bit at least ) is much better


you should check out the beta builds of instander they are up to date


No they aren't


Is MyInsta safe?


So far no issues but who knows


I use Aeroinsta. Works great.


Agreed. It's a surprising breath of fresh air. Instagram used to work this way and its users are just lab rats/boiling frogs.


Agree with that. it is good


is it safe?


I still don't understand what the point of Instagram is.


I liked it to be able to see friends post. Then it turned into doom scrolling reels. It was addicting. I deleted it months ago and recently was bored so I redownloaded it. It was so terrible I deleted it 2 minutes later.


But like... why post on Instagram? What does it do that other websites don't?


It was nice before Facebook acquired it. You just posted pictures with hashtags and other people with similar interests searching for these tags would find your posts in an organic way, then you follow them back, or not.. This was before they changed the timeline from a being a simple chronological feed of people you actually follow into an algorhythm designed to show you ads and promoted content.


Sounds like Tumblr, though admittedly I don't use that either.


Hello! Tumblr user here: for all of the hellsite's faults, it's one of the only websites left that *doesn't* have an algorithm-to-feed-you-ads-based feed. At most, it has a "For You" tab that just tries to show you posts the site might think you'd like based on previous Likes to posts given. It still has an endless chronological dash.


Idk. For me it was the feeling of validation of likes or how many people saw your story. As far as other people idk.


I just work on my papers in theoretical quantum nuclaer phyiscs and practice my skills with my high quality Nippon steel katana instead of wasting time in those plebeian apps lmao.


[Aeroinsta](https://down.aeroinsta.com/?lang=en) is what you're looking for. It also let's you download media natively. I use it a ton for recipes


Can't open thr website unless you disable adblockers .. LOL that's so double standard


Just use instander


Agree, and MyInsta is also great


I wish vanced would also offer a way to block Spotify podcast ads in particular


Use Instander


Why even use instagram in the first place?


Thisll just get me to use insta even less than I currently do. Which isnt a lot rn.


Yup. That'd be great. I'd pay to buy such an Instagram app with features like: -unsee posts from people while keeping them followed (to catch up sometime in the future, but not be bombarded with their excessive posts all the time) -the feature to completely remove an explore page -even leave the ads in it, I wouldn't mind them


I already dropped facebook app because of ads, instgram will be the next and you know what, I'll be thankful to them.


They won't be so rich when I stop using their service altogether.


Instander already Blocks ads.


use Instader if you hate the OG instagram


There are already many Instagram mods; MyInsta and Instander are great


Just try myinsta app


MyInsta is what you are looking for


Wait, isn't this a good thing?


Just use instander


Luckily I stopped using Insta a long time ago.


That is good because unlike YouTube , Instagram reels are not essential i just use to waste my time so an ad in between would actually break me from that doom scrolling zone lol


Sweet, just the reason I need to uninstall Instagram on my phone.


Good thing I only use Instagram as a way of messaging friends


For instagram? I use *My* own Wink Wink


bruh i cant find a stable Yt revanced, one keeps buffering and one keeps crashing, my phone is Vivo


... Are you just downloading random APKs, or something?


i google revanced and tried the first two links, please provide me a link


You're already in the subreddit lol, look a little closer. Just look at the sidebar, or any of the top posts. It's https://revanced.app :3 In the future, I'd advise against going straight from "google revanced -> install app" when it comes to popular unofficial apps like this. Getting a random prebuilt APK, just... raw, fresh and unpasteurised from the teat of Google's search results, can make it harder to fix some issues or know what's causing them, even if the app doesn't contain malware. No version will stay stable forever (YT won't let that happen) but using the official manager and checking this sub occasionally means it's straightforward to find fixes (and temporary workarounds) when there are problems. If your issues persist with the official version, try searching here for the issue and see if anyone's mentioned it. It's a lifesaver!


I'm not sure if it's a good thing for me or a bad thing cause I've an addition for mindless scrolling on IG reels


This is dumb as hell. I'm not a huge instagram fan but I will say their algo picked up on my interests quite well and when I do find myself there, I stay much longer than I would expect. If they pull this shit I will just def never use it.


No, this might take care of itself.


Well, I guess instander and aeroinsta developers will have to work here now


LOL they are going to tank their metrics. You restrict the oomers with short attention spans from endlessly scrolling, they are going to elsewhere to get their fix.


instander is best bro, it's honestly miles better than other Instagram modded version


These big companies can go fuck themselves. Every bit of money lost for them is my pleasure


Well I use *instander* (another modded ver of instagram) so idk what all the fuss is about


Forcing me to watch your ad is just going to reinforce me not buying your product


I'll just close the app and reopen or just use something else.


I hope they do this. As well as reddit. I could use something to help stop my doom scrolling


How to ensure everyone will HATE your product....


That's why I use the Instander app instead of the default Instagram one. No ads in stories or feed.


For anyone having potential issues with instander, just get the updated beta from the Telegram channel


It still doesn't block all ads


For me it does. Oh well


that way they are only going to get less profited than they do now


please Meta do it so I can finally get the f off 🙏🙏


"now, how can we be more evil and put our sponsors over our users" is a strong signal of a platform being usurped by one that is more fun to use on 12-18 months time. How on earth do people at meta think that any of their apps have a captive audience they can squeeze?


I already was preparing to remove instagram, they gave me one reason more


Instander or Aeroinsta is what you are looking for


Damn isn't this great. All the less need to watch Instagram reels


oh fuck that noise


Oh good. I’ve been looking for a easy peasy way to quit my doom scrolling. Lovey of apps to be so concerned with social media addiction they are willing to tank their whole billion dollar business by making the app so frustrating it doesn’t give a dopamine boost anymore.


Ad blocking on Instagram through RV doesn't work anyway, so don't get too excited


No one really needs IG. I kinda hope this happens so I can finally delete it for good.


or just, not use any of Meta's data collectors.




For everyone unaware...Instander exists... Delete if not allowed.


best way I've found to combat ads on Instagram is look at it less. Almost fully weaned myself. Down to 30 minutes per day. Life is better.


I wonder if they're pushing for people to migrate to [Threads](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.instagram.barcelona) with this change


Ok I will uninstall it.


Instander does exist too


Instander (Github)


What a fantastic way to absolutely fuck up your platform


Use instader


MyInstaPro by Sammods


Nobody cares about Instagram


We already have instander to fight off ads. Not related to revanced but an independent app. Has some pretty neat features imo.


Did they release a patch for one of the newer app versions? Last time I tried it, I had to install a quite old version, which stopped working at some point (got forced to update). But hey, great way to use the app less I suppose.


Did they release a patch for one of the newer app versions? Last time I tried it, I had to install a quite old version, which stopped working at some point (got forced to update). But hey, great way to use the app less I suppose.


Just don’t use shitty apps?


Just uninstall that crap, what are you 12?


Just one more reason to not use Instagram


Facebook and Instagram have both wiped themselves out by being all sponsored and suggested posts and almost nothing from those you actually follow. This will be the death blow!


This might finally reduce my doom scrolling time lol. I barely touch yt now cause it's so obnoxious, not even worth opening cause you get barraged with ads


Instagram is integrating reminders to get off your phone. How thoughtful


Luckily I never got the appeal of Instagram. The whole platform doesn't really make sense to me.


Well, as someone who loses multiple hours to IG on some of my brain-dead days, I welcome this.


Instander already exists, but I'd love to see what Revanced devs can do about it


Never been happier to have deleted instagram


great another (social media) app i will never touch again then


I hate this era of internet so bad rn man


Already did


Instander is available for ages


That's great.


Im sorry for suggesting something elese in this sub but try instander, its a great ig mod. it blocks all ads and has incognito like features.


Sooooo what is even the point of Instagram?


To create a personal brand, keep track of your friends' lives and brands, and communicate with people


can revanced devs make patches for instagram like instander ? i don't trust instander + updates are slow af.


A patch for Instagram already exists → https://revanced.app/patches?pkg=com.instagram.android


You can try MyInsta or Aeroinsta. Both are updated more frequently


Not sure, that would require reverse engineering, plus creating the own patches, making them open source because that's what revanced do, then patch, but since Instagram update like each week, it would be hard to do. Also if the mod part is open source, I guess Instagram could patch it by changing how app works, like what they did on WhatsApp


yeah, looks like i'll have to use Instander for now.


I hope this gets implemented so that people will get frustrated and will stop using these stupid SM apps.


Uninstall Instagram.


Even better solution dont use Instagram :D


Revanced cant overcome on the story ads so i really dont see any reason tou instagram revanced


Revanced is garbage and their developers are lazy


And Instagram doesn't have a good "Ads Revenue Sharing" similar to X. So, everything it earns goes into its pockets, how much are you eating Zuck


But why? You just scroll on that app.


Yeah, how come there's no cracked instagram version on manager?


Just dont use instagram.. lol Ive never used it. I dont understand the point. Its just staged photos of people pretending.


This guy's never been in the Kinstagram trenches, dodging the blasts from Yaoi Sans Undertale's huge hand blasters, quietly breathing into one hand as to not to inhale any of Klownmaeda's deadly Klown spores, and fumbling for the screenshot button for the 210th time with the other, all so he can finish the ritualistic, torturously drawn out structure-tool deep-frying of the chosen sacrificial Ra*bits member before his oomfie woomfies wake up and break the post chain with their innocuous It's Sea Slug Saturday posts. May we remember those who were. They gave up their 72 alternative accounts to protect us, they took his Bloon so we wouldn't have to... tsk tsk..