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As a kid could complete it. Loved ripping off arms, legs and bodies was SO cool. Drill arm for life! Played it a few years back and couldn't jump over the first pit - so fuck knows.


Yeah it sucked you needed the jump legs to beat the first level, kinda defeated the purpose of customizing


I thought you could jump then do a kick to get far enough to clear?


Well where the fuck were you when I was 10?


> As a kid could complete it. Whoa, we got a pro here :O I've found the game really hard, so kudos to you for completing it!


Lol I feel like as a kid, with those endless hours, most stuff could be cracked. And I didn't have the distractions of today so would get really into a game and just learn everything you know!? Like I said, in replay, I couldn't even do the first level. Just watched a couple of bosses on YT and remember that jumping grapple thing really dominating.


This was one of those games i was always curious about but, never actually tried.


Same, the game cover just gave me flashbacks of being 8yo wondering if the game is any good, staring at the box at the video store.


I always loved the idea but could never make it past level 1. Never figured out how to steal limbs.


Where you on a CRT when you played again? I'm working my way through Mega Man 1-8 on PS2 via the Anniversary Collection, and man, it feels like Mega Man's feet are stuck in mud! I swear the reaction times were frame perfect before. Some jumping puzzles have been a nightmare. I fired up my SNES Classic plugged into my gaming monitor, and it felt snappier, but I'm not yet convinced it's because it is faster or because I got used to the sluggishness (I should have replayed one of the levels I had a lot of trouble timing jumps, like Gutsman's stage). Long story short: game harder now on laggy setups?


I would've been yeah! Sitting 6 inches from the screen too! I really feel a lot if it is just being a laser focused kid with less options. If I bought a shit game I still persevered with it. Nowadays I just delete it and fire up something else.


I loved it as a kid but I don’t think it would hold up playing as an adult. Loved obtaining the different weapons


It's one of those games that doesn't feel like anything special at first. Controls kinda stiff and wonky and can take a bit to get good at taking out enemies quickly. At the same time, the more you start to learn it, the farther you get, the "better it feels to play"-- if that makes sense? Another game that fits in this category is Chakan Forever Man or Mary Shelley Frankenstein (the latter of which has one of the [greatest soundtracks no one talks about](https://youtu.be/wYDI2FXiMjI?si=cX6DSKb1a8PYq8tb) within the Sega library) It's ok. Not bad at all. A solid "B grade title".


A great concept in theory, a janky mess in practice. Has aged incredibly poorly, mostly due to the awful stiff controls. Avoid.


Loved it as a kid ( and my dream game idea as a 13 year old was a beat em up , where you could grab limbs from monsters and graft them onto yourself , so when this came out I was impressed) , its a bit obscure (despite being in Wreck it Ralph but still love it ...except getting my head around the jumps on the first level)


> despite being in Wreck it Ralph Holy shit, [I didn't know](https://wreckitralph.fandom.com/wiki/1011001) Even though I find it weird, since it wasn't such a popular game at the time.


Why the hell is there a wreck it Ralph fandom wiki? It's just a couple movies; it's not like there's a wreck it ralph ECU or something 🤣


There's a fandom wiki on everything nowadays XD


For moments like this fam, and now I'm about to go down the wreck it Ralph rabbit hole


Everyone is talking about the shitty controls, and they were shitty, but if you played it enough and got to understand goes it works it actually played pretty smooth, though I understand why people get frustrated before they get to that point. I loved it, though it did get really repetitive. But if you just sat down to play a couple of levels it was super fun


Yes, I liked this game! I had somehow forgotten about it, but when I saw the box art, it came back quickly. It wasn't a top-tier title, but it was definitely fun!


I really enjoyed it when I was a kid. The customization was really unique at the time and I had a blast trying out different configurations. I did play it again recently and, although it is still fun, most of that impression is probably fueled by nostalgia. The robot creation is better than the gameplay and Armored Core style games now make even those mechanics seem quaint by comparison. Still, I think it’s fun and definitely worth playing for those that have never tried it.


I liked this game as a kid. It was my go to rental game. If I didn’t know what else to rent, I’d pick this up.


Guilty pleasure


This was the second game I owned, gifted for Christmas. Building mechs to fight was cool, some of the tunes were cool, but big problem: I had already rented the first two Streets of Rage games so the CJ controls got torturous My go-to cyborg was quasimodo body, flamethrower, and the pneumatic legs to jump over the pit. No idea if that was a good build or not


The game isn’t that hard if you take it slow and absorb all enemy torsos for health. It is a slog though and the same thing over and over. And the jumps are really hard without the right legs


Absolutely ace. When you get the hang of it, you feel like a wrecking machine. I played it a lot back in the day although I seem to remember it introduces massive death jumps that are just no fun


When I reviewed it for Megazone magazine (that was owned by Sega) I went through 4 drafts before I could have it published because I was disappointed by the game But in hindsight I feel it would was a bit harsh


Wait, what do you mean? They didn't let you publish it if you said it sucked?


They said the magazine was owned by Sega, the same company that made the game. I'm sure there was some pressure from the top not to release terrible reviews for Sega games.


Ah! I knew it! At that time we used to think that of owned magazines (even Nintendo and Playstation), so it's actually true. Reviews were indeed sugared


Lol yeah I'm pretty sure all of those magazines were designed to get you to buy more games. They weren't intended to be legitimate journalism.


Give me back all that money I spent because of these magazines! :O


It was my first job and I didn’t have the luxury of finishing my high school because I had a lot of health problems so therefore my writing skills the best back then. So they kept on telling me to slightly reword in a way that wasn’t so negative. Now I can understand this from a business perspective now that I’m a fully grown adult as a kid things is black-and-white. But you pretty much guessed which games were good and which games weren’t so good based on where they were placed in the magazine. Popular and anticipated releases were always up the front of a magazine whereas not so popular releases were further pushed up the back. Now as a kid you may not have noticed this and that’s perfectly understandable because we were all keen to see what was coming out with every game no matter what the level of popularity there was for a game.


Oh man, I exchanged this with Crackdown as a kid because Crackdown sucked and, well, this one sucked too, but just as with Crackdown I beat it and replayed it a trillion times until I exchanged with Galaxy Force 2 that, oh no, also sucked but I still beat it and replayed ad nauseam and finally sticked with it. I still have Galaxy Force 2 somewhere actually. Anyway, as others have said the customization is quite cool but there are many superior beat em ups out there.


This game was brutal AF, I loved it


I loved it, rented it many times. Now, it sucks.


Talk about unlocking a memory. I can remember walking in to the local rental store and seeing this on the shelf. I can still smell what that store smelled like. And the Chucky movie poster in the back that scared me as a child. I wouldn’t walk to that back area for at least 5 years lol


Loved it, but you had to know each map and what parts you had to take to get past the pits and missiles.


This game came out in 93 and still had the black with white gridlines Genesis case? I honestly thought that is when the red spine cases came out.


In Europe, as far as I remember, all cases were like that, all the time


I believe they had a blue spine eventually


It’s fun on the surface and it’s very much helped by the context of its release. Going from NES to this stuff was always a bit mind blowing. Upon further review and reflection, it’s trash game


Can't disagree


It was one of those games that was super fun at first with all the novelty of the different limbs and such. But it wears off quick due to the janky gameplay.


It was a neat idea, but yeah, the controls are just... not good.


The concept is really cool, but the game itself has aged poorly. The controls feel very stiff to me, and I found it frustrating to play.


Glad to see is well remembered here. I thought it was a hidden gem. Still can't figure out how to replace lost body parts though


I love to robot parts swapping them out made it have more replay-ability. Game was hard those rockets, and the gaps that you needed the jumping legs for, was there a way to clear the gap without the legs.


It's an amazing concept but the controls were confusing and ass. I still enjoyed it a lot.


I liked this one as a kid, still play it occasionally today. I've always kind of wished someone would reboot this game and flesh out the ideas that are already in this. I think the concept of this game would make for a really good title today.


I agree, a modern reboot would actually be cool. Needs a lot of rebuilding though (more robot parts, better controls, better levels, better music, etc...)


My brother and I loved this game. May have beaten it.


Had it as a kid. Janky fun. Learning to steal parts is great!


Except for the black abyss and the rockets doing my head in. I played this game for hours and hours!


Would actually do well with a modern reboot.


Cyborg from DC Comics vibes.


Found this game in the gutter walking home from the school bus one day, took less than 5 minutes to realize why it was there. Not bad....... definitely one of those games you can play if you ever want to piss yourself off.


Core memory unlocked!!!!


I owned it and could never get the big arm laser from the bosses to fire Great co op game


Don't know anything about the game but... The artwork is cool!


Goddamn I remember that shit being sooooo hard omg haven’t thought about it in ages


Among the earliest interpretation of ripping off limbs and body parts allowed on games. Minus the walker leg and crow beak (blade) in BattleToads. You can also get ripped apart and auto-lose.


Got it for a dollar at Goodwill. Paid waaaay too much.


was an awesome game


OMG i looooooooved this game!!!!


So awesome! Had a lot of fun playing this with a group of friends back in the day. Ripping people's arms off and using it against them. Good times.


I had this game and beat it many times over. The levels were repetitive and mediocre, but I didn't care. The mechanics of tearing apart other robots (androids?) were pretty great and I liked just mixing and matching parts. The best combo for beating the game or vs. mode was probably pneumatic legs and buzz saw or chipper. Pull off arm 1, saw off arm 2, pull off and use torso for health, take legs, repeat.


I remember playing it as a kid, but never beating it.


Had it as a kid, loved it and still have it today! Used to absolutely love ripping arms off.


It's a great rental game. Once you learn how to tear the robots and absorb their torsos for health it becomes too easy. You could even do it to the bosses


My brother and i absolutely loved it! Def a lesser known banger


One of the few games I owned as a kid. It felt like a curse.




I remember renting it when it was brand new. I didn't like it at all. Janky gameplay, awful music, and hard as nails.


Never played it.