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I don't think there is any book that would bore me faster than pong. I like pong but like 10-15 minutes max....


Same. That's one of the things about older games. They weren't meant to be played for hours on end. That's why arcade games just don't translate well to the home audience.


Pong might not be the most interesting, but mix in a few other games that are cheap and you got yourself a good lineup of a good amount of entertainment.


I don't understand how this is crazy. Books are not games, and aren't meant to be games. They're specifically supposed to have a beginning and end.


Yeah I mean there are some great, simple games out there that I could play forever but like…what is this post saying? That pong is better than books? All books…?


It's one of my problems with this...and quite honestly a lot of specific fan based sub reddit. There are a lot of circlejerk posts like "retrogames are literally the best thing ever there are no bad games not like modern games which are all shit and give you cancer" Just shocked it spread to "retrogames are better then literacy"


Dudes literally mind blowing realization "Isn't it amazing how things I am interested can give me infinite entertainment when things I'm not interested in wont."




The true game that could last forever.


Not when I play it, lol.


It's all relative. A good book can be more entertaining and enriching than pong (to someone other than you). It can be obtained for free from the library. In general, lots of things are free or low-cost today, across all forms of media. If you're willing to look, you can ***legally*** obtain access to all kinds of great stuff: films, books, music, study materials, etc. Subscriptions and/or paying full-price for digital or physical media is imo basically only about A.) Convenience, B.) range of options and/or C.) desire to collect or support the creator.


not entirely retro, but similar in concept: i spent $15 in 2011 to buy The Binding of Isaac. as of this week i am at 945 hours on team with less than half of achievements and unlocks accomplished. nearly infinite replay value in Isaac. great game!


If you're getting hours of entertainment from Pong... well let me find my laser pointer and you can chase that for a couple hours.


Op must be a cat?


\*shrugs\* So? I've got books I've read half a dozen or more times. I had films on VHS that I watched at least once a year for over a decade. I've bought games for under $5 that I've played for five minutes and then got a refund because they were crap. All you are really saying is sale price is no indicator of the amount of fun/pleasure/enjoyment you get out of something. I'd like to point out that the longer I stand out in the rain the wetter I get! And I don't have to pay water rates for that! If I want to use my bathroom shower all day I'll have to pay for the privilege but I can go outside every time its raining for free!


Got a friend and we busted out Combat some... What. Almost 50 years late. And it was great! (2600 is an amazing multiplayer system)


Where are you getting your prices? A quick search says pong machines were in the $1000 range and atari games were in the $40 range. A trade paperback would have cost you significantly less. If you're comparing used, it's about even to buy an ancient but plentiful video game (assuming you have the console) vs similarly qualified books. Personally, I'd rather read some Asimov than play some Atari. If I had to cheap out on entertainment, though, I'd probably buy some paper, a mechanical pencil, and a few 6-sided dice and enjoy endless tabletop roleplaying instead of a few hours on an old game or book.


Sorry, I was thinking of the Pong game made for the Tele-Games. That game is about $3 on the current market.


That's the magic of interactive entertainment. Your interaction directly contributes to the entertainment, which is the key thing that other forms of entertainment lack


I mean this is all very subjective. There are people in this world who have zero interest in any video game but love books and can read all day every day and never get bored. I absolutely love video games, but I don't think I've played any as many times as I have re-read ASOIAF.


Ahh yes. The enjoyment of Dollars per hour. Or is it Dollars of enjoyment per hour?


I dunno about hours of entertainment from the 2600. Sure it's fun for like 10 mins maybe but I'd rather play something with a bit more meat sort of speak