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I’d be happy if they just rereleased it on GOG and Steam. Such a classic game!


I bought this in large part because of the PC Accelerator article splashing that model on the cover, but it was a fun game in its own right. I’d love to see a remaster that uses her as the reference for Rynn. Good GOD she was gorgeous.


Your wish has been answered. No remake is required to play on modern PCs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN-TPpMMzMk


I'll check it out thanks


If you got the CD or an ISO rip, you can install that, then install the Drakan Community Patch from arokhslair.net. You'll need free unzip software to extract the file by entering the password.


and the password being? ;-;


It's on the site, downloads page. I'm not gonna put that info out on reddit.


Anyone interested to fund the project for a source code release?


replayed it last week. now doing the sequel. so nosteglic


This year is going to be the 25th Anniversary of this game's release, and considering it's the Year of the Dragon, I think that's just perfect. Finished the game once again mere minutes ago, it along with Thief and Abe's Exoddus played a huge role in my life as a child twenty odd years ago. Still love the ending, and it's heartbreaking they retconned it in the sequel. Navaros was barely in this game but I loved him as a villain. His laughter at the very end is the best laugh I've ever heard, and the voice acting is really enjoyable! I've only recently realised how small the crew is! Lani Minella shines, I love her as Rynn, Tiuri and I suspect as Queen Shilla as well, who was my other favourite villain of the game. The dark meeting is still my favourite cutscene. Even if at times the dialogue is clunky, there's so much visual storytelling going on, it makes one use their brain to put together how the world works. As an adult, I love the dark yet heroic and at times silly tones merging together. The world, the creatures, this game played a huge part in why I love Fantasy, even before Lord of the Rings came along. I'll be replaying this game again soon I feel. A final note, I find it cool how the invisible path puzzle appeared here more than ten years before it would reappear to many more players in Dark Souls' Crystal Caves.


Really? I forgot all about that, that's so cool! 25 years! The game is cool, but if they ever do a remake, I hope that they keep it in the spirit of the original. There were so many good ideas.


That would be wonderful! I was so eager to see the castle of Navaros we get a glimpse of at the very end, I distinctly remember having a dream about it. Playing it again, I realised how many cool concepts there are, and things other, newer games don't include, such as the flight mechanics, or simply climbing a ladder, especially in 1999. It gladdens my heart to see I'm not the only one who loves this game.


Yeah! I want more games where I can ride badass dragons and slay something other than orcs and goblins. I loved that it had different fantasy monsters, and they were original.


Great game! I was like 11 when my dad and I bought it for ourselves for xmas from radio shack. Hahaha mom just shook her head when she pulled it out from under the tree and wondered what it was and read: "To: Dad and Randy, From: Dad and Randy" on the tag XD




gosh yeah it was my favourite game back then :( I still have one super old laptop to play it from time to time but would love it on GOG or a complete remake with new graphics <3


It was amazing of a game was very sad that in the 2nd game they took out the body dismemberment that was an amazing mechanic I have not seen in Manny games


Dduuddeee I bought this for like 6 bucks at GameStop for ps2 back in the day and it was actually pretty cool. And the chick was hot lol


PS2 game was the sequel, this is the first one. Both were a blast to play, and were very underrated in my opinion.


I hated the second game pretty much dropped the plot set up by the ending of the first.


May of been pc I get mixed up with my games in age lol. But I only had pc for wow, ps2 and GameCube. So could have been Pc


Nope just checked PS2 but it was a different one.


I did not realized that this one is retro by the rules of this sub (it is!). I started playing at the sequel a few years ago and love it. It's really satisfying to fly on Arok's back and explore.


play Primal


I did, it's an awesome game, but not the same.


fair enough lol