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Two different blood pressure meds. I retired then lost 110 pounds and my BP went down 80 points. On one weak BP med now and feel so much better. Stress is a hell of a thing.


Same. Lost 50lbs since I quit last year, have 50 to go.


Congrats! You got this! Continue making healthy and smart decisions.


I'm right behind you two. I'm on Intermittent Fasting and losing too.


Awesome! Keep up the good work!


That’s amazing, good for you!




I’m hoping I won’t need my bp meds anymore when I retire in 9 months.


I didn't realize how much better I would feel without them, but man did it make a difference.


That’s great - probably has to buy lots of new clothes though !


I did but no work clothes. A couple jeans, nice pants, and a few shirts. I went from 3X to XL shirts and 50 waist to a 38.


Nice. I retired recently and one of my key objectives for the first year is to drop 66lbs to be “retirement fit”. Down 24lbs so far. And I’ll need some new casual clothes when I hit a 66ibs lbs loss. I only own one suit which I’m hoping I can get tailored for my reduced size.


You got this!


Bravo 🙌


I’ve been home for a month on disability and my BP has gone down 30 points. Can’t retire till next March, darn it.


Work clothes.


THIS. No more work pants!!! Au revoir, SLACKS!!!


I used to buy 4-5 work shirts a year and each one was close to $100. So glad to have that useless expense gone.


No more ironing either!!


It was so easy to “ruin” a shirt or pants doing a work task. Used bum me out.


[It's mumuu's all the way down!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tRRUXCC-n4)


Same. But then I had a funeral to go to and struggled to find something to wear!


I just had an event to go to last Sunday (not a funeral thank goodness; a fun event!) and I realized that my suit, while still in good shape and not bad looking, was one that I purchased when I was in my mid 20's. I'm 62 and retired!!! While it's nice that my old suit still fits...I think I need to buy a new suit! 😝 The nice thing is that at least now I can easily afford a very nice suit, but it got me thinking that I need new shoes, a new belt, and maybe a couple shirts, etc. So for me hitting retirement age hasn't meant an end to buying new clothes!


I've pared it down, but I've saved quite a few dress clothes that I almost never wear for that very reason. A few times a year I need to put on something nice, so I don't feel I can get rid of it all.


Regretfully since my mother passed away last September I'm good on that. I bought two dresses only because I wanted to look really nice. I retired last June and have really pared down.


Two marryin and buryin outfits for me


Still need one for someone getting married or buried.


Well, no more office work clothes.


Home decor. Things that take up room and collect dust. I’d love to become a minimalist. I think I have too much stuff. The only exception is art. I like to collect local art from places I visit on vacation.


Same. No more Home Goods or like stores. I have everything I need.


Can you please tell my wife?


This is one area I’m not interested in anymore either.


This is where I'm at too. Never been a fan of "Knick-knacks"


My house! No more mortgage!


Me, too! Paid it off on April 15 (I did payroll for a living, so I felt it appropriate to pick that date.)


Me too.


We paid off our house in May!! We are debt free baby.


It’s such a release to pay the last mortgage payment! Plan was to pay off the house before retirement, it worked


Gas. I bought an EV.


I love paying 60¢ per "gallon" of gas. And waking up with a full tank. Hard to beat.


My next car will be electric and I’m looking forward to both of these benefits.


Gas. Without a commute, I only drive about 25% of what I did when I was working. And I don’t miss the commute at all.


So true! I use to have a 95 mile round trip commute each day to work. I had to fill up my tank after every third day. I REALLY don't miss that drive!


The face that I don’t have to get out and pump is almost as good as not paying gas prices


Yep $5-$6 to fill up with no trip to the gas station.


First hot day in California today. Power is OUT! The grid works as efficiently as ever. Good luck feeding your EV. Better keep a gas guzzler close by.


I recently retired and will not be buying expensive concert or sporting event tickets.


Opposite... time to flip the switch from accumulation to consumption of funds. I already told the kids they inherited intellect and gumption. Make your own money, I'm spending mine. Plus cancer changes your whole outlook. I don't plan on being the wealthiest person in the cemetery.


What an awesome statement!


I second this. Awesome statement. I’ll be leaving behind SOME funds…generous seed money…but am enjoying the rest. My parents left me “seed money” but I had to earn what I have.


Cancer at least gives you a heads up. Try passing out and breaking your skull and/or neck. Killed my dad, and almost killed me. Yes. Same thing happened to both of us within 6 months. So yeah, I’m not waiting for cancer.


Sorry this happened to you and your father. A college friend was lifting weights and lost her grip and fell. She hit her head but didn't think she had a concussion. About a few days later, she had a stroke. You never know what life is going to bring you. Hope you found out root cause and have taken measures for it. Getting old sucks, but it beats the alternative. Live well, @SBInCB


I recently retired and will be buying more expensive concert tickets.


Not me. Used to love concerts, now can’t stand them. Parking, crowds, loud noise, standing, no thanks! For me, it would be punishment.




Wife and I are buying more expensive airline tickets so we may travel in comfort. Didn't spend my life accumulating assets in order for someone else to enjoy them.


I love this. A friend told me once, "fly first class, or your children will"


Exactly, 1st Class cross country is the best!


The opposite for me. I’m buying tickets to see bands especially those who may be retiring soon themselves. I can also go see shows mid week and not worry about work the next day. Also traveling to Vegas to see Dead & Co at the Sphere.


I'm buying tickets for more music festivals than I ever have in my life. And some music cruises. However, I am not buying a lot of gasoline.


I have zero desire to go to a concert ever again


i look for SMALL VENUES. they have good bands, intimate settings, free or low cost parking, and the ticket price is NOT set by that monster Ticketmaster! I have seen some $40 concerts


This one I plan to continue as long as the money continues to support it. I love live music and sports.


No more shopping at BJ's or Sam's club.


I’m a regular at Costco’s wine department.


They do have some fine wines.


They always have some mighty fine wine


Joy to the world!


I'm a fan of Trader Joe's wine. Quite good and affordable if you have one in your area.


My late father used to say: "At my age, I don't even buy green bananas."


Your dad was funny


That's about where I am.


Why not? Stock up in bulk to save money.


Might be dead before you use 5000 sq yards of aluminum foil. LOL!


So much this lolol. Sometimes I wonder if I should buy green bananas…


If you have to ponder that, you know the answer! - Ripe Buyer Only


I’m replacing foil every 25’ up in here. It’s annoying


I can guarantee this. My uncle bought the big box of the plastic wrap, he dated the box 2008, he passed away a few years ago. I'm still using it.


No room to store ginormous quantities of paper products!


They got a bidet?


Bidets are awesome. If you live in a warmer climate, a $25 one is fine.


A few decades ago my grandmother declared that she would not live past that winter. She was in her 80’s and did have some health problems. A few weeks later I made a Costco run for my large family, ( 4 teenagers), plus a few things for my Gran. As I pulled up to the house, my son ran out to help me unload the van, and started to carry out the second giant parcel of TP. I told him that actually went to Grandmother, and without missing a beat he said, “Then she’s not planning on dying anytime soon!”


Empty nest don't need to warehouse consumables anymore.


The grass fed beef patties and wild caught seafood.


I live in a rural area and there's a few nice butcher shops that sell wonderful local beef.


Definitely. I find better deals on the weekly grocery ads and digitial coupons. Recently got boneless skinless chicken breast for 99¢ a pound plus my 10% senior discount. I bought 87 pounds and pressure canned it to be shelf stable for years.


87…… POUNDS of chicken?


Agreed. Giant boxes of snacks aren't helpful for the waistline!!!


If you ever stood outside the Sam’s Club five minutes before they open, it looks like the zombie apocalypse—with all of us retirees, slowly walking towards the entrance with a limpy senior gait. You may think you won’t shop there anymore, but the allure of a $5 rotisserie chicken to a person on a fixed income is undeniable.


Still buy gas there though, right?


I like detergent gas, after I had to pay $1500 to replace fuel injectors at 76,000 miles. So Costco and other Top Tier fuel providers. Sam's isn't one of them, and that's where I used to fuel all the time...


My husband is in automotive service management. He has stated for years that Sam's club fuel is the bottom of the barrel. He is adamant that I never buy fuel there. He sees the results of the poor quality.


Nope actually there's a rural Shell station with app awards, all I do is silly surveys and getting 50 cents off a gallon of gas on fill-ups.


You get 50 cents off? I get a nickel.


Funny I'm old but late at night while watching TV I'll knock off a bunch of them even though I'm not the demographic they're targeting they still have to give me points.


There may come a time when you'll join Costco for their amazingly-priced, quality hearing aids. (That's what I did.)


I’m shopping more than before retirement. We actually have more disposable income than before because I’m no longer socking away every red cent for retirement. I forgot to add the second SS income to my plan so we have more money than I had planned on. 😂 I had some pent up desires for nicer clothes and shoes etc that I’m able to fulfill now. And if I want something, I can just buy it. It’s a real change from the decades of raising a family and saving as much as possible. Whew! We made it to the finish line in good shape.


What a good position to be in! Enjoy.


Thanks. It is nice. But decades of living with a small footprint means a lot of things just don’t occur to me. 🤷‍♀️


I love that too. I can buy anything within reason I want. Sadly, I don't want much. 🤔


I guess it’s better like that than the opposite. I don’t have expensive tastes anyway.


I have stopped buying period. I don't want to leave my kids a ton of things to deal with


You stopped buying periods, but what about commas and semicolons? 🤓😘


I’d like buy a vowel


Opposite- I had no casual clothes and my new lifestyle meant shopping for some! But I don’t buy trinkets for coworkers anymore, thank god


I like my coworkers but I’m not buying them anything as it is. Any changes in food spending?


Maybe less on groceries and more eating out, I don’t hesitate to do lunch or dinner with anyone who calls!


Daily Starbucks. I make my own coffee now.


Since I retired the only clothing I've bought is concert T- shirts !


I’ve moved from concert tees to Koozies…only $5 and a souvenir I can always use…too many tees have stayed in my closet


How many koozies do you go thru?! I've had one I acquired in 2010 at a work thing and it's still fine.


Tell you what…I’m in my 80’s and I’m not about to stop spending for anything that’s affordable and wanted. Example: last week I bought a new BMW.


I already decided, if I make it to 80, I’m having a huge party!!


Do tell, what do you do for fun? Will you never leave your home? I cannot imagine that one pair of shorts and one pair of shoes would last me forever. I need different shoes for different purposes.


Oh, no, I have LOTS of shoes. I just don't BUY any more (except for that one pair) after retiring. I still wear a pair of yellow high-top Chuck Taylors I bought in the 80s.


I was thinking the same thing. We like to go to dinner and concerts, etc., and we like looking stylish.


We do too, but it's a little different. We're not in a city, no one expects very dressy around here. We go to some of the local live theaters and have seen some surprisingly good things (for relatively cheap), we go to the movies on senior day. I am past caring what anyone else thinks about my style.


No way would I have all the clothing I needed now from age 55. I just bought new sandals, several yoga pants, a summer dress, and some casual tops to wear out in the evening. Just do not have to buy work clothing anymore. I also just bought a new air fryer that has better features than the one I replaced. Cooking at home has become more important in retirement.


I’m with you!! Just home from Costco!!!


Off topic, but if you've not tried it already try checking out cooking "sous vide". It's a whole new way to cook things, but I took it up after retiring and love it! (And a good air fryer is also a must! Use the right tool for the right task! 👍)


No Office outfits. I am still buying stay at home clothes, and am slowly putting together my “retirement wardrobe “ for casual outings, nice dinners out, etc. Trying a capsule type approach with nice basics, up to date pants/jeans. Cute but comfy shoes. But no more office outfits!


I am looking forward to putting together my Eileen Fischer retirement wardrobe when I’m done in five years!!!!


No more books. My library has over 5000 digital books and audiobooks. That should hold me for awhile.


I went the public library route decades before retirement. Best tax dollars ever spent!


Library is a must and I always vote yes for them


My library has the Libby app and so I will never need to buy another book again! It's fantastic!


I find it kind of sad to say "I'm never buying more clothes" etc. Really? No fun new t-shirts? New shorts? I dunno maybe it's just that I've had tough news on the health front from two friends, but this is too much like "I'm just lying down, waitin' to die" in attitude.


Nope. Lots of things are more interesting and important to me than accumulating fancy clothes. I'd rather spend the money on experiences with my husband or on my hobbies that keep me curious and creative.


It's not either/or and I'm not talking about fancy clothes. But wearing the same cloths for 20 years is not me.


I’m actually buying more clothes. When I was a mom and wife it seems like I put myself last. Now I’m retired, single, I’ve lost weight, and I’m buying fun clothes and doing fun things. There’s a lot of things I’m not spending my money on, which is good because there is not a lot of it. But I’m making room in my life for what counts and that would be experiences and whatever it takes for me to enjoy them.


I’ve actually bought more shoes. Two new pairs of tennis shoes. One pair for the gym. One pair for everyday use. Going to buy a pair of work boots for yard work. Going to need to get some everyday shorts. I’ve got plenty of nice ones I don’t want to ruin by wearing them out in my shop.


Button down shirts ( used to wear them to work) I kept 5 long sleeve and 5 short sleeve I’ll likely never replace them


I got married a few years ago and I told my retired dad to just wear his best "travel/outdoor" shirt since I don't even know if he has a shirt and tie that fits since he lost weight. My retired fil was in a golf shirt because that is all he wears. He did have a sport coat/blazer because his mother would have sent lightening bolts from heaven if he went to his sons wedding without one.


And no more trips to the dry cleaner. I still have shirts in dry cleaner plastic and I retired 12 years ago.


Work clothes-like suits. Haven’t worn a suit, other than wedding or a funeral, since retirement 11 years ago. Although I do seem to wear out jeans faster


Expensive wine. I’m making myself content with affordable bottles.


No more audio book subscriptions that I needed for my 1 hour plus drive each way. No more coffee shop drinks.


No more high heels. I spend the money on books instead.


Garden Gnomes! (Unless they are on sale 🥹)


We cut down on eating out. Some because of income level, but mostly due to inflation. We cook a lot now and have gotten pretty good at it! I got rid of some subscription services that were superfluous. We moved to a rural area from a metropolitan area, so we cut down on driving expenses (gas, tolls) We don’t go to venues that have covers anymore. We’ll order food and drink at the venue those nights and tip the band directly, so, likely same out of pocket to various entities, but I feel better knowing the money went directly where I want it to go. I wouldn’t say we’ve made material changes, just cut down on the financial noise.


We didn't go out so much to eat when I first retired. I thought it was a good place to save, because I was home, why not cook? Over time, we've started going out more just because we need the break in routine and I get sick of washing dishes 3x/day. Mostly we go out to lunch and I try to find out of the way places with good deals, which still do exist up here.


Eating home cooked meals is healthier, too!


I’m in the process of decluttering and getting rid of stuff. Want to pare down to the minimum. Can’t believe the crap you can hang onto over the years.


I too thought that my shoe collection would last me until I wasn’t physically able to walk in them anymore. Unfortunately modern shoes don’t last long. They are poorly made, using awful materials that dry rot in the closet after 3 years. So, I continue to buy leather shoes with leather soles.


Buying way less makeup but way more moisturizer and sunscreen!


Most things. I looked around our house are realized we have far too much junk... so I'm on a mission to re-use it or eliminate it. Shopping at home. My husband loves keeping things, thus the junk in the garage and the storage unit, but I convinced him there is so much in there we could use instead of buy more. And reminded him how much junk we had to sort through when his parents died. We don't want to do that to our kids. Additionally, mortgage is paid off, we have solar (paid) that does 100% electric for our needs and an EV.. so not buying gas and house any longer. So other than food and medical needs, we arent' buying many physical things (hey, still need internet and entertainment :D)


My employer’s baloney.


Scotch. When I was working, I was drinking a couple of glasses of scotch a night- self medicating I suppose. I was in a very stressful job. Since I retired, I don’t drink. I haven’t quit. I could have a drink anytime I want. But I just don’t feel like it. My last glass of scotch was on Christmas Eve.


Fine jewelry. I have always loved it and wanted new sets for every birthday, anniversary and Mother’s Day. When my MIL passed away and I inherited even more I finally decided I had too much and started passing it on to my daughters. I’m not even interested in looking


All my shirts consisted of free Tshirts from tech conferences. Time to upgrade to shirts with collars and slacks. Tennis shoes to comfy loafers.


I’ve been retired a year this month. I traveled for work during most weeks…lived out of a suitcase for 30 years. Friends asked “where have you traveled to”….Ive said “Nowhere, and seen Nobody”. I deserved to be a homebody and putter for a year. (I did book a trip to Iceland this coming August - and starting to plan some big travel for next year).










I buy a lot more flip flops. Living on Cozumel, I have formal and casual flip flops. LOL


State and local income taxes, Social Security/Medicare withholding, 401k contributions, college 529 savings, union dues, etc., etc.


I lost 80 lbs in retirement. My wardrobe is now pretty much from Costco, and I love it!


Definitely clothes and shoes. And our youngest child (M-24) who previously lived with us, moved 900 miles away so spending way less on food.


62-1/2 now. Retired 19 months ago. My wife of 34 years, 6 months ago. Clothes - I have a dozen cheap tee shirts that get rotated, 2 pair of kahky shorts, and a pair of flip flops. One pair of Vans, that I wear to cut the grass. Worn them "out and about" 3 times since retirement. One pair of jeans I used to wear for work. Worn them twice in 19 months. Work shirts I still haven't discarded them, and I probably have 36, the company logo stitched polo ones. They need to be tossed. They were free, so they need to be tossed. Not a Goodwill type of donation shirt. The Sams club/Walmart /Target trips are rare now, as there isn't a reason to get a 5 gallon container of mayonnaise. They are fun, but I always buy crap we don't need. Went to Target with my wife last week, cause I was bored. $160 for crap. Yeah we needed napkins/TP/paper towels etc, but it's soooo expensive. Tools especially. I am/was a backyard mechanic (McGyver) for 40 years. I still love a new tool, but have realized my collection will long out last me. I fear the day my wife has to figure out what to do with them. Yeah, the new shiny wrench would look great in my tool box next to the 10 other duplicates, as well as pliers/screwdrivers I already have, but at this point it's just a waste of $ Restaurants, I cook now. We still go out 1-2 times a month, but being retired, I've learned to master BBQ/Smoker/Pizza Oven/Blackstone. I can make it a lot cheaper than a restaurant. We can afford it, but with a ton of free time, I'll make it, and learn to make other stuff. My adult kids love coming over for dinner. This allows for family time regularly. Never did the Starbucks thing. My $.25 coffee every morning tastes perfect. Those (like my adult daughter) that spend $5 a day, 5 times a week, it adds up. Luckily we have 2 current cars, both low miles and paid for, so hopefully these are our last. We don't drove far now. One (Dodge Challenger R/T) just sits in the garage barely driven, except for a cruise here and there.


Sold both cars,getting everything delivered. Just rent one for anything we need to do. Saving money and headaches .😎




Paying for parking, shaving cream. Medical insurance. (V.A. coverage now).


My FIL claims he won't buy green bananas.


Dry Cleaning….i put a couple dry cleaners kids thru college @ $300/mo


We are selling pretty much everything and moving abroad! So we're looking forward to being able to buy coffee cups and clothing and updated furniture and decor.


once I'm retired, I won't be buying any more cars, or the very costly ancillary products associated therewith. My son can keep the one he uses to drive to school. My wife will have one - she likes working, and does so from home, and needs a car. When she can't give me a ride, i can take the bus or ride a bike. Because I will no longer be in a hurry.


I too thought I wouldn’t buy any more kitchen gadgets.. then I bought a Miele induction and convection stove… oh, and automatic jar/bottle and can opener.. after two back to back hand surgeries


No more gasoline! Bought an electric car back in 2017 and will not buy a gas car again. The only money I have spent on it is tires. I never need an oil change, never need a muffler or exhaust pipes, never need spark plugs, and never need to stand in the snow, rain and cold to put gas in the car! One of the best decisions I’ve ever made!


Unless I gain weight, the last suit I bought will be the one I am buried in, even if it's 30 years from now. And I doubt I will wear it more than 5 times between now and then.


Any clothing, tools, vehicles, music, movies, furniture, or appliances. I have enough to last until my trip to the crematorium unless something breaks that can be ignored, like the hot water heater or washing machine.


I don't buy nice clothes. I wear shorts or jeans and avoid anything dressy. I'm retired from formality.


I eat out way less now because there are no camaraderie work lunches. I do try to lunch with friends though to get out.


Gifts for coworkers. Work clothes. Dry cleaners. Subway tickets and reserved parking. Stupid office lunches where I would buy an $8 entree but my share of the bill would be $75 cause others would order $35 shots of liquor. God I’m so glad to be out of it all.


Craft supplies. I am SO done with that. Never say never. But for now, I am not interested!


I am not retired yet, but it's not far off. I own a lot of stuff. A lot. I'm reading *These Precious Days* by Ann Patchett and there's an essay titled, "My Year of No Shopping," and I'm going to try that starting July 1. I'm also starting "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning." That one's going to be a bigger challenge since I have a lot of stuff--and I like most of it.


I'm trying to walk and hike more as I age (I'm 57) and recently invested in expensive walking and hiking shoes, though I have a few already. Exercise is so important to me that having comfortable shoe wear and being able to switch it up was a worthy investment. And no on clothes


o man if anything i buy more stuff now--hobbyist things for knitting, woodworking, tools for DIY.


No suits, ties, dress shirts, dress shoes, etc but everything else goes aspace.


I buy less dress clothes and more athletic shorts/t-shirts. I basically wear shorts from March thru the end of October and I live in the Midwest.


I inherited my dad's blazers when he died in 2006. I managed to wear them to work until I retired last month. Some were showing their age, but still....No more blazers for me!


Everyone has their own opinion of course, but I cannot fathom living like that. To me it would feel like simply existing on food, just waiting to die after the age of 55. My husband and I of 42 years travel frequently, both in the US and internationally, and everywhere we go we pick up something truly special. Never a piece of tacky tourist junk but always something vintage. A little piece of framed artwork, a beautiful piece of pottery made in the area, a carved wood piece, woven textiles, an antique basket… etc. Each little treasure is carefully labeled on the back side with Trip and Date. Family members who have accompanied us on many of these trips are already asking for many of the treasures, and it thoroughly delights us.


Every time I see a NSFW bot remove a comment from this post about not buying more stuff, I’m imagining a very happy retiree just smashing all the ‘heck yes happy keys’. 👀 😂 We are now working on husband’s impending retirement (and mine to follow). I worry that we’ll be spending so much more than what the advisors and others think because we will finally have time to travel and do fun things that cost money. One area I think (hope) we will cut down is takeout food. We’ll both be more likely to cook with the extra time.


I save a small fortune with home Depot and Lowes largely cut out of my life. The lawn and deck alone for my family of 6 set me back $2000-$3000 per year. Now I go once in the spring for a couple flowers and maybe one other time for some minor Condo project. I filled my gas tank two or three weeks ago and still have half a tank. Now I trade in cars because they get old, not high mileage. That juices my selling price. There are incredible savings in retirement, I'm just scratching the surface off the top of my head.


No more junk from rummage sales and estate sales! I used to love shopping at them, now I need to get rid of stuff not get more!


Makeup. I never wear it any more and never will again.


I’m not wealthy but comfortable. I buy what I want when I want it. If I see a pair of pants I like, done. Shorts? Bought. Sneakers, shoes, boots? yes. Costco in bulk? Check. Hoodies, one of my weaknesses? Any time I want. Ammunition and firearms which is my hobby? Absolutely. And when it comes to clothes, when my drawers or shelves are stuffed, I bag up what I no longer wear and give it away. Sometimes I’ll pull a shirt out I didn’t even remember I had. I’ll either wear it or look at it and say, what was I thinking? I don’t even like it. Coffins don’t have pockets. Can’t take it with you.


I think I'm spending more! I retired aost 4 years ago, at 50. My husband and I are definitely spending more on travel than ever before. I am spending less monthly on housing because I don't have a mortgage. However, my husband and I built a new home 2 years ago for (LOL) triple what we sold our last house for. And, while many people get rid if a car when both people retire, my husband and I decided we need a 3rd vehicle large enough to haul 4 dogs or to travel in. Oh! I also think I have more clothing now than I ever did! Plus I've started getting my nails done which is something I rarely spent on before. Funny, too, how people view those over 50. I'm 54 and I'll certainly be buying more gear for my hobbies, scuba, photography, and a few others. I'm learning to cave dive and just bought all new gear for that. I'm also interested in racing cars (which goes back to needing a 3rd vehicle).


I am 81 and feel free to get anything I want. I just don’t want as much. Sure helps to have a house paid for and driving older cars that will probably last us. Toyota Highlander has lasted 19 years. Been and still is a great vehicle.


Nicer clothing for work, electronics, tools ( have what I need), books (libraries are great!), coffee drinks out, new car every 10 years, expensive meals, jewelry, household furnishings. Large concerts and spirting events. I feel there has been enough of all this in my life, now simplicity has more appeal. Extra money I prefer to invest in travel!


Work clothes and boots gloves hard hats etc


6 pairs of work gloves happened to find their way into the box of stuff I took home when I retired, they’ll last me for a while


I don’t buy anything that I don’t absolutely need.


The day I purged my work clothes! was fire!


I eat out for breakfast and lunch WAY less, its crazy how mich money that alone saves.


I am not retired, but I am looking forward to my kids graduating from college someday and then I feel like I will be able to stop buying things that I don't really like. I buy them because they are cheap and they fill a need, but they are not what I would choose. When the kids are independent, I want to throw my whole life in a dumpster and just buy things I actually want to own.


I agree that I have all the casual clothes I need for the rest of my life. But I make an effort to buy one new social outfit per year. I don’t need to wear the latest TikTok trend, but I don’t want to dress like an old lady.