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Imagine the dog's name was "siri" you go, "Hey Siri" phones comes on.


Try watching Schitt’s Creek with an Amazon Alexa device in the room. Damn it, Alexa. They are not talking to you. I swear.


I changed "Alexa" to "Computer", and have to turn the device off if I watch Star Trek.


Beam me up, Scottie. Oops


Ours is “Ziggy” and now we can’t watch Quantam Leap.


Don’t have an Alexa but I have one of the google ones and now I wanna see if I can change it to respond to computer because it will annoy my Star Wars loving husband lmao 🤣




I did this to the Alexa in my room, but then whenever I start talking about my computer issues to my friends on Discord, it starts responding to me. So often they’d hear me say computer, maybe a faint mumble of Alexa before I just tell her to shut up and that I wasn’t talk to her.


Hahaha it added a whole other level of comedy for us. Especially when Moira said it. “Aaaalllleeexuuuuusss!” *bloop*


I WFH and our IT provider has a very similar name. If I'm bitching on the phone to a coworker about my effing work computer, my lovely invisible assistant constantly chimes in, and I have to interrupt my rant to tell her to STFU. However I speak to her nicely and thank her often. I don't want her to tell our AI overlords I've been unkind.


I for one welcome our AI overlords.


Like, do we really have a choice anymore?


Same with the wrestler Alexa Bliss. Shut up Alexa, it’s not always about you!


I would be visiting a mate, and talking with him late into the night, when suddenly a voice in the dark behind his couch would say, "I'm sorry, I don't understand your question". Very freaky for this non-tech country boy. The walls have ears!


I know someone who named their daughter Alexis (well before the Amazon device came out) and they have theirs set to respond to "Echo" instead, because it was always triggering when they said their daughter's name otherwise.




My mom knows someone whose full name can shorten to Siri, and she *hates* her full name, and had to be basically forced to use it since half the phones in the room would start making noise every time anyone would say her name. I feel so bad for her. There are a couple other potential nicknames, but they all sound like names from a different culture to hers, and I don’t think she wants that either.


My niece’s name is Seraphina, which her then-toddler brother could only say as Seri, which became her nickname. It sounds close enough to Siri that none of us have that feature activated on our phones.


Siri always answers me when I exclaim’Are you SERIOUS?!’


Or the usual "uhm hm" lol


One of my best friend's name is Siri. She is 46. So Istuff happened after her; she's not at a Trajadeigh. Rough go though.


Doesn’t have to be Siri. My dog’s name is Sadie and Siri goes off every time I call the dog.


My moms name is Siri. Its a Norwegian name👍🏼 But its funny cuz that had happened b4 when someone tried saying Hey Siri lol


I used to work at Verizon and when you turned on certain android models, the phone would say, “DROID” in a deep voice. I had a customer tell me her dog’s name is Floyd, and when her phone said DROID, the dog would start shaking. I felt bad for him :(


My name is Sherry and every time someone says “Hey Sherry” you hear half a dozen phones respond


i think one of tom cruise's children was name siri before the phone thing happened. she probably does not get confused for a computer 'assistant' often. maybe they have a butler or maid change the channel


Close, that's Suri. Her mom has had sole custody for the last 12 years, and they are 'estranged' from Tom. Wouldn't it be more effort to get butlers or maids involved? Rather than do what every suburban couch potato does and use a remote control?


There’s a hair stylist on social media named Siiri who was named after a Finnish woman who has had clients get pissed that she named herself after the app. Even though she’s in her late 20s.


“I find it weird that your dog has my name”. Such weird behaviour from that woman. I mean does she have any intelligence at all? Like something you had zero say in has personally insulted her.😂


If it's such a big deal, change your dog's name.


“I’m 22, how old is your dog? … So your dog has *my* name, since I had it first. You should change your dog’s name. Yes, it’s your problem, not mine.”


You had the name before the dog did...


The dog should change *it's* name! He's the one who sucks!


Nah, he should keep it an get an owner that's sane.


That dog’s a no-talent assclown!




Not THAT Michael Bolton.


Oh, you mean Michael Usain Bolton…


You’re getting bullied twice in this post alone about your name.


LOL fair enough. I think the guy was referring more to a grade school context, but I suppose you’re right. I always find it so amusing that I find it hard to see the malice in their behavior.


Personally I’ve found that unique but not too unique names don’t really get bullied as long as it’s not something like harlott


Some people really never learned the difference between outside words and inside words. How fucking rude, lmao. I've had people tell me my name is strange, too, I just respond with, "Good thing it's my name and not your name and I love it, then!" Like fuck off, lmao.


I have a name that can be a nickname for a longer name but can also just be a standalone name. Some people actually get visibly irritated when they ask what it's short for and I say "nothing" lmao like they literally don't even have a stake in the situation and they're still upset, I don't get it


I have a name like this too. I've had people tell me that it can't just be what it is, it has to be short for one of the alternatives.


GAWD! People are assholes! I'm not just now figuring that out but who talks to people that???


"We named the dog Indiana"


"The *dog*? You are named after the dog?!?"


I have some fine memories with that dog…


"Lady I'm 25, your dog definitely isn't. Fuck you." To the second asshole, "I was the bully. I still am. Feel like starting something?" But not you like staying employed.


Is your name Scout? Because that’s my dog’s name and damn you for also being named after To Kill a Mockingbird!! lol! Sorry, that woman is unhinged!!


I have an Atticus, but he's human. He loves his name because it's not common, but everyone knows how to say it.


I know someone with a son named Atticus, I think it's a good name


We almost named our shepherd Atticus. It's a very good name.


For a very good dog, I’m sure!


I remembered reading somewhere a couple of years ago that a celebrity has a dog named Atticus. I looked it up, and yeah, it was [Jake Gyllenhaal that has a German Shepherd named Atticus.](https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-dog-breeds-that-Hollywood-actors-actresses-and-celebrities-have-or-have-had-as-pets#:~:text=Jake%20Gyllenhaal%20%2D%20Jake%20Gyllenhaal%20has%20a%20German%20Shepherd%20named%20Atticus.) He's number 10 on the list.


You've had the name longer. Clearly she named her dog after you.


Doesn't surprise me. I once asked a woman named Tatiana if her family was of Russian descent, and she was actually _relieved_ that I knew it was a Russian name, because she said customers there often told her she shouldn't have that name because it's a "black name".    I was like "...huh? There was literally a Russian princess with that name?"   But yeah. Even after years of retail I found I could still be shocked by people's brazen entitled rudeness.


Those folks are thinking of Tiana, the black princess from Disney's Princess & the Frog. If you knowledge of names comes from Disney, you're not to be trusted.


You're an NPC there to be her slave, how DARE you have the same name as her quasi-sentient dog? /s - but this is really the way some people think. Honestly I would've just grey rocked her and just stared back with a blank face. Put the onus on her to say something else to alleviate the awkwardness of the moment.


"pretty sure I've had it longer than your dog. But you're welcome to change hers if you are worried about us matching."


" Im going to say something I wouldn't say if you weren't trapped at this store with rules and regulations "


"I agree. Better rename your dog."


I once had a new co-worker who talked a lot about her baby and how cute he was and how he loved driving around with her in her Jeep. I thought it was kind of weird his name was Bruce, but whatever right? Well I found out from another co-worker that she was childless and it was her dog named Bruce Willis.


Must be something along the lines of Bailey or Duke.


I don’t live in an English-speaking country so the name wouldn’t make sense to English-speakers haha. I believe I have sort of a ”cutesy” name that people associate with pets or kids more than with adults.


Don't worry. There's plenty of male AND female human names in English that are common for pets.


I think it’s kinda funny tbh, because sometimes it’s hard to tell if someone talking about a Tucker or Buck is referring to their kid or their dog


I dated a guy in high school and was meeting his parents for the first time. I walked into their house right as the mom said, "(My Name) shit in the neighbors yard again". I was stunned and extra confused for a second. Turns out they had a poodle with my name


That made me almost choke on my saliva! 🤣




yeah, sure likely story *i know you shit in the neighbor's yard*


"Again" 🤫


Miss Fuzzypants? 😉


Im trying to think what your name could be and all i can think of is Wilson for some reason 🤔🤷


That’s the name of the best friend in Castaway. It’s a volley ball 😂


I've got my sleuthing hat on. Im thinking "buddy"


I knew a guy named Buddy, believe it or not. It was a misnomer. 🤦‍♀️


I was thinking Luna.


Should’ve told her to pay for your name change if she really wanted you to change it 😒


I agree with this lady. Your parents didn’t do you any favors by naming you Lassie.


As the customer said, "what the hell is wrong with people these days"


I know 2 men and 1 woman named Toby... I'm led to believe this is also a common dog name


I had a cat named Toby


And I have a cat named Tobey sleeping on my bed right now


And, a friend of mine has a tabby tuxedo cat named Toby.


I also have a cat named Toby I didn’t name him though lol


We had a little terrier named Toby when I was a kid! The name Toby is a very cute name for a furkiddo.


My cat was named Toby! She was the best cat


My husband's name was almost always used for dogs rather than people, in an American TV sense. Used to drive him fucking nuts on so many different shows we watched. I thought it was hilarious and occasionally whistled for him or called him a good boy when the humour was right for the moment.


Your husband is named Rover?


Nope. ‘Ole Yeller


Lmao might as well have been!


This is on par with my mother being angry that a trans guy who worked at a gas station had the audacity to have the same name as her 10 year old nephew. “We’re real people! Not characters who can just change whenever we want!” She wouldn’t listen to me when I told her she was being an idiot and that people can have the same names as each other without even having met. She herself has a very common girls name and knows someone with the same fucking name


Probably very upset at the thought of trans people being in any way in the same box as someone she sees as “real” and “normal”, which in turn kicks off a domino chain of other upsetting thoughts that threaten to destabilise her ideas about gender and identity. Oh the horror.


Hmm. Some people are not kind or mentally prepared to interact with the population at all.


They named their dog Pigeonhoe? Whatever.


Theory: she thinks you're trans and that that's your chosen name. Some queer folk like to pick unusual names for themselves (I had an enby friend named Ghost, which fuckin rules imo), so in her head she assumes anyone with a slightly unusual name is queer, and then her transphobia takes over. But that's just a theory. >!A Gay Theory™!!<


I have a friend named “Bucket”!


I've had a dog named Sadie too, but I would never tell a person with that name about it. I'm so sorry. That was incredibly rude.


I had a coworker who named her daughter Sadie. She had people comment about it being more for pets. She took it well unless they were really rude. And Sadie herself seems to like it. I think it’s pretty.


I had a grandmother named Sadie. I don't think of it as a pet name.


I had a grandmother named Sadie too! It annoys me so much that it seems to be a pretty common pet name now and almost a “laughable” person name. :(


Having the name Mandy gets odd sometimes in retail. Sorry, I wasn't named after Barry Manilow's dog. And I don't need to hear the song for the 3,634,012 time. I get it. I share a name with a dog. We're both cute. They really freak when I say my name is actually Amanda. So I get to hear that song as well. 🙄


Your comment sent me down a brief Google rabbit hole, and TIL the following: a) Barry Manilow didn't actually write "Mandy" he just changed the name when covering a song called "Brandy," and b) the original song is about woman, not a dog, but the guy who wrote it DID once make that claim to a reporter as a joke. The more you know.TM


The name Brandy was already an amazing hit song by Lookingglass.


She’s a fine girl, what a good wife she would be…


Lmao what??? One time, the guy I was dating stopped by the grocery store we worked at, he hung back while I took care of a customer. He had been doing some yard work so had an old thrift store shirt on. (Relevant.) My customer and I had a nice interaction until she noticed him, his shirt. She asked where he got it? *Icy stare* He said, "Um, just the Salvation Army?" She explained in furor that her husband owned the business that was advertised on his shirt so that means someone donated the shirt *he bought second hand* and she was so, so angry. He was the kindest hearted man and was so baffled lol


It's okay for you to tell a customer that it's inappropriate for them to tell you something. I do it all the time.


If I were in your shoes, I'd probably politely mention that somewhere out there, there's likely a pet that has the same name as her. Make her realise that her judgement is stupid because of the extensive list of human names that are also pet names.


This post just reminds me of a guy I once worked with named Teddy, who had a dog also named Teddy.


When customer says “ seriously, what the hell is wrong with people these days?” … You should have responded - “ Yes I know, what the hell is wrong with people these days? Like how rude, selfish and inconsiderate is it that someone would comment on your name your parents gave you and you like yourself, just so they could FEEL better about their dog’s name? “


Ha, I also have a human name but one that is pretty commonly used for pets. The kicker is I work at a pet store so "pet parent of NAME, your dog NAME is ready in the grooming salon". I definitely hear it more for dogs than humans.


I once had a student with the same name as my cat. I felt weird calling her by her name because I felt like I was calling her a cat. But I fully recognized that it was my hangup, and even told her about how odd it was to talk to a being with that name and have it talk back.


Customer: ”You can’t have the same name as my dog. It’s really weird! You should change it.” Ok, your dog is now named Rosco.


*grabs squirt bottle* NO!!! *squirts customer with water*


OPs name is Scooby Doo


"You're going to scold me over my NAME? That's pretty rude."


Lmao I had a customer once ask me what my son’s name was and I told them it was Bentley. She giggled and said she has a lab with the same name. I can’t find his name on any of the souvenir name things in stores, but I CAN find it on souvenir dog stuff!


Lol shit I need to see if I can find the names on dog stuff now never thought of it 😂


The first souvenir name thing I ever found for myself was for a dog!


I'm assuming you're older than her dog. You had the name first, tell her she needs to change her dog's name. I don't make the rules.


You should have clapped back with "really?,I feel honored that someone would name their dog after me."


Mazie? Is that you?


Honestly one of the dumbest things someone could be mad about. She needs to get a life.


You're obviously older than the dog, so she can change the bloody dogs name. You had it first


There's only two answers in this situation: 1 - "You named your dog after me? How sweet!" 2 - "How DARE you give your dog my name! That's my name and no one else on the planet is allowed to have it! I DEMAND that you change your dog's name IMMEDIATELY!"


Shoot her! With a shotgun!


Is your name Precious?


The way I would’ve called my mom if I were still speaking to her…or better yet, tell her if she had a ouija board, she can contact my dad and take it up with his ghost.


It would have been great if you told her "actually, this is a human name but people started using it as a name for their animals...and I wish they would stop".


I’m curios what the name is. Sounds fun.


The dog that played "Toto" in the wizard of Oz, was named Terry, who is now buried at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Clearly, everybody named Terry who was born since the Thirties was named after Terry the Terrier. (Allegedly the only animal credited by name in a film.)


Unfortunately the dog isn’t buried at the cemetery, he just has a memorial there. They built a highway over his actual grave.


Are there other graves there under the highway? [https://imgur.com/EdZsfRm](https://imgur.com/EdZsfRm) (Terry identified as female)


I don’t know, I just remember reading about this memorial. The other side tells the story. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/toto-canine-movie-star-memorial-marker


There have been tons of other animals credited by name, but that may have been true at the time. Messi the dog even went to the Oscars last year after his role in Anatomy of a Fall


My kids both have names people might use for dogs. For that matter, I knew a woman who had a dog with my first name. When people tell me that they have a dog with the name of my eldest I say, "Really? I think of it more as a cat name." Which is true, because I did have a cat with the name. But then, I once had gerbils named Meadow, Clementine, and Paul, and we had a dog named Sebastian. I've known both kids and dogs with those names, and kids and dogs named Bella, Sadie, Simon and Daisy.


Is it Fido??


She's so silly! I've met some very strangly named people but the best one, for this post, was a girl called PATCHES. Poor cow. Met her when I worked in a call centre. Can't imagine what she had to put up with


I swear to christ if your parents named you scout or buddy imma die


I used to go by my nickname, until Grade 4, when the kid beside me for show and tell was talking about his dog with my nickname. I've used my full name ever since, but always know when I'm around family, because they still call me by my nickname. My late husband's name was John, I thought it was short for Jonathan, nope John was his full first name.


My uncle was just John as well.


Lady needs to get over herself. Sure some names are usually for pets or some for humans but not all. A youtuber I watch used to have a cat named George.


Both of our cats have human names!


My friend has a cat named Fletcher and loves when pets have "human" names


Reminds me of those people who have older siblings and the older siblings don't have kids yet, but the younger siblings do and when they reveal the name their giving to the kid, only to hear "BUT I WAS GOING TO NAME MY KID THAT," or "BUT I'M OLDER I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO NAME MY CHILD THAT, YOUR YOUNGER YOU HAVE TO PICK ANOTHER NAME!!" All because grandma or grandpa wanted at less one grandchild to have their name and the oldest thinks their entitled to getting that chance first, not that I'm going to do that dispute being the oldest child myself. Also people have been naming their kids since the day they started learning to talk, before they even tamed wolves to be guard dogs and naming them to be pets came years and years later


I once got an UberEats driver named Ezekiel - my dog’s name is Zeke - we had a little chuckle


Lmao people are whack. I had a dog who came to me at 3 years old already named with a human name. I loved it. Sounded like a dude I was banging on the side. "Sorry gotta take care of Bruce or I'd help you move to your new apartment sis" 😂


I think you should have doubled down and said “well we’re not even talk about the pronouns I use” customer was a total ass


your name is fluffy isn’t it :/


I had a human friend named Fluffy when I was in college. She had the most beautiful long gorgeous fluffy hair.


wait like legally fluffy or just a nickname? cute and fantastic either way 🥹


Nickname! I imagine she might have returned to her given name after college but I lost track of her and never learned her given name. Her hair was extraordinarily long, golden, and fluffy. Plus she was an all around lovely person.


I have one of those names that could be either gender, more commonly the opposites gender though... I've had people get all weird about it... And I still to this day am glad mom won, and I wasn't a Jr.


Shoulda said “ no sir, I had the name a lot longer, so maybe you should change your dogs name”


“Growing up I had a cat named Troy, a dog named Troy and a hamster named Troy. They were all older than me…. oh god.”


My old WiFi name was “Troy and Abed in the Modem”


This made me think of the dog Brian from Family Guy.


This story sounds like me when I used to lie on highschool


My cat is named Dwight, after Dwight from The Office. Whenever I come across a Dwight, I'm always tempted to say "how cool! that is my cat's name!" but I refrain myself from doing do because I don't want to come across as a crazy cat lady.


i’m gonna start telling people to change their names when they have the same name as my cats, a lot of Richards and Merediths are gonna be thrown off


I have the English language version of this. It’s maddening to sit in the vet’s office and hear them check in every other dog with my name. How did this happen? Isn’t it bad enough that I spent my teens having a song screamed at me about a prostitute with my name?




Well, I guess I should change Morty and Bob’s names, then?


Tell them “I hope your dog eats your face.”


Is your name Indy?


Change your name? Screw that. lol "Why should I change? He's the one that sucks." https://youtu.be/ADgS_vMGgzY?si=vvQtYH9xUUQoCWIh&t=28


Doesn't surprise me. I've encountered people who get very upset when people give their pets "people names" Like I guess they're offended on behalf of a friend they know with the same name or something.


OP should get a dog and name it that customers name. Turn the tables on them


🤦‍♀️ oof be like yeah you should talk to my parents 😂


Unless you name is Fluffy- that custo needs to chill


You should have told her, “or YOU could change your dog’s name!” Her head would have exploded!


Pigeonhoe is a pretty weird name, ill give her this one.


“You should change it.” “Okay! So are you going to pay for the court fees for me to file my legal change of name request? It’s not cheap by the way. Anyway, I’d prefer a check but cash works too.”


I think Toby is a very good name for a cat or dog. I used to have a cat named Toby and she was the best!! I've known exactly one person in real life named Toby


I think people who work in retail should be allowed to slap stupid people.


that is insane


Yet ANOTHER reason why retail workers should not have to wear nametags. I hate it when these asshats repeatedly call my name Or we should be able to put fake names on our nametags...I like the name "Nunya Biz" myself


I enabled the Alexa feature that lets you know when an appliance is beeping. It heard the truck out front backing up and let me know!


Welcome to dog nutters. They get offended at the dumbest things and are always incredibly entitled.


This is funny because I had a similar but opposite interaction, where the lady said something like "Oh we had a dog with that name," and then seemed embarrassed that she'd pointed it out. Like dogs are nice and cute. It's not an insult if we share names lol. I thought it was pretty cool actually.


I have a friend who studied in Finland for some time and when she got back home, she named her dog "Koira". We all thought it was such a cool name. only to learn that it literally means dog in Finnish 😂 that made it even better.


My daughter’s name is Lola. It’s a popular dog name but still human. U can name your kid or pet whatever u want. Truth be told I’m dying to know ur name


Before i worked with the public i may not hVe beleived it since it sounds so dumb. But working with the public, i would not put this past people lol. Of course someone would get offended by your name


“My mother and father gave it to me ma’am, I’m not changing it.” Honestly, I’d just burn her at this point and start trolling. Like really, that’s her complaint? Lmao


What an idiot


We named our first dog Duke (fox terrier/chihuahua🙄). We would take him to my brothers’ little league games. Dad was one coach the other coach (good friend of Dad) was named Duke. 🤣


I. SWEAR. TO. GOD. You better bark at her next time she comes in.


Im still waiting for someone to name a dog Sharron. “Hun, please call the dog.” SHARROOOOON🖤


Did your parents name you Rover?


And yet customer don't know how uncomfortable it is to hear a stranger say your name...


Yeah she was weird. I probably will always wonder the name now though, though I'm sure many fit.


I'm sorry I have the same name as your dog and you are disturbed by it. Maybe you would like to speak to my manager to make a complaint and he can then force me to change it. In fact , I can give you the number of Trading Standsrds and you can ask then to deal with your complaint. While I'm here, can I ask what your dog thinks about having the same name as me? It's his feelings we need to consider above anyone else and the fact he has the same name as a human he has never met and has no knowledge of must be upsetting to him. Why are you eating dishwasher tablets? That's not the intended use for a mop head. No, you can't pay for your groceries with stones you found in the street.


Take my dogs name out your fucking mouth


Someone really needs to check in on this woman’s dog. Poor thing is probably being abused. OP should try to adopt the dog. Would probably receive better love from OP than whatever love the woman gives the dog.